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08-17 投稿


whitening 发音

英:[?wa?tn??]  美:[?wa?t?n??]

英:  美:

whitening 中文意思翻译




whitening 短语词组

1、whitening scrub ─── 美白磨砂膏

2、whitening filter ─── [电] 白化滤波器

3、fluorescent whitening agent VBL ─── [化] 荧光增白剂VBL

4、dental whitening gel ─── 牙齿美白凝胶

5、whitening lotion ─── 清透美白润肤水

6、stress whitening ─── [化] 应力致白

7、whitening agent ─── [纺]增白剂

8、optical whitening agent ─── [化] 荧光增白剂

9、fluorescent whitening agents ─── [机] 萤光增白剂

10、extra whitening ─── 额外美白

11、whitening cream flawless ─── 无瑕美白霜

12、whitening agents ─── 美白成分

13、ageratum whitening ─── 藿香嫩白

14、milk whitening lotion ─── 牛奶美白乳液

15、fluorescent whitening agent EBF ─── [化] 荧光增白剂EBF

16、fluorescent whitening agent ─── [化] 荧光增白剂

17、amygdalin skin whitening ─── 杏仁苷美白

18、cosmetic whitening ─── 美容 ─── 美白

19、whitening mask ─── 美白面膜

whitening 常用词组

whitening agent ─── 增白剂

whitening 反义词


whitening 词性/词形变化,whitening变形

动词过去式: whitened |动词第三人称单数: whitens |动词现在分词: whitening |名词: whitener |动词过去分词: whitened |

whitening 同义词

chalk |blanch | fade | pale | whitewash | bleach | white

whitening 相似词语短语

1、whitewings ─── n.道路清洁工;[鸟]苍头燕雀

2、white lung ─── 白肺

3、whittering ─── 削

4、whiteline ─── 白线,

5、white line ─── [解剖]白线;空白行

6、whiting ─── n.白粉;牙鳕;v.涂白;粉刷(white的ing形式);n.(Whiting)人名;(英)怀廷

7、whitewing ─── n.道路清洁工;[鸟]苍头燕雀

8、whittling ─── n.修削;v.削减(whittle的ing形式)

9、whitling ─── 削

whitening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Deep clean skin and remove make up remained dirt. Speed up decompose sediment system, whiten and lubricate skin. ─── 功效:清除皮肤深层污垢及残妆,促进沉积色素的分解,用后皮肤白皙润滑。

2、In China women spend a lot of money to whiten their skin. ─── 中国女人花很多钱来美白皮肤。

3、Ingredients: Whitening moisture factor (WMF), Inensive whitening essence (IWE), face oasis elements, etc. ─── 主要成分:美白保湿因子(WMF)、强劲美白精华(IWE)、8杯水元素

4、Product source: Glabridin is a nature skin whitening agent extracted from special licorice. ─── 产品来源:光甘草定是从特定品种甘草中提取的天然美白剂。

5、How to make suntanned skin whiten? ─── 怎么让晒黑的皮肤变白呐?

6、Main Compositions: whitening compound rose essence, shea butter, sorbus essence. ─── 主要成份:美白复合物、玫瑰精华、乳木果油、山梨精华。

7、SYLODENT combines the benefits of uniquely shaped edges with precise control of particle size for excellent cleaning and whitening. ─── SYLODENT亮洁粒子结合独特形状及精确控制颗粒大小的优点,拥有最完美的清洁与洁白牙齿的效果。

8、It contains special whitening factors and can effectively clean and protect the skin. ─── 含特殊美白因子,具有很好的洁净功能和护肤美白作用。

9、The whitening process was performed on PAN fiber produced by sodium thiocyanate wet spinning. ─── 对硫氢酸钠湿法二步法腈纶进行增白,探讨了主要增白工艺条件对增白效果的影响。

10、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、whitening factors 、giquorice、 bitter almond、amino acid ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、美白因子、银杏叶、苦杏仁、氨基酸等。

11、Ingredients:amino acid protein,ginseng essence,macromolecule sunproof factor,mulberry whitening extract etc. ─── 成份:氨基酸蛋白、人参精华、高分子防晒剂、桑树净白精华等。

12、Perfectly whiten the blacker and all kind of pigmentation skin. ─── 使较黑肤色和各类色素沉着的皮肤白皙完美,均匀靓丽。

13、How can you make the skin whiten quickly? ─── 怎样能快速使皮肤变白?

14、Main Compositions: rose essence, whitening compound, VC ramification. ─── 主要成份:玫瑰精华、美白复合物、VC衍生物。

15、On the other hand, the correct integer ambiguities were fixed using improved whitening filter method. ─── 另一方面采用改进的白化滤波方法固定模糊度。

16、How to make the skin whiten? ─── 怎么样使皮肤变白?

17、Whitening some clouds has a certain aesthetic appeal; it is certainly hard to see as an environmental threat in itself. ─── 对部分海上云层进行白化会有一些美学上的吸引力,很难把它本身是为一种对环境的威胁。

18、Ingredients: kiwi fruit extract, mineral salt, whitening factor, amino acid, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E. ─── 成份:本品含奇异果萃取精华,矿物盐,美白因子,氨基酸,维生素C、A、E。

19、How to make body skin whiten quickly? ─── 怎样快速让身体皮肤变白?

20、Whiten and activate the skin while it absorbing nutriments, making the skin tender, smooth and white unconsciously. ─── 在肌肤容易吸收营养的时候,净白活化肌肤,使肌肤在不知不觉中嫩滑白皙。

21、Also, please be advised that our Whitening Capsules have been discontinued. ─── 另外,请注意我们的美白胶囊已经中止。

22、Drinking for a prolonged period helps in the whitening of skin and desalinating spots. Especially good for acned skin. ─── 功效:长期饮用可以美白淡斑及有效改善青春痘,效果奇佳。

23、But for others and I said, is to look at temporary whitening mask, so I will continue with the next future will see a rebound. ─── 但是他人和我说美白面膜是要看临时的,所以我还要继续用下看看以后会不会反弹。

24、The main types,whitening mechanism and enviromental & ecological toxicology of fluorescent whitening agent(FWA)were introduced. ─── 介绍了荧光增白剂的增白机理、基本结构类型、毒理及生态安全性。

25、Naphthoylimine Fluorescent Whitening Agent(FWA) can be made from tar-acenaphthene. ─── 以焦油苊为原料,研制萘酰亚胺型荧光增白剂。

26、In the case of pixels, an overflow of light would whiten the image. ─── 对于象素来说,光线的溢出会使得图像发白。

27、His hands lace behind his head through strands of whitening hair. ─── 他的双手抱在脑后,手指穿过几缕发白的头发。

28、Glabridin was launched by Japanese company MARUZEN in 1989 as a kind of whitening cosmetics additive. ─── 光甘草定是日本一公司1989年推出的美白化妆品添加剂。

29、Whitening in Range to Improve Weather Radar Spectral Moment Estimates. Part II: Experimental Evaluation. ─── 向白端移动以改变天气雷达谱的瞬间估计,第二部分:试验评估。

30、How can you make a tooth whiten? ─── 怎么样可以使牙齿变白?

31、How ability is OK very effective whiten, do not hurt the skin however? ─── 怎么才可以很有效的变白,却不伤皮肤呢?

32、The same night whitening the same trees. We, of that time, are no longer the same. ─── 一样的白夜,一样的树林,我们再也回不去的曾经。

33、With the botanical whitening essential, natural aloe and cell actives ingredients, this product effectively cleanse away the dirt and oil. ─── 含多种维生素、芦荟提取精华、透明质酸及非离子表面活性物,能彻底清除灰尘和油脂。

34、Then ,polarimetric whitening filter(PWF) method for speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR is stated . ─── 全极化SAR图像的相干斑噪声不仅使图像质量下降,而且给SAR图像的描述和分类等工作带来困难,因此通常要对SAR图像进行相干斑抑制处理。

35、How to make smoke dirty tooth whiten? ─── 如何让烟垢牙变白?

36、His hands lace behind his head through strands of whitening hair. ─── 他的双手抱在脑后,手指穿过几缕发白的头发。

37、What food can make the person's skin whiten? ─── 什么食物能够使人的皮肤变白?

38、One of the most popular and effective methods of tooth whitening is laser tooth whitening. But for many people, this is too expensive to be an option. ─── 一种普便且行之有效的牙齿增白技术是激光增白。但对于许多人而言,这种方法太过昂贵。

39、He raised his eyes to the mountainside,seeing the path twisting up to the conic cross stele,hot sunshine whitening the rock. ─── 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。

40、Laser properties of benzoxazole fluorescent whitening agents[J]. ─── 引用该论文 沈永嘉,王炳奎,任绳武.

41、How does ability make the skin whiten? ─── 怎么样才能使皮肤变白啊?

42、The bird excrement -- rich in proteins and a whitening enzyme -- is sterilized, ground into a powder and sometimes mixed with rice bran. ─── 含有高蛋白和漂白酶的鸟类粪便经消毒之后被碾磨成齑粉,有时和米糠粉混合在一起。

43、result is patches of white skin and eventual whitening of areas of the body. ─── 皮肤会产生白色的斑块,知道最后全身都是白的。

44、Mark Mazer, whose teeth-whitening firm is doing well, said he thought Mr Romney would be best for small businesses. ─── 一家运营良好的洁牙公司的所有人MarkMazer说,他认为罗姆尼先生对于小公司来说是最好的选择。

45、The skin that how makes suntan is whiten? ─── 怎样使晒黑的皮肤变白?

46、How to make systemic skin whiten? ─── 怎样让全身皮肤都变白?

47、The skin that how makes suntan is whiten? ? ─── 怎样使晒黑的皮肤变白??

48、Advice to use together with pure white products, with better whitening effect! ─── 建议配合净白系列产品使用,获得更好的美白效果。

49、Ingredients: Vitamins, collagen hydrolysate, plant whitening essences and etc. ─── 成份:维生素,水解胶原蛋白,植物美白精华等。

50、The serum egg whitening of health bit does not contain preservative! ─── 康比特的乳清蛋白粉不含防腐剂!

51、Someone who gets tooth stains may want a whitening toothpaste. ─── 人牙齿染色的人可能需要增白牙膏。

52、Mk. 9:3 And His garments became sparkling, exceedingly white, such as no fuller on earth could whiten them. ─── 可九3衣服放光,白到极点,地上漂布的,没有一个能漂得那样白。

53、How can ability make his skin whiten? ─── 怎么才能让自己的皮肤变白?

54、The product boasts of perfect moisturizing .tendering &whitening effect &can effectively moisturize &tender the skin . ─── 产品功效:能提供肌肤最佳保湿、嫩白之功效,并有效滋润柔软滑嫩肌肤。

55、It can anti-aging, whiten and moisten the skin. ─── 具有滋润保湿、美白祛斑、抗衰老、防过敏等直接美容效果。

56、S. paper did not add a whitening agent, this was a white, non-reflective light in the morning. ─── 美元纸张中没有添加增白剂,呈本白色,在紫光灯下不反光。

57、Main Ingredients: Herbage liquid essences, active whitening factors, natural moisturizing factors, vitamin C and etc. ─── 主要成份:草本精华液、美白活性因子、天然保湿因子、维他命C等。

58、The main ingredients: hydrolyzed collagen, whitening renewable factor, VC, such as liquorice essence. ─── 主要成份:水解胶原蛋白、美白再生因子、VC、甘草精华等。

59、A raw wind was blowing, and the first flurries of snow were whitening the hilltops. ─── 刺骨的寒风正在呼啸,初雪染白了整个山头。

60、How does ability make the skin whiten, method wants a bit simpler! ─── 怎样才能使皮肤变白,办法要简单一点!

61、The COC’s moisture and chemical barrier protect the water-based whitening gel, which has 10% peroxide. ─── 在奥委会的水分和化学屏障保护水为基础的美白凝胶,这10 %的过氧化氢。

62、Why is my fingernail root ministry whiten ah inside is seeming to return empty? ─── 为什么我的手指甲根部会变白啊里面好象还是空的?

63、Keeping damp, whitening, Equilibrium of skin and muscle PH value, Improving skin character, Poising skin water and nutrition. ─── 保湿、美白,平衡肌肤PH值,改善肤质,均衡皮肤水分和养分。

64、Cleansing skin at the same time of whitening, effective removing of old keratose; leaving skin soft and moisturizing. ─── 在美白时也可以深层清洁肌肤,有效去除老厚角质的特殊成份,使用后皮肤拥有柔润触感。

65、SAI and Marine cloud-whitening are just two of many possible geoengineering projects. ─── SAI和海上云层发亮是两种可行的地球工程学方案。

66、The skin that how ability lets suntan is fast and whiten? ? ? ─── 怎样才能让晒黑的皮肤快速变白???

67、They used Egyptian kohl for darkening the eyelids, powdered chalk for whitening the skin, and a red colouring matter for the cheeks. ─── 她们用埃及化妆油膏来把眼睑涂黑,用粉来使皮肤洁白,双颊使用红色的物质。

68、It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that Lemon essential oil can refresh oneself and whiten skin. ─── 《精油全书》中记载柠檬精油有提神、醒脑,令人愉悦,使人有活力,对皮肤有美白作用。

69、Main effects: Double moisturizing, cleaning and whitening skin, recovering skin natural burnish. ─── 主要功效:双重保湿,同时净白肌肤,改善肌肤缺水现象,恢复肌肤自然光泽。

70、Do the FB products give good whitening results? ─── 你们公司的产品美白效果好吗?

71、Glister Toothpaste offers multifunction performance to clean safely, remove plaque, fight cavities, whiten teeth and freshen breath all in one go! ─── 一次过达到清洁牙齿、去除牙垢、预防蛀牙、洁白牙齿和保持口气清新等全部功能。

72、Eat the sort of fruit to you can make the skin whiten? ─── 吃那种水果可以让皮肤变白?

73、Lactic Whitening Dermo Peeling Kit. ─── 专业美白焕肤组合 ...

74、Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin ,keep the skin wet and whiten . ─── 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。

75、To whiten(a growing plant or plant part) by covering to cut off direct light. ─── 变白用遮盖物挡住光线直射以使(生长中的植物或植物的一部分)变白

76、Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin, keep the skin wet and whiten. ─── 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。

77、At the same time inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, the skin whitening. ─── 同时抑制酪氨酸酶的活性,美白肌肤。

78、Keeping gargling after meals can whiten your teeth. ─── 坚持饭后漱口能使牙齿洁白。

79、Samuel Langhorne says that EZBrite Tooth Strips are the best for whitening teeth. ─── 3)该专家是在清醒的状态下表达其观点的。

80、Contains whitening nutrition elements and rich Vitamin A,C and other natural elements. ─── 含增白美白滋养素及丰富的维他命A、维他命C等天然成份。

81、And His garments became sparkling, exceedingly white, such as no fuller on earth could whiten them. ─── 3衣服放光,白到极点,地上漂布的,没有一个能漂得那样白。

82、Does the serum egg whitening of health bit have antiseptic? ─── 康比特的乳清蛋白粉有防腐剂吗?

83、SYLODENT employs precisely controlled particle sizes to provide an excellent cleaning and whitening performance. ─── 大小经精确控制的亮洁粒子,提供最完美的清洁与洁白牙齿效果。

84、How can you make a neck whiten? ─── 怎样能使脖子变白?

85、Main Compositions: Rose essence, whitening compound, VC mucopolysaeccharide, desalting ocean spring. ─── 主要成份:玫瑰精华、美白复合物、VC粘多糖、脱盐海泉。

86、How to make the skin of the body whiten? ─── 怎么使身体的皮肤变白?

87、Whitening in Range to Improve Weather Radar Spectral Moment Estimates. Part I: Formulation and Simulation. ─── 向白端移动以改变天气雷达谱的瞬间估计,第一部分:算法和模拟。

88、Ingredient: High quality gooseberry acid, plant whitening factors, vitamins, collagen. ─── 主要成分:优等奇异果果酸,新鲜牛乳精华,植物美白,维他命群,胶原蛋白。

89、Whiten and moisturize skin with outstanding cleaning effect, recover skin to natural gloss. ─── 可在洁净肌肤的同时,美白滋润肌肤,使肌肤瞬间恢复自然色泽。

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