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08-17 投稿


prevalence 发音

英:['prev?l?ns]  美:['pr?v?l?ns]

英:  美:

prevalence 中文意思翻译



prevalence 词性/词形变化,prevalence变形

名词: prevailer |动词过去式: prevailed |动词现在分词: prevailing |动词第三人称单数: prevails |动词过去分词: prevailed |

prevalence 短语词组

1、amoebic prevalence rate ─── 阿米巴流行率

2、prevalence vs incidence ─── 患病率vs发病率

3、prevalence meaning ─── 流行意义

4、prevalence of optimism ─── 乐观主义盛行

5、prevalence ratio ─── 患病率

6、prevalence rates ─── 患病率

7、prevalence rate ratio ─── 患病率比率

8、prevalence of infection ─── 感染流行率

9、period prevalence ─── 时期流行率

10、prevalence rate ─── [医] 流行率

11、prevalence of diabetes ─── 糖尿病患病率

12、prevalence rate person year ─── 流行率人年

13、prevalence of cheating ─── 作弊盛行

14、average prevalence ─── 平均患病率

15、degree of prevalence of offence ─── [法] 犯罪率

16、antibody prevalence ─── 抗体流行率

17、prevalence synonym ─── 流行同义词

18、prevalence rate incidence ─── 患病率发病率

19、prevalence calculator ─── 流行度计算器

prevalence 相似词语短语

1、polyvalence ─── n.多价;多方面相关性

2、prevenience ─── n.照料;预期

3、trivalence ─── n.三价

4、bivalence ─── n.二价(等于bivalency)

5、prepollence ─── 优生

6、prevalently ─── adv.流行地,普遍地

7、prevalent ─── adj.流行的;普遍的,广传的

8、covalence ─── n.共价;共价键

9、prevalency ─── 流行

prevalence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The prevalence of poor eyesight was the highest in the three common diseases and followed by caries and trachoma. ─── 三种常见病中,视力低下的患病率最高,其次是龋齿,沙眼患病率较低。

2、The national prevalence was 2.6 percent, which mirrors previous findings, the study authors said. ─── 以前的研究结果反映,全国患病率为2.6%,这项研究的作者说道。

3、IASP is thus a significant problem, and the prevalence figures approach those of adults. ─── 因此,IASP是一个很重要的问题,成人的患病率数字也一样。

4、Traditional beliefs do not in themselves explain the lingering prevalence of outdated concepts in China. ─── 传统信仰本身不能解释过时观念为何仍然在中国普遍存在。

5、Prevalence of HIV and HCV among In-jecting Drug Users(IDUs)in Yunnan,China. ─── 云南省吸毒人群中HIV及HCV感染流行状况的研究

6、It has to do with the prevalence and features of a disease in a population. ─── 它研究人群中疾病的流行和特征。

7、The prevalence of these problems points to fundamental issues beyond a specific industry or short-term period. ─── 上述低迷状况如此普遍,说明出现了一些根本性的问题,这些问题不仅限于某个行业、也不仅是短期内存在。

8、To amh hors dawn soap is a kind of ways to avoid the prevalence of illnesses. ─── 4.用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方法。

9、Whereas the prevalence of Arg allele was 87.0% and XRCC1 399 allele Gln was 13.0%. ─── XRCC1399(Arg/Arg、Arg/Gln、Gln/Gln)三种基因型频率分别为49.3%、45.3%和5.3%。

10、There was no evident diference between the normal group and the high risk group in hearing impairment prevalence. ─── 听力障碍诊断率病理组略高于正常组,但两组之间无显著性差异;

11、An analysis on senile dementia prevalence at a community in Luwan district, Shanghai. ─── 上海市卢湾区一个社区老年期痴呆患病率分析。

12、To study the prevalence of epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR). ─── 了解流行性出血热(EHF)在内蒙古自治区的流行情况。

13、Its prevalence and sporadic cases often happened in Asia-Pacific area. ─── 乙脑的流行和散发病例多发生在亚太地区。

14、Prevalence of exotropia and esotropia. ─── 外斜视和内斜视分别占43。

15、Prevalence and incidence are covered in the following section. ─── 以下部分包括流行状况和影响范围。

16、Traditional beliefs do not in themselves explain the lingering prevalence of outdated concepts in China . ─── 传统信仰本身不能解释过时观念为何在中国普遍存在。

17、To the average income,there was no statistical difference in the prevalence of DM and TGT. ─── 人均收入不同者,DM及IGT的患病率无明显差异;

18、The prevalence of CAM use was around7~87.6% in the world. ─── 世界各国辅助与另类医学的使用率约在7~7.6%右,个人服务过的安宁病房经验,至少有50%癌末病人曾使用过另类疗法。

19、The prevalence of cigarette smoking was much higher in lower social groups. ─── 吸烟在低层社会群体中更为盛行。

20、The high prevalence confirms the endemic situation, and the multi-infection and relapse make it more severe. ─── 二是感染的多重性和反复性,在一定程度上造成感染的进一步加深。

21、Adult prevalence rates swing erratically, from a staggering 38.8 percent in Botswana to less than 1 percent in Senegal. ─── 成年人的爱滋病盛行率因地而异,从波札那的38.8%到塞内加尔的低于1%不等。

22、The severity of the penal code had no serious effect on the prevalence of crime. ─── 刑法的严厉对制止犯罪蔓延并没有很大的效果。

23、The prevalence of blogs has become the new weather vane of the internet age. ─── 博客热已经成为网络时代新的风向标。

24、XX Province has a very serious TB prevalence status, especially in poverty and ethic minority races areas. ─── XX省结核病疫情非常严重,特别是贫困和少数民族地区。

25、The prevalence of abdominal adiposity was 36.7% (by using WHR cut offs), or 35.0% (by using WC cut offs). ─── 4 0岁以上的人群中 ,腹型肥胖患病率为 35 .0% (以腰围为判断标准 )和 36 .7% (以腰臀比为判断标准 )。

26、No significant difference was found among prevalence of mild and serious SlD by gender or age groups. ─── 各项轻度和重度感觉统合失调率的年龄和性别分布差异无显著性。

27、Prevalence of hypertensions in patients with Cushing's syndrome is extremely high. ─── 在库欣综合征中高血压患病率极高。

28、There were also differences on POPA prevalence among provinces,age groups and areas between urban and rural(P<0.01). ─── 不同地区、不同年龄组、城乡之间原发性骨量减少症患病率亦存在不同程度差异(P<0.01)。

29、The prevalence of DRP and DNP in our study was 24 9% and 19 3% respectively. ─── DRP和DNP的患病率分别为 2 4 9%和19 3%。

30、DMFT describes the amount or the prevalence of dental caries in an individual. ─── DMFT反应个体的数量和程度。

31、Since 1992, HIV prevalence in Uganda has dropped by more than half. ─── 因为从1992年起,HIV病毒在乌的流行度下降了一多半。

32、The prevalence of consumer ethnocentrism in the global marketplace is unknown. ─── 在全球市场上消费者倾向采用国货的普遍性还未知。

33、Epidemiological studies have found that children with PDD have no higher prevalence of gastrointestinal tract than normal children. ─── 流行病学研究发现,广泛性发育障碍(Pervasive Developmental Disorder)孩子和正常孩子相比较并没有更高的胃肠道患病率。

34、MRI, on the other hand, responds to the prevalence of particular types of atoms in the body. ─── 另一方面核磁共振成像对体内独特类型的原子优先作出反应。

35、The prevalence of blindness caused by cataract, glaucoma and corneal opacity was lower in affluent households. ─── 在富裕的家庭中,白内障、青光眼和角膜混浊导致的失明发生率更低。

36、The prevalence of such values has made boosting the national birthrate seem an unachievable goal. ─── 也正因为这种价值观念,使得人口增长成了一个遥不可及的目标。

37、Stroke prevalence ranged from a low of 1.5 percent in Connecticut to a high of 4.3 percent in Mississippi. ─── 中风患病率范围从低至1.5%的康涅狄格州到高达4.3个百分点的密西西比州。

38、In the United States, it occurs in 5 to 6/100,000 population, with a prevalence between 50 and 70 cases/100,000/yr. ─── 在美国,5-6/100,000人口中发生,50至70例/100,000/每年的流行率。

39、Limpho and an army of trained peer leaders and coaches visit schools in Lesotho's high-prevalence districts at least twice a week. ─── 李梦符和其他很多受过培训的同龄领导和老师每周至少两次到莱索托高发病率地区的学校进行访问。

40、The highest prevalence and numbers are in South-East Asia. ─── 东南亚维生素A缺乏症最流行,是患者人数最多的地区。

41、With increasing prevalence of mobile devices, the IrDA communications have come into a golden age of development. ─── 随着移动设备的日益普及,红外数据通讯已经进入了黄金发展时期。

42、They were very surprised by the prevalence of anti-government sentiments. ─── 他们对普遍存在的反政府情绪感到很吃惊.

43、The prevalence of CLT in the areas was 0.91% with regional differences. ─── 山东沿海地区CTL患病率为 0 .91% ;

44、Even so, De Lay says rising prevalence in areas of Ethiopia and Nigeria is cause for great concern. ─── 德雷表示,即使如此,衣索比亚与奈及利亚某些区域盛行率上升,引起相当的关注。

45、Virtually all said the growing prevalence of mothers who have no male partners around to help them raise children is bad for society. ─── 基本上他们都认为目前越来越多的身边没有丈夫帮忙而独自抚养孩子的单身妈妈对社会很不利。

46、JRA so generous to the hand, the main worship among betting on horse races is the prevalence of domestic gift. ─── JRA出手如此阔绰,主要拜国内赌马风气盛行所赐。


48、prevalence of tea in their culture? ─── 茶在他们的文化中流行而造成的吗?

49、In the young people below twenty-five years of age,the prevalence rate of chronicgastritis was 53. 98%. ───

50、The prevalence of pollen-related food allergies has increased. ─── 与花粉相关食品敏感症的发病率在提高。

51、The low prevalence of Chinese CMT might be due to the different point mutations in these genes. ─── 我国的CMT发病率低可能与其基因突变特点有关。

52、The prevalence of DRP was 24 9%, among which the prevalence of BDP and PDR was 21 0% and 3 9% respectively. ─── DRP的总患病率为 2 4 9% ,其中背景性视网膜病变和增殖性视网膜病变分别为 2 1 0%和 3 9% ;

53、I'm shocked at the prevalence of bribery among these officials. ─── 我对这些官员的普遍受贿感到震惊。

54、The prevalence of DPN in admitted diabetic patients was 60.2%. ─── 住院糖尿病病人中DPN的发生率为60.2%,其中1型糖尿病中发生率38.1%,2型糖尿病中发生率62.8%。

55、The prevalence of DNP was 19 6%, among which the prevalence of MAU, CPU and CRF was 10 0%, 5 9% and 3 4% respectively. ─── DNP的总患病率为19 3% ,其中微量白蛋白尿 ,临床蛋白尿和肾功能不全分别为 10 0% ,5 9%和 3 4%。

56、The prevalence rate of diabetes was 3.02% in people aged 15 or above. ─── 15岁以上糖尿病患病率3.02%;

57、The Global Plan outlines how TB mortality and prevalence could be cut in half by2015 and TB eliminated by2050. ─── 全球遏制结核病规划指出了怎样才能使结核病的死亡率和发病率在2015年下降一半,到2050年达到消灭结核病。

58、To an outsider, the striking thing is the prevalence of assertion and the absence of facts. ─── 对局外人来说,引人注目的是断言的充斥和事实的缺乏。

59、The prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases w ere increased.We must enhance the preven... ─── 慢性非传染性疾病呈上升趋势,需要大力加强慢性病预防与控制工作。

60、In the meantime, the prevalence of Han rite and music played an important part in this art style. ─── 同时,汉代礼乐的盛行,对汉画像石艺术的发展起到了积极的推动作用。

61、The prevalence rate of cerebral palsy was high in multiparous children and in prematures. ─── 多胎儿童中患病率较单胎为多;早产儿较足月儿为多。

62、There is high prevalence of DPN in admitted diabetic patients. ─── 住院病人中DPN的发生率较高,仅有部分病人有相关临床症状。

63、And the overall contraceptive prevalence rate of married women of childbearing age has reached 83 percent. ─── 已婚育龄妇女综合避孕率达到83%。

64、Effect of water fluoridation on prevalence of dental caries in Chung-Shin NewVillage Taiwan after nine years. ─── 台北市国中一年级学生龋齿未矫治原因调查研究。

65、The prevalence of small bowel stenosis has ranged from 20% to 40% and from 7% to 15% in patients with colonic disease. ─── 小肠狭窄的患病率在20%至40%之间,而在患有结肠疾病的患者中的患病率在7%至15%之间。

66、In 51 CAD patients associated with carotid artery atherosclerostic plaques,the prevalence of ARAS was 49.0%. ─── 51例冠心病合并颈动脉粥样斑块的患者中,ARAS患病率为49.0%。

67、The prevalence of black and Asian faces among those targeted has caused especial resentment. ─── 黑人和亚洲人的面孔在那些目标人群中普遍存在,这引起了特别的不满。

68、Its prevalence in different populations ranges from >50% among Pima Indians to 2% among Indian tribes in Chile. ─── 不同人群、种族中糖尿病患病率差异较大,如在Pima印地安人中超过50%,而智利的印地安部落中患病率仅有2%。

69、Atherothrombosis directly threatens people s health and lives.Currently it has a tendency of global prevalence. ─── 动脉粥样硬化血栓形成直接危害着人们的健康和生命,目前大有在全球流行的趋势。

70、The prevalence of microalbuminuria was 11.1% (n=335) and was increasing with age (P

71、Males, aged from 15-24, and from low household income had higher prevalence of motor vehicle injuries. ─── 交通事故与跌倒/落在年龄、家户收入及地区别上皆有显著差异。

72、The higher the body mass index was, the higher the prevalence of HT and DM and HL was. ─── 体重指数愈大,高血压、糖尿病和高脂血症患病率愈高。

73、The prevalence of incontinence increases with age, and in women it is often associated with childbearing and the menopause. ─── 尿失禁的流行率随着年龄而增长,并在妇女往往是与生育和绝经期。

74、An annual survey indicated a significant reduction in the prevalence of smoking during 1997. ─── 年度调查表明,1997年吸烟率出现了重大的下降。

75、The female MS prevalence was higher by IDF (18/83) than by CDS (2/83)(P

76、The prevalence of silicosis led some men to grow what is called a miner's mustache, in an attempt to intercept as much dust as possible. ─── 在试图拦截尽可能多的灰尘,矽肺患病导致一些男性到什么是所谓的一个矿工的胡子增长。

77、Prevalence of diarrhea were 13 1% among EBF and 29% in non EBF infants. ─── 同时 ,纯母乳喂养的婴儿腹泻患病率显著低于非纯母乳喂养的婴儿 ,两者相差1 5.9个百分点。

78、Prevalence of individualism will jeopardize collective interests. ─── 个人主义思潮的盛行会危及集体利益。

79、The prevalence of AD was 6.06% and in VaD was 1.83%. ─── AD患病率为 3 2 9% ,VaD则为 1 83%。

80、The prevalence of a global culture is no doubt harmful to any local culture and mores. ─── 全球文化的盛行毫无疑问是对任何当地文化和风俗有害的。

81、The prevalence of anemia which ever reported was only 1.18% among IUD users. ─── 宫内节育器使用者贫血的自报率很低,仅1.18%。

82、He was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future. ─── 他对当时普遍存在的对未来的乐观情绪感到十分吃惊。

83、There was a significant fall in the prevalence of CP among VLBW babies over the study period. ─── 在研究的时间段内,极低出生体重婴儿的脑瘫发病率显著下降。

84、To obtain data on the prevalence of risk factors for diabetes in the Asian American population. ─── 取得亚裔美国族群的糖尿病危险因素盛行率。

85、The overall virulence gene prevalence was 62.7% (42/67); and the main virulence gene type was slt_1+ slt_2+eaeA+hly. ─── 62.7%的株菌(42/67)携带有毒力基因,毒力图谱类型主要为slt1+slt2+eaeA+hly。

86、The prevalence of nontraditional risk factors for coronary heart disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. ─── 慢性肾脏疾病增加了多个心血管疾病危险因素。

87、The overall prevalence of PDD is about 22 per 10,000 births.In most studies, the boy to girl ratio is 3:1 to 4:1. ─── 其发生率约万分之二十二,在大多数的研究中,男与女的比例为3:1到4:1。

88、MRI,on the other hand,responds to the prevalence of particular types of atoms in the body. ─── 另一方面,核磁共振成像对体内独特类型的原子优先作出反应。

89、They are so surprised by the prevalence of anti-government sentiments. ─── 他们对普遍存在的反政府情绪感到很吃惊。

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