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08-17 投稿


configured 发音

英:[k?n'f?ɡ?d]  美:[k?n'f?ɡ?d]

英:  美:

configured 中文意思翻译




configured 词性/词形变化,configured变形


configured 短语词组

1、angle iron configured ─── 角钢配置

2、configured def ─── 配置的def

3、no shared spaces configured ─── 未配置共享空间

4、configured off ─── 配置关闭

5、configured out ─── 配置完毕

6、configured but inactive forwards ─── 配置但不活动的转发

7、aerodynamically configured ─── 空气动力学配置

8、failed to find configured root that contains ─── 找不到包含的配置根目录

9、configured meaning ─── 配置意义

10、configured kernel ─── 配置的内核

11、configured in ─── 在中配置

12、Production Line Configured ─── 生产线配置

13、configured to serve ─── 配置为服务

14、Configured Engine Bay ─── 配置引擎湾

15、configured means ─── 配置方式

16、configured iaw ─── 配置符合

17、configured bom ─── 配置的物料清单

configured 相似词语短语

1、configures ─── vt.安装;使成形

2、configurated ─── adj.表面上有图案装饰的

3、reconfigured ─── v.重新配置(reconfigure的过去式及过去分词)

4、reconfigures ─── v.重新配置,重新设定

5、configurates ─── vt.配置;形成,使成形

6、configure ─── vt.安装;使成形

7、unfigured ─── 不华丽的;没用图画表示的

8、confiture ─── n.果酱,蜜饯

9、confitures ─── n.果酱,蜜饯

configured 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Storage quotas can also be configured on a per-mailbox basis. ─── 也可以基于每个邮箱配置存储配额。

2、More than one virtual server can use the same TCP port, but they must be configured with different IP addresses. ─── 多个虚拟服务器可以使用同一个TCP端口,但是必须为它们配置不同的IP地址。

3、For non-disk servers, only the BMC and the BIOS gets configured during setup. ─── 对于无盘服务器来说,安装期间只有BMC和BIOS需要进行配置。

4、Windows can no longer find the sound card in your computer. Make sure the card is configured and operating properly. ─── Windows无法在您机器中找到声卡。请确认该卡配置及操作正确。

5、Without a hardware time source, W32time is configured as a NTP type. ─── 如果没有硬件时间源,W32time会被配置为NTP类型。

6、Your ISA plug and play cards are not properly configured. ─── 你的ISA即插即用卡不适当被配置。

7、ADSL technology supports up to seven synchronous channels that can be configured to meet application requirements. ─── ADSL技术支持多达七个的同步信道,它们可以配置成满足多个应用需求。

8、In the Profile name list, select the mail profile that you configured for SQL Mail. ─── 在“配置文件名”列表中,选择为SQL Mail配置的邮件配置文件。

9、To make this kind of situation easier, bash is often configured with two aliases, pu and po, as shown in Listing 9. ─── 为了简化此类情况,通常为bash配置了两个别名,即pu和po,如清单9所示。

10、In the previous section, you configured a shared work path and set up an MI queue manager, so you can move on to third step. ─── 在上一节中,您配置了一个共享工作路径并设置了一个 MI 队列管理器,因此您可以继续第三步。

11、Storage pool identified by the job is not configured for this Remote Storage installation. ─── 作业所标识的存储池没有为该远程存储安装而配置。

12、To move the new projects to the list of Configured projects, so the window looks like Figure 1.25. ─── 以将新项目移到Configured项目列表中,该窗口如1.25所示。

13、Older Outlook clients will need to be manually configured to point to the new server, if the server name has changed. ─── 如果服务器名已更改,则更早的Outlook客户端将需要进行手动配置,以指向新服务器。

14、There are many setups BIND9 may be configured. ─── BIND9可以安装配置成许多类型。

15、The read-only property is then configured to create an instance of the object on first use. ─── 在首次使用时配置只读属性来创建对象的实例。

16、Some SCM tools can be configured to behave either way. ─── 一些配置管理工具可以通过设置来满足所有这些方式。

17、Therefore, only the databases that participate in the conversation must have dialog security configured. ─── 因此,只有参与会话的数据库必须配置对话安全模式。

18、Can be automatically or manually configured for browsers and e-mail clients. ─── 可以自动或手动设定为浏览器和电子邮件客户端。

19、This can be configured manually or automatically. ─── 可以手动或自动进行配置。

20、configured sized of each cache. ─── 每个缓存的配置大小。

21、It can also be configured as a rack mountable display in a 9U form factor. ─── 它也可以在9U波形因数下形成机架键盘式显示器。

22、It should be configured to use at least Transport Layer Security (TLS). ─── 它应配置为至少使用传输层安全性(TLS)。

23、The service can be configured to use a specific version of an assembly. ─── 可配置此服务以使用程序集的特定版本。

24、An international access code can be configured on a UM dial plan. ─── 可以给UM拨号计划配置国际接入编码。

25、A flat,curved,usually wooden missile configured so that when hurled it returns to the thrower. ─── 回飞镖一种平的、弯的,通常是木制的飞镖,当投出去后能回到投掷者手中

26、The invention relates to a system for delivering a fluid into a container includes a housing configured to be secured to the container. ─── 本发明涉及一种用于将流体输送到容器内的系统,该系统包括构造成固定于容器的壳体。

27、An entry is invalidated when it exceeds the configured lifetime since it was added. ─── 如果自条目添加以来的时间超过了配置的生存期,则条目是无效的。

28、The endpoint is also configured to allow for ad hoc queries. ─── 另外,还将该端点配置为允许即席查询。

29、How can grants on the subscription database be configured to match grants on the publication database? ─── 如何配置订阅数据库上的授权,以使其与发布数据库上的授权相匹配?

30、The hosts are detecting the default gateway configured on the hub. ─── 主人正在发现在毂上被配置的内定出入口。

31、With Exchange 2000 Server, only Enterprise Edition servers can be configured as front-end servers. ─── 对于Exchange 2000 Server,只有企业版服务器才能配置为前端服务器。

32、There are a few subtasks that need to be configured in the Base Installation window. ─── 后,必须要对Base Installation窗口中的一些子任务进行配置。

33、The FTP operations can be configured to stop the File System task when the operation fails, or to transfer files in ASCII mode. ─── FTP操作可以配置为在操作失败时停止文件系统任务,或以ASCII模式传输文件。

34、The Network Bridge cannot be configured while other network connection property sheets are open. ─── 在网络连接属性页打开时,网桥不能被配置。

35、Initial production calls for 730 LTAS A-Kit configured vehicles. ─── 730辆LTAS A型配置车辆将作为首批产品。

36、The PAL can be configured to contain a list of logins and groups that are granted access to the publication. ─── 可把PAL配置为包含被授权访问发布的登录名和组的列表。

37、Regardless of how dependencies are resolved, the object being configured is typically unaware of such details. ─── 不管依存项是如何解析的,被配置的物件通常不知道这类细节。

38、The UM IP gateways "%1" and "%2" cannot be configured with the same IP address. ─── 不能为UM IP网关“%1”和“%2”配置相同的IP地址。

39、The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists. ─── 协议家族尚未配置到系统中或没有它的存在迹象。

40、Operating systems are designed to run on any of a class of machines; the system must be configured for each specific computer site. ─── 操作系统被设计在任何类型的机器上运行;系统必须能在每一特定的机器上配置。

41、Most DNS servers can be configured to prevent cache pollution. ─── DNS缓存污染是一个日益增长的共同问题。

42、Human DNA is configured by this geometry. ─── 人类的DNA就是这种几何学配置成的。

43、Like most GNU software, GCC must be configured before it can be built. ─── 喜欢最大多数的角马软件,在它能被建造之前 , GCC 一定被配置。

44、Engine may be configured for multiple tasks simultaneously. ─── 发动机可被设定为多个任务同时进行。

45、SMTP must already be configured on the server in order for this code example to work. ─── 为使此代码示例正常工作,必须在服务器上配置SMTP。

46、Office Professional 2007 programs can be configured to save in the earlier Microsoft Office file formats. ─── 可将Office Small Business 2007程序配置为使用早期的Microsoft Office文件格式来保存。

47、The ECC algorithms are configured to detect and perfectly correct errors in the data. ─── 人们对错误校正码的规则系统进行设定,以便能发现并完美地校正数据中的错误。

48、The Business Scorecard Manager Web service is configured to use Windows integrated security. ─── Business Scorecard Manager Web服务配置为使用Windows集成安全性。

49、How is the Report Engine configured differently across different Business Objects reporting solutions? ─── 在不同的Business Objects报表解决方案中报表引擎的配置有何不同?

50、Element. Providers can be configured to use a specific set of buffer settings by specifying the. ─── 元素将提供程序配置为使用一组特定的缓冲区设置。

51、The holddown timer is another mechanism that may need to be configured. ─── 保持计时器是另一个可能需要组态设定的机制。

52、it configured sensibly? ─── 它的配置是否合理?

53、Samba is now configured and ready to go. ─── 到这时为止,Samba已经过配置,可以运行了。

54、However, it may be configured or required by the network administrator. ─── 不过,网络管理员可能配置或需要它。

55、Point-to-point software compression can be configured on serial interfaces that use PPP encapsulation. ─── 使用点对点协定封装方式,可以将点对点软体压缩设定在串列介面上。

56、The previous Worker Process had been running since "%1", and reached its configured maximum age at "%2". ─── 上一个工作进程自“%1”开始运行,在“%2”已达到配置的最大寿命。

57、The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service. ─── 配置成在该可执行程序中运行的这个服务不能执行该服务。

58、Storage quotas can also be configured on a per-database basis. ─── 也可以基于每个数据库配置存储配额。

59、Most Filters can be configured to do seperate DSP on each Channel. ─── 大部分滤镜可以被装配去分离DSP在每个频道上。

60、It is not necessary for network already configured with firewall. ─── 对于已经配置有防火墙的网络,就不必要了。

61、Cannot archive private key. The certification authority is not configured for key archival. ─── 不能将密钥存档。没有将证书颁发机构配置为将密钥存档。

62、The FTPS Server is configured such that no file retrieval is possible. ─── FTPS服务器是组态的,这样无文件检索变为可能。

63、To perform anti-spam and antivirus tasks, the appropriate agents must be enabled and configured. ─── 为了执行反垃圾邮件和防病毒任务,必须启用和配置相应的代理。

64、The RCS must be in the CONFIGURED state before this operation is performed. ─── 在执行这个操作之前,该 RCS 必须处于 CONFIGURED 状态。

65、The TAPI devices configured for Remote Access failed to. ─── 化失败或没有被正确安装。密。密。

66、No web site is configured at this address. ─── 如果访问网站时候出现提示

67、Otherwise, this page describes the settings, names, and paths that will be configured during the setup process. ─── 否则,此页将说明安装过程中将要配置的设置、名称和路径。

68、Card not found at configured slot number. ─── 在配置的插槽号没有找到卡。

69、ICS requires the host be configured to use ─── ICS要求主机被配置为用192.168.0.1。

70、Runtime views of the session data for devices configured within the simulator. ─── 在模拟器内配置的设备的会话数据的运行时视图。

71、Customers can opt to have the linear actuators configured for immediate use. ─── 客户可以选择的线性驱动器配置,可直接使用。

72、Thus, by default, access is allowed unless configured otherwise. ─── 因此,默认情况下允许访问,除非另外配置。

73、The hosts in the network only require that one host has a gateway configured. ─── 主人在网络中只需要一个主人出入口配置了吗。

74、The TCP/IP protocol is not installed or configured properly. ─── 在传输控制协议/互连网协议议定书并不正确安装或配置.

75、Beginning with the fourth volume, each volume will be configured as a logical drive within an extended partition. ─── 从第四个卷开始,会将每个卷配置为扩展分区内的逻辑驱动器。

76、Some antivirus solutions enable you to review reports from all configured clients via a Web interface. ─── 一些抗病毒方案使你能通过网页界面审查所有已配置客户端的报告。

77、In order to share the file system, the Network File System must be configured. ─── 为了共享该文件系统,必须配置Network File System。

78、ACLs can be configured at the router to control access to a network or subnet. ─── 在路由器上可以设定ACL以控制网路或子网路的存取。

79、You need to have IIS and the SMTP service installed and configured. ─── 你必须确保 IIS 和 SMTP 服务正确的安装和配置好。

80、It is also recommended that Exchange mailbox servers be configured with 100 mbt Full Duplex networks or greater. ─── 同时建议为Exchange邮箱服务器配置100 mbt或更高的全双工网络。

81、An internal security vehicle that was configured for rough terrain. ─── 专为崎岖道路而设计的内部安全车辆

82、In the second example, a new storage group is created on a server on which SCR is configured. ─── 在第二个示例中,新存储组被创建在配置了SCR的服务器上。

83、Domain Name System (DNS) and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) are configured correctly in your Windows site. ─── 在Windows站点中,已正确配置域名系统(DNS)和Windows Internet名称服务(WINS)。

84、A Geronimo module is an arbitrary component made up of a set of classes: dependencies, other modules, and a serialized configured state. ─── Geronimo模块是由一组类(依赖性、其他模块和序列化配置状态)组成的随机组件。

85、Cause 2 - The IIS Lockdown was not configured correctly to work with Exchange. ─── 原因2-IIS锁定没有正确配置为与Exchange一起工作。

86、The computer can't be configured to use both trusted LDAP binding and a DHCP-supplied LDAP directory. ─── 不能将电脑配置为同时使用可信任的LDAP捆绑和由DHCP提供的LDAP目录。

87、In this lab, the students will verify configured access-lists on the router. ─── 在这个实验,学生将验证在路由器上组态设定的存取清单。

88、Most of the default operating system security settings are not configured to minimize security loopholes. ─── 大部分操作系统的默认安全设置并未配置为最小化安全漏洞。

89、What needs to be configured during the installation and how? ─── 在安装时,有什麽配置及应如何设定?

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