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08-17 投稿


commiserated 发音

英:[k??m?z?re?t?d]  美:[k??m?z?re?t?d]

英:  美:

commiserated 中文意思翻译



commiserated 短语词组

1、commiserated mean ─── 同情的卑鄙

2、commiserated def ─── 同情的def

3、commiserated 10 letters ─── 同情的10封信

commiserated 词性/词形变化,commiserated变形

名词: commiserator |副词: commiseratively |形容词: commiserative |动词过去分词: commiserated |动词第三人称单数: commiserates |动词现在分词: commiserating |动词过去式: commiserated |

commiserated 相似词语短语

1、commemorated ─── vt.庆祝,纪念;成为…的纪念

2、commiserable ─── adj.值得怜悯与同情的

3、commiseration ─── n.怜悯,同情

4、commiserative ─── adj.同情的;可怜的

5、commiserates ─── vt.同情,怜悯;vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

6、comminated ─── v.诅咒

7、commiserator ─── 同情者

8、commiserating ─── vt.同情,怜悯;vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

9、commiserate ─── vt.同情,怜悯;vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

commiserated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When I lost, he commiserated with me. ─── 我失败时,他同情我。

2、I commiserated, but he said it was OK, he was well out of it. ─── 我表示同情,但他却说没什么大不了,离开那家公司是件幸事。

3、Her best joke, told in that twang at the Democratic National Convention in 1988, commiserated with “Poor George” senior, “born with a silver foot in his mouth”. ─── 她最有趣的事迹是在1988年民主党全国会议上,为了嘲弄老布什,她用鼻音说:“哦,可怜的乔治,生下来嘴里就含着银脚丫子”。

4、I commiserated with her on the loss of her job. ─── 她失去了工作,我很同情她。

5、If an American sub had been involved they would have commiserated over the tragedy and accepted the explanation without hesitation. ─── 如果一艘美国的潜艇出了事,他们可能就对灾难表示同情,毫无疑问地接受了(军方)解释。

6、commiserated over their failure. ─── 对他们的失败表示同情

7、This time I commiserated more enthusiastically. ─── 这一次,我更加热情地表示了同情。

8、Between visits, Krista had commiserated with Smudge. ─── 看病期间,克丽斯塔和斯玛奇同命相连。

9、only they sympathized or commiserated with us in our situation. ─── 只有他们同情甚至可怜我们的处境。

10、One day, he lost one of his horses. Everyone commiserated with him. ─── 一天,他的一匹走失了,人们听说这件事,跑来安慰他。

11、He commiserated his friend Willoughby. ─── 他为他的朋友威洛比感到遗憾。

12、The whole village commiserated with the farmer's family in their sorrow. ─── 全村的人都对那户农家的不幸深表同情。

13、If an American sub had been involved they would have commiserated over the tragedy and accepted the explanation without hesitation. ─── 如果一艘美国的潜艇出了事,他们可能就对灾难表示同情,毫无疑问地接受了(军方)解释。

14、I commiserated with her, but I hadn't thought it was a big deal. ─── 我对她感到同情,我当时也并不认为这事有多么严重。

15、We commiserated with their national independence movement. ─── 我们同情他们的民族独立运动。

16、I commiserated with her on the loss of her job. ─── 她失去了工作,我很同情她。

17、They commiserated with me on my failure. ─── 他们对我的失败表示同情。

18、In London, traders commiserated with one another with hugs, shrugs and bottles accrued during the good years. ─── 在伦敦,交易员们彼此安慰,告别过去的好时光。

19、They commiserated the misfortune of their teacher. ─── 他们同情老师的不幸。

20、They commiserated with me on my failure. ─── 他们对我的失败表示同情。

21、Everyone commiserated with him. ─── 大家同情与他。

22、1. I commiserated with her on the loss of her job. ─── 她失去了工作,我很同情她.

23、Everyone commiserated with him. ─── 此独以跛之故,父子相保。

24、We commiserated with the losers. ─── 我们对落败者表示同情。

25、The candidate will work in an international contest and salary will be commiserated to real professional experience. ─── 聘用人员将在全球化的环境中工作,并根据实际的专业技术能力和经验综合考虑报酬。

26、Mother came home and commiserated with Ender about the monitor. ─── 妈妈回家后对安德的没有了监视器很同情。

27、She commiserated with the losers on their defeat. ─── 她对失败的一方表示同情。

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