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cardinal 发音

英:['kɑ?d(?)n(?)l]  美:['kɑrd?nl]

英:  美:

cardinal 中文意思翻译


n.(天主教的)红衣主教; 主红雀


adj.最重要的; 基本的

cardinal 词性/词形变化,cardinal变形

名词: cardinalship |

cardinal 反义词


cardinal 同义词

primary | chief | archbishop | principal | core | serious | priest | vermilion | scarlet | primate | red | high priest | high | primal | first | elementary | utmost | leading | basic | metropolitan | crimson | essential | central | dominant | redbird |fundamental | important | prime | key | prelate | bishop | cardinal number | exarch | foremost | main | hierarch | premier | carmine | Cardinalis cardinalis

cardinal 短语词组

1、cardinal red ─── [建] 黄光酸性红

2、cardinal point ─── [化] 基点

3、Cardinal Bellarmine ─── [网络] 红衣主教贝拉明;枢机主教;红衣主教贝拉名

4、cardinal compass point ─── [网络] 红点指南针点

5、Cardinal Newman ─── [网络] 纽曼公立高中;纽曼大主教;纽曼枢机

6、cardinal grosbeak ─── [网络] 红衣主教

7、cardinal point effect ─── [电] 基点效应

8、cardinal princilpe ─── [经] 基本原理

9、anterior cardinal vein ─── 前主静脉

10、cardinal ligament ─── [医] 主韧带, 基本韧带(子宫)

11、cardinal sin n. ─── 罪孽

12、cardinal plane ─── [化] 基面

13、cardinal number ─── 基数 [计] ─── 基数

14、cardinal points ─── [医] 方位基点, 骨盆主点

15、Cardinal Richelieu ─── [网络] 红衣主教黎塞留;枢机主教黎西留;李希流主教

16、anterior cardinal veins ─── [医] 前主静脉(胚)

17、cardinal flower ─── 红花半边莲

18、cardinal scales ─── [经] 基本尺度

19、blue cardinal flower ─── [网络] 蓝色主要花

cardinal 相似词语短语

1、cardiac ─── adj.心脏的,心脏病的;(与)贲门(有关)的;n.(非正式)心脏病患者;强心剂

2、cardiacal ─── 贲门

3、coordinal ─── adj.同科的(植物或动物)

4、cardias ─── n.胃贲门;n.(Cardia)(意)卡尔迪亚(人名)

5、cardinally ─── 最重要地;基本地

6、carinal ─── adj.有稜的;隆突状的

7、cardigan ─── n.羊毛衫,开襟羊毛衫(等于cardigansweater)

8、cardinals ─── n.红衣主教;红雀(cardinal的复数形式)

9、cardia ─── n.胃贲门;n.(Cardia)(意)卡尔迪亚(人名)

cardinal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cardinal number is too large. ─── 基数太大了.

2、Gemini is a Mutable Sign and Libra is a Cardinal Sign. ─── 双子是变动星座,天秤是本位星座。

3、Formerly Cardinal Health’s Pharmaceutical Technologies and Services Div. ─── 原红衣主教卫生医药技术和服务股利。

4、He too falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a burst of gunfire," the cardinal said. ─── 他在烟火爆发之下,也倒在广场上,看上去显然死了”,枢机主教说。

5、Urban IV becomes Pope, the last man to do so without being a Cardinal first. ─── 1261年的今天,乌尔班四世成为教皇,成为最后一个没在之前当过枢机的教皇。

6、Nicholas was appointed a cardinal. ─── 尼古拉斯被任命为红衣主教。

7、The text "Of all the vices sexual indulgence is the cardinal" drummed on his mind, and he shuddered. ─── “万恶淫为首”!这句话像鼓槌一般打得吴老太爷全身发抖。

8、A cardinal spline is a sequence of individual curves joined to form a larger curve. ─── 基数样条是一连串单独的曲线,这些曲线连接起来形成一条较大的曲线。

9、Therefore, we must confidently keep the socialist road and uphold the Four Cardinal Principles. ─── 有些同志至今对党提出坚持四项基本原则仍然抱怀疑态度.

10、The Parliament groveled in the dust at the Cardinal's feet. ─── 国会屈服于红衣主教之下。

11、German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger gives communion to a nun during a Mass in St. ─── 埃丝泰威兹大主教用拉丁文宣布,来自德国的拉钦格大主教为新选出的第265个新教皇。

12、Regular meals and exercise are of cardinal importance to our health. ─── 规律的饮食和运动对我们的健康是最首要的.

13、North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. ─── 东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。

14、East, west, north and south are the cardinal points of the compass. ─── 东、南、西、北为基本方位。

15、A SLE patient with a manifestation of AIHA as the first or cardinal symptom was tended to be misdiagnosed. ─── 以AIHA的表现为首发症状或主要表现的SLE患者 ,易误诊。

16、A cardinal number indicating absence of any or all units under consideration. ─── '零基'.''数,表示在考虑下不存在的任一或所有的单位.

17、There is no gimbaling error because the vessel is on a cardinal heading. ─── 在这种情况下也没有框架误差,因为船舶是处于基本航向。

18、Why is the principle of upholding the people's democratic dictatorship included in the Four Cardinal Principles? ─── 坚持四项基本原则中为什么要有一条坚持人民民主专政?

19、According to custom statistic, annual commissariat ( contain soja ) cardinal principle of imports and exports is balanced. ─── 据海关统计, 全年粮食 ( 含大豆 ) 进出口大体平衡.

20、Taiwan's concentrated attack on the Four Cardinal Principles shows precisely that we cannot discard them. ─── 台湾集中攻我们四个坚持,恰恰证明四个坚持不能丢。

21、Eagle Electric advocates that quality is the cardinal principle. ─── 一直以“质量才是硬道理”作为灵鹰电器公司的经营理念。

22、Cardinal Daly has said that churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes. ─── 戴利主教已经说过,教堂不应该用于非宗教或世俗的目的。

23、The cardinal principle of British education is education of the whole person. ─── 英国教育的基本原则是培养健全人格。

24、The cardinal point on the mariner's compass located at0=. ─── 北极水手罗盘上位于0度的基本点

25、At Midland, Tiago Monteiro committed the cardinal sin of taking off his team mate, Christijan Albers, in the hairpin on the opening lap. ─── 在米德兰车队,提戈亚-蒙泰罗承认主要的过失是在第一圈的发夹弯影响了自己的队友克里斯蒂安-阿尔伯斯。

26、In 1739, Cardinal Alberoni used military force to occupy the country. ─── 另一次是1739年被红衣主教阿伯罗尼。

27、She is wearing a cardinal sweater today. ─── 今天她穿了件鲜红的毛衣。

28、"Sister Lucia's life will be examined," said Cardinal Bertone. ─── “露西娅修女的一生会受到检验”,伯顿大主教说。

29、I committed the physician's cardinal sin: I got involved with my patients. ─── 我犯了从医的大忌:跟病人有了感情纠葛。

30、The cardinal includes 1, 2, 3, etc. ─── 基数词包括1、2、3等等。

31、Infection remains a cardinal problem in the treatment of burns. ─── 在烧伤治病中,感染仍然是中心问题。

32、Cardinal Meschia was without doubt a singular character. ─── 红衣主教梅斯基亚无疑是个怪人。

33、"At once-on the spot. The sack and the rope for the players and the Cardinal! ─── “立刻!马上!吊死演员!吊死红衣主教!”

34、His doggy pals join him by sporting elegant cardinal and bishop costumes. ─── 其他狗狗们也分别穿上了红衣主教和主教的服装。

35、The cardinal number equal to10?0 or10. ─── 一百一个基数词,等于10?0或10

36、They were encouraged by a promise from Cardinal Winning. ─── 红衣主教温宁的许诺使他们受到鼓舞。

37、The cardinal point on the mariner's compass90= clockwise from due north and directly opposite west. ─── 东方航海罗盘上一个基本方位,正北方向顺时钟转90°或指正西的相反方向

38、The cardinal number, represented by the symbol 1, designating the first such unit in a series. ─── 一:基数,用符号1表示,代表一系列中这样的单元中的第一个。

39、Righteousness is one of cardinal virtues of Confucian ethics. ─── 义是儒家道德的“五常”之一.

40、A cardinal spline is a curve that passes smoothly through a given set of points. ─── 基数样条是平滑通过一组给定点的曲线。

41、To give a unique cardinal position to each entry, as in stack rank. ─── 为每个项给定一个唯一的基数位置,如在堆栈级别中的功能。

42、The Banggai cardinal fish's popularity as a pet for the home aquarium has landed it on the 2007 IUCN Red List. ─── 作为家庭养鱼池中的宠物,印尼邦盖梳萝鱼的名声使得它进入2007年国际保护自然与自然资源联合会的红色清单。

43、The cardinal number equal to2?0. ─── 二十等于2乘10的基数

44、All on-the-job worker partakes be expended in pay of single cardinal number. ─── 在单基数缴费是全体在职职工分担的。

45、The following example draws three cardinal splines that pass through the same set of points. ─── 下面的示例绘制了三条通过同一组点的基数样条曲线。

46、His doggy pals join him with elegant cardinal and bishop costumes. ─── 他的狗狗伙伴们和他一起穿着优雅的红衣主教和主教服装。

47、Anemia was usually the first or cardinal symptom of SLE complicated with AIHA. ─── 在临床表现上 ,伴AIHA的SLE常以贫血为首发症状或主要表现 ;

48、Among other powerful persons to whom he went to solicit aid for his parishioners was M. le Cardinal Fesch. ─── 他代表他教区的信众们向上级有所陈请,曾夹在一群显要人物中去见过费什红衣主教。

49、The Four Cardinal Principles are the very foundation on which we build our country. ─── 四项基本原则是立国之本。

50、The following example draws a closed cardinal spline that passes through six designated points. ─── 下面的示例绘制了一条通过六个指定点的闭合的基数样条曲线。

51、This is a matter of cardinal significance. ─── 这是非常重要的事.

52、The cardinal number equal to4?0. ─── 四十一个基数,为4和10的乘积

53、The speaker emphasized the cardinal importance of building a party to lead the country. ─── 演讲者强调了建立一个政党来领导该国的根本重要性.

54、The first perspective to be explored belongs to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. ─── 即将探讨的第一种观点是约瑟夫.拉辛格主教的。

55、Cardinal principle is about security personnel and fire control, thank! ─── 大体是关于保安和消防的,谢谢!

56、Taiwan's concentrated attack on the Four Cardinal Principles shows precisely that we cannot discard them. ─── 台湾集中攻我们四个坚持,恰恰证明四个坚持不能丢.

57、The cardinal number, represented by the symbol1, designating the first such unit in a series. ─── 一基数,用符号1表示,代表一系列中这样的单元中的第一个

58、The Cardinal coloured with vexation. ─── 红衣主教感到恼火,脸涨得通红.

59、As we all know, far from being new, these Four Cardinal Principles have long been upheld by our Party. ─── 大家知道,这四项基本原则并不是新的东西,是我们党长期以来所一贯坚持的。

60、The ache is rheumatism's cardinal symptoms, is also causes the function barrier the substantial clause. ─── 疼痛是风湿病的主要症状, 也是导致功能障碍的重要原因.

61、We must stand up for the Four Cardinal Principles and especially the people's democratic dictatorship. ─── 四项基本原则必须讲,人民民主专政必须讲。

62、The cardinal number equal to1048. ─── 基数等于

63、The cardinal number equal to109. ─── 十亿基数,等于109

64、The cardinal number equal to1015. ─── 十的十五次幂基数等于1015。

65、Throughout the process of reform and opening,we must also adhere to the four cardinal principles. ─── 在整个改革开放的过程中,必须始终注意坚持四项基本原则。

66、His Eminence Cardinal Hume celebrated Mass. ─── 休谟红衣主教大人主持了弥撒。

67、Reduce dimension list to cardinal form. ─── 化简量纲序列到基本形式.

68、One of the creatures Jehovah created , the Cardinal claims , was Agonistes. ─── 主教提到,其中的一件作品就是阿冈尼司帝斯.

69、The core of these four cardinal principles is upholding leadership by the Communist Party. ─── 坚持四项基本原则的核心,是坚持党的领导。

70、The following example draws a bell-shaped cardinal spline that passes through five designated points. ─── 下面的示例绘制了一条通过五个指定点的钟形基数样条曲线。

71、Use the DrawClosedCurve method of the Graphics class to draw a closed cardinal spline. ─── 使用Graphics类的DrawClosedCurve方法可绘制闭合的基数样条曲线。

72、With respect to rural development character, population cardinal number is large, the task is very formidable. ─── 就农村发展而言, 人口基数大, 任务十分艰巨.

73、A cardinal perched momently on the dogwood branch. ─── 一只北美红雀在山茱萸上停留了片刻。

74、After some introductions Mr Cardin steps up to the podium. ─── 一些介绍之后,卡丁先生走到了演讲台前。

75、Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and develop socialist democracy. ─── 坚持四项基本原则,发展社会主义民主政治。

76、He committed the cardinal sin of criticizing his teammates. ─── 他犯了指责队友的大错。

77、The number of books on a shelf can be described by a single cardinal number. ─── 书架上图书的数量是一个基数。

78、His jacket was the color of a cardinal red. ─── 他的夹克颜色鲜红.

79、One of the creatures Jehovah created, the Cardinal claims, was Agonistes. ─── 主教提到,其中的一件作品就是阿冈尼司帝斯。

80、For cardinal principle, group headquarters can offer value from 4 respects. ─── 大体来说,集团总部可以从四个方面提供价值。

81、"Down with Jupiter and the Cardinal de Bourbon! ─── “打倒朱庇特! 打倒波旁红衣主教

82、To serve for whom is a cardinal problem, a matter of principle. ─── 为什么人服务的问题,是一个根本的问题,原则的问题。

83、Sensitivity to rejection is a cardinal feature of depression. ─── 对拒绝敏感是抑郁的重要特征之一.

84、We have been stressing the need to uphold the Four Cardinal Principles,haven't we? ─── 不是说四个坚持吗?

85、The following code example shows how to draw a cardinal spline that passes through the points in myPointArray. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何绘制经过myPointArray中的点的基数样条。

86、We should unswervingly combat bourgeois liberalization and adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles. ─── 反对资产阶级自由化,坚持四项基本原则,这不能动遥。

87、The following illustration shows a set of points and a cardinal spline that passes through each point in the set. ─── 下面的插图显示了一组点和经过这一组点中每一点的基数样条。

88、The following illustration shows four cardinal splines passing through the same set of points. ─── 下面的插图显示了经过同一组点的四个基数样条。

89、The core of the Four Cardinal Principles is to uphold leadership by the Party. ─── 坚持四项基本原则的核心,就是坚持党的领导。

90、We have never backed down from our position of upholding the Four Cardinal Principles. ─── 坚持四项基本原则任何时候我都没有让过步.

91、Stems with axillary buds from Cardinal, elite of China rose, were used as explants for in vitro rapid propagation. ─── 以月季良种红衣主教带腋芽茎段为外植体进行离体快速繁殖研究 .

92、One, two, three, etc. are the cardinal numbers. ─── 一、二、三等是基数。

93、The cardinal number equal to1012. ─── 基数,等于

94、The cardinal number equal to106. ─── 一百万基数,等于

95、"It is the declaration of Cardinal Spada, and the will so long sought for," replied Edmond, still incredulous. ─── “这就是红衣主教斯帕达的声明,也就是人们找了那么久的遗嘱吗?”唐太斯问道,他心里依旧是半信半疑的。

96、This principle is just as important as the other three cardinal principles. ─── 在四个坚持中,坚持人民民主专政这一条不低于其他三条。

97、The cardinal includes 1, 2, 3, etc. ─── 基数词包括1 、 2 、 3等等.

98、We should step up education in the Four Cardinal Principles and basic Marxist theories. ─── (英译汉)我们要在坚持四项基本原则和马克思主义基本理论基础上发展教育.

99、Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law. ─── 尊重生命是英国法律最重要的原则。

100、St.Michael's Cathedral is the Middle Ages, the Cardinal Cray Mans V built. ─── 圣米歇尔大教堂是中世纪时,红衣主教克雷芒五世主持修建的。

101、As a salesman, your cardinal rule is to do everything you can to satisfy a customer. ─── 作为推销员,你的首要任务是竭尽全力让顾客满意。

102、A Roman Catholic church in or near Rome having a cardinal for its nominalhead. ─── 天主教教堂罗马或罗马附近的罗马天主教堂,有一个红衣主教作它名义上的领导。

103、The cardinal number equal to18+1. ─── 十九与18加1相等的基数

104、You know the cardinal is the number three most used mascot for high schools? ─── 你知道红却是第三个常使用高中吉祥物。

105、The cardinal performance sinks to accumulate for the salt cystic kidney uric acid, swell, hyperemia, bleed. ─── 主要表现为肾尿酸盐沉积, 肿胀 、 充血 、 出血.

106、His jacket was the color of a cardinal red. ─── 他的夹克颜色鲜红。

107、He committed the cardinal sin of criticizing his teammates. ─── 他犯了指责队友的大错。

108、Why are lip and gum shown cardinal? How to solve? ─── 为什么嘴唇和牙龈都呈深红色?怎么解决?

109、We have never backed down from our position of upholding the Four Cardinal Principles. ─── 坚持四项基本原则任何时候我都没有让过步。

110、He despatched Cardinal Campeggio as his legate to the Diet of Nurnberg (1524). ─── 他委任红衣主教Campeggio,作为他出席纽伦堡会议的代表。

111、"He too falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a burst of gunfire," the cardinal said. ─── “他在烟火爆发之下,也倒在广场上,看上去显然死了”,枢机主教说。

how many is for counting?

For counting"翻译成中文为“用于计数”,因此句话表示的意思就是:"计数需要多少个?"。答案取决需要计数物品的实际数量,因此这种情况下需要根据提问者实际所处的实际情况来做出回答。

how many is for counting?

"For counting"可以翻译为“用于计数”,因此这个问题的意思是:"计数需要多少个?"。答案取决于计数的物品或数量。通常,计数使用数字,也就是1、2、3、4等等。如果要计算单个物品,只需要使用数字1,意思是1个物品。如果需要计算多个物品,需要使用适当数量的数字。例如,3个苹果就是数字3,5枚硬币就是数字5。所以,具体使用多少个数字,取决于需要计数和量化的物品或数量。

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