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08-17 投稿


pertness 发音


英:  美:

pertness 中文意思翻译



pertness 短语词组

1、pertness meaning pertness ─── 意义

2、pertness crossword ─── 笔直纵横填字游戏

3、pertness synonym pertness ─── 同义词

4、pertness def ─── 相关性定义

5、pertness band pertness ─── 带

6、pertness define ─── 相关性定义

7、pertness definition ─── 相关性定义

8、pertness mean ─── 相关性平均值

pertness 同义词

apposite | valid | connected |relevant | germane | apt | appropriate | relative | related | applicable

pertness 词性/词形变化,pertness变形

名词: pertinence |副词: pertinently |

pertness 反义词


pertness 相似词语短语

1、alertness ─── n.警戒;机敏

2、peartness ─── 梨性

3、overtness ─── 显性

4、apertness ─── 开口度

5、inertness ─── n.惰性;无生命力;不活泼

6、curtness ─── n.简略;草率

7、apartness ─── n.冷漠;孤独

8、perkiness ─── n.得意洋洋;精力充沛;因自信而流露的喜悦

9、expertness ─── n.专门性;专业性

pertness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Basic project planning, critical path, critical chain, or PERT analysis may mitigate such failings. ─── 基本的项目计划、关键路程、重要链子,和计划评审技术分析也许会减低失败的几率。

2、project evaluation and review technique (PERT) ─── [化] 项目评审技术

3、Delete a task on the Network Diagram (PERT Chart) - Project - Microsoft Office Online ─── 在“网络图”(PERT图)中删除任务-Project-Microsoft Office Online

4、The shining coxcomb aims at all, and decides finally upon everything, because nature has given him pertness. ─── 一个兴致勃勃的花花公子把目标瞄准一切,而且什么都想到手,因为自然赋予他活泼伶俐的气质。

5、a minor female role as a pert flirtatious lady's maid in a comedy ─── 喜剧中出演轻浮少妇的侍女的小角色

6、About using a PERT analysis to estimate task durations - Project - Microsoft Office Online ─── 关于使用PERT分析评估任务工期-Project-Microsoft Office Online

7、Optimizing estimation of PERT activity time parameters ─── PERT行为时间参数近似计算公式选优

8、Passepartout was by no means one of those pert dunces depicted by Moliè ─── 他的嘴唇稍微翘起,看来象是准备要尝尝什么东西,亲亲什么人似的。

9、You can click Zoom In and Zoom Out on the Standard toolbar to change how much of the PERT Chart is displayed. ─── 单击“常用”工具栏上的“放大”或“缩小”按钮可以更改“统筹图”的显示大小。

10、beautiful; good-looking; handsome; pretty; saucy; (of clothing) pert ─── 俏丽

11、Seeing Gerald's puzzled hurt face, she patted his knee again and managed an imitation of the pert smile he used to love. ─── 她看见杰拉尔德的表情又惶惑又痛苦,便再次拍拍他的膝腿,努力装出他一向很喜欢的那副淘气笑容来。

12、Supplement to Analysis of PERT Network Calculation ─── ERT网络计算分析之补充

13、Serial pert ─── 串口

14、Based on the project preparation stage, the paper discusses to apply PERT for shortening construction preparation period. ─── 从工程项目的前期筹备阶段入手,探讨将网络计划技术运用到该阶段,以达到缩短项目筹备阶段的目的。

15、Three Area Development of PERT / CPM Technique in Foreign Countries ─── 国外PERT/CPM网络计划技术发展的三个方面

16、I've got your letters, and if you give me any pertness I'll send them to your father.I presume you grew weary of the amusement and dropped it, didn't you? ─── 你怎么能故意编造出这么卑鄙的谎话?

17、But I offered more than once, and asked," he said, kindling up at her pertness, "I asked Mr Heathcliff to let me wake for you?" '. ─── 但是我不止一次提过,也请求过,’他说,被她的无礼激怒了,‘我求过希刺克厉夫先生让我代你守夜——’。

18、You can perform a Program, Evaluation, and Review Technique (PERT) analysis to estimate a task's (task: An activity that has a beginning and an end. ─── 可以执行“计划评价与审查技术”(PERT)分析来估计任务(任务:一种有开始日期和完成日期的操作。

19、Unlink tasks on the Network Diagram (PERT Chart) ─── 在“网络图”(PERT图)中取消链接任务

20、Module 12: Consolidating Projects Insert Recurring Tasks, Create a PERT Overview Chart, Combine Projects, Use Workgroup Features ─── 单元12:项目合并添加定期任务,创建统筹视图图表,项目合并,使用工作组

21、In the past the works of the period of uncertainty in network planning studies,mainly in the PERT research. ─── 以往有关工程工期网络计划的不确定性问题的研究,主要集中在PERT的研究上。

22、and, if she laughed again at her pertness, inclined to make it no laughing matter to her. ─── 如果她再笑她的无礼,就得让她瞧瞧对她这可不是什么可笑的事。

23、"Oh!" Sabrina exclaimed, clapping her hands to her pert derriere. The holograph dissolved, the blue-dressed girl distorting grotesquely before she vanished. "I'm on fire!" ─── “噢!”萨布莱娜尖叫一声,双手拍打她漂亮的臀部。全息造像魔法消失了,身着蓝裙的少女在消失前扭曲成滑稽可笑的样子,“我着火了!”

24、Endorphins are "natural endogenous morphine-like substances that we produce in our brain, sex organs, gut, immune system, and heart," says Pert. ─── 内啡肽是“我们在我们脑、性别器官、内脏、免疫系统和心脏内天然产生的像吗啡一样的物质,”珀特说。

25、The Application of PERT in Enterprise Production ─── PERT在企业生产中的应用

26、"The people here are so respectful and solemn, they all seem to be holding their breath. Who can this be, so boisterous and pert?" ─── "这些人个个皆敛声屏气,恭肃严整如此,这来者系谁,这样放诞无礼?"

27、The assumption that the duration of a project and the whole project's finishing time is random and submitted to some kinds of probability distribution is the theoretical basis of the PERT. ─── PERT的理论基础是假设项目持续时间以及整个项目的完成时间是随机的,且服从某种概率分布。

28、She's pert. ─── 她挺不错的。

29、Studies on The Estimation of Activity Time in PERT ─── PERT工序时间估计的一些研究

30、You can move a box on the PERT Chart by positioning the pointer over its border, and then dragging the box to the new location. ─── 可以移动“统筹图”上的统筹框,具体做法是:将指针指向统筹框的边框,然后将其拖动到新位置。

31、What a wicked, satirical, pert young man you have become! ─── 啊!你变得多么坏,多么尖刻,多么淘气!

32、Learn how to perform a PERT analysis. ─── 了解如何执行PERT分析。

33、A girl or young woman who is considered pert, flirtatious, or impudent ─── 冒失或轻佻的女子被认为唐突、轻佻或不谨慎的女孩或年轻女人

34、{The PERT Chart cannot be displayed in the lower pane.} ─── {在下方窗格中无法显示统筹图。}

35、Comparisons of accuracy in estimating the mean and confidence level durations are made between the developed neural networks, JPDM, PNET, and JPNET, as the alternatives to the traditional PERT. ─── 以本研究发展之网路模式替代传统PERT来预测专案平均完成天数与某一信心水准的专案完工时程,并与JPDM、PNET、JPNET相互比较。

36、Create a task on the Network Diagram (PERT Chart) ─── 在“网络图”(PERT图)中创建任务

37、Moreover, it employs theories of Artificial Neural Network and Ex pert System, combines experience of experts in tomato's field and simulates agr icultural experts to guide farmers to plant tomato. ─── 同时运用人工神经网络和专家系统理论,结合番茄栽培领域专家的经验知识,模拟农业专家指导农户进行番茄栽培。

38、Application of PERT technique in the computer network engineering ─── PERT技术在计算机网络工程中的应用

39、"I know who it is," said Mr. Arthur, making rather a pert bow. ─── “我知道是谁,”亚瑟先生说,不大自然地鞠了一躬。

40、A PERT chart shows relationships among tasks and timeframes. ─── PERT图显示任务与时间框架之间的关系。

41、If you want to estimate optimistic, pessimistic, and expected task durations, use the PERT analysis features in Project. ─── 如果要估计乐观、悲观和预期的任务工期,请使用Project中的PERT分析功能。

42、beta - PERT distribution ─── 决策

43、Thoughts on developing water-saving landscaping under the developing urban process of northern pert of the country ─── 北方城市化发展过程中发展节水型园林绿地的思考

44、She is a pert child ─── 她是一个冒失的孩子。

45、Graphical PERT Analog ─── 图形PERT(性能估价技术)模拟

46、Research on conflict resoluuion of job-shop based on multi-Agent and PERT diagram ─── 基于多Agent和PERT图的车间冲突消解研究

47、Where the probability distributions for time of two paths are close or have large variances, the deviation of the PERT estimate becomes evident. ─── 且当两路径之完成时间机率分配值域相接近或其变异量较大的话,则PERT估计的偏差会愈明显。

48、warehouse construction in pert area ─── 临港建仓

49、I've got your letters, and if you give me any pertness I'll send them to your father. ─── 我收着你的信,如果你对我有任何无礼的行为,我就把这些信。

50、She is wearing a pert little hat ─── 她头戴一顶小巧别致的帽子。

51、The Distribution of the Random Flow Quantities in PERT ─── PERT的随机流量分布

52、{Summary tasks cannot be deleted in the PERT Chart view.}Switch to another view to delete the summary task. ─── {无法在统筹图中删除摘要任务。}要删除摘要任务,请切换到其他视图。

53、rash; bold; abrupt; pert; impetuous; presumptuous ─── 冒失

54、She wore a pert little hat. ─── 她戴著一顶雅致的小帽子。

55、He was a pert little blonde of about six years. ─── 他是个唐突而漂亮的小孩,大约六岁左右。

56、Research on Project PERT Based on Bayesian Network ─── 基于贝叶斯网络的项目计划评审技术研究

57、You can change the task dependency between two linked tasks on the Gantt Chart or the PERT Chart. Double-click the link line to display the Task Dependency dialog box, and then click the task dependency you want in the Type box. ─── 可以更改“甘特图”或“统筹图”上的两个任务的相关性。请双击链接线显示“任务相关性”对话框,然后单击“类型”框中所需的任务相关性。

58、a minor female role as a pert flirtatious lady's maid in a comedy. ─── 喜剧中出演轻浮少妇的侍女的小角色。

59、Chapter 3 of this thesis discusses schedule management in detail, analyses some methods to make schedule plan, for example, Gantt, CMP, and PERT, points out their advantages and disadvantages. ─── 在第三章中,就项目管理中的进度管理进行了详细的讨论,分析了进度计划的几种主要方法(甘特图法、关键路径法、计划评审技术等),并指出了这几种方法的优缺点。

60、but i offered more than once , and asked , " he said , kindling up at her pertness , " i asked mr heathcliff to let me wake for you. ─── 但是我不止一次提过,也请求过,他说,被她的无礼激怒了,我求过希刺克厉夫先生让我代你守夜。

61、You can change the fields that appear in PERT boxes. Double-click any open space on the PERT Chart to display the Box Styles dialog box. Click the Boxes tab, and then select the fields you want to appear. ─── 可以更改“统筹”框中显示的域。具体做法是:双击“统筹图”的空白区域以显示“方框样式”对话框。选取“方框”选项卡,然后选择希望显示的域。

62、The Computation of Time-Parameters and Optimization of Time-Cost in PERT ─── PERT时间参数的算法及工期费用的优化

63、You can change or add task information on the PERT Chart. Double-click a task name to display the Task Information dialog box, and then update the task information. For example, you can change the resources assigned to a task. ─── 可以在“统筹图”上更改或添加任务信息。具体做法是:双击任务名称以显示“任务信息”对话框,然后更新任务信息。例如,可以更改分配给任务的资源。

64、PERT network model ─── PERT网络模型

65、"Somebody could be flooded with love for their pet or their God and get just as much of a boost...as someone who just started going out with someone new," comments Pert. ─── “某人可以沉浸在他们的宠物或他们的上帝爱里面而对身体健康有很大的促进作用...某人仅仅是最近刚开始,”珀特解释说。

66、i ve got your letters , and if you give me any pertness i ll send them to your father. ─── 我收着你的信,如果你对我有任何无礼的行为,我就把这些信寄给你父亲。

67、The PERT Plan Management Software Used for the Overhaul Engineering in Power Plant ─── 发电厂大修工程网络进度计划管理软件

68、A pert young woman carrying cameras and equipment came in from outside. ─── 一个活泼的年轻妇女背着照相机和其它设备从外面进来了。

69、a minor female role as a pert flirtatious lady's maid in a comedy. ─── 喜剧中出演轻浮少妇的侍女的小角色.

70、a pert little red hat ─── 一顶别致的小红帽.

71、Application of PERT in the BPR under the Environment of SCM ─── PERT技术在供应链管理环境下企业业务流程重构中的应用

72、pert features ─── 俊俏的面庞

73、Pert little piece she was. ─── 可真是个活泼的小乖乖

74、You can change the appearance of PERT boxes by double-clicking any open space on the PERT Chart, clicking the Border tab, and then clicking the options you want. ─── 可以更改“统筹”框的外观,具体做法是:双击“统筹图”空白区域以显示“方框样式”对话框,选取“边框”选项卡,然后选择所需选项。

75、You can perform a basic PERT analysis to estimate a task's (task: An activity that has a beginning and an end. ─── 可以执行基本PERT分析来估计任务(任务:一种有开始日期和完成日期的操作。

76、It introduces the development and application of traditional network planning technique based on CPM and PERT. ─── 介绍了传统网络计划技术CPM和PERT的发展及应用。

77、PERT problem ─── PERT问题

78、On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click PERT Analysis. ─── 在“视图”菜单上,指向“工具栏”,然后单击“PERT分析”。

79、The Application of the PERT Net in Risk Estimation of the Project Plan ─── PERT网络在工程风险估计中的应用初探

80、neither humble nor pert; neither obsequious nor arrogant ─── 不卑不亢

81、PERT chart ─── PERT图

82、a pert nose ─── 小巧笔挺的鼻子

83、The scary pert is he seems never to get along with anybody. ─── 令人不安的是他似乎从不与任何人交往。

84、Tianjin pert ─── 天津港

85、Study on Forecast Method for Garment Sales Based on Time Series and PERT ─── 基于时间序列和PERT的服装销售预测方法研究

86、The traditional project management tool, such as PERT and Gantt chart are used in activities sequencing.Those activities are independent with each other. ─── 传统的项目管理工具,如PERT图、甘特图,都能清楚地显示各个作业之间的相互关系,也适用于合理安排作业执行的顺序。

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