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08-17 投稿


patroness 发音

英:[?pe?tr??nes]  美:[?pe?tr??nes]

英:  美:

patroness 中文意思翻译



patroness 短语词组

1、patroness llc ─── 赞助人有限责任公司

2、patroness site ─── 主顾网站

3、patroness arvada ─── 阿瓦达守护神

4、patroness def ─── 女资助人

5、patroness luci ─── 露西女资助人

6、patroness plural ─── 主母复数

7、patroness class ─── 守护神阶层

8、patroness of ─── 守护神

patroness 词性/词形变化,patroness变形


patroness 相似词语短语

1、patronless ─── 无主顾

2、padrones ─── n.主人;客栈老板;包工头

3、patronesses ─── n.女主顾;女资助人;女保护人

4、baroness ─── n.男爵夫人;女男爵;(欧洲某些国家)男爵之女

5、patronnes ─── 墨盒

6、patronises ─── vt.(英)保护(等于patronize)

7、patrons ─── n.赞助人;老顾客(patron的复数);庇护人

8、patness ─── 轻拍

9、patronise ─── vt.(英)保护(等于patronize)

patroness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、but from some particulars that he has related of her ladyship, I suspect his gratitude misleads him, and that in spite of her being his patroness, she is an arrogant, conceited woman. ─── 说起这方面,谁也没有我知道得确实,因为我从小就和他家里有特别的关系。”

2、Patroness: Will you paint me in the nude? ─── 女主顾:你能给我画张裸体像吗?(你能裸体画我吗?)

3、"I have found out," said he, "by a singular accident, that there is now in the room a near relation of my patroness. ─── 他说:“这真是完全出于我意料之外,我竟然发现这屋子里有一位是我女施主的至亲。

4、The members had to bring the guest in person, to meet the Patroness, who granted a "Stranger's Ticket" if she approved of the guest. ─── 成员们必须亲自带领客人面见资助人,如果认可了那位客人的话她将批准一张“陌生人票”。

5、-- La maljunulo estas mia patro kaj la knabo, mia filo. ─── -- 老人是我父亲,男孩是我的儿子。

6、1.reconnaissance; patrol 2.to reconnoiter; to scout; to detect; to spy; to patro ─── 侦察

7、Patroness of Women and Birth ─── 妇女和生产的帮助者

8、Mia patro ne legas libron, sed skribas leteron. ─── 我父亲不在读书,而在写信。

9、In Upper Egypt she was worshiped with Horus, and in the necropolis at Thebes she was held to be the patroness of the dead. ─── 在上埃及,她与何露斯一起受人崇拜,在底比斯的墓地,哈托尔被奉为护祐死者之神。

10、She was Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens ─── 她就是智慧女神雅典娜,掌管知识,是雅典的保护神。

11、of the Patroness of the Church was wrenched out of the porch centuries ago. ─── 教堂的守护神像早在几百年前就从门廊里搬走了。

12、"But is there not danger of Lady Catherine's disapprobation here, my good sir? -- You had better neglect your relations, than run the risk of offending your patroness." ─── “贤侄,你不怕珈苔琳夫人不赞成吗?你最好把亲戚关系看得淡一些,免得担那么大的风险,得罪了你的女施主。”

13、She was 87.Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in 1910 in Skopje, Yugoslavia, she joined the Sisters of Loreto in 1928.She took the name "Teresa" after St.Teresa of Lisieux, patroness of the Missionaries. ─── 1997年特丽萨走完了87岁的人生历程,印度政府为她举行了只有总统和总理才有资格享有的国葬,来自20多个国家的400多位政府要人参加了她的葬礼,其中包括三位女王与三位总统。

14、The image of the Patroness of the Church was wrenched out of the porch centuries ago. ─── 教堂的守护神像早在几百年前就从门廊里搬走了。

15、a roving sentry; a patro ─── 流动哨

16、7.As goddess of the arts and crafts, Pallas served as the patroness of artists, artisans, sculptors. ─── 作为工艺品的女神,雅典娜作为艺术家,工匠,雕刻师的守护神。

17、Our Lady of Many Children; Goddess of Fertility (a patroness of marriage and giver of sons) ─── 子孙娘娘

18、La patro ordonis al sia filo vesti sin rapide. ─── 父亲吩咐自己的儿子快穿上衣服。

19、In Akkadia she was associated with the planet Venus and was the patroness of prostitutes and alehouses. ─── 在阿卡德,她与维纳斯有关,是妓女和酒馆的保护神。

20、The principal goddess of the Pantheon, the wife and sister of Jupiter and the patroness primarily of marriage and the well - being of women. ─── 朱诺罗马万神庙里最主要的女神,朱庇特的妻子亦是其姐姐,主司婚姻和妇女的安康

21、Helplessly the exhausted Arethusa cried to her patroness for help. ─── 绝望中精疲力竭的阿瑞塞莎哭叫着向她的保护神求救。

22、Oh! leave all that to me. Only give me a carte-blanche. - I am Lady Patroness, you know. It is my party. I will bring friends with me. ─── 啊!这事儿交给我吧。只要全权委托给我就行了。你知道,我是女主顾呀。这可是我的聚会呀,我要带朋友来。

23、your relations, than run the risk of offending your patroness. ─── 的风险,得罪了你的女施主。

24、and thirdly -- which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness. ─── 蒙她两次替我在这件事情上提出了意见(而且并不是我请教她的!)

25、Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts. ─── 雅典娜是智能女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。

26、She is the patroness of incest victims and the mentally disturbed. ─── 她是乱伦受害者和心智失常者的守护神。

27、and thirdly-which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honor of calling patroness. ─── 或许并且第三我应该前面提到,那它是我把告诉女赞助者荣誉非常高尚的夫人的特殊忠告和推荐。

28、Mao Kuku [patroness of women / goddess of needlework] ─── 毛姑姑[针线神]

29、for she herself has also been the patroness of many, of myself as well. ─── 她在何事上需要你们,你们就辅助她,因她素来护助许多人,也护助了我。

30、-- You had better neglect your relations, than run the risk of offending your patroness. ─── 你最好把亲戚关系看得淡一些,免得担那么大的风险,得罪了你的女施主。”

31、He's a nephew of my patroness, Lady Catherine. ─── 他是我一位女施主凯瑟琳女士的侄子。

32、The supremely conceited Mr. Collins talks constantly about his patroness, the rich and arrogant Lady Catherine de Bourgh, an aunt of Darcy's. ─── 十分自负的柯林斯先生多次谈到其女庇护人富有而傲慢的凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人,她是达西的姨母。

33、You had better neglect your relations, than run the risk of offending your patroness. ─── 你最好把亲戚关系看得淡一些。免得担那么大的风险,得罪了你的女施主。

34、When Anna Pavlovna spoke of the empress her countenance suddenly assumed a profound and genuine expression of devotion and respect, mingled with melancholy, and this happened whenever she mentioned in conversation her illustrious patroness. ─── 当安娜·夫洛夫娜说到太后的名字时,她脸上顿时流露出无限忠诚和十分敬重的表情,而且混杂有每次谈话中提到她的至高无上的庇护者时就会表现出来的忧悒情绪。

35、thirdly -- which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advicerecommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness. ─── 第三(这一点或许我应该早提出来),我三生有幸,能够等候上这样高贵的一个女施主,她特别劝告我结婚,特别赞成我结婚。

36、Shewas Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowl-edge and patroness of Athens. ─── 她就是智慧与知识女神雅典娜,也是雅典的守护神。

37、She was Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens. ─── 她就是智慧女神雅典娜,掌管知识,是雅典的保护神。

38、The image of the patroness of the Church was wrenched out of the porch centuries ago ─── 教堂的守护神像早在几百年前就从门廊里搬走了。

39、The members had to bring the guest in person, to meet the Patroness, who granted a "Stranger's Ticket" if she approved of the guest. ─── 成员们必须亲自带领客人面见资助人,如果认可了那位客人的话她将批准一张“陌生人票”。

40、She is the patroness of dentists, and is depicted holding pincers containing her tooth or with a gold tooth on a necklace. ─── 她是牙医的守护神。在画中她手持钳子钳着自己的牙齿,或是戴着一条有金色牙齿的项链。

41、Mr. Collins talks constantly about his patroness, the rich and arrogant Lady Catherine de Bourgh, an aunt of Darcy's. ─── 十分自负的柯林斯先生多次谈到其女庇护人富有而傲慢的凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人,她是达西的姨母。

42、Kie laboras via patro ? ─── 你父亲在哪儿工作?

43、She was Athena , goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens. ─── 她就是雅典娜,智慧和知识女神,雅典的守护者。

44、In Chinese mythology, the patroness of matchmakers. ─── 中国神话中,媒人的守护女神。

45、that my taste in it was formed by the expert opinion of my distinguished patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. ─── 我在这方面的眼光是由我那显赫的赞助人凯瑟琳狄波夫人的专家看法形成的

46、In ancient Greek religion, the goddess of war, handicraft, and wisdom, and patroness of Athens. ─── 在古希腊宗教里,她是雅典的守护神,以及战争、工艺和明智的女神。

47、The Patroness of the Festival this year was the Duchess of Kent, and it was an easy, natural blending of royal formality, sophistication, and relaxed camaraderie. ─── 肯特郡的女公爵赞助了今年的艺术节。这次聚会高贵而优雅,志同道合的人们相处得轻松而自然。

48、Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts. ─── 雅典娜是智慧女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。

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