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08-17 投稿


variously 发音


英:  美:

variously 中文意思翻译



variously 反义词


variously 短语词组

1、variously meaning ─── 多种意义

2、variously-leaved pondweed ─── [网络] 多样的池塘草

3、variously used ─── 多种用途

4、variously scarf ─── 各式 ─── 各样的围巾

5、variously studio ─── 各种 ─── 各样的工作室

6、variously of ─── 各种 ─── 各样的

7、variously kinds of ─── 各种 ─── 各样的

8、variously sized ─── 大小不一

9、variously sentence ─── 不同的句子

10、variously physical ─── 各种物理特性

variously 同义词

assorted | motley | manifold | many | versatile | a number of |different | numerous | diverse | countless | several | sundry | respective | a range of | a variety of | innumerable

variously 词性/词形变化,variously变形

名词: variousness |副词: variously |

variously 相似词语短语

1、avariciously ─── adv.贪婪地

2、vagariously ─── 飘忽不定

3、various ─── adj.各种各样的;多方面的

4、vicariously ─── adv.代理地,担任代理者地;间接感受到地

5、seriously ─── adv.认真地;严重地,严肃地

6、bifariously ─── 五花八门

7、viciously ─── adv.邪恶地;敌意地

8、furiously ─── adv.猛烈地;狂暴地

9、curiously ─── adv.好奇地

variously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Scholars have variously theorized it was the birthplace of the Incas, a private estate, and a spiritual destination. ─── 科学家有不同的理论,这个城市作为一个神秘的地点而存在,是Incas的发源地,也是一个精神朝拜的地方。

2、A hard, white, translucent ceramic made by firing a pure clay and then glazing it with variously colored fusible materials;china. ─── (瓷, 一种坚硬的白色透明的陶瓷,其制法是将纯陶土放在火中烧制,然后用各种颜色的易熔材料给其上釉;

3、Any of numerous plants of the genus Lobelia, having terminal racemes of variously colored flowers with a bilabiate corolla. ─── 半边莲一种半边莲属的植物,有带顶生二唇花冠的总状花序,花为各种颜色

4、In addition, it confines some readers to fill up vacuity variously about those literatures that the TV play borrowed from. ─── 同时电视剧对文学作品的“借用”,又会制约部分读者填补文学作品“空白”的多样性;

5、At first Europeans were suspicious: the potato was variously thought to be an aphrodisiac, to cause leprosy or to be poisonous. ─── 最初欧洲人对它充满戒心:他们对马铃薯的看法迥异。有的说吃了能壮阳;有的说吃了会得麻风病;

6、Any of several South American perennial herbs of the genus Alstroemeria, popular as cut flowers for their showy, variously colored blooms. ─── 六出花属植物一种南美洲多年生六出花属草本植物,花朵绚丽多色而常被采摘

7、Spuds were variously thought to cause leprosy, to be fit only for animals, to be associated with the devil or to be poisonous. ─── 马铃薯当时被认为会引起麻风病,只适合动物吃,与恶魔有关,而且有毒。

8、A hybrid plant derived from crossing certain species of the genus Viola and having small, spurred, variously colored flowers. ─── 三色堇一种由某些种类的萃菜属植物杂交而成的植物,长有小且有花距的色彩多样的花

9、China is now variously portrayed either as an economic competitor in Africa, or as its oppressor. ─── 中国现在一方面被描绘成非洲经济的有力竞争者同时也是压迫者。

10、Viewing the hoopla over him with humorous detachment, he variously referred to himself as the Jewish saint or artist's model. ─── 他幽默而超然地看待公众对他的关注。他曾多次把自己描述为为犹太圣徒或是艺术家的模范。

11、A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore,variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant,that lives in caves,in the hills,or under bridges. ─── 巨人,巨怪斯堪的那维亚民间传说中的超自然的生物,时而被描述成友好的或顽皮的侏儒,时而被描述成巨人,居住在山洞里、小山上或桥下。

12、The Pteridaceae has been variously classified by different taxonomists. ─── 中文摘要凤尾蕨科的范围长久以来存在著许多不同的分类意见。

13、Yet, with the vague ideas I conjured up from the rest, I spun out a variously coloured thread on which to string the illustrations. ─── 我以十分之一的模糊的了解,纺织出一条彩色的线条,把插图给穿连了起来。

14、Viewing the hoopla over him with humorous detachment, he variously referred to himself as the Jewish saint or artist's model. ─── 他幽默而超然地看待公众对他的关注。他曾多次把自己描述为为犹太圣徒或是艺术家的模范。

15、Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus,having pinnately compound leaves,slender tendrils,and variously colored flowers. ─── 山黧豆属植物一种野豌豆属的草本植物,具有羽状复叶,细长的卷须和各种颜色的花朵

16、With more than two decades' reform and development, the work relations in China have changed deeply and variously and are now in an unprecedentedly complicated situation. ─── 摘要经过二十多年的改革和发展,我国的劳动关系发生了深刻而巨大的变化,呈现出空前复杂的局面。

17、A variously shaped hand tool having a pair of pivoted jaws, used for holding, bending, or cutting. ─── 钳子一种有各种形状的手工工具,它有一对置于枢轴上的鄂夹,用来折叠、弯曲或切割

18、On the one hand, ontology is the study of being, and the central topic of the field is couched, variously, in terms of being, existence, "what is", and reality. ─── 在另一方面,存在论就是研究是,而该领域重要话题就是表达,不同的,用是、存在、“是什么”和实相的术语。

19、On the other hand, nurturance railroad is special advantage, items collects fees variously the project exceeds close more. ─── 另一方面,养成铁路非凡优越性,名目繁多的收费项目超收越多。

20、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate or not, simple, entire or variously pinnately dissected. ─── 具叶柄,莲座状的基生叶与否,单,全缘的或各种地回羽状多裂。

21、Tugboats chug past, shoving and hauling their variously laden barges; on a shrouded morning, foghorns hoot and moan. ─── 拖船突突驶过,推着或者拖着载满各色货物的驳船。在大雾茫茫的早晨,雾号时而嘟嘟叫嚣,时而呜咽呻吟。

22、The band has worked with a Producer known variously as 'Al' 'Joe' 'Eno' and 'the crazy drunk dude who looks like Nigel Kennedy'. ─── 乐队还与已知的各种生产者为'基地' '乔' '伊诺'和'疯狂喝醉花花公子谁看起来尼格尔肯尼迪' 。

23、Leaves alternate or opposite, occasionally in a basal rosette, simple or variously lobed or divided, without stipules. ─── 叶互生或者对生,偶尔莲座状基生,单叶或者不同程度分裂或者全裂,无托叶。

24、The previous weekend, sizeable numbers of demonstrators had converged on Rome for a “No Berlusconi Day” at which the prime minister was variously deplored and ridiculed. ─── 上周,大批游行者聚集在首都罗马,要求“无贝卢斯科尼日”,他本人也因此事深陷痛苦和嘲讽之中。

25、Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) variously accompanied with hypersecretion and airway obstruction in acute period. ─── 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)急性期常发生痰多及气道阻塞,并因低氧血症、高碳酸血症和酸碱失衡而危及患者生命。

26、The smaller dog has been called, variously, the Lesser St.John's dog, the Lesser Newfoundland, or even the Labrador. ─── 体型较小的犬被称为小圣约翰狗、小纽芬兰狗和拉布拉多。

27、A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges. ─── 巨人,巨怪斯堪的那维亚民间传说中的超自然的生物,时而被描述成友好的或顽皮的侏儒,时而被描述成巨人,居住在山洞里、小山上或桥下

28、The reactions of different antioxidant enzymes to different exercises appeared variously. ─── 不同抗氧化酶对不同运动训练的反应不同。

29、Any of several plants of the genus Dahlia native to the mountains of Mexico,Central America,and Colombia,having tuberous roots and showy,rayed,variously colored flower heads. ─── 大丽花一种大丽花属植物,产于墨西哥、中美洲和哥伦比亚的山上,长有块茎状的根和各种颜色的艳丽射线状花头。

30、Chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii Tratt) are variously disease-attacked by powdery mildew depending on the genotypes. ─── 摘要刺梨不同基因型对白粉病的抗性差异很大。

31、He is variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool. ─── 把他说成是英雄、天才、笨蛋,不一而足。

32、A fierce bird of prey, the mount of Vishnu, variously described as an eagle, hawk, or kite. Garuda is the enemy of all snakes. ─── 一种极其凶猛的鸟,毗瑟奴的坐骑,不同程度地被描绘成鹰,像鹰一般地袭击,或者是风筝。揭路荼是所有蛇的敌人。

33、This is the love of familiar, committed partners, variously known as conjugal, married, or spousal love. ─── 这是一种熟悉、忠诚的伴侣的爱,即众所周知的夫妻之爱。

34、The PLA formation is affected variously by various antiplatelet agents.Monitoring of PLA formation is helpful in guiding the clinical use and selection of antiplatelet agents. ─── 不同的抗血小板药物对PLA形成的影响有所差异,监测PLA有助于指导抗血小板药的临床应用和筛选。

35、He was variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool. ─── 把他说成是英雄、 天才、 笨蛋,不一而足。

36、Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? is a Latin phrase from the Roman poet Juvenal, variously translated as "Who watches the watchmen? ─── 是古罗马诗人尤维纳利斯以拉丁文提出的一个问题,英文译作:“谁卫夜卫?”

37、Variously described as dirty snowballs or snowy dirtballs, comets are prime candidates for seeding planets, including Earth, with water and organic material. ─── 彗星以前一直被描述成由大量灰尘或积雪形成的不同球状物质所组成,彗星上存在水和有机物质,据信是包括地球在内的许多星体的诞生源头。

38、Any of several plants of the genus Freesia, native to southern Africa, having one-sided clusters of fragrant, variously colored flowers. ─── 小苍兰多种植物的一种小苍兰属,原产于非洲南部,有单面的一簇簇五彩缤纷的芳香花朵

39、After Spock, I was variously bewitched by hockey players (Mario Tremblay), dead opera stars (Jussi Bjorling) and all the members of KISS (Gene, Paul, Peter and Ace). ─── 在史伯克之后,我还迷恋过曲棍球运动员马里奥?特朗布雷,已逝歌唱家儒西?比乔林和Kiss乐队全体成员吉恩、保罗、彼得和爱斯。

40、Yet, with the vague ideas I conjured up from the rest, I spun out a variously coloured thread on which to string the illustrations. ─── 我以十分之一的模糊的了解,纺织出一条彩色的线条,把插图给穿连了起来。

41、And to her, with a shrill thirsty cry, trooping women variously armed, but all armed alike in hunger and revenge. ─── 妇女们发出如饥似渴的尖叫,跟在她的身后。她们的武器各不相同,但是心中的饥渴与复仇的心情却一样。

42、The minerals may have variously experienced reaction, resorption, and perhaps even growth, as they settled. ─── 当矿物沉降之后,它们可能经历了多种反应作用,溶蚀作用甚至可能还有生长作用。

43、We analyse in detail variou s degumming methods existing in lite rature and mention some prob-lems. ─── 对现有的几种脱胶方法进行了分析比较,并提出其各自存在的问题。

44、Scholars view it variously and multifarously, altrenating between affirmation and negation, wandering praise and criticism. ─── 学者们对当前的“娱乐化”各持己见,褒贬不一,毁誉参半。

45、A dessert made of several layers of different flavors of ice cream or ices, variously garnished and served in a tall glass. ─── 多味奶油冻,多味冰淇淋果冻一种饰以不同的花色且装在高脚玻璃杯中的有多种味道的冰淇淋或雪糕的多层甜点

46、I am in variously skilful hands. ─── 我读过各种各样巧妙的作品。

47、Leaves basal and cauline, alternate, rarely opposite or whorled, simple or variously compound, palmately nerved, rarely penninerved, with or without stipules. ─── 叶基生和茎生,互生,很少对生或者轮生,单叶或者复叶,掌状叶脉,很少羽状脉,有或无托叶。

48、Any of several plants of the genera Lychnis and Silene native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and having variously colored flowers with notched or fringed petals. ─── 剪秋罗属植物一种剪秋罗属和麦瓶草属的主要生长于北半球的植物,长有各色的花朵,花瓣带槽或带须边。

49、Any of various tropical American plants of the genus Caladium widely cultivated for their ornamental foliage, variously patterned in white, green, pink, or red. ─── 五彩芋一种五彩芋属美国热带地区植物,因其白、绿、粉红或红等各色有装饰作用的叶子而被广为培植

50、All the patients recovered the function of speech and swallowing,but had variously hoarse. ─── 大多患者术后有误咽,经训练后全部恢复正常饮食及发音功能但有不同程度的嘶哑。

51、The figure of the Ancient Mariner has been variously interpreted. ─── 对于《古舟子咏》中的人物,一直有着各种各样的理解。

52、His style has been described variously as abrasive and contentious,overbearing and pompous(Victor Merina. ─── 他的风格有时被描述为令人讨厌和好争论的,有时又被形容为傲慢和自负的(维克多·梅里纳)。

53、The us of variou type of sewer pipe is an attract altern for the instal of fiber optic cabl in the complex infrastructur of cities. ─── 基础设施复杂的乡村中,利用不同类型的下水管来安装光缆是一种具有吸引力的方法。

54、A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarfor as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges. ─── 巨人,巨怪斯堪的那维亚民间传说中的超自然的生物,时而被描述成友好的或顽皮的侏儒,时而被描述成巨人,居住在山洞里、小山上或桥下。

55、He worked variously as a handyman,carpenter,and waiter. ─── 他做过各种工作,如杂役,木工,侍者等。

56、He is variously described as a doctor and a monster. ─── 他被一些人说成是大夫,又被另一些人描述为怪物。

57、Then and there Arjuna son of Pandu could see the complete universe, variously divided, situated in one place within the universal form of Lord Krsna the Lord of all lords. ─── 就在那时那地,潘度的儿子阿诸那,就能够看见了整个的宇宙,被分成了各种各样的空间,都处于王者之王-主奎师那的宇宙形体中的一个地方。

58、Island has been mentioned in history variously as Kamtina, Arakia, Arakata, and Ghiss. ─── 基什岛的前称---卡西诺基什岛---在历史上还被称作“卡姆提纳”、“阿拉卡提”、“阿拉卡塔”和“吉斯”。

59、The key to the success or failure of the teaching of each subject lies in cultivating the students fine thinking qualities variously. ─── 从多方面培养学生优秀的思维品质是各科教学成败的关键所在。

60、Any of several related plants having variously colored, often fragrant flowers. ─── 似姜植物一种颜色各异及花朵带有芳香味的植物

61、Though accepted in international law, the concept of "joint development" has been variously defined. ─── 摘要共同开发是国际法承认的概念,但学术界却对此有不同的定义。

62、Any of several South American woody shrubs or vines of the genus Bougainvillea having groups of three petallike, showy, variously colored bracts attached to the flowers. ─── 九重葛一种九重葛属南美洲木本灌本或藤本植物,三片花瓣形艳丽而颜色丰富的花苞附在花上

63、The two Tsengs and their captors were soon swallowed up in the motley, jostling crowd of variously armed peasants and soldiers in red scarves. ─── 曾沧海父子和押着他们的七八个人被围裹在一大群杂色的队伍里了:有拿着各种各样的武器的农民,也有颈间束着红布条的兵,都挤在这街角。

64、Any of several plants of the genus Dahlia native to the mountains of Mexico, Central America, and Colombia, having tuberous roots and showy, rayed, variously colored flower heads. ─── 大丽花一种大丽花属植物,产于墨西哥、中美洲和哥伦比亚的山上,长有块茎状的根和各种颜色的艳丽射线状花头

65、He worked variously as a handyman, carpenter, and waiter. ─── 他做过各种工作,如勤杂工、木工、侍者等。

66、Any of various tropical American, mostly epiphytic orchids of the genus Cattleya, much hybridized and extensively cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers. ─── 墨西哥的一种附生兰花,叶绿灰色,花半开、从柠檬色到金黄色;有时归入卡特兰属。

67、How much of your time goe to trivial. log the time you spend at variou job sites, mundan work rather than the challeng stuff you enjoi and that your boss values? ─── 有多少时间是浪费在世俗的琐事上。并计算下真正达到效果的时间是多少吧。如此一来,而不是用来完成你所热爱的挑战或者你上司所赏识的工作上呢?

68、Any of several South American woody shrubs or vines of the genus Bougainvillea having groups of three petallike,showy,variously colored bracts attached to the flowers. ─── 九重葛,一种九重葛属南美洲木本灌本或藤本植物,三片花瓣形艳丽而颜色丰富的花苞附在花上。

69、This suggests using a resolvent whose roots may be variously described as a discrete Fourier transform or a Hadamard matrix transform of the roots. ─── 就像其它 多项式,有时可能对一个四次方程分解出因式;但更多的时候这样的工作是极困难的,尤其是当根是无理数或复数时。

70、By 10 o'clock the women have turned their hands variously to making pickles, embroidering saris or collecting rubbish. ─── 十点以前,这些妇女已然开始做腌菜,在沙丽上刺绣或是收捡垃圾。

71、A factory that creates channels of different types that are used by clients to send messages to variously configured service endpoints. ─── 一个创建不同类型通道的工厂,客户端使用这些通道将消息发送到不同配置的服务终结点。

72、There are ten designs of mortal life variously fashioned to withstand the differential energy of the spheres. ─── 有十种设计的人类生命以不同的方式来经受天体的不同能量。

73、'clock the women have turned their hands variously to making pickles, embroidering saris or collecting rubbish. ─── 十点以前,这些妇女已然开始做腌菜,在沙丽上刺绣或是收捡垃圾。

74、Chunking chains of agricultural machinery are mainly used in variously agricultural machinery (harvester, thresher etc).The tooth form of link plate is an important parameter. ─── 摘要农机夹持输送链是多种农业机械(收获机、脱粒机等)上的主要工作元件,其链板的各部尺寸是影响机械工作性能的重要参数。

75、The political work the successful experience which accumulates in this non-war military action, inspires variously for us. ─── 政治工作在这次非战争军事行动中积累的成功经验,给我们多方面启示。

76、Its taste has variously been characterized as “brothy,” “salty-savory,” or “meaty”. ─── 可以用几种不同的说法来描述它的味道如“肉汤”,“咸且可口”,或者是“肉味”。

77、Leaflets of lower leaves variously lobed and dissected, often pinnatifid, not broadly ovate, bases usually cuneate to decurrent. ─── 小叶的下部叶各种地浅裂和多裂,通常,不宽卵形,通常楔形的基部对。(13

78、"All parts of the tree yield products of economic value, Being used variously for timber, furniture, Basketry, fuel, rope, and packing material. ─── 全株都有经济价值,可用作木材、家具、燃料、绳索和包装材料。

79、"His style has been described variously as abrasive and contentious, overbearing and pompous" (Victor Merina). ─── “他的风格有时被描述为令人讨厌和好争论的,有时又被形容为傲慢和自负的” (维克多·梅里纳)。

80、Any of various herbs of the genus Vicia, having pinnately compound leaves that terminate in tendrils and small, variously colored flowers. ─── 巢豆,野豌豆一种香豌豆属的植物,具有长在细长卷须上的羽状复叶和各种颜色的花朵

81、The verb in question is written variously realize and realise. ─── 我们正在讲的这个动词可以分别写成 realize和realise 两种形式。

82、Worldwide, “grandparents,” variously defined, have traditionally participated in provision of care for “grandchildren. ─── 全世界对祖父母都有着不同的定义,传统角色是为照料孙子女们。

83、Any of several tropical South American plants of the genus Sinningia, especially S. speciosa, cultivated as a houseplant for its showy, variously colored flowers. ─── 大岩桐一种南美热带的大岩桐属植物,尤指蓝紫大岩桐,种植来作室内观赏用,具有不同种颜色的花

84、At the beginning of her career, she worked variously as a waitress, in an insurance agency, in a cigar factory and as a nurse. ─── 在她事业的初期,她做过很多工作――做过女招待,在保险公司、烟厂工作过,并做过护士。

85、For more than five acres round the tents there were sitting or lying men stained with blood, and variously attired. ─── 在帐篷周围两俄亩的地方,一些穿着各种服装的、血渍斑班的人们或卧或坐或站。

86、He has been variously described as a hero, a genius and a bully. ─── 他被描述为英雄、天才、恶霸,不一而足。

87、The arsenite reactions can be variously accelerated by the addition of aliphatic acids and hydroxy-substituted aliphatic acids. ─── 加入脂肪酸和羟基取代的脂肪酸,可不同程度地加速亚砷酸盐的反应。

88、In some papers, the felt finish is made by impressing still-wet paper with variously structured felts. ─── 有些纸,表面的毛布纹是用不同纹理的毛布压向仍然是湿的纸上而成。

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