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08-17 投稿


grandpapa 发音

英:[[ɡr?n'p?pɑ:]]  美:[[ɡr?n'p?pɑ:]]

英:  美:

grandpapa 中文意思翻译



grandpapa 短语词组

1、grandpapa addams ─── 亚当斯爷爷

2、grandpapa niseko ─── 黑桃九

3、grandpapa thistle ─── 蓟

grandpapa 相似词语短语

1、grandmamas ─── n.奶奶;外祖母

2、grandpas ─── n.爷爷;外公

3、grandpap ─── 祖父

4、grandmamma ─── n.外婆,奶奶

5、grandpa ─── n.爷爷;外公

6、grandmama ─── n.奶奶;外祖母

7、grandad ─── n.爷爷;外公

8、grandpapas ─── n.爷爷;外公

9、grandpappy ─── 爷爷奶奶

grandpapa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I think it is kept a secret from grandpapa Noirtier, that the contract is to be signed this evening. ─── 今天晚上签订婚约,我想他们是瞒着诺瓦蒂埃爷爷的。

2、Grandpapa! "the little boy repeated, in a louder voice." ─── 祖父!”小男孩更加大声地又喊了一次。

3、"is this the reason why grandpapa has made me share all his beverages during the last month?" ─── 瓦朗蒂娜说,“最近几个月来,爷爷要我喝他的药水,就是为了那个理由吗?”

4、"Send my letters under cover to my grandpapa, the Earl of Dexter," said Miss Saltire (who, by the way, was rather shabby). ─── 赛尔泰小姐(顺便告诉你一声,她穿得很寒酸)说道:“你写给我的信,叫我祖父台克斯脱勋爵转给我得了。”

5、"Valentine, will you not go and see if your grandpapa will have his dinner?" ─── “凡兰蒂,你的爷爷是不是要吃饭了,你去看看好吗?”

6、"And grandpapa has become my physician, and I have the greatest confidence in him, because he knows everything." ─── “爷爷现在已成了我的私人医生了,我非常信任他,因为他什么都知道。”

7、Valentine, will you not go and see if your grandpapa will have his dinner? ─── 凡兰蒂,你的爷爷是不是要吃饭了,你去看看好吗?

8、Perhaps you think I shall abandon you, dear grandpapa, and that I shall forget you when I am married? ─── 亲爱的爷爷,或许您以为我会抛弃您,以为我会在结婚之后忘了您,是不是?

9、"What is it you want, dear grandpapa?" ─── “您要什么,亲爱的爷爷?”

10、cried Valentine in astonishment. M. Noirtier again closed his eyes. "And what have I done, dear grandpapa, that you should be angry with me?" cried Valentine. ─── “亲爱的爷爷,我做错了什么事,以致您要生我的气呢?”瓦朗蒂娜大声说道。

11、But Noirtier looked at her with so much affectionate tenderness that she exclaimed, "Oh, grandpapa, I see now that it is only your fortune of which you deprive me; ─── 诺瓦蒂埃满含亲切温柔的情意望着她,她一下子明白了,大声说道:“噢,爷爷!

12、He visits his grandpapa every two weeks. ─── 他每隔一周就去探望他祖父一次。

13、And DO you, " said Valentine, " depend on me to stimulate the tardiness and arouse the memory of grandpapa? ─── “而你,”瓦朗蒂娜说,“要靠我来督促爷爷,唤醒他的记忆吗?”

14、You know, Maximilian, grandpapa once thought of leaving this house, and taking an apartment away from M. de Villefort's." ─── 你知道,马西米兰,爷爷有一阵了,曾经打算离开这座房子,与维尔福先生分开

15、I shall go and tell grandpapa. ─── 我去告诉外祖父。

16、What is it you want, dear grandpapa? ─── 您要什么,亲爱的爷爷?

17、"Notary," said she, "do you want a notary, dear grandpapa?" ─── “公证人,”她说道,“您想要一个公证人吗,亲爱的爷爷?”

18、I think it is kept a secret from grandpapa Noirtier, that the contract is to be signed this evening. ─── 今天晚上签订婚约,我想他们是瞒着诺瓦蒂埃爷爷的。”

19、Grandpapa says it is a panacea." ─── 爷爷说那是一种万灵药。”

20、"What have we all done, then, dear grandpapa?" said Valentine ─── “那么,我们大家究竟做错了什么事,亲爱的爷爷?”

21、"Grandpapa Noirtier can speak now, then," said Edward, with his habitual quickness. ─── 两天以后,早晨十点钟的光景,维尔福先生的门前聚集着很大的一群人。

22、8.My grandpapa gets up early in the morning. ─── 在家里所有人当中,她起得最早。

23、"Dear grandpapa," cried she, "what has happened? ─── 那瘫子老人闭一闭眼睛,确认了。

24、Suddenly, one of his little grandsons said:“Grandpapa!” ─── 突然,他的一个小孙子说,“祖父!”

25、"Perhaps you think I shall abandon you, dear grandpapa, and that I shall forget you when I am married?" ─── “亲爱的爷爷,或许您以为我会抛弃您,以为我会在结婚之后忘了您,是不是?”

26、He never looked into the red book, and hasn't a notion about her grandpapa. ─── 他从来不看缙绅录,脑子里连自己的爷爷都没有。

27、My grandpapa often inspires us with stories of his difficult childhood. ─── 我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。

28、My grandpapa likes enjoying the sunshine on the balcony ─── 爷爷喜欢在阳台上享受阳光

29、"Do you think you can help me, dear grandpapa?" ─── “您真的以为能帮助我吗,亲爱的爷爷?”

30、My grandpapa gets up early in the morning. ─── 我的爷爷早晨起得很早。

31、"And do you," said Valentine, "depend on me to stimulate the tardiness and arouse the memory of grandpapa?" ─── “而你,”瓦朗蒂娜说,“要靠我来督促爷爷,唤醒他的记忆吗?”


33、"With grandpapa Noirtier." ─── “诺梯埃爷爷那儿。”

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