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08-17 投稿


unpalatable 发音

英:[?n'p?l?t?b(?)l]  美:[?n'p?l?t?bl]

英:  美:

unpalatable 中文意思翻译



unpalatable 网络释义

adj. 味道差的,难吃的;讨人厌的,使人不快的

unpalatable 反义词


unpalatable 同义词

harsh | bad | painful | disagreeable |inedible | unpleasant | revolting | unacceptable | nasty | disgusting | indigestible | distasteful

unpalatable 词性/词形变化,unpalatable变形

副词: unpalatably |名词: un-palatability |

unpalatable 短语词组

1、unpalatable in a sentence ─── 在句子中令人不快

2、unpalatable defined ─── 不愉快的定义

3、unpalatable food ─── 难吃的食物

4、unpalatable fruit ─── 难吃的水果

5、unpalatable syn ─── 不愉快的syn

6、unpalatable definition ─── 令人不快的定义

7、unpalatable define ─── 不愉快的定义

unpalatable 相似词语短语

1、unpalatably ─── 令人不快

2、unpaintable ─── 不可上漆的

3、unpatentable ─── 不能取得专利的

4、palatable ─── adj.美味的,可口的;愉快的

5、unbeatable ─── adj.不能超越的,无与伦比的;无法击败的,无敌手的

6、inflatable ─── adj.膨胀的,可充气的;得意的

7、palatably ─── adv.称心愉快地;美味地

8、unplayable ─── 无法击出的;无法演奏的;无法击败的

9、unactable ─── adj.不能上演的

unpalatable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His views on capital punishment are unpalatable to many. ─── 他对死刑存废的见解许多人都不以为然。

2、The alternative prospect of two more years as he sees out his contract and becomes eligible for a testimonial is deeply unpalatable. ─── 他还有一种未来的选择就是再续两年合同来证明他是合格的,但那样会令人深感不快。

3、I have seen external evaluations of boards take place but they take out the unpalatable stuff because they want to get the work again next year. ─── “令人担忧的是,不足三分之一的董事会成员不能判断,他们是否帮助过本公司的非执行董事为履行其职能而作准备,”布洛赫女士说。

4、Some of the IMF's ideas about how to do this will seem unpalatable: it argues that health systems, for example, will have to become less generous. ─── IMF的一些关于如何采取这些措施的观点将不会是好吃的肥肉:IMF认为,比如医疗保健体系需要变得不那么慷慨。

5、He is afraid to tell them the unpalatable truths. He is a dumb dog ─── 他不敢把令人不快的真情告诉他们。他是条哑吧狗。

6、It is a situation that Benitez finds unpalatable, because he believes Ince can become a top-class manager. ─── 这并不是贝尼特斯希望看到的境况,因为他相信因斯可以成为一名顶级的教练。

7、The remainder is often unusable, infested with unpalatable weeds and able to support few cattle or goats. ─── 其馀土地多半荒废掉,长满无法食用的杂草,也供养不了几头牛羊。

8、unpalatable truths. ─── 令人不快的事实

9、unpalatable food ─── 难吃的食物

10、Shrinking the government's ownership could be politically unpalatable, given public frustration with government bailouts of financial firms. ─── 鉴于公众对政府救助金融的不满,降低政府持股在政治上可能是不受欢迎的做法。

11、Health reformers always smash up against two unpalatable truths. ─── 面对两个令人难以接受的真相,支持医改的人总是不可奈何。

12、67.Animals those HAs tasted unpalatable plants tend to recognize them despiteward on the basis of theirs maximum conspicuous features, like this as theirs flowers. ─── 对于尝过的不好吃的植物,动物倾向于根据他的最显著的特征,比如花,在以后认出她们。

13、This was too much in unison with my lord's feelings to be altogether unpalatable ─── 这句话和主教的感受太一致了,不可能使他一点儿不感到不快。

14、Now as then, the splintering of a Saddan-less Iraq would leave Iran the dominant gulf power, an unpalatable solution. ─── 现在的情况和当时相同,没有萨达姆?侯赛因的伊拉克会四分五裂,波斯湾就只剩伊朗称霸,这种解决方案令人无法接受。

15、He believed in the religion which he taught, harsh, unpalatable, uncharitable as that religion was ─── 他相信自己宣讲的那种宗教信仰,虽然那种信仰严厉讨厌,苛刻无情。

16、3.Since raising taxes in Californiais politically unpalatable, all the infrastructure measures have done is torelease money that would have been spent in the future. ─── 但是从政治上讲,增加课税在加州并不好推行,所以所有完成的与基础建设有关的工作只是收集将来的用的钱。

17、Just as bitter medicine cures sickness, so unpalatable advice benefits conduct. ─── 忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于病。

18、His views on divorce are unpalatable to many women. ─── 他对离婚的看法是很多妇女无法接受的。

19、Mullerian mimicry The condition where unpalatable species resemble each other, and are recognised and avoided by predators. ─── 穆勒氏拟态不适口的种彼此相似,被掠食者辨认出且避开的状况。

20、But before we try to emulate geniuses or encourage our children to do so we should note that some of the things we learn from them may prove unpalatable. ─── 但在我们试图模仿天才或鼓励我们的孩子这样做之前,我们应该注意到,我们从他们身上学到的一些东西可能并不适合我们。

21、Afterwards, these people will eat the food manufactured by the company and be divided into two subgroups: one of those who find the food palatable and the other of those who find it unpalatable. ─── 食品公司的公关人员带记者看了公司的实验。

22、The dishes made by the monitor of the cookhouse are unpalatable. ─── 炊事班班长炒的菜可难吃了。

23、Only then did I learn the unpalatable truth. ─── 直到那时我才得知令人难以接受的真相。

24、Though commonly misunderstood, this rejection is rarely the result of a child's desire to be picky or 'fussy,' but an actual physical inability to swallow an unpalatable substance. ─── 这种拒绝通常会被人所误解,这很少是因为小孩挑剔或者“爱找麻烦”,只是其生理上不能做到吞咽一样不好吃的物质。

25、That leaves America with two unpalatable choices. ─── 因此美国只剩两个无奈的选择。

26、8.Lifting restrictions on internal migration raises the unwelcome prospect of a mass migration, while abandoning the one-child policy would be politically unpalatable. ─── 加强对国内移民的限制也增强了移民群体的不满,放弃一胎化政策又难过政治关。

27、(i) make edible marine organisms unpalatable, or(ii) endanger human health or that of domestic animals. ─── 为生物和化学战争制造的任何形态的物质(固体、液体、半液体、气体或活性物质)。

28、The road to resolving the centuries-old struggle between Catholics and Protestants has been long and rocky, with unpalatable compromises along the way. ─── 但是当地天主教与新教的百年争战的调解之路却是漫长而艰辛。

29、It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable!" ─── 它是在灾祸和无奈之间进行选择

30、Shouzhua the benefits of the meat is you can control its own flavor concentration, but when they pick the meat to be careful, do not pick the meal is the meat, it will be very unpalatable. ─── 手抓肉的好处在于你可以自己控制味道浓淡,但挑肉时要小心,别挑到很膳的肉,那会非常难吃。

31、But it was equally unpalatable for the south that internal divisions in the north could provoke a sudden collapse, he said. ─── 但他表示,如果朝鲜的内部分歧导致政权突然垮台,韩国也同样难以接受。

32、As private capital dries up, therefore, emerging markets may have to turn elsewhere: the fund is an obvious, if usually unpalatable, choice. ─── 私人资本也走了,这些新兴市场只能转向别的选择:很明显尽管IMF并不对胃口,但是不二之选。

33、The fish was particularly unpalatable. ─── 这鱼特别难吃。

34、Does not have the language.The special price salad good is unpalatable, the KFC salad sauce is delicious, later will not eat, has not sent falls in love with the salad. ─── 特价的色拉好难吃,还是KFC的色拉酱好吃,以后不吃了,还是没发爱上色拉。

35、As a mortal, we must eat eat eat ,three times a day,to maintain this physical existance.No less,nothing unpalatable will be accepted.This is far from anneal. ─── 作为一个靠吃分段食才能维持生存的人类,为了维持其物质存在还得坚持一日三餐,一顿也少不得,一点不好吃也受不得的,离真正的修行和悟道还很远的.真的.

36、But that is politically unpalatable: European leaders do not like the idea of testing for a wave of defaults they insist will not happen. ─── 但这在政治上是不受欢迎的:欧洲领导人不喜欢测试,因为他们坚信的违约潮不会发生。

37、This is the mimicry by a palatable species of an unpalatable or noxious species. ─── 这是美味可口的物种模拟味道差的物种或有毒的物种。

38、For some Republicans, and the small but loud nativist posse who hectored them, it made anything resembling an amnesty unpalatable. ─── 对于一些共和党人,以及那些虽然人数不多,但叫的很凶的,胁迫着这些共和党人的那些本土主义者来讲,这个议题几乎等同于讨论那不可接受的移民大赦。

39、Just as bitter medicine cures sickness, unpalatable advice benefits conduct. ─── 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。

40、That, in effect, was the unpalatable message delivered by the Bank of England on August 12th in its quarterly review of the economy. ─── 事实上,这个信息的来源是英国银行于八月12日发布的季度经济情况报告,尽管该报告并不是令人满意的。

41、It is an unpalatable choice. ─── 真是个糟糕的双输选择。

42、small branching blueberry common in marshy areas of the eastern United States having greenish or yellowish unpalatable berries reputedly eaten by deer ─── 小的分枝的越橘,通常在美国东部的沼泽地区可见,有绿色或黄色的不好吃的浆果,据说被鹿食用

43、Only then did I learn the unpalatable truth. ─── 直到那时我才得知令人难以接受的真相。

44、conducted the study among pediatric patients admitted to the hospital with a documented 24-hour history of medication non-compliance due to unpalatable medications. ─── 指导的研究是入院儿童患者24小时记录,即由于药品味道差所致患者无服药顺从性。

45、5.small branching blueberry common in marshy areas of the eastern United States having greenish or yellowish unpalatable berries reputedly eaten by deer. ─── 小的分枝的越橘,通常在美国东部的沼泽地区可见,有绿色或黄色的不好吃的浆果,据说被鹿食用。

46、People cannot bear the metal and unpalatable flavor in the intensified foods. ─── 在强化型食品中出现的金属味或无味是不能让人接受的。

47、Ultimately, though, energy security can best be achieved through strong, if unpalatable, medicine focused on demand restraint. ─── 但抑制需求才是保障能源安全的最佳苦口良药。

48、Others continue to push the nationalise-and-recapitalise option, though this remains politically unpalatable in America. ─── 其他一些地方也在继续推进国有化和资产重组,虽然这些与美国的政治理念背道而驰。

49、That would be unpalatable unless there were a stronger welfare system and retraining subsidies. ─── 除非拥有更加强健的福利体系与再培训补贴措施,否则此举带来的后果并不可口;

50、That leaves the issue of Labour's next leader. Mr Brown's exit will bring a contest featuring plenty of unpalatable contenders but no obvious front-runner. ─── 这使得工党位居领导者的第二位。布朗的退出会引来具有大量低等级竞争者而少真实实力派特点的竞赛。

51、That would mean raising taxes earlier than expected.Mr Cowen had been hoping to delay that unpalatable medicine. ─── 这意味着增税政策可能比预计的提前,虽然科恩总理之前一直希望这剂苦味的药能够迟点放。

52、He endeavoured that his ordinances should be within the compass of the man and not unpalatable to the gentleman ─── 他总尽力使他的法令让一般人都能办到,而又不让上流社会的先生感到讨厌。

53、LI: The new chef cooks unpalatable dish. ─── 李:新厨师炒菜不好吃.

54、But even with reform, there is still a limit to what discussion can accomplish without a serious willingness on the part of member countries to act on unpalatable advice. ─── 但即便改革之后,如果成员国不愿意执行那些它所不乐意的决议,那么磋商所达成的协议也依然有它的局限性。

55、' In the past, the IMF sought to label China's exchange rate as 'fundamentally misaligned,' a designation that Beijing found so unpalatable that it blocked the reports. ─── 过去,IMF曾寻求将中国的汇率打上“从根本上没有对正”的标签,北京认为这种说法让人很不快,以致于阻止了报告的出炉。

56、His views, and those of many of his counterparts in other European countries, may be unpalatable to the liberal political mainstream ─── 他以及其他欧洲国家和他持有相同意见的人的观点也许令自由派的欧洲政坛感到不快。

57、But they are increasingly regarded as unpalatable buyers. ─── 但他们正在越来越被视为难以应付的买家。

58、Confucius said: just as bitter medicine cures sickness,so unpalatable advice benefits conduct. ─── 子曰:良药苦于利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。

59、Besides the unpalatable taste, our weak jaws, tiny teeth and small guts would never be able to chomp and process enough calories from the fruits to support our large bodies. ─── 除了味道难吃,我们的下颚不够强壮、牙齿太小、肠子也小,不可能嚼碎并消化这样的果实,也无法从中取得足够的热量,来支撑我们庞大的身体。

60、taste bad; be unpalatable ─── 难吃

61、Capital controls, which Russia used to have before it decided to liberalise its capital account in 2006, are both economically and politically unpalatable; ─── 俄罗斯在2006年资本自由化前常用的资本控制,不管在经济上还是政治上都不好用了;

62、The remainder is often unusable, infested with unpalatable weeds and able to support few cattle or goats. ─── 其馀土地多半荒废掉,长满无法食用的杂草,也供养不了几头牛羊。

63、67.Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to recognize them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers. ─── 对于尝过的不好吃的植物,动物倾向于根据他的最显著的特征,比如花,在以后认出他们。

64、POLITICS, said the late John Kenneth Galbraith, is the art of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable. ─── 已故的JohnKennethGalbraith曾说过:政治,是一门在灾难与不快中进行抉择的艺术。

65、The good times of the past decade, plus European Union money that is now running out, allowed governments of both parties to put off taking unpalatable medicine. ─── 过去十年的好时光加上欧盟的经济援助如今已不复存在,两大政党都在为此煞费苦心,制定良策。

66、Although good medicine cures sickness, it is often unpalatable; likewise, sincere advice given for one's well-Being, is often resented ─── 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行

67、They must be told the truth, however unpalatable it may be. ─── 必须把事实告诉他们,不论它是令人难以接受的。

68、In this short span the government has made some unpalatable decisions, and it began to earn cautious international respect for tackling an Augean task. ─── 从彼至今不长的时间里,新政府做出了一些不合公众口味的决策,不过却也因处理这滩浑水博得了国际社会谨慎的关注。

69、Bitter medicine cures sickness; unpalataBle advice Benefits conduct. ─── 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳益于行。

70、Medicine on behalf of the Xiaojun (not his real name) had diverted the beginning of this year, he felt more and more unpalatable rice bowl. ─── 医药代表小军(化名)今年年初改行了,他觉得这碗饭越来越难吃。

71、a mirror organism might be able to consume the concoction with gusto, whereas a known life-form would find it unpalatable. ─── 镜像生物可以津津有味地食用此特制餐点,而已知生命形式则会发现难以下嚥。

72、The unpalatable truch is that the modern teacher has no alternative to thinking out these matters for [herself or]himself. ─── 苦涩的事实就是,现代的教师除了自己解决这些问题外,别无选择。

73、was only then that I began to learn the unpalatable truth about John. ─── 那时我才开始了解到有关约翰的令人难以接受的真相。

74、I can only make some kinds of simple food and they often turn out to be unpalatable. ─── 我只会做一些简单的食物,太复杂的,我不会做,而且做出来不好吃.

75、Other gauges of inflation also brought an unpalatable message. ─── 确实,愈研究这些数字就会越觉得它们非常恼人。

76、Sincere advice, though seemingly unpalatable, must be followed. ─── 药石之言,爱听不听。

77、So far, South Korea does not seem to have arrived at the point where inaction becomes unpalatable. ─── 到目前为止,韩国似乎还没有到不作为让人难以接受的地步。

78、But enough of this. Homely truth is unpalatable. ─── 得了,忠言逆耳,不说这些了。

79、an unpalatable meal. ─── 平淡无味的一顿饭

80、B.Oh!don't mention it for the bad weather and unpalatable food,all these make me disappointed. ─── 别提了!天气又坏,吃的又糟.总而言之,这次假期真的很扫兴.

81、an unpalatable meal; unpalatable truths; unpalatable behavior. ─── 平淡无味的一顿饭;令人不快的事实;令人不快的行为。

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