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08-17 投稿


intimacy 发音

英:['?nt?m?s?]  美:['?nt?m?si]

英:  美:

intimacy 中文意思翻译



intimacy 短语词组

1、intimacy issues ─── 亲密关系问题

2、intimacy deck ─── 亲密甲板

3、intimacy synonym ─── 亲密同义词

4、intimacy anorexia ─── 亲密厌食症

5、the degree of intimacy ─── 亲密程度

6、intimacy definition ─── 亲密度定义

7、do i like public intimacy ─── 我喜欢公共关系吗

8、intimacy movie ─── 亲密电影

intimacy 词性/词形变化,intimacy变形

名词复数: intimacies |

intimacy 相似词语短语

1、intimity ─── n.亲密;亲近;隐私

2、intimal ─── adj.内膜的,内层的

3、intimate ─── adj.亲密的;私人的;精通的;有性关系的;n.知己;至交;vt.暗示;通知;宣布

4、intimae ─── 内膜

5、intima ─── n.[解剖]内膜

6、intricacy ─── n.错综,复杂;难以理解

7、intimas ─── n.[解剖]内膜

8、animacy ─── 生命度

9、ultimacy ─── n.根本性,终极性

intimacy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A man who speaks disrespectfully may find that his partner’s enthusiasm for intimacy has waned. ─── 一个不尊重对方的男人,他的女朋友(老婆)会对他逐渐失去亲热的激情。

2、Roger: Oh, just seems as though that maybe you have intimacy issues. Y'know, that you use your humour as a way of keeping people at a distance. ─── 你看上去似乎有一些男女关系上的问题。你知道的,你将幽默作为一种和别人保持距离的方式。

3、Love between partners is made in the dark, researched in the open, and developed through intimacy. ─── 俩人的爱情在黑暗中进行,在公开中研究,在亲近中发展。

4、Any sharing between persons is helpful to intimacy. ─── 亲密需要分享,任何的分享都能促进亲密关系的发展。

5、Talking after sex keeps you connected to your partner and helps prolong intimacy. ─── 两性英语之后与伴侣交谈可使你保持与他/的亲密关系。

6、But your own books belong to you; you treat them with that affectionate intimacy that annihilates formality. ─── 但是你自己的书是属于你的,你可以毫无拘束地用一种深情的亲昵态度来对待它们。

7、Thus, entanglement makes for a kind of intimacy amid matter previously undreamt of. ─── 因此,缠结让物质以一种过去想像不到的方式产生密切关联。

8、His claims to an intimacy with the President are somewhat exaggerated. ─── 他声称自己与总统关系密切, 这有点言过其实。

9、A company that delivers value via customer intimacy builds bonds with customers like those between good neighbors. ─── 一个通过与顾客建立密切关系而实现其价值的公司与顾客建立友邻一样的联系。

10、It proved not difficult to re-establish the intimacy of the two companions, on the same footing and in the same degree as heretofore. ─── 事实证明,在这两个伙伴之间,同以往一样,在同一基础上重建同一程度的亲密关系,并不困难。

11、Russia and China may yet pay a price for excessive intimacy with the repressive regimes of Central Asia. ─── 俄罗斯和中国也为与中亚的独裁政权太过亲密而付出了代价。

12、Do not do backslapping, elbowing, or other touching that gives the idea of close friendship or intimacy that does not exist. ─── 不要拍上司的背,也不要推肘,或者做接触性动作来表示那本不的友情或亲密。

13、A man burdened with a secret should especially avoid the intimacy of his physician. ─── 一个藏有秘密的人应该特别避免与医生亲密相处。

14、He cooked supper, using half a precious bottle of water to make it. The intimacy was still there but the talking was at an end. ─── 他晚饭用去了半瓶珍贵的水,亲密关系依旧存在,但他们已经无话可说。

15、It's our intimacy that I'm missing, you see When there's no one around Our intimacy it's what's missing for me, Aaah. ─── 你看啊,我们的亲密开始流尽当此时没有人在身边时我们的亲密开始为了我而流尽。

16、His images do not testify to an intimacy of the photographer with the city but, quite to the contrary, to a certain distance. ─── 他的相片并未体现出摄影师与这座城市的亲密接触,反而显示出了某种程度的距离。

17、He paints scenes and episodes from everyday life, composed with disarming4 intimacy and made poetic. ─── 他描绘日常生活情景和事件,使它们带上自然而然的亲切感,使其充满诗意。

18、All the charm of their intimacy was gone. ─── 他们之间那种亲密的闲情逸致也就此完了。

19、When they did talk they slipped into the naive intimacy of college days. ─── 他们一交谈就不知不觉地回到了大学时代天真亲密的气氛。

20、Your talents are exceptional so you get lot of attention from people. Be a leader! Your true love will appreciate this. Don't be afraid of intimacy. ─── 你异于常人的才能常引人注目,做一个领导者吧!你会令真爱倾倒,不要害怕与人有亲密的关系。

21、Marked by friendly intimacy. ─── 以友好的亲密关系为特征的.

22、But on the other hand, it could seem like you're rushing intimacy -- another big turnoff. ─── 另一方面,这看似你急于冒冒失失地想亲昵,有一大错。

23、opening of the scene depicts Akhnaten and his family in a moment of intimacy. ─── 开头一幕描述阿肯那顿及其家人亲密无间的一个时刻。

24、Explain to him that sexual intimacy is ery important to you. ─── 向他解释性亲昵行为对你来说是多么重要。

25、But she had a guilty sense of pleasure that the doctors' edict had made impossible any real intimacy between Ashley and his wife. ─── 但她暗自高兴,因为大夫发了话,艾希礼和他妻子就不可能再痛痛快快地过性生活了。

26、But your own books belong to you;you treat them with that affectionate intimacy that annihilates formality. ─── 但是自己的书真正属于你:你可以毫不拘谨、充满深情、亲暱地对待它们。

27、This was their closest approach to intimacy during their long Summer idyll. ─── 在他们这段漫长的诗一样的夏日生活中,这是他们最亲密的一次接触了。

28、Such experimentation will no doubt fuel the fears of those who worry that cyberdating is commoditising intimacy and undermining marriages. ─── 这些实验毫无疑问会激起人们对网络婚介将商业化性行为和破坏婚姻的担心。

29、Yantai as intimacy and northeast regions and major cities, the airport will also be maintained every day every day 1-2 the frequency of flights. ─── 作为与烟台市来往密切的东北地区各主要城市,机场每天也将保持每天1至2个航班的频率。

30、Zoltan: I guess I have a fear of intimacy but the point is, a robot girlfriend has been invented, anyone can build it and it can talk in English. ─── 佐尔坦:我猜我有一个亲密的恐惧,但问题是,机器人的女友已经发明,任何人都可以建立资讯科技及可以谈在英语。

31、Companionate love consists of intimacy and commitment. ─── 伴侣关系由亲密和承诺构成。

32、His style of intimacy is all about massaging, hugging, and billing and cooing. ─── 他表示亲密的方式都是些抚摸,拥抱和相互接吻之类的举止。

33、She didn't realize that true intimacy can only come if we accept our loved ones just as they are, rather than trying to change them. ─── 她没有意识到真正的亲密就是接受我们的爱人就像他们现在这样,而不是试图改变他们。

34、There was an air of intimacy in the room, as though it was the core part of this family. ─── 房间里有一种亲密的气氛,似乎它是这个家里最核心的地方。

35、Some of the intimacy was lost in the larger space, and the strokes were necessarily bolder, the gestures generally broader. ─── 一些最亲密损失较大的空间,而招人一定会更大胆,表现普遍更为广泛。

36、AtThe process of cooperation, seeking a sense of understanding and intimacy, ultimately to achieve common development. ─── 在合作过程中,谋求一种默契感和亲密度,最终谋求共同发展。

37、As cross-generational twins,a cloned child and his or her parent may experience some of the unique intimacy now shared by sibling twins. ─── 作为两代不同辈分的双胞胎,一个被克隆的孩子和他或她的父(母)亲会享受到只有同辈双胞胎才有的独特的亲呢感。

38、When it comes time for emotional support, are you able to share that intimacy? ─── 一旦需要情感支持,你们能推心置腹吗?

39、Established friendship;intimacy. ─── 亲密稳固的友谊;亲密

40、and to retrace, as quietly as she could, the few steps of unnecessary intimacy she had been gradually led along. ─── 本来,她在埃利奥特先生的诱导下,渐渐对他产生了几分多余的亲密,现在要尽量无声无息地冷下来。

41、His intimacy with japan make him the likely choice as ambassador to that country. ─── 因为他是日本通,他很可能被任为驻日大使。

42、"Avoidant attachment" people are afraid of emotional intimacy and often say a lot of bad things about it. ─── “回避依恋”型的人害怕情感的亲密,常常对此出言贬低。

43、And the company takes the spirits that Continuous Creation, Quality First, Honest &trustworthiness, Customer intimacy are the basics of enterprise. ─── 以不断创新、讲求质量、诚实信用、客户至上为公司精神。

44、As its left wing has been injured by its owner or some other kid, there is distrust in its look though it shows some intimacy with man. ─── 可是它的左翅也许是被养着它的或别个孩子给扯坏,所以它爱人,又不完全信任。

45、His smell was of talcum andlotion, suggesting an innocent intimacy that made me think of a baby's fresh diapers. ─── 他的气息中有股滑粉和洗液的味道,让人不由联想到婴儿刚尿湿的尿布。

46、Previously in Intimacy (2001) we'd seen Kerry Fox perform fellatio on Mark Rylance as this was in character. ─── 与此前的亲密关系(2001年),我们愿意看到克里福克斯执行马克赖伦斯口交,因为这是性质。

47、They learn to associate love with abuse, intimacy with violation, and care with betrayal. ─── 他们学会将爱与虐待、亲密与侵犯、照顾与背叛都联想一起。

48、Isabel learned from her friend that the two had led a life of great personal intimacy. ─── 伊莎贝尔从她的朋友那里得悉,他们两人非常投机。

49、But anyway, to get back to the point, you and Miss Lamont do achieve a certain intimacy in all your pictures. ─── 总之,把话说回来,在你的所有电影中你和莱蒙都有亲昵行为……

50、As cross-generational twins, a cloned child and his or her parent may experience some of the unique intimacy now shared by sibling twins. ─── 作为两代不同辈分的双胞胎,一个被克隆的孩子和他或她的父(母)亲会享受到只有同辈双胞胎才有的独特的亲呢感。

51、Can you even comprehend the intimacy of the mechanics of what I had to do to that woman? ─── 你能理解我对那个女人下手时的感受吗?

52、In languages like Czech, the move from Jana to Janka and then Janicka signals a subtle increase in intimacy each time. ─── 在象捷克语这样的语言里, 从叫亚娜改口到叫詹卡再改口到叫杰妮卡的每一步过程都标志着亲密程度的微妙的递增。

53、An innocent intimacy, enhanced by the way he was carving, like a boy whittling a stick. ─── 他像一个男孩那样在修削木块,使这种亲密感觉更加显得单纯。

54、The intimacy between these two was by this time consummate. ─── 他们两人之间的亲密情谊此刻已达到高峰。

55、Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for them to achieve intimacy. ─── 不幸的是,你们很难达到真正的亲密无间。

56、Intimacy is the feeling of closeness, of connectedness with someone, of bonding. ─── 亲密感是一种亲密的感觉,与某人的联系及结合相关。

57、Does your refusal to open up to me about that speak to your trouble with intimacy? ─── 你是不准备对我敞开心扉来讲讲你的麻烦事了?

58、Modest intimacy descended upon the kitchen. ─── 厨房里渐渐洋溢着淡淡的亲切感。

59、But since Lester had moved out to Hyde Park, the old intimacy had lapsed. ─── 但从雷斯脱搬到海德公园之后,往来就渐渐疏了。

60、But it also opens the doors of intimacy. ─── 但是,它也打开了亲密的大门。

61、For us, the key to intimacy is the sharing and minimization of selfishness. ─── 他的妻子是一名护士,对此表示认同;

62、The absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy. ─── 围墙的消失创造了一种不可思议的亲密关系,在其中没有任何人知道什么是隐私。

63、"The intimacy of the donor has been violated, something as sacred as that. This benefits no one," Cavadas said. ─── 卡瓦达斯说:“这位捐赠者的隐私已经被侵犯,捐赠是神圣的事情。这对谁都没有好处。”

64、Sexual intimacy can be deceptive, suggesting a short cut to love and closeness. ─── 两性之间的亲昵极具迷惑性,这指出了一条爱与亲密的捷径。

65、Is reached before physical intimacy, you have to go through a preliminary stage. ─── 在达到肉体的亲密无间之前,你们必须经过一个初级阶段。

66、Being inundated with complaints from intimacy to inventory “Listen, McGregor,” the chairman began ominously. ─── ” 被投诉淹没 “听着,迈格莱格,”董事长开始说,语气中有不吉利的意思。

67、The intimacy between man and Nature began with the birth of man on the earth, and becomes each century more intelligent and far-reaching. ─── 从地球上出现人类开始,人与自然之间的亲密关系也随之诞生,而且不断地被发扬光大,这种关系每一世纪都比以前变得更为明智而深远。

68、An accidental circumstance cemented intimacy between Steerforth and me. ─── 发生了一件偶然的事,使我和史朵夫的友谊更加牢固起来。

69、His hits, like Black Tangerine, Blue Moon and Close To You, indulge in confessional lyrics, and the blurry intimacy of his voice holds actual personality. ─── 他一些很红的歌,譬如黑色柳丁,月亮代表谁的心还有天天融合著告解的歌词还有歌声的朦胧亲蜜在在反映出他真实个性.

70、They had been great friends once, five years before almost inseparable, indeed. Then the intimacy had come suddenly to an end. ─── 他们曾经是相当亲密的朋友-的确,在五年前几乎是形影不离的。后来这种深挚的友谊突然中断了。

71、As a tactile, intimate object, it reminds us how nice it is to feel intimacy with something or somebody. ─── 因为一个有触觉,亲密的对象,它提醒我们多么好它是感觉与某事或某人的亲热。

72、They were both the same, and it had produced first the intimacy. ─── 两个人简直一样,正因为一样所以双方才始而亲昵。

73、I have been seeing their intimacy with the greatest pleasure. ─── 他们两人亲亲热热我看了非常高兴。

74、His intimacy scared off all female colleagues. ─── 他的亲昵行为吓走了所有的女同事。

75、But whatever their desires, only two in three Australians claim to be satisfied with the level of intimacy in their life right now, the study shows. ─── 但无论他们更喜欢哪种方式,据该调查显示,仅有三分之二的澳洲人对目前生活中(与爱人)的亲热程度感到满意。

76、Deans and the widow Butler were placed in such a situation, as naturally and at length created some intimacy between the families. ─── 但由于迪恩斯同巴特勒寡妇同处困境,两个家庭之间自然而然形成了亲密的联系。

77、Maybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define for yourself. ─── 也许亲密的规则需要你自己来界定。

78、Why are you ashamed that the intimacy of MJ's heart was made public? ─── 你为什么要因为迈的内心的私密被公之于众而觉得难为情?

79、But, because of the intimacy it allows between audience and actors, the RSC is wedded to it. ─── 但因为它使得观众和演员更加密切,皇家莎士比亚公司坚持这样做。

80、His intimacy with Japan makes him the likely choice as amBassador to that country. ─── 他是日本通,很可能被委派为驻日大使。

81、The flame was feeding on an explosive mixture of intimacy and unfulfillment. ─── 他们之间虽然已经十分亲昵,然而终究尚未如愿以偿,这两种心情混合在一起,到了一触即发的地步。

82、There was but one person on intimate terms with Tschaikovsky- Nadyezhda von Meck. Yet it was an intimacy of correspondence. ─── 只有一个人跟柴可夫斯基有着亲密的关系,那就是娜蒂契达·冯·梅克,但这仅限于通信来往。

83、"I want you to come over this evening and meet my husband," said Mrs. Vance, not long after their intimacy began. ─── “我想请你今天晚上过来,见见我的丈夫,"她们开始熟悉后不久,万斯太太说。

84、Established friendship; intimacy. ─── 亲密稳固的友谊; 亲密

85、In this case the intimacy of the boy and girl might be little more than the continuance in this country of old-world folkways. ─── 在这种情况中,男女青年间的这种亲密关系无非就是旧大陆的民俗在这个国家的某些延续。

86、The thread of our intimacy has not been snapped.The leavetaking is an ideal one. ─── 亲情之链没有中断,这样道别实乃理想方式。

87、From the work sprang a friendship perhaps incomparable in intimacy and the trustfulness of collaboration and induration. ─── 在这些合作中孕育出的友谊是亲密无间、信诚以托、坚不可摧的。

88、Arrogance leaves no room for intimacy or growth, and is certainly not part of a spiritual curriculum. ─── 傲慢使亲密或成长失去了空间,肯定不属于灵魂学习的一部分。

89、Closeness, for example, indicates intimacy or threat to many speakers. ─── 例如,对许多发言者来说,亲近意味着亲密或威胁。



Daily exercise can help us build up our bodies.

?can help

英[k?n help] 美[k?n help]



Honey can help to detox the body.


build up

英[?b?ld ?p] 美[?b?ld ?p]

n. 建立;逐步的增长;(对某活动的)宣传,造舆论;


It takes time to build up intimacy.


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