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08-17 投稿


dicotyledon 发音

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dicotyledon 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 双子叶植物


dicotyledon 词性/词形变化,dicotyledon变形

形容词: dicotyledonous |异体字: dicot |

dicotyledon 短语词组

1、dicotyledon root ─── 双子叶植物

2、dicotyledon define ─── 双子叶植物定义

3、dicotyledon leaf ─── 双子叶

4、dicotyledon means ─── 双子叶植物意味着

5、dicotyledon ice ─── 双子叶植物冰

6、dicotyledon definition ─── 双子叶植物定义

7、herbaceous dicotyledon ─── 草本双子叶植物

8、dicotyledon seed ─── 双子叶植物种子

9、dicotyledon crops ─── 双子叶植物

10、dicotyledon weed ─── 双子叶杂草

dicotyledon 相似词语短语

1、eudicotyledons ─── 真双子叶植物

2、dicotyledonous ─── adj.双子叶的

3、monocotyledon ─── n.[植]单子叶植物

4、eudicotyledon ─── n.真双子叶植物

5、dicotyledons ─── n.[植]双子叶植物(dicotyledon的复数)

6、cotyledons ─── n.[植]子叶(cotyledon的复数)

7、acotyledon ─── n.[植]无子叶植物

8、cotyledon ─── n.[植]子叶

9、acotyledons ─── n.[植]无子叶植物

dicotyledon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The The Euphorbiaceae is one of the core dicotyledon families containing about 300 genera with 8,000 species, mostly tropical and subtropical. ─── 摘要大戟科为双子叶植物中的大科之一,主要分布于热带及亚热带地区,台湾原生者有27属。

2、Results Besides the similar structure of the perennial herbaceous dicotyledon,there were a lot of fibers and calcium oxalate crystals in the plant. ─── 结果山麻黄除具有双子叶植物的一般组织结构特征外,还具有发达的纤维和大量草酸钙簇晶。

3、In agriculture carried out rotation of Dicotyledon and Monocotyledon. ─── 在重农蝗区实行单一双子叶植物轮作;

4、The microcapsule can be widely used for preventing and controlling monocotyledonous weeds in dicotyledon crop field. ─── 本发明所提供的微胶囊剂,可广泛用于双子叶作物田中防除单子叶杂草。

5、Differences among peak wavelengthes and peak intensities can be used to distinguish woody broadleaf trees and coniferous trees, as well as herbaceous dicotyledon and monocotyledon. ─── 利用峰的波长,荧光强度的差异可以将木本阔叶树、针叶树,草本双子叶及单子叶植物加以区分。

6、There is little difference of damage extent between dicotyledon and monocotyledon in mountain area and relatively low oasis plain. ─── 山地与海拔相对低的绿洲平原之间的过渡麦区,单、双子叶杂草危害程度基本相同。

7、In angiosperms there are 475 species of monocotyledon and 567 species of dicotyledon. ─── 被子植物中单子叶植物475种,双子叶植物567种。

8、The herbicidal activity on dicotyledon weeds is better than on monocotyledon weeds. ─── 对双子叶杂草的活性明显优于对单子叶杂草的活性。

9、Sankoh, Antiaris toxicaria a dicotyledon. ─── 桑科,见血封喉属双子叶植物。

10、RESULTS Besides the similar structure of the perennil herbaceous dicotyledon, there were a lot of aerenchyma tissues and abnormal cells which were over colored in the rhizome of this plant. ─── 结果其内部结构除具有双子叶植物的一般特征外,根的薄壁组织还具有发达的空腔隙,并且含有大量着色很深的异细胞。

11、In addition, the same P1943-GUS fusion construct was introduced into tobacco to analyze its specificity in dicotyledon. ─── 另外还将P 1943 - GUS转进烟草中,研究其在双子叶植物中的特异性。

12、It is a dicotyledon plant in spite of some monocotyledonous characters. ─── 其为双子叶植物,但又具有某些单子叶植物的特征。

13、herbaceous dicotyledon ─── 草本双子叶植物

14、Using 25% bentazone aqueous solution to control dicotyledon weeds at seedling stage of Membranous milkvetch ─── 应用25%灭草松水剂防除黄芪苗期双子叶杂草

15、Foliar application to dicotyledon is better than to monocotyledon because of different leaf types and structures of surface wax, and of different varietals plants of homogeneity. ─── 叶片类型及叶表蜡质层结构与组成的不同造成双子叶植物叶面施肥效果好于单子叶植物,甚至同种类不同品种的植物叶面养分吸收也不同;

16、The angiosperms consisted of dicotyledon and monocotyledon with 87 families, 284 genera and 470 species, and 7 families, 34 genera and 54 species, respectively. ─── 其中双子叶植物87科、284属、470种,单子叶植物7科、34属、54种。

17、The biggest figure is with dicotyledon wild liane. ─── 成分特点为双子叶植物科属种最多;

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