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tranquilize 发音

英:['tr??,kw?la?z]  美:['tr??kw?,la?z]

英:  美:

tranquilize 中文意思翻译



tranquilize 网络释义

vt. 使……安静;使……镇定

tranquilize 短语词组

1、tranquilize mean ─── 安神

2、tranquilize crossword clue ─── 镇定纵横字谜线索

3、tranquilize syn ─── 镇定syn

4、tranquilize mask ─── 镇静面膜

5、tranquilize the mind ─── 使心灵平静

6、tranquilize the unease ─── 平息不安

7、tranquilize a dog at home ─── 在家里使狗安静

8、tranquilize bear ─── 安抚熊

9、tranquilize w101 ─── 镇定w101

tranquilize 词性/词形变化,tranquilize变形

名词: tranquilization |

tranquilize 相似词语短语

1、tranquilized ─── v.使……安静;使……镇定

2、tranquilizers ─── n.镇定剂;使镇定的人或物

3、tranquillise ─── v.(使)平静,镇静(等于tranquillize,tranquilise,tranquilize)

4、tranquillized ─── v.使镇静,是安定;(给人或动物)服镇静剂;使平静,使安静

5、tranquillizer ─── n.镇静剂;安定药

6、tranquillizes ─── v.使镇静,是安定;(给人或动物)服镇静剂;使平静,使安静

7、tranquilizer ─── n.镇定剂;使镇定的人或物

8、tranquilizes ─── v.使……安静;使……镇定

9、tranquillize ─── v.使镇静,是安定;(给人或动物)服镇静剂;使平静,使安静

tranquilize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A tranquil spirital shelter of the Hatfield House... the chapel..... ─── 一个可以安静的心灵庇护所....

2、Around fhe baigu garden embrace thousands of fruit trees.its circumstance is sequestered and tranquil. ─── 园区占地5万平方米,是京郊首家会员式采菇休憩园。自然,简朴,绿色。

3、After the departure of the ruffians, the Rue Plumet resumed its tranquil, nocturnal aspect. ─── 匪徒们走了以后,卜吕梅街便恢复了它平静的夜间景色。

4、As the days they were famous are limited, they finally had to retreat to their old mansion with a tranquil mood. ─── 名声在外的日子有限,叶落终是要归根,深宅大院呼应的是老去后静穆的心怀。

5、The thing is accomplished without trouble, without effort,without reaction,--following a natural and tranquil law. ─── 受某种平静的自然法则的支配,这个过程不会引起混乱,无须付出努力,没有任何反作用。

6、In the tone with which he uttered these words there lay a melancholy so solemn and so tranquil, that Cosette trembled. ─── 他说这些话时的声调有着一种庄严而平静的忧伤气息,使珂赛特听了为之战栗。

7、You can also go to Xanadu, a primitive minority village full of folk culture and tranquil rurality. ─── 你还可以去“世外桃源”,那是一个充满着民族风情和宁静的田园风味的原始少数民族村落。

8、Keeping a peaceful and tranquil heart is important to a man. ─── 人不动心,保持一颗平静心是重要的。

9、They walked in the cool, tranquil night air together. ─── 他们一起走在凉风习习,宁静安详的夜里。

10、You are now feeling peaceful and calm and tranquil. ─── 你现在感受到平安,祥和以及宁静。

11、But the world is far from tranquil, and world peace and development are still under threat in one way or another. ─── 但天下仍很不太平,世界的和平与发展依然受到这样或那样的威胁。

12、The world wanted gravamen to tranquilize down BE? ─── 天下要不平静了是么?

13、He looked at the man with a tranquil eye. ─── 他以平静的眼神看着那个男人。

14、The tranquil dance is similar to a mother singing her baby to sleep. ─── "舞蹈就像是在哄孩子入梦的母亲,宁静安详。

15、A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to creat a tranquil harmonious home. ─── 关爱的氛围对一个家庭是很重要的.尽你所能去营造一个安详和谐的家吧.

16、He used nicotinamide to tranquilize the animal. ─── 他用烟酰胺使动物镇静。

17、There was a tranquil expression on his face. ─── 他脸上有一种安祥自若的表情。

18、Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose. ─── 没有什么力量比矢志不移的决心更能镇定人的心灵了!

19、He has swapped talk of plain "rupture" for the vacuous "tranquil rupture". ─── 他将空洞无物的“平静决裂”替换为清晰明了的“决裂”。

20、In a tranquil house in Shenzhen, a kind looking old man was enjoying his favorite Shanxi folk song. ─── 在深圳一处幽静的居所里,一位慈祥的老人在欣赏着他最喜欢的山西民歌。

21、When you are tranquil, you can be at ease. ─── 靜而后能安;

22、But underneath its tranquil facade, it buzzes with biochemical chatter. ─── 不过在平静的表面以下,它的生化分子在吵吵哄哄.

23、Conclusion Juantong decoction can tranquilize the mind and relieve pain, which is the base of clinic use for NHP. ─── 结论蠲痛汤具有镇静止痛作用,临床用于缓解NHP有实验依据。

24、The tranquil enjoyment of things in common, Jolyon perceived, was gone for ever. ─── 乔里恩看出,那种同游共赏的平静乐趣已经一去不返了。

25、Under its tranquil surface lies a friendly but radical core of progressives, leftists, tree-huggers and eco-warriors. ─── 在这座表面平静的城市中,生活着进步人士、左倾份子、树木拥抱者和生态斗士友好而激进的精髓。

26、No longer will you roll at me Your azure swells in endless motion Or gleam in tranquil majesty. ─── 别了,自由的元素这是最后一次在我面前你翻滚蓝色的波涛和闪耀骄傲美丽的容颜。

27、"I love tranquil solitude" (Percy Bysshe Shelley). ─── “我热爱安静的独处” (帕西·碧西·雪莱)。

28、Astrophotographer Jose Suro also imagines a clear, moonless, dark night sky on a warm evening near tranquil waters. ─── 在暖和的夜晚下,平静的湖畔,天文摄影师约什.索罗同样拍摄到了清晰,无月光的夜空。

29、There ought to have been a tranquil bark in such an anchorage, and there was. ─── 在这样的港湾中理应有一只平静的小舟,而小舟也确实存在。

30、However, I clearly see her direction, her tranquil smile hide under the moon sorrow. ─── 可是,我看不清她的方向,她恬淡的笑容下掩藏的是月亮的忧伤。

31、Yet tranquil surfaces cannot mask a troubling gulf between native Fijians and citizens of Indian origin. ─── 可惜平静的海面遮盖不住斐济本地人与印度移民之间混乱的格局。

32、Human being's life of original creation is living the life with a tranquil mind. ─── 人类被创造的本然生命,是过著一个拥有平静心灵的生活。

33、Upon development of samadhi, one's mind becomes purified of defilement, calm, tranquil, and luminous. ─── 在三摩地发展上,一个人的思想会从污秽中得到净化,平静、安定和明亮。

34、Another advantage of country life is that it is more tranquil. ─── 乡下生活的另一个优点是它比较宁静。

35、But now everything here is so peaceful and tranquil. ─── 不过现在这儿一切都这样安宁、恬静。

36、Say, Li Qiang chases a very small envelope and reside tranquilize and collected a ground of in front that pushed that Ling sky. ─── 说着,李强把一个小小的信封,不动声色地推到了那凌天的面前。

37、They lived a tranquil life in the countryside. ─── 他们在乡下过着宁静的生活。

38、Nourish blood to tranquilize mind, appease neural system, remiss fatigue, improve sleeping and increase sleeping quality step by step. ─── 养血安神、解烦助眠,对精神系统有安抚作用,缓解人体疲劳,逐步改善睡眠,提高睡眠质量。

39、BUT there was no hilarity in the little town that same tranquil Saturday afternoon. ─── 也就是在同一个星期六的下午,镇上虽然宁静,但人们的心情却很沉重。

40、I love nature just because I love to feel the tranquil world that is increasingly far away from us. ─── 因为我爱我爱大自然宁静的世界,感觉越来越遥远。

41、Her death was tranquil and happy in Rose's guardian arms, for Rose had been her stay and defense through many trials. ─── 在罗斯的照护下,她宁静而幸福地死了,因此罗斯是她历经许多磨炼的扶持者兼保护人。

42、The countryside is very tranquil, with less people. ─── 乡下挺安静的,人没那么多。

43、This powerful drug is used to tranquilize patients undergoing surgery. ─── 这种强效的药物用于使手术中的病人失去知觉。

44、A calm or tranquil state of mind; self-possession. ─── 冷静,沉着头脑镇定或沉着的状态; 自我克制

45、There is another world behind the walls, inside the tranquil courtyards, that can only be imagined. ─── 在围墙后面,平静的庭院里,有另一番世界,只能凭借想象去游历。

46、In that tranquil setting Richard Nixon was enduring the long final torment of his political career. ─── 在这宁静的环境中,理查德、尼克松正在忍受着他政治生涯中漫长的最后折磨。

47、The first half-mile was tranquil enough, but soon the invigoratingly cold water propelled us faster. ─── 前半里还双平稳的,但很快地,令人神清气爽的冷水推着我们加快往前。

48、To cause to leave a tranquil condition; disturb. ─── 使不安宁,使不稳定使离开平静状态;干扰

49、When I reflect that yesterday I was so tranquil, and so far from suspecting anything! ─── “昨天我还那样安静,也绝没有想到有什么事要发生

50、Hunting game is forbidden in this tranquil woods. ─── 在这个宁静的树林,狩猎是被禁止的。

51、You have been weary of own tranquil life? Do you want alone to live on an island several year or several dozens years? ─── 你是不是厌倦了自己恬静的生活?你想不想独自生活在一个岛上十几年或几十年?

52、The fourth precept is to refrain from stealing, being tranquil and detached. ─── 四诫偷盗莫贪小,知足守份没烦恼。

53、In winter, Jiuzhaigou becomes especially tranquil and serene, poetic and picturesque. ─── 冬日,九寨沟变得尤为宁静,尤为充满诗情画意。

54、At this time, the facial expression of Huang Li Jiang's frenzy after venting, just a mini fall tranquilize on the whole. ─── 此时,黄梨江狂乱的表情在发泄后,总算稍稍平静下来。

55、Occupy thyself with few things, says the philosopher, if thou wouldst be tranquil. ─── 哲学家说,如果你愿意宁静,那就请从事很少的事情。

56、The Bishop fixed a tranquil eye on the man. ─── 主教用镇静的目光瞧着那人。

57、"Citizen Manette, be tranquil. ─── “曼内特公民,安静。

58、See yourself sitting beside a pool with a fountain playing in a beautiful and tranquil garden. ─── 在一个美丽、安静的花园中,你看到自己坐在一个水池边。

59、A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to create a tranquil harmonious home. ─── 关爱的氛围对一个家庭是很重要的。尽你所能去营造一个安详和谐的家吧!

60、Nourish blood to tranquilize mind, appease neural system, remiss fatigue, improve sleeping and increase sleeping quality step by step. ─── 养血安神、 解烦助眠,对精神系统有安抚作用,缓解人体疲劳,逐步改善睡眠,提高睡眠质量。

61、"Oh, no," was the tranquil response; "I am too fond of art to attempt anything of that sort. ─── “不,不!我现在做的这件事跟画画相差十万八千里。

62、A century ago, it was a tranquil town whose coral-and-gypsum huts housed Bedouin traders and pearl divers. ─── 一百年前,它还是一个宁静的小城,贝都因商人和采珠人住在由珊瑚和石膏筑成的小屋里。

63、Life in the countryside is very tranquil. ─── 农村的生活十分安宁

64、Huck's face lost its tranquil content immediately, and took a melancholy cast. ─── 哈克脸上立即失却了它那自得其乐的精神,换了一副发愁的样子。

65、Or gleam in tranquil majesty. ─── 你的骄傲的美闪烁壮观。

66、Forging inland, the high elves founded a settlement within the tranquil Tirisfal Glades. ─── 在向内陆推进的过程中,高等精灵们在安静的提瑞斯法林地里建立了他们的安身之所。

67、In this tranquil night, you may know what I am thinking? ─── 在这个宁静的夜晚,你可知道我在想些什么吗?

68、A gentle silence, a tranquil sparkle are so elegant and beautiful, submerged portion of the lonely hearts and lonely. ─── 一种温柔的缄默,一种安谧的光芒,是那样的雅致与清幽,淹没了心中的那份落寞与孤。

69、And also found a tranquil home for their hearts. ─── 也寻得了一方宁静的精神家园。

70、But in the end, you'll be convinced that they stay in a certain nook of this world with a tranquil and gratified life. ─── 可是到最后,你都会相信,他们在这个世界的某一个角落,安静而满足的生活着。

71、The morning sea was tranquil after the storm the night before. ─── 前夜暴雨之后的早晨,大海非常平静。

72、Huck's face lost its tranquil content, and took a melancholy cast. ─── 哈克脸上悠然自得的神情消失了,马上呈现出一脸的愁相。

73、The tenacious heart can break, or can be tranquil? ─── 固执的心会破碎,还是会平静?

74、The world is far from being tranquil and mankind is faced with many grave challenges. ─── 世界还很不安宁,人类面临着许多严峻挑战。

75、Manly man is living should to have the conduct, In the spring of sowing down peaceful tranquil for the people. ─── 丈夫在世当有为,为民播种太平春。

76、A tranquil heart is life to the flesh, But envy is rottenness to the bones. ─── 30心中安静是肉体的生命;嫉妒是骨中的朽烂。

77、How can a mother be tranquil when her son is on a long journey? ─── 儿子出门远行,当妈的怎能清心呢?

78、Walking amidst the tranquil winding paths. People seem placed in a pretty picture. ─── 今日府河与南河曲径幽里,人在画中。

79、He was as tranquil as if nothing had happened. ─── 他那副悠闲的样子就像什么事也没发生似的。

80、A calm or tranquil state of mind;self - possession. ─── 冷静,沉着头脑镇定或沉着的状态;自我克制

81、But now, in her new life, temporal and spaceless, she was more tranquil. ─── 但现在,在她短暂又无限的新生活里,她更安静了。

82、A man has no gloominess if he is able to keep happy and tranquil mood with or without position and fame all the time. ─── 一个人无论得意或失意都能维持快乐、安怡的心情,这样的人,就永远不会有郁卒的情绪。

83、Imagine you are floating in a pool in a serene and tranquil garden. ─── 在一个安宁与寂静的花园之中,你正漂浮在一个池塘之上。

84、However, uncertainties impeding peace and development are also on the increase. The world is far from being tranquil. ─── 但是,影响和平与发展的不确定因素也在增加,世界还很不安宁。

85、Actually as far as I know most comedians are more sober and tranquil than funny in real life. ─── 事实上就我所知,大部分喜剧演员在现实生活中更沉稳更冷静。

86、Lily GanWei bitter taste, micro cold sex, be brunei effect, when you often melancholy, MDP annoyed when, can help you to sleep tranquilize. ─── 百合味甘微苦,属微寒性,有润肺的效果,当你常常忧郁、躁郁烦闷时,可以帮助你清心安神容易入睡。

87、Antelope Canyon is at once one of the most breathtaking and tranquil places on earth. ─── 你一到羚羊峡谷,你就会发现,这是地球上宁静得让你惊心动魄的地方。

88、In the continuous battle gloomy life, you are able to pass through a short tranquil and peaceful period. ─── 在争斗不休的灰暗生活中,拥有短暂的和平宁静。

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