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08-17 投稿


evolves 发音

英:[i?v?lvz]  美:[i?vɑ?lvz]

英:  美:

evolves 中文意思翻译



evolves 词性/词形变化,evolves变形

形容词: evolvable |动词过去分词: evolved |动词过去式: evolved |动词第三人称单数: evolves |动词现在分词: evolving |名词: evolvement |

evolves 短语词组

1、evolves heat ─── 产生热量

2、evolves means ─── 进化意味着

3、evolves login ─── 进化登录

4、evolves def ─── 进化定义

5、evolves into vt. ─── 发展成,进化成

6、evolves meaning ─── 进化意义

7、evolves synonym ─── 进化同义词

8、evolves cs ─── 进化为cs

evolves 相似词语短语

1、evolvents ─── n.渐开线;渐伸线;切展线

2、volves ─── 回来吧

3、evolved ─── v.(使)逐渐形成;(有机体或生物特征)进化;释放(气体或热量)(evolve的过去式及过去分词);adj.进化了的

4、devolves ─── vi.被移交;转让;vt.转移;移交;使滚下;衰落

5、revolves ─── vi.旋转;循环出现;反复考虑;vt.使…旋转;使…循环;反复考虑;n.旋转;循环;旋转舞台

6、revolvers ─── n.[军]左轮手枪(revolver的复数)

7、coevolves ─── vi.共同进化(发生于两种或多种生物)

8、evolve ─── vt.发展;进化;使逐步形成;推断出;vi.发展,进展;进化;逐步形成

9、evolver ─── n.进化者;发展者

evolves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And the mass production by machines forces urban to expand quickly and suburbanize.At the same time the urban evolves into many functional sections and has many cores. ─── 大机械化生产组织方式导致城市规模不断扩大与出现功能分区和郊区化现象,最终形成多中心格局。

2、More will be written about this once we know exact details, so expect this (and many other sections) to be updated when ACE is released, and as it evolves. ─── 一旦知道了更准确地细节,我们将会写更多关于这方面的东西,所以敬请期待着一部分随着ace的发行而进行的更新。

3、"Lie " the meaning evolves by fudge for crammer, explain storytelling is later than somniloquy. ─── “谎”的含义由梦话演变为谎言,说明说谎话晚于说梦话。

4、His goal over the next decade is to determine how the spin of a supermassive black hole evolves over time. ─── 他打算在今后10年研究超大质量黑洞的旋转怎样随时间演化。

5、Needs of each culture as it evolves. ─── 以它牵涉到的每种文化的需要为基础。

6、If Asia succeeds in abolishing the evils of "KKN" , embraces good corporate governance, evolves governments which are more transparent and accountable to their people and capitalism with a human face, then Asia will have a bright future. ─── 如果亚洲成功地废除贪污、勾结、裙带风气,维护良好的企业管理方式,形成透明、对人民负责的政府和产生较有人情味的资本主义,那亚洲就会有一个光明的前途。

7、In the processing of the purification of copper electrolyte, arsenic acid prior to arsenious acid evolves AsH 3. ─── 在铜电解液净化工序中,砷酸优先于亚砷酸析出砷化氢,当阴极电势足够负时,三者共同放电析出砷化氢。

8、P2P is a new peer-to-peer network architecture, it is a distributed computing mode which evolves from the traditional centralized system. ─── P2P是一种新兴的对等网络架构,是计算机系统的结构从传统的集中式发展为分布式计算的新模式。

9、But as on the catwalks of Paris, style evolves. ─── 但在巴黎的猫步之下,风格不断演化。

10、As a first-order deliverable, the service model evolves over time as well as the definition of the service interfaces. ─── 在第一个订单交付后,服务模型就随着时间及服务接口的定义而发展。

11、Her consciousness of female subject, however, through her relationship with some other female characters, evolves from knowing oneself to criticizing society. ─── 从她与几位女性人物的关系分析,表现了这种女性主体意识从认知自我到批判社会的过程。

12、As the world evolves, we need a United Nations that constantly increases input in development and endeavours for the realization of the MDGs. ─── 世界在发展变化,我们需要一个不断加大在发展领域的投入,推动实现“千年发展目标”的联合国。

13、Encryption permits the requisite out-of-controllness that a hive culture demands in order to keep nimble and quick as it evolves into a deepening tangle. ─── 加密技术允许必要的失控,失控正是蜂巢文化在逐渐向一种不断深入的混乱状态演变的同时保持其灵活性和敏捷性所必需的东西。

14、As history surges forward like an unstoppable deluge, human society evolves toward progress with an irresistible force. ─── 历史洪流回旋跌宕,奔腾不息,人类社会走向进步的趋势不可阻挡。

15、Being an insatiable woman, her desire evolves from the consumption of things to that of signs. ─── 嘉莉是个永不满足的女人,其欲望经历了从物的消费到符号消费的嬗变。

16、As a part of entironment, the relation between pathogen and people also evolves from unbalance to equilibrium. ─── 作为自然环境的一部分,病原体与人之间也存在着一种从不平衡到平衡的关系。

17、In the mouth, an immediate impression of fully ripe tropical fruits, butter, vanilla and honey.As the wine evolves across the tongue, a crisper note of citrus unfolds. ─── 入口即可品到成熟的水果、黄油、香草及蜂蜜的味道,之后更为爽利的柑橘口味逐渐展现。

18、Fashion design is an imaginative problem-solving activity that starts from an idea which evolves into an illustration then on to fabric choice and, finally, draping. ─── 从诞生插画的火花开始,到织品的选择,时装设计是充满想象力的解决问题的活动。

19、He evolves from the outside as well. ─── 另外,它也可以借助外力来进化。

20、As the internet evolves from its infancy into maturity, website development, design and marketing becomes more and more sophisticated - and more and more complex. ─── 因为互联网已经由创建伊始逐渐走向成熟,因此,网站设计和网络营销变得越来高端,越来越复杂。

21、Similarly with the NC,as technology evolves,it will find its special niche in the marketplace,no matter how big or small the portion may be. ─── NC也一样,随着技术的进步,NC也将在市场上找到特定的位置,不管这部分市场有多大或多小。

22、Evolution, allowed to progress without interference, evolves intelligent species very similar to the result of genetic engineering. ─── 围绕着智慧生物的不受干扰的进化与基因工程得到的结果非常相似。

23、Strengthens monitor which evolves to the international finance situation, takes seriously with other main Central Bank's communication. ─── 加强对国际金融形势演变的监测,重视与其他主要央行的沟通。

24、Based on the evolution theory, he proposed that morals evolve as the society evolves and that moral evolution mean moral revolution. ─── 他运用进化论理论分析指出:道德随社会进化而进化,道德进化就意味着道德革命。

25、Include the oil gas and basin to takes shape and evolves ─── 含油气盆地形成与演化

26、Obviously, a line of astroid nebula is a result which the star old age evolves. ─── 可见,行星状星云是恒星晚年演化的结果。

27、EZ [size=2][color=#000000]In this game the story mode evolves around Future Trunks fighting Majin Buu. ─── 在这个游戏中,故事模式围绕未来的特兰克斯与魔人布欧的战斗而发展。

28、For a sweet tooth, a long tongue evolves. ─── 为了齿颊之间的香甜,长长的舌头会进化。

29、In the area, the chemical type is complicated, the natural groundwater chemical field evolves toward salinization and alkalination and groundwater quality tends to deterioration. ─── 区内天然水化学场总体上向盐化和碱化方向发展,水化学类型趋于复杂化,水质朝变差的方向演化。

30、Urban land-use-change belongs to a cross field, which evolves multi-disciplinary theories and methodologies, where factors of population, economy, land and natural conditions intertwine internally. ─── 城市土地利用变化是一个人口、经济、土地、自然条件相互牵制的复杂问题,必然是涉及多学科领域的交叉研究。

31、Over the next five years, as the Internet evolves, so will the use of a global network environment to manage desktop systems. ─── 在今后五年,随着因特网的发展,利用全球的网络环境来管理桌面系统也将得到发展。

32、You think you're a piano player and as time evolves, not only do you need to know about the internet and MP3 files and what not, everything is software. ─── 你认为自己是一名钢琴演奏家,随着时代的发展,你不仅需要了解互联网,还要了解MP3文件和,所有的一切都是软件。

33、It seems that it doesn't really matter what sort of plumage evolves, as long as it belongs recognisably to a certain species, and as long as the opposite sex develops a preference for it. ─── 似乎进化出什么类型的羽毛并不重要,只要它可以被辨识,属于每一物种,而且引起异性对它的偏爱。

34、"As the brain evolves and shifts its focus towards new technological skills, it drifts away from fundamental social skills. ─── 他在书中写到,“随着大脑的进化,加之其关注点向新兴科技的转移,它的功能已经不局限于基本的社交技巧了。”

35、Unfortunately, social progress does not take place evenly. As a result, the new concept of nationalism also evolves at a different pace. ─── 在转型中的社会,社会发展的不平衡和价值观念的冲突使人们的爱国主义观念有很大的不同。

36、However, their friendly competition evolves into a bitter rivalry making them fierce enemies-for-life and consequently jeopardizing the lives of everyone around them. ─── 他们的积怨愈深,魔法比并愈加诡异危险,在科学天才尼高利泰沙(大卫宝儿饰)的推波助澜下,两人的决斗更达到白热化,甚至危害身边的人。

37、He drifts into a region of woodlike patterns and then evolves his way to the exact grainy, knot-ridden piney look which he can use to color a wall in a video he is making. ─── 他随意进入了一个木质图案的区域,随后顺利进化出木纹精确、树节密布的松树一样的纹理,正好可以用来给制作中的视频里的墙面增色。

38、Similarly with the NC, as technology evolves, it will find its special niche in the marketplace, no matter how big or small the portion may be. ─── NC也一样,随着技术的进步,NC也将在市场上找到特定的位置,不管这部分市场有多大或多校

39、As China evolves and its middle class grows and desires travel, it will continue to define and embrace brands that are reflective of its culture and people. ─── 中国的进步及其中产阶级的增长将促使差旅的需求量大幅增加,这将不断地激励和界定酒店的品牌以反映国民和文化。

40、This configuration ensures that the outer boundary of the sand deposit evolves freely over its entire perimeter during the gradual build-up of the delta. ─── 在三角洲逐渐发展的过程中,实验设备的构造能确保沙子堆积的外部边界可以自由发展。

41、Product evolves in functional stages (allows simultaneous development and testing). ─── 产品在功能阶段进化(允许开发和测试同时进行)

42、The noosphere is our collective knowledge and wisdom, and today it “evolves” far faster than any biological entities. ─── 人类圈是我们知识和智慧的总和,如今它“进化”得远比其它生物实体要快得多。

43、Because of the augmentation of information, it is difficult to search useful information.The search engine emerges as the times require and evolves well. ─── 在信息飞速增长的网络环境下,对有用信息的查找变得越来越困难,搜索引擎便应运而生,并逐渐发展壮大。

44、Most Mystery Schools and Ancient traditions teach that Light Body evolves through Initiations. ─── 多数神秘学院和古老的传统教导光体是透过启蒙而进化。

45、Conversely, in love, the feeling of relationship is genuine and sincere so that concern for the other person evolves naturally. ─── 与之相反,在爱情中,双方对彼此的关系是真诚的,这样自然就会关心对方。

46、He said: "Our transfer policy evolves according to what the manager wants and the budget will allow. ─── 他说:“我们的转会政策是根据教练的要求展开的,也有提供预算。

47、The bulleted list at the top of the page evolves into a tree of status information as the analysis is completed. ─── 分析完成后,页首的项目列表变为状态信息树。

48、So when some species of microbe inevitably evolves resistance to gentamicin, IDSA is very concerned that that trait will show up in bacteria that cause human infections. ─── IDSA非常担心的当某种微生物不可避免的产生了对庆大霉素的耐药性,这种特性也会出现在引起人类疾病的微生物上。

49、Shuttleworth, like many open source proponents, is watching the community change as it evolves from geeky hobby to new-business-model-as-usual. ─── 夏特沃斯,像许多开源倡议者,是看社会的变化,因为它的演进从乏味的业余爱好,以新的商业模型作为一切照旧。

50、Construction industry technology is the kind of construction technology that evolves to be basic technology of the whole industry. ─── 建筑业产业技术是建筑技术演化到了产业层面的一种知识形态,是整个建筑产业生产活动的技术基础。

51、The pattern view shown in Figure 4 then evolves into a more concrete picture of a particular aspect of the system. ─── 然后,图4所示的模式视图发展为系统的特定方面的更具体图片。

52、Among the lymphoid sacculus, the round sacculus ev olves from the ileum, and the sheild-form lymphoid evolves from the caecum. ─── 其中,圆小囊部是由回肠演化发育而来,盾形淋巴团是由盲肠演化发育而来。

53、This kind of movement evolves into the means of a kind of placatory baby slowly later, short in food especially when, express in time to caress and comfort. ─── 人类中也有不接吻的。丹麦的科学界就有发现芬兰的一些族裔的人可以男女混浴可是却视接吻为大恶。

54、Furthermore, UX evolves over time. ─── 此外,用户体验随着时间进化。

55、As the design gradually evolves toward something that can be changed into actualization, there does no clear boundary exist the highly socialized activity as what architecture does? ─── 在高度社会化的建筑活动,没有绝对的界限限定其逐步现实化的过程。

56、You cannot ignore individual interests, but I believe the world evolves slowly. ─── 你不能忽视个人利益,不过我倒认为世界缓慢地进化。

57、In this game the story mode evolves around Future Trunks fighting Majin Buu. ─── 在这个游戏中,故事模式围绕未来的特兰克斯与魔人布欧的战斗而发展。

58、From their work, we have learned how our planet evolves. ─── 从他们的成果中,我们得知地球如何进化。

59、The engagement system evolves the development unceasingly until today, appeared the new appearance, also has initiated the new question. ─── 婚约制度不断演变发展直至今天,出现了新的面目,也引发了新的问题。

60、Piaget was launched on a path that would lead to his doctorate in zoology and a lifelong conviction that the way to understand anything is to understand how it evolves. ─── 从此皮雅杰走上了一条引导他获得动物学博士学位以及一个终生信念的道路,那就是:了解任何事物的方法就是要了解它是如何发展的。

61、"Freddie has broken two bones in his hand," said Wenger. "We have to see how it evolves and if he needs surgery or not. ─── “永贝里两根手指骨折,我们会根据他的伤情来决定是否手术。”

62、The Chinese nationality, in the eyes of Lao She, evolves from simple dichotomy of the evil and the good, and becomes a dialectic complex. ─── 他眼中的国民精神是全面的、发展的,从简单的善恶对立发展到辩证的交错组合。

63、Development of human history proves that the birth rate of world populations evolves from high to low along with human progress, social development and economic development levels. ─── 人类历史的发展证明,世界各国人口出生率的发展趋势随着人类的进步,社会的发展和经济发达程度,由高出生率向低出生率演变。

64、Versioning in lists and libraries enables you to track and manage information as it evolves and to view and recover earlier versions if necessary. ─── 列表和库中的版本控制使您可以跟踪和管理信息的变化过程,并在必要时查看和恢复早期版本。

65、In adventure mode, you control a party of heroes and explore the world as the struggle between Caesar and the Gaul chieftain Vercingetorix evolves. ─── 在冒险模式,你控制了党的英雄,并探讨世界之间的斗争凯撒和高卢土司维新格托里克斯演进。

66、And its own unceasingly consummates evolves and implements has to agricultural and the correlation industry enhancement and the enhancement function. ─── 其自身的不断完善进化和实施具有对农业和相关产业的提高和增强的功能。

67、From the analysis of her relationship with the male characters Darcy and Wickham, it is shown that her consciousness of female subject evolves from knowing others to knowing oneself. ─── 从她与达西和韦翰等男性的关系分析,表现了这种女性主体意识从认知他者到认知自我的过程;

68、The Y chromosome evolves from an autochromosome and accumulates male-related genes including sex-determining region of Y-chromosome (SRY) and several spermatogenesis-related genes. ─── Y染色体由常染色体进化而来,但是在结构上,呈现出不同于常染色体的特点。

69、The atom's quantum fidelity evolves, periodically with time, and its frequency is modulated by radiation intensity. ─── 原子的量子态保真度随时间呈周期性演化,其演化的频率受辐射强度或光子数调制。

70、Brooke Buchanan, a spokesperson for McCain, told CNN that the Arizona senator "believes the president should evaluate the situation as it evolves and ought to keep his options open. ─── "布鲁克布坎南,一位发言人麦凯恩告诉CNN说,亚利桑那州参议员, "相信总统应该评估局势,因为它的演变应该保住自己的选择" 。

71、Akira Touya has many faces and styles, and he also changes and evolves through time in the Hikaru no Go series. ─── 塔矢亮有很多的面孔和风格,他在棋魂系列里也透过时间来改变、增进自己。

72、Multi-dimensions Survey on Chinese Ancient Lawmaking Evolves ─── 中国古代立法演进的多向度考察

73、This virus evolves rapidly. ─── 这种病毒会迅速演变。

74、As the application evolves, however, it becomes clear that it should be able to accept movies with multiple directors. ─── 但是,随着应用程序的发展,它应该能接受由多位导演指导的电影,这一点很清楚。

75、The complete competition that regards economics core as content is academic, its development is almost perforative the whole process that history of whole economy doctrine evolves into. ─── 作为经济学核心内容的完全竞争理论,其发展几乎贯穿了整个经济学说历史演变的全过程。

76、But the sell-organization evolution system of artificial natural evolves far quicker compared with ecosystem, because it has feedback mechanism and prospective property. ─── 但人工自然的自组织演化由于具有反馈机制和前瞻性,因而演化速度远要快于生态系统。

77、Catalysis chemistry evolves from the development of economic society and the progress of scientific technology. ─── 催化化学是在经济社会的发展和科学技术的进步双重推动下应运而生的。

78、A glacier could thrust across their range, for example.The isolated population evolves new genes, and some of those new genes may make interbreeding difficult or impossible. ─── 举例来说,冰河可以分割物种的分布范围,受到隔离的族群会演化出新的基因,而其中一些新的基因可能导致不同族群间不易或完全无法交配。

79、Each probability in the state transition matrix and in the confusion matrix is time independent - that is, the matrices do not change in time as the system evolves. ─── 在状态转移矩阵以及混合矩阵中的每一个概率都是与时间无关的,也就是这些矩阵在系统演化的时候并不随着时间而改变。

80、However,with the development of capitalism,rationalist individualism evolves gradually into irrationalist individualism. ─── 但随着资本主义的发展,理性主义的个人主义逐渐演变成了非理性主义的个人主义。

81、Indeed, they are an interim arrangement, designed to maintain balance and continuity while our democratic process evolves over the next 10 years. ─── 事实上,这些都是临时安排,以便在未来十年内,我们的民主进程发展时,能够保持平衡和延续。

82、Man evolves from lower forms of life. ─── 人是由低级生物进化来的。

83、"If I can contribute to the way China evolves and how that relates to the outside world and the US, that would be a good thing," he says in his first interview since leaving Goldman. ─── 他在离开高盛后接受的第一次采访中说道:“如果我能对中国的发展方式,以及中国与外部世界和美国的关系做出贡献的话,那就太好了。”

84、Trade in international education services evolves from non-profit international cooperation and exchanges in education. ─── 国际教育服务贸易从公益性的教育国际交流与合作演变而来。

85、They also offer management assistance, performance monitoring and the staged infusion of additional risk capital as the enterprise evolves. ─── 他们同时提供管理协助,执行监测和作为企业发展附加风险资金的灌输阶段。

86、The companies said the foundation also would provide transparency and guidelines around technical and legal issues as the platform evolves. ─── 这几家公司说,随着平台的发展,基金会也将使技术和法律问题透明和并提供指导性的意见。

87、The ethos of Japanese patriotism and enterprise-loving evolves from the thought of being loyal to the ruler in Confucian thought. ─── 儒家的忠君思想,演化为日本人爱国、爱企业的风气。

88、Let's face it, culture is dynamic. It evolves like human evolution. ─── 如果我地要保留粤曲,系米一定要保留新光?

89、However, with the development of capitalism, rationalist individualism evolves gradually into irrationalist individualism. ─── 但随着资本主义的发展,理性主义的个人主义逐渐演变成了非理性主义的个人主义。

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