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08-17 投稿


codifying 发音

英:[?k??d?fa???]  美:[?kɑ?d?fa???]

英:  美:

codifying 中文意思翻译



codifying 短语词组

1、codifying data ─── 整理数据

2、codifying means ─── 编纂方法

3、codifying define ─── 编纂定义

4、codifying roe ─── 编纂鱼卵

5、codifying defined ─── 编码定义

6、codifying law ─── 编纂法

7、codifying statute ─── [法] 法典编纂法

8、codifying act ─── 编纂法

codifying 词性/词形变化,codifying变形

动词现在分词: codifying |动词第三人称单数: codifies |动词过去式: codified |动词过去分词: codified |名词: codification |

codifying 相似词语短语

1、acidifying ─── adj.酸化的;v.[化学]酸化;使酸化(acidify的ing形式)

2、modifying ─── 修饰

3、coalifying ─── 煤化

4、edifying ─── v.教诲,开导,启迪(edify的现在分词);adj.启迪的,起教化作用的;陶冶情操的;令人愉快的

5、recodifying ─── 重新编码

6、iconifying ─── 形象化

7、cornifying ─── 角化

8、scorifying ─── vt.使变成矿渣;析取

9、citifying ─── v.使(习俗、穿着等)都市化

codifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、International Environmental Conference on Codifying Rio Principles into National Legislation; ─── 关于将里约原则编入各国法律的国际环境会议;

2、involves the enactment of the whole law on a particular subject. ─── 法典化的制定法包括包括所有关于某特定事项的法律规定。

3、A Few Porblems Need to be Considered While Codifying Civil Law of our Country ─── 我国民法法典化需考虑的几个问题

4、Workers will not assist in codifying their tacit knowledge about doing their job if they feel it will jeopardize their employment. ─── 如果工人感到文档化有关如何完成他们的工作的背景知识将危害他们的工作位置,那么,他们不会帮助这样做。

5、At present SGML is, for many reasons, the best option for conceptually codifying a document's structural units in the broadest sense. ─── 目前由于许多原因,从广义上讲,SGML是概念性的规范一个文件的结构性单元的最好的选择。

6、In 1899, the first International Peace Conference was held in The Hague to elaborate instruments for settling crises peacefully, preventing wars and codifying rules of warfare. ─── 1899年,第一次国际和平会议在荷兰海牙召开。此次会议的目的是制订旨在和平解决危机和防止战争的文件及编撰战争规则。

7、the act of codifying; ─── 编成法典的行为;

8、There's just an enormous amount of what every undergraduate learns that we take for granted that Paul played an absolutely critical role in codifying and uncovering. ─── 每个大学生都他那里学到了很多,我们都理所当然地认为萨缪尔森在编纂和发掘方面绝对发挥了关键作用。

9、codifying statute ─── 法典纂法(规)

10、The article explores and illustrates an approach to applying information technologies to leverage scarce expertise without codifying or transferring knowledge. ─── 本文探讨和说明了一个运用信息技术来发挥稀有的专门知识的杠杆作用而无需编写成册或转移知识的一种方法。

11、At present SGML is, for many reasons, the best option for conceptually codifying a document's structural units in the broadest sense. ─── 目前由于许多原因,从广义上讲,SGML是概念性的规范一个文件的结构性单元的最好的选择。

12、Workers will not assist in codifying their tacit knowledge about doing their job if they feel it will jeopardize their employment. ─── 如果工人感到文档化有关如何完成他们的工作的背景知识将危害他们的工作位置,那么,他们不会帮助这样做。

13、For this reason, the disputations of codifying administrative procedures in theoretical domain are becoming more and more. ─── 因此,有关行政程序法典化的各种争论在理论界也愈来愈多。

14、They have been responsible for inventing or codifying many of the world's most popular spectator cricket, tennis, football, rugby and golf. ─── 他们发明或者编制了世界上许多观赏性比赛项目,如板球、网球、英式橄榄球和高尔夫球。

15、The Value and Mode as Well as the Jurisprudential Theory of the Codifying the Civil Law of China ─── 民法法典化的价值、模式与学理

16、In 1938 he issued instructions codifying the role of the SS-VT. ─── 1938年他亲自为党卫队别动队制定了合法的地位。

17、Expressions of degree of belief were used in language long before people began codifying the laws of probability theory. ─── 在人们开始编制机率法则之前,信念程度的表达很早就已经在语言中使用了。

18、the act of codifying; arranging is a systematic order ─── 编成法典的行为;安排是有一定系统秩序的

19、the act of codifying; arranging is a systematic order. ─── 编成法典的行为;安排是有一定系统秩序的。

20、Establishing laws related to sustainable development is a mechanism for formalizing and codifying strategies and policies for sustainable development. ─── 建立与可持续发展相关的法律是合理合法化可持续发展战略和政策的有效机制。

21、They have been responsible for inventing or codifying many of the world's most popular spectator cricket, tennis, football, rugby and golf. ─── 他们发明或者编制了世界上许多观赏性比赛项目,如板球、球、式橄榄球和高尔夫球。

22、Expressions of degree of belief were used in language long before people began codifying the laws of probability theory. ─── 在人们开始编制概率法则之前很早,信念程度的表达就已经在语言中使用了。

23、In presupposition of explicating the definition of codifying administrative procedures, this thesis exploring in it theoretically in three aspects. ─── 在明确了行政程序法典化的概念这一前提下从三个方面对行政程序法典化进行了理论上的探讨。

24、Moreover, our corporate culture has sanctioned this objective by codifying it as a fiduciary obligation of any corporate executive. ─── 此外,我们的企业文化已批准这一目标的编纂作为受托义务,任何企业执行。

25、25* The procedures used by two parties in negotiating, stipulating, and codifying the strategic alliance contract are fair. ─── 双方在策略联盟合约谈判、规定,及制定成法规过程是公正的。

26、Moreover, our corporate culture has sanctioned this objective by codifying it as a fiduciary obligation of any corporate executive. ─── 此外,我们的企业文化已批准这一目标的编纂作为受托义务,任何企业执行。

27、The procedures used by two parties in negotiating, stipulating, and codifying the strategic alliance contract are fair. ─── 双方在策略联盟合约谈判、规定,及制定成法规过程是公正的。

28、First of all typography was born to be read by removing the visual forms from the signs involved, codifying the letters and extracting the meaning. ─── 首先排版应该能做到编排文字和提炼文章的核心的同时而不采用任何视觉的图形。

29、They have been responsible for inventing or codifying many of the world's most popular spectator cricket,tennis,football,rugby and golf. ─── 他们发明或者编制了世界上许多观赏性比赛项目,如板球、网球、英式橄榄球和高尔夫球。

30、Analysis of the Codifying and Counter-codifying of Civil Law ─── 民法法典化和反法典化之分析

31、Writing, in making the world light - in codifying, distorting, prettifying, verbalizing it - approaches blasphemy. ─── 写作,使得世界变轻松- - -通过编纂、歪曲、粉饰、赞美它- - -几近亵渎。

32、Exploratory Research on Codifying the Civil Law of China ─── 民法法典化探究

33、We have to make due with codifying how it works not why it does it. ─── 我们必须加以编纂归类,分清它是怎样运作的,而不是为何如此运作。

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