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08-17 投稿


blanks 发音

英:[bl??ks]  美:[bl??ks]

英:  美:

blanks 中文意思翻译





blanks 常用词组

fill in the blanks ─── 填空

blanks 短语词组

1、fill in the blanks ─── 填空

2、read and fill the blanks ─── 阅读并填空

3、fill in the blanks with words ─── 用单词填空

4、fill in the blanks with proper words ─── 用适当的词填空

5、skip blanks ─── [计] 忽略空白

6、fill in the blanks with the words ─── 用单词填空

7、fire blanks ─── 防火盲板

8、filling inthe blanks ─── 填空

9、look and fill in the blanks ─── 检查并填空

10、firing blanks ─── 点火坯料

11、fill in the blanks with the words in the box ─── 用方框中的单词填空

12、blanks with words ─── 带单词的空格

13、fill the blanks ─── 填空

14、draw blanks ─── 没中签;落空;记不得

15、look and fill the blanks ─── 看并填空

16、read and fill in the blanks ─── 阅读并填空

17、read the words in the blanks ─── 读空白处的单词

18、choose and fill in the blanks ─── 选择并填空

19、billy blanks ─── 比利·布兰克斯

blanks 词性/词形变化,blanks变形

动词过去式: blanked |形容词比较级: blanker |动词过去分词: blanked |名词: blankness |动词第三人称单数: blanks |形容词最高级: blankest |动词现在分词: blanking |副词: blankly |

blanks 相似词语短语

1、clanks ─── n.当啷声(clank的复数);v.发当啷声(clank的三单形式)

2、blanky ─── adj.可憎的,该死的

3、blankest ─── 毛毯

4、banks ─── n.[金融]银行;岸,[水利]堤(bank的复数形式);斜床;v.开办(bank的第三人称单数);把钱存入银行

5、flanks ─── n.两翼(flank的复数);拱侧翼;石侧面;v.侧面攻击(flank的单三形式)

6、branks ─── n.荞麦

7、blacks ─── n.黑人(black的复数)

8、planks ─── [木]木板

9、blank ─── adj.空白的;空虚的;单调的;n.空白;空虚;空白表格;vt.使…无效;使…模糊;封锁;vi.消失;成为空白;n.(Blank)人名;(法)布朗克;(英、德、西、俄、罗、捷、瑞典、芬)布兰克

blanks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you can't answer the question, leave a blank. ─── 如果回答不了问题,就空着它。

2、She wrote most of her poetry in blank verse. ─── 她所写的诗大部分都是无韵诗。

3、Each cuff was a check, and Martin went over them anxiously, in a fever of expectation, but they were all blanks. ─── 每一张袖口都是一张支票,马丁怀着急切的希望检查着。可全是空白支票。

4、She would plant one seed in the blank wall. ─── 她要在这空白的墙上播下一颗种子。

5、Are matrix blanks available and representative? ─── 基体空白可测定?具有代表性吗?

6、She sometimes occupied her blank days with sewing. ─── 她有时做做针线来消磨日子。

7、He even left blank spaces in his table for them. ─── 他甚至还在表中为它们留出了空位。

8、Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs. ─── 在空白中填入适当的副词。

9、Trailing blanks are stripped only for non-quoted strings. ─── 仅去除非引用字符串的尾随空白。

10、Fired point - blank at the intruder. ─── 对入侵者直接开火。

11、Write your name in the blank. ─── 在空白栏中写上你的名字。

12、Her explanations were met with blank incomprehension. ─── 大家对她的解释茫然不解。

13、He looked at me in blank amazement. ─── 他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。

14、He looked blank. ─── 他看上去没有表情。

15、So far, the police investigation has drawn a blank. ─── 到目前为止警方的调查毫无结果。

16、"Admire me?" His tone was blank, astonished. ─── “赞赏我?”他的声音是不解的,惊讶的。

17、If you can not answer the question,leave a blank . ─── 如果答不上来就空着。

18、Fill in the blanks in the last two paragraphs with proper words. ─── 用适当的词为最后两段填空。

19、She had tried to blank out the whole experience. ─── 她曾试图把全部经历从记忆中抹去。

20、A blank field descriptor is a descriptor to make blank on output. ─── 一个空白字段描述符是在输出中形成空格的描述符。

21、He changed the blank practice of the elder philosophers. ─── 他改变了前辈哲学家那种放空炮的做法。

22、XIV. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. ─── 在短文空格内填入恰当的词,每空格限。

23、Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns. ─── 在空格处填入适当的代词。

24、Listen to some of her instructions and write the modal verbs in the blanks. ─── 听,然后在空格处写出听到的情态动词

25、A blank leaf in the front of the back of a book. ─── 书籍封底前的一张空白页。

26、A common attitude was that all diseases were known, and all that remained for scientists was to fill in the blanks. ─── 一种常见的看法是,所有的疾病都是已知的,科学家所要做的就是填补空白。

27、Some of them shall have blank charters. ─── 他们当中一些人将得到行动自由。

28、They managed to blank the Giants for five innings. ─── 他们力图连赢巨人队5局使对手一分也没得。

29、IV. Listen and fill in the blanks. ─── 听对话,填上文中所缺的单词。

30、Output, a blank line is printed to the file. ─── 则向文件输出一个空行。

31、Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary. ─── 在需要的地方,用冠词填空。

32、Fill in the blanks with proper articles if necessary. ─── 如有必要,用适当的冠词填空。

33、Would you mind telling me how to fill in all the blanks? ─── 您能告诉我如何填写所有的空栏吗?

34、Fill in the blanks according to the passage. ─── 根据短文填空。

35、II. Fill the blanks and write them down. ─── 填空并写词。

36、Manche: I got a message from your cellie, bro. He says he's okay and he's trying to fill in the blanks. ─── 兄弟,你的室友有个口信给你。他说他很好,他正在试图填补空白。

37、Fill in the blanks with suitable words. ─── 在空格里填上适当的字。

38、Indent To begin a line or lines with a blank space. ─── 字行缩进一固定空格,然后开始的排法。

39、His memory was completely blank on the subject. ─── 关于这个题目,他已完全丧失记忆。

40、To seek a blank cheque to back the present policy. ─── 为支持现有政策谋求行事的全权。

41、Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences. ─── 填空完成下面的句子。

42、Ken Blanks Harrell - Executive Producer of RealTalkFM. ─── com 编辑了生日、地址和网站信息。

43、Print a blank SED and fill it out manually. ─── 列印空白SED,再动手填写。

44、Which do you want that we blow all the tube blanks or just part of them? ─── 你要我们把全部的管坯吹完还是余一些管坯呢?

45、If you can't answer the question,leave a blank. ─── 如果答不上来就空著。

46、You don't have to fill in all the blanks o the application. ─── 你不必把申请表上所有的空格都填好。

47、Verdammt, wieder mal bin ich blank! ─── 妈的,我又没有钱了!

48、Fill in the blanks with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary. Then make your own sentence with each word. ─── 用所给的单词填空,如有必要可以改变单词的形式,然后用这些单词造句。

49、It was in blank verse that she sang. ─── 她以无韵诗体作诗。

50、What can you do in different rooms? Choose and fill in the blanks. ─── 你在各个不同的房间能做什么?选择词组写到相应图后。

51、We have only to specify what meaning blanks and similar characters have. ─── 我们只须指出空字符及类似的一些字符具有什么含义。

52、A short, blank strip of film at the end of a reel. ─── 尾片在一盘影片末尾的简短的空白的电影片断

53、The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit. ─── 为了能按照她认为合适的方法去整顿这一部门,经理授予她自由行动的权力。

54、My mind became a complete blank. ─── 我什么都忘了。

55、A cassette containing blank or prerecorded videotape. ─── 录像带空白或者先前录制好的盒式录像带

56、When information is left out of a conversation, the theory states, people attempt to fill in the blanks to smooth the communication process. ─── 这一理论指出,当对话省去了某些信息时,人们愿意去填补这一空白,使交流过程更为顺畅。

57、She was by no means a blank sheet. ─── 她绝对不是一张白纸。

58、Many Elizabethan plays are written in blank verse. ─── 伊丽莎白时代的许多戏剧以无韵诗形式写成。

59、Key turn around by the frenzy of Running, throwing blanks for keys. ─── 左右键交替狂按为跑动,空格键为投掷。

60、Complete the sentences in the exercise by filling in the blanks. ─── 在空白处填充使练习中各句成为完整句。

61、Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. ─── 在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。

62、Fill in the blanks with words where necessary. Come to see him when possible. ─── 可能的时候来看看他。

63、A book with blank pages for the insertion and preservation of collections, as of stamps, photographs, or autographs. ─── 剪贴簿,影集,签名薄有空白页以便插入或存放收集品,如邮票、照片或签名的本子

64、She turned to a blank page in her notebook. ─── 她翻开笔记本的一张空白页。

65、The students will use these new words to fill in the blanks. ─── 学生能够用新单词填空。

66、Attempts to get further information by questioning the captives ran into a blank wall. ─── 审讯俘虏以获得更多情报的试图未能取得任何进展。

67、Fill in the blanks to write a short postcard to a friend. ─── 完成以下写给朋友的明信片。

68、Fill the blanks with the words which denote place. ─── 填写表示处所的词语

69、His memory blanks out when he gets excited. ─── 他一兴奋就什么也不记得了。

70、Quoted strings retain their trailing blanks. ─── 引用字符串保留其尾随空白。

71、Listen and fill in the blanks with the words given. ─── 听录音,选用所给的词填空。

72、A total of 38 lines of code, shown in Listing 1, is all you needed for this little utility, including blanks lines. ─── 总共有38行代码,如清单1所示,这就是这一小工具所需的全部内容,其中还包括了空行。

73、Marvin drew a blank again in this year's lottery. ─── 在今年的抽奖中马文又落了一场空。

74、Listen to a passage, then fill in the blanks with the right words. ─── 听一篇短文,然后用正确的单词填空。

75、Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate verbs. ─── 在下列句子的空格中填入适当的动词。

76、Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate prepositions. ─── 在下列句子的空格中填入适当的前置词。

77、You should fill in all the blanks on an application for a job. ─── 你应该把求职表上的所有空格都填上。

78、Fill the blanks with the words which denote time. ─── 填写表示时间的词语

79、Now fill in the blanks in these sentences with appropriate words. ─── 恰当的词填空。

80、Cloze Exercise. Fill in the blanks with the best choice from below. ─── 克漏字练习。填入下列最适合的选项。

81、Fill in each of the blanks with a word derived from the one given in brackets. ─── 将括号里提供的词转换成适当的词形填入空白处。

82、Sorry, my mind's gone blank. ─── 对不起,我的记忆一片空白。

83、Fill in the blanks with a,an or the,where necessary. ─── 在需要的空白处填上冠词a,an或the

84、Key to the control of movement, firing blanks. ─── 向键控制移动,空格开火。

85、Listen and fill in the blanks. ─── 听录音,完成对话填充

86、A type of read-only memory that can be erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state. ─── 一种只读存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为空白状态。

87、Her past was a blank, her life had begun. ─── 她的以往只是一片空白,她的生命现在才开始。

88、Help Simon underline the mistakes and write the correct answers in the blanks. ─── 帮助西蒙把错误划出来,然后在空格处填上正确的答案。

89、Fill in the blanks and match the pictures. ─── 填字连图练习。


翻译read and fill in the blanks with the right forms 阅读并以正确形式填空 read and fill 阅读并填写 right form 正确的形式

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