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08-17 投稿


decreases 发音

英:[d??kri?s?z]  美:[d??kri?s?z]

英:  美:

decreases 中文意思翻译



decreases 同义词

shrink | diminution | curtail | step-down | subtract | shrinkage | drop off | compress | cutback | loss | abbreviate | lessening |diminish | decline | decrement | cut | lessen | drop-off | reduction | reduce | fall | dwindle | drop | shorten | minify

decreases 反义词


decreases 短语词组

1、decreases in a way ─── 在某种程度上减少了

2、decreases means ─── 减少平均数

3、decreases health benefits ─── 降低健康效益

4、body temperature decreases ─── 体温下降

5、decreases meaning ─── 减少意义

6、decreases to liability accounts ─── 减记负债账户

7、decreases co2 ─── 减少二氧化碳

decreases 词性/词形变化,decreases变形

动词第三人称单数: decreases |副词: decreasingly |动词现在分词: decreasing |动词过去分词: decreased |动词过去式: decreased |

decreases 相似词语短语

1、decreased ─── 减少的

2、decrease ─── v.减少,减小,降低;n.减少,减小;减少量;减少过程

3、decrees ─── n.[法]法令;判决(decree的复数形式);赦令;v.颁布;判决(decree的三单形式);命令

4、decease ─── n.死亡;v.死亡

5、deceased ─── adj.已故的;n.死者;[法]被继承人;vi.死亡(decease的过去式)

6、deceases ─── 死亡

7、creases ─── n.[服装]皱纹;摺痕;折缝;球门区(crease的复数);v.使起折痕;擦伤;变皱(crease的三单形式)

8、degreases ─── v.脱脂;去除……的油污

9、precreases ─── 预兆

decreases 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And the LUMO energy of B decreases and the energy gap of it narrows. ─── 从能量上看分子B的LUMO轨道被降低,能级差变小。

2、Metallic character increases down Group 16 as electronegativity decreases. ─── 从上到下,电负性减小,金属性增强.

3、If an object decreases its velocity it is decelerating. ─── 如果物体速度减小了,它是减速的。

4、In the cloudless night ground temperature decreases on account of the heat lost to the space. ─── 在无云夜间地面温度由于其热量散失到空间而下降。

5、When diffusion controls, the moisture fraction decreases in a complex but close to exponential manner with time. ─── 当扩散控制时,湿含量遵循着复杂的但接近于指数关系的形式而随时间降低。

6、This condition decreases sexual desire and responsiveness. ─── 这种情况会降低性的欲望和敏感。

7、The average grain size of Fe-P as milled powders decreases to about 40nm after 100h of milling. ─── Fe-P系统在球磨100h后平均有效晶粒尺寸约40nm,都达到了纳米量级;

8、The collection held by the NameTable never decreases in size, creating a virtual "memory leak" of the string handles. ─── NameTable包含的集合的大小决不会减小,它会创建字符串句柄的虚拟“内存泄漏”。

9、Decreases damage dealt to your creatures by ranged attacks by 20%. ─── 友军受到的远程伤害减少20%

10、But while Saturn itself grows larger in telescopic images, Saturn's rings seem to be vanishing as their tilt to our line-of-sight decreases. ─── 但是当土星本身在望远镜影像里变大时,土星光环在在我们视线上的倾斜角度越来越小,几乎消失。

11、Use: Increases attack power by 90 and decreases stamina by 10 for 60 min. Battle Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的攻击强度提高90点,耐力降低10点,持续1小时。战斗药剂。

12、Using the MTA tunings described below in a Native Mode Exchange organization decreases the performance of Exchange. ─── Exchange组织在纯模式下进行如下所述的MAT调整过程,会降低Exchange的性能。

13、Using cement earth solidificated may form some str ength, stability, impermeability wall in order to lengthen seepage path, decreas e seepage pressure and control seepage. ─── 利用水泥土固化后形成的具有一定强度和足够稳定性、抗渗性的墙体,有效地延长渗径,降低渗透压力,达到防渗加固的目的。

14、During recording, the remaining memory indicator decreases one by one. ─── 剩余存储量指示器将逐个减少。

15、If Qing Dynasty is lienal,Tonga of stomach of dehumidify drink, beneficial decreases to be taken orally. ─── 如清脾除湿饮、益胃汤加减内服。

16、When a datagram is forwarded by a gateway, it decreases the value in the time to live field by one. ─── 当数据报经过网关转发时,它就将生存时间字段中的值减一。

17、Smoking decreases the general resistance of the body and is harmful to health. ─── 吸烟削弱身体抵抗力,危害健康。

18、This has to do with the fact that the proportion of testosterone in a woman's system plays a larger role as the estrogen decreases. ─── 这是因为随着雌激素的降低,睾丸激素这时在女性的内分泌系统内占了主导的地位。

19、The amount by which something decreases. ─── 减少量,减少额

20、Take a warm sweater, since the temperature in night decreases sharply. ─── 带上一件暖和的毛衣,因为夜间气温会急骤下降。

21、If shoots grow rapidly the root growth rate decreases markedly. ─── 如果新梢生长很快,则根系生长显著减慢。

22、Conversely, criterion uric Potassium eduction decreases. ─── 反之,则尿钾排出减少。

23、A circuit that decreases the difference between the strongest and the weakest signals in a particular range. ─── 减小某特定范围内强弱信号之间差别的一种电路。

24、It decreases chamber pressure by chemical reaction of residual gases with an evaporated metal. ─── 它通过剩余气体与蒸发的金属之间的化学反应减小了内腔的压力。

25、The friction of n-butylstearate initially decreases with increasing temperature. ─── n-硬脂酸丁脂的摩擦开始时随温度的上升而下降。

26、There is no record of those decreases being passed back to shoppers". ─── 也没有看到降价给消费者带来好处的纪录啊。”

27、Glyph of Deterrence: Decreases the cooldown of Deterrence by 20 sec. ─── 威慑铭文:减少你威慑技能冷却20秒。

28、On both pins friction decreases with increasing twist. ─── 两种圆杆上摩擦都随纱线捻度的增加而减少。

29、A debit entry increases an asset account while a credit entry decreases it. ─── 借方记录增加资产账户的数额,而贷方记录会减少这个账户的金额。

30、In the late growing period, Bt toxin protein content of every tissue decreases significantly. ─── 在棉株生长的后期,各器官杀虫蛋白的含量则有大幅度的下降。

31、Therefore the percent defective for an iron plate decreases. ─── 因此铁板的损耗率就减少了。

32、CEP reverses drug resistance of K562/ADR cell line partly and decreases the expression of bcl-2 in K562/ADR cell line. ─── CEP可部分逆转K5 62 /ADR细胞的耐药性,其机制可能与降低bcl 2的表达有关。

33、Either long or short length decreases the efficiency of GEP. ─── 对此,分析了个体长度对GEP求解效率的影响;

34、However, instead of increasing interest expense, amortization of premium decreases interest expense. ─── 但是,与利息费用的增加相反,溢价的摊销减少利息费用。

35、The first method is average method, which decreases the contrast of images in some degree. ─── 平均法在一定程度上降低了图像的对比度;

36、The centrifugal force caused by the earth's rotation decreases from a maximum at the equator to zero at the poles. ─── 地球自转产生的离心力从赤道的最大值降低到极地的零值。

37、When the speed of playing increases, the size of the motions decreases. ─── 当弹奏速度加快时,音阶的动作的幅度就会缩小。

38、Conclusions: 1.The AVI and MVI decreas significantly during VPD.The PAVI and PMVI increase, but the compensation are not complete. 2. ─── 室早时心搏量和充盈量明显下降,室早后心搏量和充盈量代偿不足,室早发生的时间与左室充盈和心搏量的降低密切相关。

39、Solar irradiance decreases towards the poles. ─── 太阳辐照率向两极递减。

40、They found that the dynamic SIF decreases as the stiffer material is approached. ─── 他们发现随着较刚性的材料接近,动态应力强度因于减少。

41、After a year, those who lost at least 2 percent of their body fat had even greater decreases in estrogen. ─── 一年后,那些减去了至少2%的体重的妇女们的雌激素水平有了更大幅度的下降。

42、The number of arguments increases, and the number of times when the mother and daughter get along happily decreases. ─── 双方的争吵越来越多,而相处融洽的时间越来越少。

43、Atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in altitude and so does the density of the atmosphere . ─── 大气压力随高度的增加而降低,而大气的密度也如此。

44、Shredding Attacks now decreases energy of shred by 18 instead of 12. ─── 强化撕碎现在2点天赋-18能量,以前-12,好消息。

45、His interest in this subject gradually decreases. ─── 他对这门学科的兴趣逐渐减退。

46、A positive value decreases your profit. ─── 一个积极的价值降低您的利润。

47、Depreciation is highest in the first period and decreases in successive periods. ─── 在第一段时期,折旧率最高,而在随后的期间内递减。

48、Lovelorn.Love is like the moon;when it does not increase it decreases. ─── 后来一直不敢去见了,直到前一个月。

49、After that, the shear strength decreases to residual state and tends to a constant as axial strain increases. ─── 此时剪力强度将迅速递减到残馀阶段,最后趋于定值;

50、In proportion therefore, as the repulsiveness of the work increases, the wage decreases. ─── 因此,劳动越使人感到厌恶,工资也就越减少。

51、Other things being equal, the evapotranspiration rate decreases with increasing humidity. ─── 当其它条件相同时,蒸散率随湿度增大而减小。

52、The serum of ICP patients decreases the expression of VEGF in HUVECs. ─── ICP患者血清对内皮细胞的损伤,可能与VEGF的分泌减少有关。

53、And the berberine absorption peak at 345 nm decreases, that is, there is the fading effect. ─── 345nm处的吸光度减弱 ,即存在缔合微粒的减色效应。

54、As the carbon content decreases,the steel becomes less hard and more easy to shape. ─── 含碳量越低,钢就越软,也越容易成型。

55、As each router processes the packet, it decreases the TTL value by one. ─── 当每个路由器处理封包,它以壹减少TTL值。

56、Your hunger decreases as you eat . ─── 你吃过东西以后就不饿了。

57、Smoking decreases the general resistance of the body and is harmful to health. ─── 吸烟削弱身体抵抗力,危害健康。

58、Let your faith and prayer intercede, and your perception of pain decreases. ─── 他们了解个人的信仰如何能影响病人对各种疼痛的反应,无论是心理上还是生理上。

59、Use: Decreases the magical resistances of your spell targets by 30 for 60 min. Guardian Elixir. ─── 使用:使你的法术目标的魔法抗性降低30点,持续1小时。守护药剂。

60、The LDC filter is introduced into a rc welding inverter power source and the voltage ripple of the DC line is decrea sed. ─── 在弧焊逆变电源中采用LDC滤波电路,可以降低直流线上的电压纹波。

61、The act of removing money from the bank; decreases your balance. ─── 从银行取钱;降低您的余额。

62、Ammo Feed loading time decreases as Ammunition Link improves. ─── 弹药供给技能的装填时间随着弹药链技能的增高而减少。

63、but when the heat load of rotor increases , the ratio of the heat bring by the axial direction gas - flow to the total heat load decreases. ─── 但随着转子发热量增大,气隙轴向风量带走热量占总热量的比例下降。

64、The luminescence decreases with hours but it is restored as soon as the watch is exposed to bright light. ─── 发光亮度会随着时间而降低,但是只要手表一暴露在亮光中便又恢复。

65、Above the inversion point the temperature in the bore hole decreases as the depth decreases. ─── 在反向点以上,井孔内的温度将随着深度的变浅而下降。

66、The six HEADINGs are displayed in the same font, but the point size decreases. ─── 六个标题都是一样的字体,但是它们的大小趋减。

67、Evaporation at this reduced temperature decreases thermal degradation and results in optimal product quality. ─── 在低温下蒸发可减少热降解,并产生适宜的产品质量。

68、The flexibility of the lens decreases with age; it is therefore common for our sight to worsen as we get older. ─── 眼球晶状体的柔韧性随着年龄的增长而降低;因此普遍的情况是随着我们年纪变老,我们的视力就会变差。

69、Use of latex condoms or vaginal barriers decreases but does not eliminate risk. ─── 使用乳胶避孕套或子宫帽可降低但不能消除这种危险。

70、Shearing increases or decreases a color component by an amount proportional to another color component. ─── 剪切是指按照与另一种颜色分量成比例的量来增加或减少颜色分量。

71、Warfarin is the only effective and efficient drug that decreases the complication of embolism for the time being. ─── 华法令是唯一可以有效降低栓塞并发症的药物。

72、When the pressure of population on housing decreases, prices also go down and the building industry is weakened. ─── 人口对住房的压力减少时,房价就会下降,建筑业自然就会削弱。

73、Superheat decreases as the channel narrows at low heat flux, but it inverts at high heat flux. ─── 在较低热流密度下,窄通道强化传热;

74、The aftershock frequency decreases regularly with time. ─── 余震的频度随时间有规律地减少。

75、With increasing tempering temperature, the retained austenite decreases. ─── 回火温度升高,其残余奥氏体量逐渐减少。

76、During sleep, the number of sites to which adenosine is bound decreases. ─── 在睡眠期间,腺苷结合的位点数量减少。

77、The ability of animals to survive decreases. ─── 动物们的生存能力低下。

78、Lack of success decreases confidence. ─── 失败使信心渐减。

79、When coupled with SOI, the use of strained silicon speeds performance and decreases power consumption even more. ─── 如果与绝缘硅技术一起使用,应变硅技术可以更大程度地提高性能并降低功耗。

80、The amount of gas transported upward through the emulsion decreases as the gas velocity is raised. ─── 向上经过乳剂的被输送的气体量随气速的增加而减

81、As soon as sliding begins, it is found that the friction force decreases. ─── 人们发现,滑动一开始,摩擦力就减

82、Under conditions of water stress, leaf turgor decreases and stomata close. ─── 在干旱的条件下,叶子的膨压减少而气孔关闭。

83、For a period of time, the pressure decreases steadily, as in air. ─── 在一段时间之内,就象在空中那样,压力继续下降。

84、The variety genetic contribution of the same age decreases with the time. ─── 同一个年代的品种,对后代的遗传贡献率,则随着年代的推移而逐渐减小。

85、His interest in this subject gradually decreases . ─── 他对这个科目的兴趣逐渐减少。

86、The average number of simultaneous connections, a number which rises as server performance decreases. ─── 并发连接的平均数,这个数值的上升代表服务器性能下降。

87、As a result, sebum production decreases, which reduces acne. ─── 因此,减少皮脂的产生,从而减少粉刺。

88、Dragging it left or right decreases or increases the indent. ─── 向左或向右拖动可以减少或增加缩进。

89、WPCF increases before 32 weeks, decreases after 33 weeks; and can be easily measured during 29~32 weeks. ─── WPCF随孕周而变化,32周之前随孕周的增加而增宽,但33周之后随孕周的增加而变窄,29~32周最易检测。

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