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08-17 投稿


assentive 发音

英:[[?'sent?v]]  美:[[?'sent?v]]

英:  美:

assentive 中文意思翻译



assentive 短语词组

1、assentive touch ─── 同意的接触

assentive 相似词语短语

1、assertively ─── adv.独断地;断言地

2、adventive ─── adj.外来的;偶发的;异位的

3、assertive ─── adj.肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的

4、agentive ─── adj.施事的;施事格的

5、assenting ─── n.赞成;批准;v.(尤指官方)赞成,同意

6、attentive ─── adj.注意的;体贴的;留心的

7、assortive ─── adj.相称的;相配的;协调的

8、assistive ─── 辅助的

9、unassertive ─── adj.不武断的;谦逊的;不过分自信的

assentive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、consent or assent to a condition,or agree to do something ─── 乐意或同意一个环境或同意去做某事

2、To assent to release on Bail ─── 允诺保释

3、 双语使用场景

4、Offered to us as the irreplaceable means of deliverance, the Dhamma does not seek mere intellectual assent, but commands a response that is bound to be fully religious. ─── 佛法爲我们提供了无可替代的解脱之道,非仅寻求智力上的认同,它指定的态度必然有充分的宗教性。

5、Today whether local residents or out-of-town friends all assent that Macao is more and more flourishing and becomes increasingly prosperous. ─── 今天,无论是本地居民或者外地的朋友,都会同意澳门越来越充满活力,变得越来越好。

6、They had my assent. ─── 他们得到我的同意。

7、Assent or agreement to join. ─── 同意赞成或同意参加

8、A word of assent from her sufficed him. ─── 只要从她那里得到一声附和,他就心满意足了。

9、lower and raise the head,so as to indicate assent ─── 为了表示同意而把头低下再抬起来

10、Monte Cristo inclined himself without answering, but the gesture might pass for assent. ─── 基督山欠了欠身,没有回答,但这个姿势可以算是答应了。

11、write one's name in token of assent,responsibility,or obligation ─── 写上一个人的名字来表示同意责任或义务

12、"Mr. Quincy labored hard with the governor to obtain his assent, but he was obstinate" (Benjamin Franklin). ─── “昆西先生费了许多口舌以征得州长的同意,但州长固执己见” (本杰明·富兰克林)。

13、consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something. ─── 乐意或同意一个环境或同意去做某事。

14、There was a murmur of assent. ─── 响起一阵表示赞同的耳语声。

15、A contract is, first of all, an agreement.It is a manifestation of the mutual assent of the parties. ─── 合同首先是协议。它表明当事人彼此赞同。

16、The mutual assent, or the agreement, is typically reached when one party (the offeree) makes an offer to another party (the offeree) who accepts the offer. ─── 双方达成赞同或协议,典型的来说是在一方(要约者)向另一方(受要约者)发出要约,而后者又接受了该要约的时候。

18、By using this site, you signify your assent to these terms and conditions. ─── 如果您使用本网站,则表明您已经同意,接受本协议的条件与条款。

19、‘He will assent immediately, I am sure.’ ─── ‘我相信他一定会同意。’

20、He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. ─── 他拒绝批准确立司法权力的法律,从而阻碍司法行政管理工作。

21、lower and raise the head, so as to indicate assent. ─── 为了表示同意而把头低下再抬起来。

22、dodo moved her head slowly in assent ─── 多多慢慢地点点头表示同意。

23、A murmur of gloomy and energetic assent followed these words. ─── 在这些话后面的是一阵低沉而坚决的共鸣声。

24、By using this website, you acknowledge your assent to the following conditions of use without limitation or qualification. ─── 如阁下使用本网址,即表示阁下完全同意以下的使用条款,并不附加其他限制或规条。

25、He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. ─── 他拒绝批准建立司法权力的法律,以阻挠司法的执行。

26、In the ancient China, scholar-bureaucrats used to be the ruler of the society, so they would decide to assent or oppose to Christianity. ─── 在传统中国,文人士大夫一直都握有社会的话语权力,因而基督教入华所引发的种种接受与反对的声音,多来自他们那里。

27、"Christian faith, [...] is much more than an intellectual assent. ─── 作为基督徒,我们绝对尊重其他宗教及文化。

28、Based on or characterized by complete assent or agreement. ─── 以完全同意为依据或特点的语源。

29、She gave a nod of assent. ─── 她点头表示同意。

30、However this act of faith is not a mere assent of the mind to these truths. ─── 但是这信心的行动并不单单头脑上认同这些真理。

31、He nodded (his) assent. ─── 他点头同意了。

32、He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws;giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation. ─── 他把各州的立法委员召集到一个异乎寻常、极不舒适而有远离他们的档案库的地方去开会,其目的无非是使他们疲惫不堪,被迫就范。

33、But his sisters gave it their hearty assent,and indulged their mirth for some time at the expense of their dear friend's vulgar relations. ─── 他的姐妹们却听得非常得意,于是越发放肆无忌地拿班纳特小姐的微贱的亲戚开玩笑,开了老半天。

34、He has refuted his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. ─── 他拒绝批准对公众利益最有益、最必需的法律。

35、Agreement or assent. ─── 同意,赞同

36、I was just about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie . ─── “很少有城市享有如此世界性的声誉啊,我自豪而荣幸的欢迎大家来到广岛,她所享有的世界级知名度都是来自--牡蛎。”

37、The girl hit the boy in face, because he kissed her without assent. ─── 女孩给了男孩一记耳光;因为男孩未经同意吻了她.

38、To withhold assent or approval. ─── 不答应,不赞同

39、The substance of the definition of a contract is that by mutual agreement or assent the parties create enforceable duties or obligations. ─── 合同定义的本质,是合同双方当事人通过相互的协议或同意,创设可强制履行的义务。

40、He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. ─── 他拒绝批准那些对公共福利最有益、最必要的法律。

41、He moderates his assent with the halting affirmative. ─── 他用踌躇的肯定词“是的”限制了他的强调语气。

42、Any changes to the deal terms would require assent from Chinalco. ─── 交易条款的任何变更,都将需要获得中铝的同意。

43、There were murmurs of both assent and dissent from the crowd. ─── 人群议论纷纷,赞成和反对的都有。

44、She murmured something that seemed to be assent. ─── 她喃喃地说了句什么话,好像是表示同意。

45、He issued no orders, and simply gave or withheld his assent to what was proposed to him. ─── 他不发任何命令,只对别人的建议表示同意或不同意。

46、They think the cake that they had eten was very delicious with one assent. ─── 中文:他同意医生说他母亲病了,但是不同意让他母亲住院!

47、The Queen never refuses her assent, because she knows this would be unconstitutional. In any case she has no means of enforcing her will. ─── 女王从不否决任何事情,因为她知道那将是违背宪法的。在任何情况下,她都无法将自己的意愿付诸实施。

48、By continuing to use this site, you signify your assent to these terms and conditions of service and use. ─── 倘使用人继续使用本网站即表示同意本服务及使用条款。

49、He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution,unacknowledged by our laws;giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation. ─── 他力图阻止各州增加人口,为此目的,他阻挠外国人入籍法的通过,拒绝批准其他鼓励移民的法律,并提高分配新土地的条件。

50、His father could not assent to his investigation in futures. ─── 他的父亲不同意他投资期货。

51、So they expressed assent yet another time. ─── 好一会他们终于爬出来。

52、The TMB shall develop its own working procedures. It is understood, however, that consensus within the TMB does not require the assent or concurrence of members appointed by Members involved in an unresolved issue under review by the TMB. ─── TMB应制定自己的工作程序。但是各方理解,TMB的协商一致不要求其审议的未决问题所涉及的成员任命的成员同意或赞成。

53、He signed his assent. ─── 他做手势表示同意。

54、Their assent is essential to reaching a deal.So far they have withheld it. ─── 他们的赞同对达成交易至关重要,不过目前这些国家尚未同意。

55、A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance. ─── 受盘人声明或做出其它行为表示同意一项发盘,即是接受。

56、a sign of assent or salutation or command. ─── 同意、致意或者命令的标志。

57、Do not risk being beguiled by appearances and constructing theories and interpretations based on distortions through misnaming. Give your assent only to what is actually true. ─── 不要甘冒被表象诱骗的风险,也要小心那些基于错误命名而扭曲真相所建构的理论和诠释。将你的赞同只投给实际上是真的事物。

58、It was in some strange way, a chilling smile, of assent. ─── 他这一笑,是一种令人毛骨悚然的冷笑,是一种表示默认的冷笑。

59、To give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree. ─── 同意(对另一个人的建议等)表示赞同;同意

60、He looked closely at Chao Po-tao's triangular face, hoping to find there some sign of assent, but found none. ─── 他定睛看住了赵伯韬的三角脸,希望在这脸上找得一些“嘉纳”的表情。 然而没有!

61、Mr.Obama also won Russian assent to allow overflight rights formilitary transports carrying 'lethal' war materiel to Afghanistan, adeal that paves the way for 4,500 flights a year and saving the U. ─── 奥巴马还获得了俄罗斯的同意,允许美军运输 经过俄罗斯领空向阿富汗运输“致命性”作战物资,以每年4,500架次为限;

62、He nodded assent to our demands. ─── 他点头答应了大家的要求。

63、Her voice was raised questioningly, as though she hung on Gerald’s assent to her plan, a mere formality but one dear to the heart of Gerald. ─── 她的声音含着询问的语气,似乎在征求杰拉尔德的同意,让她实施她的计划,纯粹是走形式,但杰拉尔德的心里美滋滋的。

64、She was thoughtful for a moment, then nodded her head in assent. ─── 她思考了片刻,然后点头表示同意。

65、By common assent,ie with everybody's agreement ─── 一致同意

66、He showed with his eyes that he heard, but made no sign of assent or dissent . ─── 他瞧了他一下,表示他听见了,但没有表示同意或者不同意。

67、A chorus of voices greet this with assent. ─── 众人异口同声表示赞成。

68、based on or characterized by complete assent or agreement ─── 以完全同意为依据或特点的

69、The union members shouted their assent in chorus. ─── 会员们齐声喊叫表示同意。

70、But everyone knew only too well how this assent was obtained and who were the real contracting parties in the marriage. ─── 不过人人都非常明白,这一同意是如何取得的,实际上是谁在订立婚约。

71、He heard Chueh-hsin's sound of assent, and unconsciously the old man raised his cup again and took another carefree sip. ─── 他听见那张桌上的觉新的应声,不觉又端起酒杯,带着愉快、轻松的心情呷了一口酒。

72、An intelligible gleam of assent twinkled in his eye . ─── 一种会意的赞同的光彩闪现在他的眼睛里。

73、Gal. 1:10 For am I now trying to win the assent of men or of God? ─── 加一10我现在是要得人的心,还是要得神的心?

74、Formally, it is true, the contract at that time was entered into voluntarily: without the assent of the persons concerned, nothing could be done. ─── 不错,这种契约那时在形式上确是自愿缔结的; 没有当事人双方的同意就不能解决问题。

75、He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent of laws for establishing judiciary powers. ─── 他拒绝批准建立司法权利的法律,以阻挠司法的执行。

76、Her only answer was a murmured assent. ─── 她什么也没说,只答应了两声。

77、As in political revolutions, so in paradigm choice - there is no standard higher than the assent of the relevant community. ─── 和在政治革命, 如此在范例选择- 没有比相关的社区的同意标准高级。

78、If a contract results from physical compulsion or threat(duress), it is no contract at all because the victim is a mere mechanical instrument whose action is therefore ineffective to manifest assent. ─── 如果合同是强迫或威胁(胁迫)的结果,那它就根本不是合同,因为受害者仅仅成了一个机械工具,因此他的行为不具有表达同意的效力。

79、He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation. ─── 他同他人勾结,把我们置于一种既不符合我们的法规也未经我们法律承认的管辖之下,而且还批准他们炮制的各种伪法案。

80、write one's name in token of assent, responsibility, or obligation. ─── 写上一个人的名字来表示同意责任或义务。

81、In any prosecution for an offence under subsection (1) (a) or (b) the burden of proving the assent of the proprietor shall lie on the defendant. ─── 在检控有关第(2)款(a)或(b)段所指罪名时,被告人应负起有关证明其得到专利权人同意之举证责任。

82、However, where this pressure becomes too intense and is taken advantage of by the other party, it undermines volition and negates the apparent assent. ─── 但是,如果这种压力太强烈,且被另一方所利用,则会对明确的同意意向形成破坏和影响。

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