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08-17 投稿


fluke 发音

英:[flu?k]  美:[flu?k]

英:  美:

fluke 中文意思翻译






fluke 网络释义

n. 侥幸;锚爪;意外的挫折vt. 侥幸成功;意外受挫vi. 侥幸成功n. (Fluke)人名;(英)弗卢克

fluke 短语词组

1、fluke disease ─── [医] 吸虫病

2、fluke chain ─── 福克链

3、fluke bar ─── 福禄克酒吧

4、Egyptian intestinal fluke ─── [医] 埃及肠吸虫

5、fluke worm ─── [医] 吸虫

6、fluke-transmitted disease ─── 侥幸传播疾病

7、liver fluke ─── 肝吸虫

8、lancet fluke ─── [医] 枪状双腔吸虫, 支双腔吸虫

9、pancreas fluke ─── 胰腺侥幸

10、cat liver fluke ─── [医] 猫肝吸虫

11、blood fluke ─── [医] 血吸虫

12、Fluke Corporation ─── 福禄克公司

13、intestinal fluke ─── 肠吸虫

14、fluke trawl ─── 侥幸拖网

15、Chinese liver fluke ─── [医] 中国肝吸虫, 华支睾吸虫

16、bronchial fluke ─── [医] 气管吸虫, 肺吸虫, 卫斯特曼氏并殖吸虫

17、lung fluke ─── [医] 肺吸虫

18、liver-fluke ─── [医] 肝吸虫

19、Japanese liver fluke ─── [医] 日本肝吸虫

fluke 词性/词形变化,fluke变形


fluke 常用词组

blood fluke ─── 血吸虫

fluke 相似词语短语

1、fluky ─── adj.侥幸的;不可靠的;幸中的;变化无常的(尤指风)

2、flukier ─── adj.变化无常的;侥幸的;不可靠的(flukey的变形)

3、flute ─── n.长笛;【工程设计】(刀具的)出屑槽;vt.用长笛吹奏;vi.吹长笛

4、flake ─── n.小薄片,碎片;古怪的人;搁架;坚硬石片;(卷绳或盘索的)一圈;v.剥落,将……剥落;使……成薄片;(非正式)入睡,筋疲力尽;把(绳子)松松挽好;n.(Flake)(美)弗拉克(人名)

5、flukey ─── adj.变化无常的;侥幸的;不可靠的

6、fluked ─── v.侥幸做成,侥幸成功(fluke的过去式及过去分词)

7、flume ─── n.水道;笕槽;引水槽;vt.用引水槽输送;用引水槽引;n.(Flume)人名;(德)弗卢梅

8、flukes ─── n.吸虫(fluke的复数形式);锚爪;v.侥幸成功(fluke的第三人称单数)

9、flue ─── n.烟道;暖气管;蓬松的东西;钩爪;渔网(等于flew);n.(Flue)人名;(法)弗吕

fluke 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There is no ultimate meaning to any person or activity . We are here by a fluke and are going to end up as no more than dust and ashes . ─── 任何人或行为都没有终极意义。我们在这里只是个意外,我们只能像尘土一样完结。

2、fluke trawl ─── 小型桁拖网

3、My only variable in my arguement is McGrady's health. I'm positive he'll be much better next season because this season is a complete fluke. ─── 我的看法的唯一不确定因素是麦迪的伤。我确定他下赛季会更好,因为这个赛季完全是一个意外。

4、I dont know how it happened.But it was a fluke. ─── 我不知道它怎么发生的,但那只是侥幸。

5、His election victory was just a fluke. ─── 他的当选纯属侥幸。

6、Rather than dismiss it as a fluke, they will try every way possible to find it. ─── 他们就会像猫爪一样紧盯着目标,然后尝试各种可能的方法找到它,解决它。

7、2. She is not usually good at tennis; that winning stroke was a fluke. ─── 她平时网球打得并不好,那取胜的一击不过是侥幸而已。

8、They are determined to show that their last win was no fluke. ─── 他们决心证明他们上一次的胜利绝非侥幸。

9、Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature. ─── 你的出生不是一个错误或灾祸,你的生命也绝非侥幸。

10、fluke infection ─── 吸虫感染

11、oriental lung fluke disease ─── 东方肺吸虫病

12、OK, everyone has that one fluke story about meeting someone for the first time and ending up doing business, but that's not the norm. ─── 好吧,可能每个人都有过侥幸地和初次见面的人做成买卖,但是这绝不是典型。

13、There is no ultimate meaning to any person or activity. We are here by a fluke and are going to end up as no more than dust and ashes. ─── 任何人或行为都没有终极意义。我们在这里只是个意外,我们只能像尘土一样完结。

14、Egyptian intestinal fluke ─── 埃及肠吸虫

15、As recently as a year ago people wondered whether M-PESA’s success was a fluke. ─── 就在一年前,人们开始怀疑M-PESA的成功是不是只是昙花一现。

16、fluke worm ─── [医] 吸虫

17、The ieframe. dll error might be a fluke and a simple restart could clear it up completely. ─── 该ieframe.dll错误可能是侥幸和一个简单的重新启动可以清楚它完全。

18、The whale retained a tail and lacked a fluke, the major means of locomotion in modern cetaceans. ─── 这种鲸保留了尾巴,没有现代水生鲸类动物用于行动的主要部位,尾片。

19、she had only spent 20 minitues writing her essay,she won the writing contest by a fluke. ─── 她花了20分钟写论文,能赢得写作比赛纯属侥幸.

20、With the Fluke 1587, perform insulation tests, plus a wide-range of DMM tasks with confidence and ease. ─── 与福禄克公司1587年,执行绝缘测试,再加上各种各样的数字万用表的任务的信心和易用性。

21、The discovery was something of a fluke. ─── 这项发现多少有点侥幸。

22、His failure in history examination was a mere fluke ─── 他历史考试没能及格纯属偶然。

23、Villagers grab the line around the fluke of the whale and haul away with shouts and laughter. ─── 他们抓住绕在鲸鱼尾片上的绳子,又叫又笑地向岸上拉着。

24、a fluke goal ─── 偶然的进球

25、Just to see if the Science results were a fluke, I tried a different set of categories: Republicans and Democrats. ─── 为了确定Science结果是否是个意外,我尝试了一组不同的类别:共和(Republican)与民主(Democrat)。

26、She was lucky enough to get the job by a fluke. ─── 她实在是够幸运的,能在偶然中得到那份工作。

27、Chinese liver fluke disease ─── 中华肝吸虫病

28、The Fluke and Doom of "ESP Master" ShenChang ─── "特功大师"沈昌的发迹与末日

29、But participants at the meeting also emphasized that the findings could be a statistical fluke and that nonbiological factors might have accounted for the difference. ─── 不过,与会者在会议上还强调说,研究结果可能是一个统计福禄克和非生物因素可能占不同之处。

30、Analysis on Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Bile duct obstraction Cassed by Liver Fluke in 48 Cases ─── 48例肝吸虫性胆道梗阻的超声诊断分析

31、In what analysts are calling a fluke market fluctuation. ─── 我们称其为平衡的市场效应。

32、Wiping away doubts that Dolly the sheep clone was a fluke, University of Hawaii researchers announced they've been cloning mice for months, creating a flock of more than 50 duplicate rodents along the way. ─── 夏威夷大学的研究人员宣布,几个月来他一直致力克隆老鼠并且已经克隆了50多只这种啮齿动物。 这个消息扫除了人们对克隆羊多莉只是一个侥幸成功的疑惑。

33、easy success through good luck; a narrow squeak; succeed by a fluke ─── 侥幸成功

34、The Fluke brand has a reputation for portability, ruggedness, safety, ease of use, and rigid standards of quality. ─── 在福禄克品牌有一个便携,坚固,安全的声誉,易用性,以及严格的质量标准。

35、She is not usually good at table tennis; that winning stroke was a fluke ─── 她平时乒乓球打得并不好,那取胜的一击抽球不过是侥幸而已。

36、He is still expecting a fluke, and doesn't want to admit his mistake. ─── 他还是怀有侥幸心理,不想认错。

37、Of course, this is the combined action ofcoasting of social morality, the monetary eyes of drawing water to one" smill and the fluke mind of escaping from penalty. ─── 当然,这是转型期社会整体道德的滑坡、唯利是图的金钱观、逃避法律制裁的侥幸心理等各方面因素综合作用的结果。

38、It was in many ways a fluke that I was ever hired into business. ─── 从许多方面来说,我受雇进入企业界是一种侥幸。

39、Fluke Corporation ─── n. 美国福禄克公司

40、gain victory by sheer good luck; win by a fluke ─── 侥幸取胜

41、Study on the Parasitic Power of the Chinese Liver Fluke Cysticercusin in Different Age to Cats ─── 不同龄期华支睾吸虫囊蚴对猫寄生力的分析

42、So it can improve the aquaculture benefit.And at the same time, it can prevent many worm diseases like aquaculture animal blood fluke and stop the spread channels of diseases. ─── 同时可防治水产养殖动物血(居)吸虫、华枝睾吸虫等多种蠕虫类疾病的发生,阻断疾病传播途径。

43、His triumph was no fluke. The presidency did not fall into Mr Obama's lap. ─── 奥巴马并非侥幸获胜,总统宝座并不是从天上掉在他面前的。

44、Keywords retrievable plug;slip fluke;optimization design;contact;dynamics;finite element; ─── 可取桥塞;卡瓦锚爪;优化设计;接触;动力学;有限元;

45、"Did you do that on purpose, or was it a fluke." ─── 你是有意那么做的么,还是只是碰巧。

46、But by some fluke, it was my father's favorite song, the one he used to play at the end of each day. ─── 也许是由于巧合,他弹是我去世的父亲最喜欢的曲子。而这首曲子,是父亲经常在每天将要结束的时候弹的。

47、Passing the exam was a real fluke he didn't work for it at all. ─── 他考试及格实在是侥幸,因为他根本没下过功夫。

48、oriental lung fluke ─── 卫[斯特曼]并殖吸虫, 肺吸虫, 东方肺吸虫

49、Realization of Voltage. Current and Power Automatic Measurement Using FLUKE 5500A by Visual Basic ─── vb编程实现FLUKE5500A对三表的自动化检定

50、adjustable fluke angle anchor ─── 变爪角锚

51、Carol: Yes, if it means you're gonna quit!Mike, think, or get as close to it as you can.I mean, what if this job was a fluke?I mean, what if you never work again? ─── 卡罗尔:我是说退学是愚蠢的,这个问题你可千万要慎重考虑,而且这是一个偶然的机会,如果以后没有了呢,这是第一次,也是最后一次。

52、We won the football game by a fluke. ─── 我们侥幸赢了足球赛。

53、Giant intestinal fluke infection ─── 巨肠道吸虫感染

54、Japanese liver fluke ─── [医] 日本肝吸虫

55、"We're still completely ignorant about whether life pretty much automatically and naturally arises in Earth-like conditions, or whether it is just a fluke. ─── “关于此事,我们仍然是完全无知的,生命究竟是在类地环境中几乎自动和自然地产生的,还是说只不过是一次侥幸而已。”

56、Chinese liver fluke ─── [医] 中国肝吸虫, 华支睾吸虫

57、fluke mind ─── 侥幸心理

58、bronchial fluke ─── [医] 气管吸虫, 肺吸虫, 卫斯特曼氏并殖吸虫

59、But analysts warned that the improvement could be a statistical fluke due to the Good Friday holiday, when many government unemployment offices were closed. ─── 不过分析师警告说,数据的好转可能是复活节假期造成的统计结果,因为期间很多政府失业办公室都休息。

60、They tell themselves it is to prove it was not a fluke, to prove they can do it alone, without a particular partner or mentor. ─── 他们告诉自己这是为了证明他们的成功不是出于侥幸,没有某个合作伙伴或导师的帮助,他们也可以独自做到。

61、Sell, promote, direct, and assist distributors in marketing the Fluke Networks NMPP products. b. ─── 在美国、英国、荷兰和中国设有工厂,销售和服务公司遍布欧洲、北美、南美、亚洲和澳大利亚。

62、tail fluke ─── 尾叶(鲸)(动)

63、They are determined to show that their last win was no fluke. ─── 他们决心证明他们上一次的胜利绝非侥幸。

64、One of the often-stated mantras about Chien-Ming Wang is that he generates easily fieldable ground balls, which means his success despite a low strikeout rate is not really that much of a fluke. ─── 其中一个最常被大家讲的王建民的真言是,王建民通常都可以制造很多容易防守的软弱滚地球,用这个来说明为什麽王建民在如此低的三振率下,他的成功并不是侥幸得来的原因。

65、one good set of results can be dismissed as a fluke, but after two or three bumper periods the share turns into a wonder stock. ─── 好看的单期报表或许只能代表一时的好运,但过了一定阶段,该公司的股票就能变成明星股。

66、Oriental liver fluke disease ─── 东方肝吸虫病

67、Wiping away doubts that Dolly the sheep clone was a fluke,University of Hawaii researchers announced they've been cloning mice for months,creating a flock of more than 50 duplicate rodents along the way. ─── 夏威夷大学的研究人员宣布,几个月来他一直致力克隆老鼠并且已经克隆了50多只这种啮齿动物。这个消息扫除了人们对克隆羊多莉只是一个侥幸成功的疑惑。

68、If the intensity discrepancy is indeed just a fluke, then the directional information from the same data would be expected to show the correct generic behavior. ─── 假如强度的落差确实是个巧合,那麽相同资料的方位资讯,应该可以显示出正确的一般行为。

69、blood fluke disease ─── 亚洲血吸虫病

70、In a country blessed with rich soil,where farmers are sometimes paid not to produce crops,you could assume this was a fluke. ─── 在一个土地肥沃的国家,农民们有时不用种庄稼也可以获得收入,这可以算是一种不劳而获。

71、triple fluke anchor ─── 三爪锚

72、She is not usually good at table tennis; that winning stroke was a fluke. ─── "她平时乒乓球打得并不好,那取胜的一击抽球不过是侥幸而已。"

73、Giant intestinal fluke ─── 巨大肠内吸虫

74、Fluke test ─── Fluke测试

75、Comparison among carmine staining times of fluke specimens in different preservative periods ─── 不同保存期吸虫标本胭脂红染色时间的比较

76、Giant liver fluke ─── 巨大肝吸虫

77、Vaccinate prior to liver fluke season ─── 在肝蛭流行前接种

78、1.lucky; 2.by luck; by chance; by (a) fluke3.(a) fluke; a piece of luck ─── 侥幸

79、It was just last week I so cavalierly wrote them off as a fluke and the likely team to slip out of the playoff picture in the rugged Western Conference. ─── 就在上周,我武断地将他们的战绩归为侥幸,并预测他们将在困难重重的西区竞争中掉出季后赛行列。

80、Title:Fluke Calibration Metrologist/Electronic Test Engineer Education:BS Electrical/Electronic Engineering Expe...... ... ─── 公司名称:福禄克测试仪器(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-6-12

81、Keywords The Chinese liver fluke;Cysticercus;Parasitic power;Mathematical model; ─── 关键词华支睾吸虫;囊蚴;寄生力;数学模型;

82、fluke disease ─── 吸虫病

83、liver fluke discase ─── 双盘吸虫病

84、They brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways. ─── 他们就没把它当回事儿,接着开心地谈别的去了。

85、From industrial electronic installation, maintenance and service, to precision measurement and quality control, Fluke tools help keep business and industry around the globe up and running. ─── 从工业电子安装,维护及服务,精密测量和质量控制,福禄克工具,帮助保持商业和工业在全球启动和运行。

86、From the analysis of moral psychology, the psychological roots of scholarship corruption lie in people's minds of flippancy, compensation, utility, fluke, and privilege. ─── 从道德心理学上分析 ,浮躁心态、补偿心态、功利心态、侥幸心态、特权心态乃是学术腐败的心理之源。

87、It wasn't long before he pulled out his geological maps and began trying to quantify the relationship, to see if the link was just a fluke. ─── 不久前他绘制了地质地图,试图确定有多少文明符合这样的地质关联,看看这样的关联是不是只是巧合。

88、single fluke anchor ─── 单爪锚

89、See also fluke, pinworm, polychaete, rotifer, tapeworm, tube worm. ─── 亦请参阅fluke、pinworm、polychaete、rotifer、tapeworm、tube worm。

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