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08-17 投稿


blackball 发音

英:['bl?kb??l]  美:['bl?kb?l]

英:  美:

blackball 中文意思翻译



blackball 网络释义

vt. 排斥;投反对票n. 反对票;黑球(表示反对)

blackball 词性/词形变化,blackball变形

动词第三人称单数: blackballs |动词过去分词: blackballed |动词现在分词: blackballing |动词过去式: blackballed |名词: blackballer |

blackball 短语词组

1、blackball cafe ─── 黑球咖啡馆

2、blackball game ─── 黑球游戏

3、blackball tattoo ─── 黑球纹身

4、blackball me ─── 把我打成黑球

5、blackball def ─── 黑球定义

6、blackball cast ─── 黑球投射

7、blackball film ─── 黑球胶片

blackball 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、5% 1.A.blackboard B. blackball C. black ball 2.A.Saturday morning B.Sunday morning C. ─── 新目标七年级(一)期中考试卷 听力部分25% I.听句子,选出你所听到的词组。

2、According to this one agreement, times China accept is in blackball was cast to its in election of Yahoo directorate member last year. ─── 根据这一协议,时代华纳在去年雅虎董事会成员选举中对其投了反对票。

3、Poppa, f you do that, they blackball me. I'll never be hired as a trainer again! ─── 如果你说出实话他们会排挤我的我就再也不能做驯马师了!

4、to blackball someone from the club ─── 取消某人的俱乐部成员资格

5、The reporter learns, in joining the partner of the meeting and partner delegate, only Sun Yu cast blackball. ─── 记者获悉,参会的股东及股东代表中,只有孙羽投了反对票。

6、But i do blackball anything refers to Japan! ─── 这个句子.我暗地里自愧不如.

7、The attempt to blackball it is neo- McCarthyism. ─── 试图阻止它的是一股新麦卡锡主义。

8、In the election last year, the Yahoo partner blackball that has 30% above this 3 people. ─── 在去年的选举中,有30%以上的雅虎股东投票反对这三人。

9、to call the workers to blackball the company ─── 号召工人们对这家公司进行惩罚

10、5% 1.A.blackboard B. blackball C. black ball 2.A.Saturday morning B.Sunday morning C.Tuesday morning 3.A. ─── 资料简介:新目标七年级(一)期中考试卷 听力部分25% I.听句子,选出你所听到的词组。

11、Among them, at least 2 come from the assemblyman that Sakeqi belongs to alliance of political people motion overhand blackball. ─── 其中,至少2名来自萨科齐所属政党人民运动联盟的议员投下反对票。

12、The charge of the same nature blackball each other and the different attracks.5. ─── 袭人道:“一百年还记着呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。”

13、Have new edition of blackball of more than 1 million users. ─── 有超过100万名用户投票反对新版。

14、According to the report, in the European Union in 15 countries, the 6 countries such as England, Spain cast ay to the proposal, the 6 countries such as France, Austria cast blackball. ─── 由各成员国专家组成的欧盟食物链和动物健康常设委员会否决了这一建议。据报道,在欧盟15国中,英国、西班牙等6国对建议投了赞成票,法国、奥地利等6国投了反对票。

15、Among them, at least 2 come from the assemblyman that Sakeqi belongs to alliance of political people motion overhand blackball. ─── 其中,至少2名来自萨科齐所属政党人民运动联盟的议员投下反对票。

16、The voting result after correcting shows, blackball scale of Yang Zhiyuan is added to 33.7% , supportive bill scale is only 66.3% . ─── 更正后的投票结果显示,杨致远的反对票比例增至33.7%,支持票比例仅为66.3%。

17、blackball a candidate ─── 投票反对一候选人.

18、" before long before, he started to aim to drive Yahoo partner to be in new the activity that the blackball on plenary meeting of a shareholder currently holds the post oftrustee. ─── 但是,雅虎与谷歌合作可能是一柄双刃剑。假如双方交易不成,投资者会认为这是一个假消息,是一种旨在令微软退却谈判策略。

19、Denial of a public-service job may blackball a person from future private employment as well. ─── 得不到公职的人也可能将来不为私人所雇用。

20、The reporter learns, in joining the partner of the meeting and partner delegate, only Sun Yu cast blackball. ─── 记者获悉,参会的股东及股东代表中,只有孙羽投了反对票。

21、So, obviously, "to blackball sb" is to oppose their participation or "to exclude sb". ─── 白色的小球代表同意,黑球表示反对。

22、Members can blackball candidates in secret ballots. ─── 会员可通过无记名投票方式反对候选人加入。

23、attempt to blackball it is neo - McCarthyism. ─── 试图阻止它的是一股新麦卡锡主义。

24、you blackball her if she tries to join our club? ─── 假如她要参加我们的俱乐部,你是否投反对票?

25、Don't blackball me, Mitch.Please. ─── |别排斥我, 米奇. 求你了.

26、blackball: a negative vote, especially one that blocks the admission of an applicant to an organization. ─── 反对票:反对票,尤指妨碍了吸收某组织的申请人的一票。

27、The attempt to blackball it is neo-McCarthyism. ─── 试图阻止它的是一股新麦卡锡主义。”

28、to blackball a candidate ─── 投票反对一候选人

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