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08-17 投稿


ditching 发音

英:[?d?t???]  美:[?d?t???]

英:  美:

ditching 中文意思翻译




ditching 词性/词形变化,ditching变形

动词现在分词: ditching |动词过去式: ditched |动词第三人称单数: ditches |动词过去分词: ditched |

ditching 短语词组

1、ditching device ─── 开沟装置

2、ditching exercise ─── 水上迫降练习

3、ditching car ─── 挖沟车

4、ditching machine ─── 挖沟机

5、ditching bucket ─── 挖沟铲斗

6、ditching equipment ─── 应急着水设备

7、ditching characteristics ─── 开沟特性

8、ding dong ditching ─── 丁洞沟

9、ditching homework to prove i love her ─── 放弃家庭作业来证明我爱她

10、ditching position ─── 开沟位置

11、ditching define ─── 开沟定义

12、ditching behavior ─── 开沟行为

13、ditching jury duty ─── 放弃陪审团职责

14、ditching debt ─── 放弃债务

15、ditching cable ─── 开沟电缆

ditching 常用词组

oxidation ditch ─── 氧化沟

foundation ditch ─── 基坑;基础沟

last ditch ─── 最后防线,最后手段

ditching 相似词语短语

1、itching ─── n.痒(同itch);v.(使)发痒;渴望(itch的现在分词形式)

2、hitching ─── v.钩住;搭便车(hitch的现在分词)

3、pitching ─── n.俯仰;铺地石;投手投球;adj.倾斜的;陡的;v.使倾斜(pitch的ing形式);投掷;用沥青涂;为…定调

4、bitching ─── 埋怨(bitch的现在分词);欺骗;弄糟,弄坏;对...不满

5、flitching ─── n.腌的猪肋肉;咸肉细片;大比目鱼的肉片;[木]料板;vt.切成鱼块;裁成板

6、mitching ─── v.(非正式)逃学;(非正式)逃课;n.(Mitch)(美、加、澳)米奇(人名)

7、witching ─── adj.巫术的;有魅力的;n.巫术;魔术;魅力;v.施巫术(witch的现在分词形式)

8、detaching ─── v.分离(detach的ing形式)

9、skitching ─── v.拖住汽车滑行(skitch的现在分词)

ditching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Astonishingly, 96% regret throwing out a pair of shoes but only 15% regret ditching a previous partner. ─── 此外,96%的受访者后悔曾丢弃某双鞋,但仅有15%的人为甩掉前男友而难过。

2、With one powerful leap he crossed the ditch. ─── 他使劲一蹦就过了沟。

3、It had jackknifed into a ditch and had to be abandoned by its crew. ─── 大炮身管弯曲,扎在一道壕沟里,已被炮组丢弃。

4、If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow. ─── 如果一只羊跳过沟渠,其余所有的羊都会同样做。

5、Ditch work or responsibilities to play with them. ─── 和他们一起玩要摆脱工作与责任。

6、They will fight reform to the last ditch. ─── 他们对于改革将奋斗到底。

7、Kim gives him Jack's number at CTU as a last ditch effort. ─── 作为最后的努力,金姆将她父亲在反恐组的电话号码告诉了这个警察。

8、A ditch diverted water from the rill into the fields. ─── 一条沟渠把水从河里引向田间。

9、Ditching is different from landing a glider. ─── 水面迫降和滑行着陆又有不同。

10、They winched the car out of the ditch. ─── 他们用绞车把汽车从沟里吊出来。

11、He stood a moment irresolutely prodding the much in the ditch . ─── 他犹豫不决地站了一会儿,用手杖扒拉一阵沟里的东西。

12、Two men were digging a ditch on a very hot day. ─── 一个非常炎热的夏日,两个人正在挖沟。

13、It's not a good idea for students to ditch school. ─── 学生逃课可不是什么好事。

14、Ahead there was a ditch running into the river. ─── 前头有条通向河道的水沟。

15、Poor little Hans fell down into a deep ditch and was at rest. ─── 可怜的小汉斯掉到深沟里死了。

16、The sheer amount of money you save from not having a car was one of my first reasons for ditching the gas guzzler. ─── 我的首要理由是可以节省一大笔钱去买汽车——这个油老虎。

17、The boy is too young to stride the ditch. ─── 孩子太小跨不过这条沟。

18、His old car stopped working so he decided to ditch it. ─── 他那辆旧汽车开不动了,所以他决定把它抛弃了。

19、All the soldiers are determined to die in the last ditch. ─── 全体士兵都决心奋战到底。

20、Only a few who are able to choose to only support HTML5 have the benefit of ditching the old code and old browsers and moving forward. ─── 只有很少一部分人选择了只支持HTML5,从而享受到了剔除旧代码和浏览器的畅快感,而且项目也能进展顺利。

21、He had been in command at the irrigating ditch the day before. ─── 上一天,在灌溉渠边,是他担任指挥的。

22、A fall into a ditch makes you wiser. ─── 吃一堑,长一智。

23、He drove into the ditch completely unaware. ─── 他不知不觉地把车开进了沟里。

24、One more pull will bring the car out of the ditch. ─── 再拉一下就能把汽车从沟里拉出来啦。

25、Come up with a plan for ditching your debt. ─── 制定一个还请债务的计划。

26、My money dropped to the ditch today. ─── 今天我的钱掉到水沟里去了.

27、A friend pulled the boat into a ditch with an oar. ─── 一个朋友拿起桨把船拨进一条小沟。

28、The chemist dived into the ditch . ─── 化学家跳水入沟。

29、North ditch spring gurgled, streams and waterfalls everywhere. ─── 北沟山泉汩汩,溪水瀑布随处可见。

30、Didn't you see an irrigation ditch over there? ─── 你没看到哪边有一条灌溉的渠道吗?

31、He fell into a little ditch,but he isn't hurt. ─── 他掉进一条小沟,但是并没有受伤。

32、His old motorcar stopped working so he decided to ditch it. ─── 他那辆旧摩托车开不动了,所以他决定把它抛弃了。

33、He stumbled and took a header into the ditch. ─── 他跌了一跤而栽到沟去了。

34、They'll fight the enemy to the last ditch. ─── 他们要与敌人作战到底。

35、The truck slipped into the ditch. ─── 卡车滑进了沟里。

36、He strode over (across) the ditch. ─── 他跨过沟。

37、By ditching dorm life for a doorman building, the actress gets to call John Mayer and Keith Richard's daughter Theodora her neighbors. ─── 抛弃宿舍生活,选择有看门人的大楼,这位演员因此可以把JohnMayer和KeithRichard的女儿Theodora称为她的邻居。

38、Nine of its carriages plunged into a ditch. ─── 共有九节车厢陷入壕沟。

39、A road hog forced Smith's car into the ditch. ─── 一个横冲直闯的司机把史密斯车挤到沟里去了。

40、She would rather die in a ditch than be kept alive under such conditions. ─── 她宁死也不愿在这样的条件下生活。

41、Those soldiers who fight to the last ditch are held in esteem. ─── 奋战至死不屈服的士兵受到人们的崇敬。

42、The invaders cut off their prisoners' arms and legs and threw their mutilated bodies into the ditch. ─── 侵略者把俘虏的四肢砍掉,然后把残缺不全的躯体扔进沟里。

43、He leaped the horse across the ditch. ─── 他纵马跳过沟渠。

44、He fell down by a ditch. ─── 他跌倒在沟旁。

45、He ran the water into the ditch. ─── 他使水流入沟里。

46、He was tipped out of the cart into the ditch. ─── 他从马车上翻落到壕沟中。

47、A truck and a car were in the ditch. ─── 一辆卡车和一辆汽车都掉进水沟里了!

48、Suddenly he saw water pouring out of a hole in the wall of an irrigation ditch. ─── 他突然看到水从灌渠边上的一个洞里大量流出来。

49、He landed up in a ditch after he lost control of his car. ─── 他开车失控,栽进了沟里。

50、"But how can we fight to the last ditch?" he asked. ─── “可是我们怎么背城一战呢?

51、With the blind leading the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. ─── 如果瞎子替瞎子带路的话, 那么两方肯定会掉到沟里。

52、Behind them engineers filled in the antitank ditch. ─── 在他们的后面,工兵冲进了反坦克壕。

53、The truck overturned and precipitated us into the ditch. ─── 卡车翻了,我们摔进了沟里。

54、He leaped over the shallow ditch. ─── 他跃过那条沟。

55、With a heave he emptied a wheelbarrow of earth into the ditch. ─── 他猛一使劲儿就把一车土都倾倒到沟里了。

56、Can you jump over the ditch? ─── 你能跳过这条沟吗?

57、Then he came to a ditch where a knacker was skinning a horse. ─── 一次他打一群渔夫那儿经过,说:“愿上帝保佑你们!

58、If one sheep leap over the ditch, all the rest follow. ─── 一羊跃沟,众羊随后;榜样的力量是无穷的。

59、He lost his footing and fell into the ditch. ─── 他一失足摔进了沟里。

60、If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. ─── 如果由盲人带领盲人,两者将同堕深沟。

61、She hopped across the lane and the ditch. ─── 她跳跃着穿过小巷和沟渠。

62、He lived in a drain below the hedge, in a very dirty wet ditch. ─── 他住在绿篱下面的一个排水管,在一个非常脏和湿的沟渠里。

63、To surround with or as if with a deep, wide ditch. ─── 以深沟环绕用,或仿佛用深而宽的壕沟环绕

64、He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. ─── 他在一次激战中奋战而死。

65、With one bound, he reached the other side of the ditch. ─── 他一跳就到了水沟的另一边。

66、Adjacent layout of irrigation channel and drainage ditch. ─── 同级灌溉渠道和排水沟道实行单侧控制的布置形式。

67、and the specific direction of ditching is the direction perpendicular to the wind direction during the sowing. ─── 所述特定开沟方向是与播种时风向相垂直的方向。

68、So come on, folks: get on board with ditching the outdated tip system. ─── 所以,伙计们,来吧:加入行列,抛弃过时的小费制度吧。

69、He skipped briskly over the fence, and made for an overgrown ditch and bank. ─── 他轻巧地跳过篱笆,走向一个长满荒草的沟。

70、Flyover directly from the ditch to-day Huashan it? ─── 从天桥沟能直接去天华山吗?

71、He stood a moment irresolutely prodding the muck in the ditch. ─── 他犹豫不决地站了一会儿,用手杖扒拉一阵沟里的脏东西。

72、He took a sporting chance in jumping across the ditch. ─── 他冒险跳越此沟。

73、Observing roadside manners, the car sidetracked into a ditch. ─── 两车相遇,礼貌太周到,闪一旁让路,让进沟里了。

74、A ditch diverted the water from the stream into the fields. ─── 一条渠沟把水从河里导入田间。

75、If people are ditching their phones after only a year of ownership, why not embrace that trend? ─── 如果人们必需在使用了一年后就抛弃他们的手机,为什么我们不直面这一趋势应对它呢?

76、"Go ahead with your plans, but remember that as your opponents we shall fight to the last ditch, " the representative said. ─── 参议员说:"继续把你们的计划搞下去吧,但要记住,作为你们的反对派,我们将斗争到底。"

77、They nearly ended up in the ditch. ─── 他们几乎死在了这条沟里。

78、He jumped into the ditch and tried to stop up the hole with mud. ─── 他跳进沟里,设法用泥土把洞堵住。

79、Davy was afraid to shoot his dogs, so he jumped into the ditch. ─── 大卫怕射到他的狗,于是他也跳进水沟里。

80、They jumped the ditch without much difficulty. ─── 他们不太费事地就跳过了沟。

81、They paralleled the ditch to the highway.. ─── 他们使这条沟和公路平行。

82、It was heaved into the ditch. ─── 它被扔进这个沟渠。

83、The driver had to ditch the bus. ─── 司机只好把公共汽车驶入沟中。

84、The inner wall of a ditch or trench dug around a fortification. ─── 壕沟内壁在防御工事附近挖的战壕的内墙

85、Within six months they were in the ditch to keep us company. ─── 在六个月内,它们便和我们一块陷入同样的困境。

86、Come up with a plan for ditching your debt. ─── 制定一个还请债务的计划。

87、In a minute the mountain brook was raging ditch. ─── 不出一分钟,那条山溪就波狂涛怒,在大壕沟里面流过去。

88、Their car ended up in the ditch. ─── 他们的车最后开翻到沟里了。

89、He made a dive for the ditch. ─── 他向壕沟急奔。

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