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08-17 投稿


Galloway 发音


英:  美:

Galloway 中文意思翻译



Galloway 网络释义

n. 苏格兰加罗韦原产的马

Galloway 短语词组

1、belted galloway cattle ─── 带腰 ─── 带的加洛韦牛

2、Belted Galloway Society ─── 拒绝加洛韦协会

3、galloway hoard ─── 加洛韦窖藏

4、galloway direct ─── 加洛韦直达

5、galloway horse ─── 马匹

6、galloway school ─── 加洛韦学校

7、galloway tube ─── [机] 加洛威管

8、galloway botteselle %1 ─── 加仑

9、galloway cattle ─── 加洛韦牛

10、galloway and crane obituary ─── 加洛韦和克兰讣告

11、galloway forest park ─── 加洛韦森林公园

12、galloway boiler ─── [机] 加洛威锅炉

13、galloway scotland ─── 苏格兰加洛韦

Galloway 词性/词形变化,Galloway变形


Galloway 相似词语短语

1、gallow ─── v.(非正式)恐吓;使害怕;n.(Gallow)(美、英、加)盖勒(人名)

2、gallows ─── n.绞刑;绞刑架;承梁

3、sallowly ─── 面色蜡黄

4、Galloways ─── 加洛韦

5、mulloway ─── 南极石首鱼

6、sallowy ─── 蜡黄的

7、Galloway ─── n.苏格兰加罗韦原产的马

8、Alloway ─── n.阿洛韦(美、英地名)

9、gallowed ─── v.(非正式)恐吓;使害怕;n.(Gallow)(美、英、加)盖勒(人名)

Galloway 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Commander Galloway, why don'tyou get yourself a cup of coffee? ─── |盖洛维少校,你要不要来杯咖啡?

2、A region of southwest Scotland. The Mull of Galloway, a promontory on a peninsula on its southwest coast, is the southernmost point in Scotland. ─── 加洛韦苏格兰西南部一地区。其西南海岸一半岛上的海角加洛韦角是苏格兰的最南角

3、Belted Galloway Society ─── 肉牛改良联合会

4、All right, what about this Commander Galloway? ─── |好吧,这个盖洛维少校怎么样?

5、Our system provides all hotels, apartments, hostels and motels in Dumfries and Galloway with hot deals and special offers. ─── 我们的系统提供在 Dumfries and Galloway 高质低价的B&B酒店(包括床和早餐)的特殊优惠。

6、Galloway cow ─── 盖洛威牛

7、They were just starting lambing on their farm in Galloway, but still managed to find time to sit and debate the world, sitting round the Aga in their farmhouse kitchen. ─── 所以,在单位、在公司,任何一件事情最合理的方法均是以集体利益最大化的方向来处理的。如果你认为自己受了委屈,非要在某个事情上讨回自己的说法,你就彻底的错了。

8、As she works, Marie Galloway shows no fear. ─── 在工作中,玛丽?加洛韦没有表现出惧怕。

9、Marie Galloway goes to work each morning. ─── 玛丽?加洛韦每天早上去上班。

10、After returning from a meeting with Saddam last month Labour MP George Galloway revealed that Saddam offered him Quality Street chocolates and spoke of his admiration for British buses. ─── 这是英国工党议员加罗威上个月秘访伊拉克并会见总统萨达姆时发现的。

11、Galloway boiler ─── 加罗威锅炉

12、Branches in Scotland came under the new brand of Lloyds TSB Scotland, which now has branches stretching from the Northern Isles to the Mull of Galloway. ─── 而其资产规模在英国四大商业银行是最小的,资本基础比其英国竞争对手弱。当时的劳埃德银行面临严峻的形势,继续发展的余地非常小。

13、Book online the cheapest hotels in Dumfries and Galloway - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Dumfries and Galloway 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

14、Mr Galloway has described how such affection for Britishness extends far beyond the leader."Tariq Aziz puts HP Sauce on every dinner," he said. ─── 据加罗威称,萨达姆还拿出一盒“花街”巧克力(注:英国名牌巧克力)来招待他,并表示他十分欣赏英国的公共汽车。

15、This award-winning creamery uses milk produced by the finest dairy farms in Dumfries and Galloway. ─── 这个获奖的乳品发售店用的牛奶都是由Dumfries和Galloway最好的牛奶场生产的。

16、Cellist of Sarajevo, Steven galloway. ─── 萨拉热窝的大提琴手》,史蒂芬·盖洛威。

17、Agent Harry Trombitas said 43-year-old Alan Garrett turned himself in Friday, two days after the bank holdup in suburban Galloway. ─── 探员哈利·特罗比塔斯说,43岁的阿兰·格兰特已经于周五,也就是他在盖洛威郊区实行银行抢劫的两天后认罪。

18、Galloway sinking and walling stage ─── 两用吊盘

19、The World Famous Old Blacksmith Shop Centre Gretna Green Dumfries and Galloway DG16 5EA The Tartan Shop Scotland is famous for its cashmeres, woollens and tartans. ─── 格子呢绒店(The Tartan Shop) 苏格兰以它的羊绒衫、毛织品和格子呢绒闻名世界。

20、Recent studies in Galloway, the Scottish Highlands and Wales reveal that many streams are still highly acidified. ─── 最近在苏格兰高地加洛韦和威尔士进行的研究显示,很多溪流仍然高度酸化。

21、Until recently Jill Galloway, 49, worked solely as a Realtor with Hilton & Hyland in Beverly Hills, Calif. ─── 直到不久前,49岁的加洛韦(JillGalloway)还作为Hilton&Hyland的一名经纪商在加州工作。

22、of or relating to or characteristic of the Scottish district of Galloway or its people. ─── 属于或关于苏格兰加洛维区、苏格兰加洛维区人的,或有其特点的。

23、[Katalog, Monika Reitz ;Ubersetzung, David Galloway]. ─── 作者声明: Text/essay by Eckart Britsch ;

24、ROTH: The bipartisan committee report said Galloway funneled oil allocations through two companies and a charity named after a 4-year- old girl suffering from leukemia . ─── 罗斯: 两党委员会报告说, 盖洛威是通过两家公司和一家以一个患白血病的四岁女孩的名字命名的慈善机构获得石油配额的。

25、Galloway was about to kick off a Canada-U.S. speaking tour but was denied entry by immigration officials as a security threat. ─── 他也许会冒犯保守党和其他一些人,但这不等于说他会威胁加拿大的国家安全。

26、11 Galloway gave Rather what she called the poker player's essential kit. ─── 加洛韦给了拉瑟一套她称之为扑克选手核心装备的东西。

27、Dumfries and Galloway Arts Association ─── 丹弗里斯及加洛韦艺术协会

28、Jon Galloway points out this very important point. ─── Jon Galloway指出了这个非常重要的一点。

29、Galloway tube ─── 加罗威管

30、Professor Galloway says animal protein plays a big part. ─── 加洛韦教授说,动物性蛋白质起着巨大作用。

31、Galloway, who recently was reelected to parliament, denied the allegations . ─── 最近再次被选为国会议员的盖洛维否定了这些说法。

32、Brett Galloway, Senior Vice-President of Cisco's Wireless Technology Group, agreed with that collaborative approach and said it was already happening to some degree. ─── 思科无线科技集团副总裁,同意这个协作措施,并说在某种程度上这已经开始了。

33、of or relating to or characteristic of the Scottish district of Galloway or its people ─── 属于或关于苏格兰加洛维区、苏格兰加洛维区人的,或有其特点的

34、Galloway JN.Zhao D.Xiong J Acid rain:China,United States,and a remote area 1987 ─── 段雷.郝吉明.谢绍东.周中平用稳态法确定中国土壤的硫沉降和氮沉降临界负荷[期刊论文]-应用生态学报2002(2

35、Patricia Galloway University of Texas-Austin, USA Preservation of Digital Objects ─── 数字对象的保存

36、a region of southwest Scotland. The Mull of Galloway,a promontory on a peninsula on its southwest coast,is the southernmost point in Scotland. ─── 加洛韦苏格兰西南部一地区。其西南海岸一半岛上的海角加洛韦角是苏格兰的最南角。

37、"If you see it once, that's interesting," Galloway said."If you see it twice in a separate population, it's a strong indication that what you're seeing is not just some chance finding. ─── “如果你只发现一次,那是有趣的,”Galloway说道,“如果你看见互相隔离的人群都出现这种情况,那就不仅仅是偶然发现了。”

38、Galloway: No, no, not the United States. I'm from the United States. ─── 不,不,不是美国,我就是从美国来的。

39、Dr Galloway says the aim is to maximise the effectiveness of nitrogen in food production while minimising the effects on the environment and human health. ─── Galloway博士表示目标是将氮对粮食生产的效用最大化,而将其对自然环境和人类健康的效应最小化。

40、Jeff Galloway, RW columnist, says that entering races, especially marathons, "scares" people into training the way they should. ─── 杰夫·盖洛威卢旺达的专栏作家说,参加比赛,尤其是马拉松大赛,“吓”得人们按计划进行锻炼。

41、The report says Galloway then arranged for two companies to take delivery of the crude oil. ─── 报告中说,盖洛维于是安排了两个公司接收这批原油。

42、Dumfries and Galloway ─── 邓弗里斯盖洛韦

43、Galloway: Of course not. I've never jumped out of a publicly good airplane before. ─── 当然没有,我没在这么好的飞机上跳过伞。

44、Recent studies in Galloway, the Scottish Highlands and Wales reveal that many streams are still highly acidified . ─── 最近在苏格兰高地加洛韦和威尔士进行的研究显示,很多溪流仍然高度酸化。

45、Galloway stage ─── 多层凿井吊盘

46、One of the two 4-week-old twin red pandas gets close to the camera at Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park near Kirkcudbright in Scotland. ─── 苏格兰柯库布里的加洛威野生动物保护公园内,一只刚刚出生4个星期的双胞胎粉红小熊猫接近摄像机镜头,正眨巴、眨巴大眼睛看这个世界呢!

47、One of the two 4-week-old twin red pandas gets close to the camera at Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park near Kirkcudbright in Scotland. ─── 苏格兰柯库布里的加洛威野生动物保护公园内,一只刚刚出生4个星期的双胞胎粉红小熊猫接近摄像机镜头,正眨巴、眨巴大眼睛看这个世界呢!

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