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08-17 投稿


calculus 发音

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calculus 中文意思翻译



calculus 网络释义

n. [病理] 结石;微积分学

calculus 词性/词形变化,calculus变形


calculus 常用词组

integral calculus ─── 积分学

differential calculus ─── 微分;微分学

calculus of variations ─── [计]变分法

calculus 短语词组

1、Boolean calculus ─── [计] 布尔演算

2、alvine calculus ─── [医] 粪石

3、alternating calculus ─── [医] 分层石

4、calculus felleus ─── [医] 胆石

5、calculus of variation ─── [计] 变分法

6、associative syntactic calculus ─── [计] 结合的语法演算, 结合的句法演算

7、calculus of variations ─── [计] 变分法

8、blood calculus ─── [医] 血石, 静脉石(凝血结石)

9、biliary calculus ─── [化] 胆石 ─── [医] 胆石

10、calculus program ─── [计] 微积分程序

11、calculus submorphous ─── [医] 亚晶形结石(具有晶性和胶质物质结石)

12、aural calculus ─── [医] 耳石, 耳沙

13、calculus bovis ─── [医] 牛黄

14、arthritic calculus ─── [医] 关节结石, 痛风石

15、absolute differential calculus ─── [机] 绝对微分学

16、calculus equi ─── [医] 马宝

17、bronchial calculus ─── [医] 支气管结石

18、calculus cirrhosis ─── [医] 胆石性肝硬变

19、calcium oxalate calculus ─── [医] 草酸钙结石

calculus 相似词语短语

1、calyculus ─── n.杯状构造;小萼

2、calculose ─── 计算

3、calculous ─── adj.结石的,结石症的;石一般的;n.微积分

4、calycules ─── 花萼

5、calculi ─── n.结石;微积分学

6、calculuses ─── n.[数]微积分;演算;[病理]结石(calculus的复数)

7、caliculus ─── 杯状器官

8、cauliculus ─── n.蕈体柄,蕈柄

9、calcular ─── 计算

calculus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also predicate calculus, which studies the internal structure of simple. ─── 也叫谓语演算,它研究简单马那瓜体的内部结构。

2、He had recovered from a slow start to the extent that he taught himself advanced calculus and geometry textbooks. ─── 他已从缓慢的开端发展到能依靠教科书自学高等微积分和几何学。

3、Of the 44 cases, the calculus of 42 had been cured by mini-PCNL. ─── 44例出现并发者42例治愈,再次微通道经皮肾镜取石术效果满意。

4、Last semester I signed up to take calculus, but I dropped out of class after two weeks -- that kind of math is just too far over my head. ─── 上学期我报名参加微积分那个班。但是,上了两个礼拜课以后我就退出了。那种数学对我来说实在是太难懂了。

5、We have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus. ─── 因为涉及微积分,我把它放到章节的最后来讲。

6、Subjects were discussed and dispensed with through algebraic means, but calculus was not used. ─── 主题进行了讨论,并免除通过代数方法,但不是用来演算。

7、I got a full mark in calculus. ─── 我微积分拿满分。

8、Calculus has somethingto do with mathematics, hasn't it? ─── 微积分与数学有关,对吧?

9、Whatever it is called, the calculus behind it is simple, if not usually spelt out. ─── 不管叫做什么,即使没明说,其背后的用意却很简单。

10、British mathematician and logician who developed a calculus of symbolic logic. ─── 布尔,乔治1815-1864英国数学家和逻辑学家,建立了一种符号逻辑的演算法

11、Even so, it never occurred to me that you could get paid to do calculus. ─── 即便如此,我也从未有过以微积分为职业的念头。

12、Curative Effect on Ureteral Calculus: Comparison Between Holmium Laser Lithotripsy and Pneumatic Lithotripsy[J]. ─── 引用该论文 徐留玉,李青,魏学斌,赵庆利.

13、Chemistry also uses calculus in determining reaction rates and radioactive decay. ─── 化学也使用演算在确定反应速率和放射性衰变。

14、Three cases of biliary calculus, gallbladder polyp and gallbladder folding were presented. ─── 并举胆结石、胆囊息肉、胆囊折叠验案三则以佐证。

15、Calculus Bovis Artifactus and Radix Ginseng were put by powdering mothed. ─── 对人工牛黄和人参采用研磨方法加入。

16、He signed up for the Calculus 403. ─── 他登记上微积分403这门课。

17、Two kinds of forms that were unfixed crystal form and stalactite appearance in urethra inner calculus. ─── 尿道内结石有2种形态:不固定的晶体形状或钟乳石样。

18、Also, first-order predicate calculus isn't good enough anyway. ─── 同时,从各方面来说,一阶谓词演算都不是足够好。

19、Does urine road calculus eat black fungus correctly? ─── 尿路结石吃黑木耳正确么?

20、A branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits,sequences and series and integration and differentiation. ─── 包括微积分和极限定理的数学分支:序列级数微分,与积分。

21、Knowledge is such that it is impossible to discuss calculus with those who only know arithmetic. ─── 在知的层面里也是这样,只懂算术的人无法和他们谈微积分;

22、Actually, this opinion is absolutely wrong, which not only reach the goal of supplementing calcium, but also increase the danger of urethra calculus. ─── 其实这种看法是完全错误的,它不但不能达到补钙的目的,更容易增加尿道结石的患病危险。

23、Newton developed mathematical concepts and techniques that are fundamental to modern calculus. ─── 牛顿发展了现代微积分的基础数学概念和技术。

24、H'm, there is a lot of dental calculus on the teeth and this may cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums. ─── 唔,你的牙齿上有很多牙垢,这可能会引起牙龈发炎出血。

25、Under the Euclidean measure, the analytical solutions to the above problem are obtained by employing the Riemann Liouville fractional calculus theory. ─── 在欧氏测度下 ,应用R L分数阶微积分算子理论给出了上述问题的精确解 .

26、The sonogram of some diseases may be misdiagnose as renal calculus. ─── 一些疾病的声像图表现可误诊为肾结石;

27、After taking college calculus for a few weeks, all her high school algebra started coming back to her. ─── 她上了几周大学微积分之后,高中代数全想起来了。

28、He invented differential calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravitation, a theory about the nature of light, and three laws of motion. ─── 他是微积分的发明者和万有引力定律理论奠基人,他还发现了光的性质理论以及牛顿运动三定律。

29、It's been awhile since I did calculus. ─── 我学微积分已经有一段时间了。

30、We shall encounter some of his symbolism in our survey of the calculus. ─── 以后在概述微积分发展时,我们将碰到他所创立的一些符号。

31、In China today, the search for a partner is often not inspired by love - but driven by a stark financial calculus. ─── 在今天的中国,寻找伴侣往往不是因为爱——而是受赤裸裸的利益驱动。

32、B ultrasound or X radiate revealed residnal calculus in 6 patients, the diameters were less than 0.6cm. ─── 40例术后2个月~1年内复查B超或X线,6例残留小结石,直径均

33、That's the way calculus presents. ─── 当然这是微积分的作用啦。

34、He began college with a timetable that included biology, calculus and political science. ─── 他开始了大学生活,课程表上包括生物、微积分和政治学。

35、Applying the formula, traffic continuity equation in integral calculus form is obtained. ─── 应用全导数的积分公式建立了积分形式的交通流连续性方程。

36、The atomic formula is called atom for short in predicate calculus. ─── 在谓词演算中,有时将原子公式简称为原子。

37、After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems. ─── 学了微积分之后,你们就能够解这些数学题了。

38、Even so, it never occurred to me that you could get paid to do calculus. ─── 即便如此,我也从未有过以微积分为职业的念头。

39、The foundations of partition calculus were laid down over twenty years ago by Erdos and Rado. ─── 划分学的基础大约是在二十多年以前由Erdos和Rado奠定的。

40、They may have used pebbles to calculate, for the word "calculus" means "pebble". ─── 他们也许是用石子来作计算的,因“calculus”这个字原意是“石子”。

41、This is a problem where calculus won't help at all. ─── 对于这一题,微积分一点也用不上。

42、Calculus helps light up a scene and new math techniques turn images like this into this. ─── 微积分用于提高场景亮度,而新的数学手段能够将影像如此这般的变成这个模样。

43、One year after the planting operation, the calculus ovis have been found in the cholecysts of forty-two tested goats. ─── 在植黄后一年,对42头山羊,10头绵羊和1头奶山羊取黄,在羊的胆囊内形成了羊黄。

44、Enhancing accumulations of plaque calculus with weak inflammation could be seen in LTA group. ─── LTA组菌斑和牙石沉积明显,而炎症与骨吸收较弱,3周即渐恢复;

45、After taking college calculus for a few weeks, all her high school algebra started coming back to her. ─── 上了几周的大学微积分学之后,她的高中代数便全都回到她的记忆当中。

46、B.This course needs the help of mathematics, such as, Calculus, Phasor, Engineering Mathematics, ets. ─── 二、 本课程要以数学来相配合,例如微积分、相量、工程数学等。

47、I trudged off to Calculus with a grim expression. This was the class where I sat next to Jessica. ─── 我一脸无奈,拖着沉重的脚步走向微积分教室。这节课我会坐在杰西卡边上。

48、AOC calculus is asynchronous pi-calculus which is enriched with actor mechanisim and reinterpreted. ─── AOC演算是扩充了Actor机制并且被重新解释了的异步Pi演算。

49、Integral calculus ' learning is one is abstract to turn mathematics foundation academics of a higher door of the degree. ─── 积分学是一门抽象化程度较高的一门数学基础学科。

50、H.S. is a thinking style of calculus not of linear mathematics. ─── 之思考方式是微积分方式而非线性数学方式。

51、Newton and Leibniz invented the calculus of a great role. ─── 对牛顿和莱布尼茨发明 微积分理论 有很大的作用。

52、Calculus is as easy as ABC's. ─── 微积分很容易学的。

53、Some knowledge of vector calculus assumed.Maxwell's equations, in both differential and integral form. ─── 像是向量微积分、微分和积分形式的麦斯威尔方程式。

54、Calculus is a difficult course for most of the college students. ─── 微积分对大部分学生来说是一门很难的课程。

55、For example, trigonometry is a prerequisite for calculus. ─── 例如,三角是微积分的“先修科目”。

56、All of those make the combined treating calculus of upper urinary tract of TCM and WM more rationalized and more effective. ─── 使上尿路结石的中西医结合治疗趋于合理化和临床高效化。

57、Prerequisites: Mathematical preparation sufficient to take calculus at the college level. ─── 前提:在大学里要学习微积分做为数学准备.

58、Applied Calculus, by Berresford, 3rd ed. ─── 参考书籍1.微积分,作者:叶能哲,何典恭

59、Martin Baxter, Andrew Rennie, Financial calculus: An introduction to derivative pricing [M], Cambridge University Press 1996. ─── 中译本为)[M],廖理等译,2000,中国人民大学.

60、Calculus is over the heads of most students. ─── 微积分对大多数学生来说太难学了。

61、Cultured calculus ovis was observed and compared with cultured and natural calculus boris. ─── 对培植羊黄进行了扫描电镜观察,并与培植牛黄,天然牛黄进行比较。

62、Last semester I signed up to take calculus, but I dropped out of class after two weeks -- that kind of math is just too far over my head. ─── 上学期我报名参加微积分那个班。但是,上了两个礼拜课以后我就退出了。那种数学对我来说实在是太难懂了。

63、How are you doing in calculus? ─── 你的微积分念得怎样?

64、To Newton and Leibniz German GW by the invention of calculus as a tool, the Swiss mathematician L. ─── 以牛顿和德国人G.

65、Thirteen cases were renal calculus,1 ureteral,2 renal and ureteral calculus. ─── 合并尿路梗阻8例,镜下血尿5例。

66、Elementary mechanics, presented at greater depth than in 8.01(Calculus). ─── 基础力学,深度比8.01(微积分)有所加强。

67、As is well-known,Newton-Lebniz Formula plays a very important role in calculus. ─── Newton- Lebniz公式在微积分学的重要地位已众所周知。

68、By the age of 20, Sir Isaac Newton found a general binomial theorem which lead to the later development of calculus. ─── 20岁的时候,牛顿发现了一个二项式地理,为以后发展微积分做好了准备。

69、Sergio: He invented calculus, the reflecting telescope, color spectrum, and the laws of motion. ─── 塞吉奥:他发明了微积分、反射式望远镜、光谱以及运动定律。

70、"What? Do you need help with Calculus?" Her tone was a tad sour. ─── “怎么?微积分上需要帮忙吗?”她的语气有些酸。

71、This paper describes the general principle, calculus for thin film comparative method of cryoscopy,and concerned problems in the measure. ─── 介绍了熔点下降薄层比较法的原理、计算方法和测量时需注意的问题。

72、Content : Calculus Bovis, Moschus, Margarita, Secretio Bufonis. ─── 内容:牛黄,麝香,珍珠,蟾酥等

73、A legitimate expression of the predicate calculus. That is, it is acceptable under the predicate calculus' syntax. ─── 一个合法的谓词演算表达式,即谓词演算语法所允许的公式。

74、Calculus is a branch of mathematics. ─── 微积分是数学的一个分支。

75、In the refutation tree of predicate calculus, the proved conjunctive formula. ─── 在谓词演算的反驳树中,被证明的合式公式。

76、He was studying calculus when all his friends were still studying simple mathematics. ─── 当他所有的同学还在学习初等数学时,他已经学习微积分了。

77、This paper provides a denotational semantics to a subset of Timed RAISE Specification Language (RSL) using Extended Duration Calculus (EDC) model. ─── 使用扩展的持续时间演算 ( EDC)模型 ,给出了时间化的 RAISE描述语言 ( RSL )的一个子集的指称语义 .

78、Fundamental concept of calculus related to areas and other quantities modeled by functions. ─── 微积分的基本概念,涉及函数所围成的区域的面积与数量。

79、Calculus and mathematical models II. ─── 微积分与数学模型2。

80、With the system gummed up,that calculus is harder still. ─── 尤其是现在系统已经失常,做出合理的判断将更加困难。

81、Maria Droujkova is a founder of Natural Math, and has taught basic calculus concepts to 5-year-olds. ─── 玛丽亚·德鲁伊科娃是“自然数学”的创始人之一,她曾向5岁的儿童教授基础微积分概念。

82、I had studied calculus before I got into college. ─── 我在上大学以前,已经学过微积分。

83、This paper gives a proof to the geometry significance of Lebesgue integral calculus on the base of Descartes accumulation. ─── 利用笛卡尔积性质给出了可测函数的Lebesgue积分几何意义的一个新证法

84、The combined mathematics of differential calculus and integral calculus. ─── 微积分微分学和积分学的结合

85、Any student with a working knowledge of calculus, physics and chemistry should be able to read this book. ─── 任何一个微积分,物理和化学的工作经验的学生应该能够读这本书。

86、Dental plaque and calculus would deposite on denture surface in oral cavity,this results in many harmful effects for oral tissue. ─── 义齿戴入口腔后,基托表面会有菌斑或牙石沉积,对口腔组织产生各种不良影响。

87、Also playing into the JP Morgan calculus is the likelihood of higher - perhaps much higher - fuel prices in the future. ─── 也发挥到JP摩根结石的可能性较高-也许要高得多-燃油价格在未来。

88、Obstruction with stasis also led to the formation of the yellow-brown calculus (stone). ─── 伴有尿液郁积的阻塞还能导致黄褐色的结石(石头)形成。

89、About 160 students were having a calculus final in a lecture theater. ─── 大约160个学生正在一个讲演厅进行微积分期末考试。

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