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08-17 投稿


Andalusia 发音


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Andalusia 中文意思翻译



Andalusia 短语词组

1、andalusia spain ─── 西班牙安达卢 ─── 西亚

2、andalusia radio station ─── 安达卢西亚电台

3、andalusia by night ─── 夜晚的安达卢西亚

4、andalusia alabama weather ─── 阿拉巴马安达卢西亚天气

5、andalusia eu4 ─── 安达卢西亚eu4

6、andalusia pa ─── 卢安达帕

7、andalusia wine ─── 安达卢西亚葡萄酒

8、andalusia realty ─── 安达卢西亚房地产

9、andalusia alabama ─── 阿拉巴马安达卢西亚

Andalusia 相似词语短语

1、indusia ─── n.苞膜;胚被;囊群盖(indusium的变形)

2、andalusite ─── n.[矿物]红柱石(结晶性硅酸铝矿石)

3、Andalucía ─── 安达卢西亚

4、Andalucian ─── 安达卢西亚

5、vandalising ─── vt.(英)破坏(等于vandalize)

6、vandalistic ─── 肆意破坏公物的

7、tantaluses ─── n.上锁透明酒柜

8、Andalusian ─── n.安达卢西亚人;安达卢西亚语;adj.安达卢西亚的;安达卢西亚人的

9、Andalusia ─── n.安大路西亚

Andalusia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After seeing Granada, we said goodbye to andalusia. ─── 参观格兰纳特后,我们忍不住说声再见,安达鲁西亚!

2、Andalusia: a region of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea the strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic ocean. ─── 安达卢西亚:西班牙南部一地区,位于地中海,直布罗陀海峡和大西洋交界处。

3、What could be more fascinating than a leisurely trip through the countryside of Andalusia? ─── 有什么比安达卢西亚惬意之旅更令人留恋?

4、Formerly known for its spaghetti westerns and southern emigres, Andalusia is now leading the worldwide shift to sustainable, green farming methods. ─── 安达鲁西亚早先以义大利西部片以及移民而文明,现在这个地区带领全球,发扬永续且环保的农耕方式。

5、Andalusia, the home of flamenco ─── 安达卢西亚,弗拉明科舞的发源地

6、At her mother's farm, Andalusia, in Milledgeville, Ga. , she collected all manner of fowl: ducks, quail, mail-order swans and peacocks. ─── 在佐治亚州她母亲的农庄安德鲁西亚(Andalusia),她收集了各种鸟类:野鸭、鹌鹑、邮购的天鹅和孔雀。

7、in or relating to Andalusia. ─── 安达卢西亚的或与之相关的。

8、We planned a route through both the small towns and large cities of Andalusia to experience all its charms. ─── 我们打算去小镇上看看,并且也安排去安大路西亚这样的大城市去体验它的魅力。

9、Owing to the fact that our company obtains and bottles products of excellent quality, our products bear the REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OF ANDALUSIA "CERTIFIED QUALITY" mark. ─── 因该公司的现状以及瓶装橄榄油的卓越品质,该产品拥有安达卢西亚大区政府“质量认证”的标签。

10、We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition. ─── 我们在中世纪宗教裁判所时代安达卢西亚和科多巴(AndalusiaandCordoba)的历史中可以看到这一点;

11、March poll in Andalusia, in the south, where the PP may end decades of Socialist hegemony, is the only election looming. ─── 在南部安达卢西亚三月的民意调查中,人民党有希望结束社会党霸权,选举结果已成定局。

12、Han er hovudstad i provinsen med same namn i Andalusia. ─── C谩diz er ein hamneby s酶rvest i Spania.

13、Book online the cheapest hotels in Andalusia - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在安达卢西亚最便宜的酒店-价格优惠折扣多多。

14、The strike led to addition of Andalusia autonomous closed airspace around the outside of the Spanish National Civil Aviation paralyzed. ─── 这一罢工导致除安达卢西亚自治区以外的各地领空关闭,西班牙全国民航陷入瘫痪。

15、Lateral entrance of cathedral of Cadiz - Andalusia. ─── 加的斯教区总教堂图片 Cadiz cathedral.

16、Book online the cheapest hotels in Andalusia - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 安达卢西亚 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

17、"andalusia: a region of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Gibraltar, and the atlantic Ocean." ─── 安达卢西亚: 西班牙南部一地区,位于地中海、直布罗陀海峡和大西洋交界处。

18、Interesting architecture that of this building in Marbella, Andalusia. ─── 现代建筑物的角落图片 Corner of modern building.

19、She now lives with her sister at Andalusia Manor, where she spends her time studying the Bible. ─── 现在,她与妹妹一起在安大路西亚?马诺尔生活,大部分时间都用来学习《圣经》。

20、Like many transsexuals, the young woman from the southern region of Andalusia felt trapped in the wrong body, and realized eight years ago that she wanted to become biologically a man. ─── 就像许多变性人一样,这个来自安达卢西亚南区的年轻女性,自觉被束缚于女性身体中,并在八年前发现她渴望在生理上成为男性。

21、Andalusia in southern Spain was Europe's main silk-producing centre in the tenth century. ─── 西班牙南部的安达卢西亚是10世纪欧洲主要的丝绸生产中心。

22、Moors,one of the Moslems who invaded Spain in the8th century and established a civilization in Andalusia that lasted until the late15th century. ─── 摩尔人,在公元8世纪侵略西班牙的穆斯林人成员之一,直到15世纪晚期才在安达卢西亚建立文明社会。

23、She lived reclusively with her mother at Andalusia, the family farm in Milledgeville, Ga. ─── 远离尘嚣,和母亲一起住在佐治亚州米利奇维尔的安达卢西亚的家庭农场里;

24、The 28-year-old arrived in Andalusia from Lens last summer, and has been hugely impressive. ─── 28岁的马里中场去年从朗斯来到安达卢西亚,他的表现给人留下了深刻的印象。

25、Designed by an Andalusian architect, the mosque bears witness to the exchange between the Sudan and the Mediterranean regions. ─── 该清真寺由安达卢西亚(Andalusia)建筑师设计,见证了苏丹和地中海沿岸地区之间的文化交流。

26、One of the Moslems who invaded Spain in the8th century and established a civilization in Andalusia that lasted until the late15th century. ─── 摩尔人在公元8世纪侵略西班牙的穆斯林人成员之一,直到15世纪晚期才在安达卢西亚建立文明社会

27、The friendly staff of the hotel is at your disposal for any information you may request about one of the most charming cities in Andalusia. ─── The Los Naranjos 酒店 is the perfect place for you to relax by the sea or walk around the city with no need of transportation.

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