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invertebrate 发音

英:[?n'v??t?br?t]  美:[?n'v?t?bret]

英:  美:

invertebrate 中文意思翻译



invertebrate 网络释义

adj. 无脊椎的;无骨气的n. 无脊椎动物;无骨气的人

invertebrate 反义词


invertebrate 短语词组

1、invertebrate fauna ─── 无脊椎动物区系

2、invertebrate zoology ─── 无脊椎动物学

3、invertebrate foot ─── [网络] 无脊椎动物脚

4、benthic invertebrate ─── 底栖无脊椎动物

5、invertebrate diseases ─── 无脊椎动物疾病

6、invertebrate virus ─── 无脊椎动物病毒

7、invertebrate palaeontology ─── 古无脊椎动物学;无脊椎 ─── 古生物学

invertebrate 词性/词形变化,invertebrate变形

动词现在分词: inverting |动词过去分词: inverted |动词第三人称单数: inverts |形容词: invertible |动词过去式: inverted |

invertebrate 同义词

creature | spineless | craven

invertebrate 相似词语短语

1、invertebral ─── [无脊椎]无脊椎的

2、vertebrated ─── adj.有脊骨的;由脊椎骨组成的

3、vertebrates ─── n.[脊椎]脊椎动物(vertebrate的复数)

4、invertebrates ─── n.[无脊椎]无脊椎动物(invertebrate的复数)

5、vertebrate ─── n.脊椎动物;adj.脊椎动物(有关)的;有脊椎的

6、vertebrae ─── n.(解剖)椎骨,脊椎(vertebra的复数)

7、Vertebrata ─── n.脊椎动物门

8、megavertebrate ─── 浏览

9、inveterate ─── adj.根深的;积习的;成癖的

invertebrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、meat of edible aquatic invertebrate with a shell (especially a mollusk or crustacean). ─── 可食用的带壳水生无脊椎动物的肉(尤其是软体动物或甲壳类动物)。

2、We asked Rossellini what she hopes to accomplish with the films on invertebrate love, dubbed Green Porno, which premiered May 5 on the Sundance Channel's Web site. ─── 有些动物比较浪漫,像老虎、大象和黑猩猩,有些则较不浪漫,像蚯蚓,但这些动物一样有趣。

3、Smith conducted the study along with Ward Wheeler, Curator in the Museum's Division of Invertebrate Zoology. The results are reported in the Journal of Heredity. ─── 报道说,史密斯是与美国自然历史博物馆无脊椎动物馆的馆长沃德·勒一同负责此项研究的,他们的研究结果发表在《遗传杂志》上。

4、practical invertebrate anatomy ─── 实用无脊椎动物解剖学

5、InVertebrate Zoological Monitoring in Water Environment ─── 水环境无脊椎动物监测

6、Andrzej Bobiec's Belorusian counterpart and fellow activist Heorhi Kazulka is a pale sallow invertebrate biologist and former deputy director of Belarus's side of the primeval forest. ─── 安德烈?巴别克在白俄罗斯的同学赫欧利?卡祖卡是个激进主义分子,他气色不好、面黄肌瘦,是个研究无脊椎动物的生物学家,曾经担任白俄罗斯境内原始森林的副主任。

7、The Encyclopedia of Hormones is a comprehensive reference work on hormones in vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant systems. ─── 激素的百科全书一综合参考继续工作在脊椎动物,无脊椎动物,和植物系统内的激素。

8、Vector. An arthropod or other invertebrate organism that conveys the agent from a person or an animal to another person or animal. ─── 带菌者传播。节肢动物或无脊椎生物在人或动物间传播病原。

9、Amphioxus represents the transitional type of animals from invertebrate to vertebrate. ─── 摘要文昌鱼代表由无脊椎动物进化到脊椎动物的过渡类型。

10、Many species of invertebrate have shells or skeletons made of calcium carbonate. ─── 无脊椎类的好多物种有碳酸钙质的外壳或骨骼。

11、People aren't even required to seek permits to move plants or invertebrate animals around as long as they are not classified as pests. ─── 人们甚至可以未经许可就对植物或无脊椎动物进行迁移,只要它们未被归类为有害动植物。

12、This paper presents the results of a study on the invertebrate community and population dynamics in 18 uniform (in size and depth) experimental ponds in central Florida, USA, during 1992-1993. ─── 本文报告1992年至1993年在美国佛罗里达中部地区对应用于杀虫剂评价的实验水池中昆虫与其它无脊椎动物群落结构及其优势种的种群动态研究结果。

13、Chong T C. Selective induction of release of hydrolases from Crassostrea virginica hcmocytes by certain bacteria[J]. J Invertebr Pathol, 1992 (59) : 197-200. ─── 孙虎山孙修勤等.栉孔扇贝外套膜酸性和碱性磷酸酶电镜细胞化学研究[J].高技术通讯,:.

14、Myriapod animals were probably one of the invertebrate animal groups that first colonized the terrestrial ecosystem during Early Paleozoic. ─── 摘要多足动物可能是最早人侵陆地环境的无脊椎动物之一。

15、Eyespot (stigma) A light-sensitive structure of certain protoctists and invertebrate animals. ─── 眼点:某些原生生物和无脊椎动物的感光结构。

16、There is a rich benthic invertebrate fauna under the mangrove forests and in summer, several bird species nest in the mangroves trees. ─── 在红树林下可找到丰富的底栖无脊椎动物,夏天更有多种雀鸟在红树林筑巢栖息。

17、Most invertebrate species disappeared during a wave of extinctions. ─── 大多数无脊椎动物在一次(物种)灭绝浪潮中消失了。

18、Cyt proteins have an important characteristic that they are cytolytic to a broad range of cells in viro including invertebrate cells and vertebrate cells. ─── 它还有一个重要的特性就是在体外对广泛的脊椎动物和无脊椎动物的细胞有溶细胞活性。

19、Model invertebrate organism Caenorhabditis elegans has become an ideal model to unravel the complex processes of memory. ─── 模式无脊椎动物秀丽线虫已经成为揭示记忆复杂行为的理想研究模型之一。

20、Invertebrate Zoology and Experiment ─── 无脊椎动物学及实验

21、Half of all invertebrate species live in tropical rain forests. ─── 一半的无脊椎动物物种生活在热带雨林中。

22、We have a designated RO saltwater reservoir that is used to replenish water in all the invertebrate systems in the building. ─── 在所有脊椎动物系统建筑中,我们拥有一个指定的补充蒸发海水的专用水库。

23、Any of various invertebrate animals, such as a sea anemone or sponge, that attach to surfaces and superficially resemble plants. ─── 植形动物一种无脊椎动物,附着在表面而且看上去象植物一样,例如海葵和海绵

24、The real inhabitants of Antarctica are of course the birds, several types of penguin and seal, and the invertebrate creatures that live and breed on the land. ─── 南极洲是世界最南端的大陆,由横贯南极山脉分成东南极洲与西南极洲。覆盖这块陆块的广大冰层平均达二点五公里厚。

25、embryonic development of invertebrate ─── 胚胎发育(无脊椎动物)

26、See also algae, arthropod, bacteria, chordate, invertebrate, protist, protozoan, vertebrate. ─── 亦请参阅algae、arthropod、bacterium、chordate、invertebrate、protozoan、vertebrate。

27、Vegetation and invertebrate diversity take a main role in the suppression of MPC outbreaks. ─── 松林和松林节肢动物群落结构的多样性是抑制马尾松毛虫暴发的主要因素。

28、aquatic invertebrate zoology ─── 水生无脊椎动物学

29、Therefore, to develop comprehensive studies and to protect cave biodiversity will be the target for future research on cave invertebrate in China. ─── 因此,深入系统地研究洞穴无脊椎动物,加大洞穴生物保护的宣传力度,防止生物多样性的流失,将是未来中国洞穴无脊椎动物研究前进的方向。

30、A Review of the Known Mitochondrial Sequences in Arthropoda Complete mitochondrial genome sequences are now available for 40 arthropods, more than for any other invertebrate phylum. ─── 3 节肢动物线粒体研究进展 到目前为止节肢动物中已报道的线粒体全序列有40条,比任何其它的无脊椎动物门都多。

31、For animals, urban areas mainly accommodated some small mammal, invertebrate, birds and amphiphyte.Among them, birds were the important indicators to monitor urban development. ─── 而城市动物群落主要由一些小型哺乳动物、无脊椎动物、鸟类、两栖爬行类动物组成,其中,鸟类是研究城市化过程的有效指示物种。

32、Wolbachia is highly abundant and has rather catholic tastes in choosing its insect and invertebrate carrier species.When John H. ─── 沃巴赫菌在自然界分布极广,宿主遍及昆虫与其他无脊椎动物。

33、Keywords soil;risk assessment;biomarker;invertebrate; ─── 土壤;风险评价;生物标志物;无脊椎动物;

34、The analogous part of an invertebrate organism. ─── 头状物无脊椎生物中类似的部分

35、No doubt, this deficiency relates to the fact that invertebrate biologists are only beginning to scratch the surface in simply documenting and describing the biota. ─── 无疑地,生物学家只对这一生态区的生物进行简单的描记。

36、Invertebrate iridescent virus ─── 无脊椎动物虹彩病毒

37、protecting circuit used in arc welding invertebrate introduced, and their working principles are analyzed. ─── 主要介绍了用于弧焊逆变器中的电子电抗器和短路保护电路,并对其工作原理进行了分析。

38、2. A model reef for studying invertebrate animals creatures. ─── 研究无脊椎动物生态的模型礁体。

39、general term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate. ─── 任何昆虫、类爬虫或爬行的无脊椎动物的泛称。

40、Invertebrate In Northern Chinese Seas ─── 中国北部海洋无脊椎动物

41、Taboada MC,Gonzalez M,Rodriguez E.Value and effects on digestive enzymes and serum lipids of the marine invertebrate Holothuria forskali[J].Nutrition Research,2003,23:1661. ─── 王华亭,蔡生业,姚成芳,等.复方花刺参牯多糖对成形术后血管内皮功能的保护作用及其作用机制研究[J].中国药理学通报,2004,20(6):719.

42、invertebrate paleobiogeochemistry ─── 无脊椎动物古生物地球化学

43、Soil collembolan is deemed as an epitome of soil invertebrate and medium-sized soil animals because of its abundance in species and hugeness in biomass. ─── 摘要土壤弹尾目昆虫作为无脊椎动物和中型土壤动物的典型代表,其具有丰富的种类和巨大的生物量,在重金属污染环境评估中具有十分重要的地位和独特的优势。

44、To say the least, it was a big surprise to find out that sharks were being taken by an octopus - a mere invertebrate. ─── 到最后,他们惊奇地发现鲨鱼被一只章鱼猎杀了–只是一只无脊椎动物。

45、The paper also emphasized the zoology index that belongs to ecosystem instinctual characteristic and introduced the estimate methods that used algae,benthic invertebrate and fish as indicator. ─── 着重阐述了系统本身特性中的生态指标,列举了以着生藻类、底栖无脊椎动物和鱼类为指示生物的评价方法。

46、Water Environmental Monitoring of Invertebrate Zoology ─── 水环境无脊椎动物学监测

47、'A spanner,' said Mrs Parsons, immediately becoming invertebrate ─── “扳手,”帕森斯太太一下子软了下来。

48、Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasited eukaryotes.The range of hosts included invertebrate and vertebrate.The microsporidian species parasited mainly fishes and insects. ─── 摘要微孢子虫为一绝对细胞内寄生之真核生物,寄主范围包含无脊椎动物及脊椎动物,主要是以鱼类及昆虫的微孢子虫为主。

49、It is characterized by the appearance of algae and a proliferation of marine invertebrate animal forms, but no true plants. ─── 特征是藻类的出现和海洋无脊椎动物的繁盛,但该时期没有出现真正的植物。

50、The world's largest land invertebrate, the species can reach three feet (one meter), measured from the tip of one leg to another. ─── 世界上的最大的陆地无脊椎动物,这物种能到达3英尺(1米),测量从一条腿的尖端到另一个。

51、Nearly all its plant and invertebrate species and half its birds are found no where else in the world. ─── 几乎所有植物和无脊椎动物物种以及半数的鸟类在世界上其他地方都是没有的。

52、For marine invertebrate, in particular, endogenous clock has been known to control semilunar rhythms of locomotor, reproductive and molting behaviors. ─── 有些生物的行为如移动、生殖或者蜕皮,会展现半月周期的现象,并由内生性时钟所控制,特别是常见于海洋无脊椎生物。

53、Many species of invertebrate have shells or skeletons made of calciumcarbonate. ─── 许多种类的无脊椎动物都有由碳酸钙形成的外壳或者骨骼。

54、Abstract: The aquatic ecology of the Yangtze River Basin was investigated and evaluated by using benthic invertebrate as indicator species. ─── 摘要: 采用底栖动物作为指示物种对长江流域的水生态进行了调查研究和生态评价。

55、Octopamine(OA) constitutes one of biogenic amines in the invertebrate nervous system. ─── 章鱼胺(OA)是昆虫体内的痕量神经活性物质。

56、The widely distributed bacterium Wolbachia (a close relative of the gut bacterium Escherichia coli) is a boarder with a long-term interest in its invertebrate host. ─── 但是,沃巴赫菌(Wolbachia)会关心宿主的死活。它们是大肠杆菌的近亲,在自然界分布很广,许多无脊椎动物体内都找得到。

57、No one has suggested an amphibian, a bird, or any type of invertebrate. ─── 人们都觉得它不可能属于两栖类、鸟类或者无脊椎类动物。

58、Invertebrate biologist Snorre Hagen and his team at the University of Troms? in Norway monitored the leaves and flowers of a dozen mountain birch trees for two years. ─── 因此,挪威特浪索大学的无脊椎动物学家哈根及他的团队,连续两年监测了12种山桦树的叶及花。

59、Other sites offer an opportunity to see a diverse selection of coral formations, fish and invertebrate marine life. ─── 在其它的潜水地您能看到不同形状的珊瑚石,不同种类的鱼和无脊椎的海洋生物。

60、The terminal segment of an invertebrate's limb. ─── 无脊椎动物肢体的末端

61、Many antigens common to both vertebrate and invertebrate hosts, and some immune inhibiting substance such as POMC-derived peptides, have been identified in the main stages of schistosome life cycle. ─── 在血吸虫生活史的主要阶段均发现了许多与宿主相同的抗原以及众多的免疫抑制物质。这些物质有些是血吸虫自身表达的,有些是血吸虫结合的宿主抗原。

62、Thinking about some indistinct questions of invertebrate evolution ─── 无脊椎动物进化中的模糊问题思考

63、Matt Shardlow, chief executive of Buglife, the Invertebrate Conservation Trust, said: 'British wildlife is in crisis. ─── 无脊椎动物保护主义协会的主要负责人马特?沙德洛说,英国野生物种正处在危机中。

64、Hantzschel. Trace fossils and Problematica, Part W, Miscellanra, Supplement, 1, Treatise on invertebrate[J]. Paleontology 1975. ─── 全国地层委员会.中国地层指南及中国地层指南说明书[M].地质出版社.2001.

65、The regeneration of a body part by means of structural or cellular reorganization with only limited production of new cells, observed primarily in invertebrate organisms, such as certain lobsters. ─── 变形再生某一身体部位通过构造或细胞重组织的方式再生,并产生有限新细胞,主要发生于无脊椎生物体,如龙虾

66、This study described community structure of phytoplankton,zooplankton,aquatic vascular vegetation and macro benthic invertebrate in Haihe River and the characteristics of ecosystem of Haihe River. ─── 本文以调查、分析海河浮游植物、浮游动物、水生维管束植物和大型底栖生物等主要生物群落现实结构为主,系统分析了海河水生生态系统状况。

67、To date, fossils belonging to some 60 separate vertebrate groups have been found in digs in Green River and countless invertebrate fossils. ─── 到现在,在绿河地区发掘出了分属于60个分散的脊椎动物群体的化石群,以及无数的非脊椎动物的化石。

68、Developmental Genetics of Invertebrate Organisms ─── 无脊椎动物的发育遗传学

69、An analogous organ or part in invertebrate animals, as in certain insects or mollusks. ─── 喙,齿舌某些昆虫或软体动物等无脊椎动物所具有的舌状器官或身体部位

70、Amber fossils are thus crucial to an understanding of how insects and other invertebrate critters have evolved. ─── 因此琥珀对于研究昆虫和其他无脊椎动物的进化具有极大的意义。

71、These confirmed again that there is not tight junction in invertebrate but intermediate junctions and septate junctions. ─── 而足细胞间及其足突起间的连接的主要作用是防止足细胞散开,同时又有助于足细胞保持比较大的重吸收面积。

72、Increasing salinity caused by the evaporation resulted in the extermination of scores of invertebrate species. ─── 蒸发引起的盐度增加导致了无脊椎动物物种的灭绝。

73、Above the skeleton of a fallen leaf stalks the dark shape of a spider out hunting for springtail or mite or whatever tiny invertebrate strays its way. ─── 在一片落叶的叶脉上,潜伏着一只蜘蛛的黑影,它正准备猎捕弹尾虫、螨虫,或是任何一种迷路的微小的无脊椎动物。

74、any of various invertebrate animals resembling a plant such as a sea anemone or coral or sponge. ─── 各种象植物的无脊椎动物,比如海葵、珊瑚或海绵。

75、They disliked him only because he was invertebrate. ─── 他们不喜欢他就是认为他意志较弱。

76、Investigating the economic value of invertebrate of Yantai ─── 烟台市无脊椎动物经济价值调查

77、The most complex biogeographic histories among the invertebrates relate to the butterflies, given our current understanding of Malagasy invertebrate history. ─── 最复杂的地理历史是无脊椎动物中的蝴蝶,使我们能了解马达加斯加的无脊椎动物历史。

78、Most of the discoveries were simpler life forms known as invertebrate s, or animals without backbones. ─── 大部分的新发现物种是无脊椎动物,它们的生存方式简单。

79、An analogous organ or part in invertebrate animals,as in certain insects or mollusks. ─── 喙,齿舌某些昆虫或软体动物等无脊椎动物所具有的舌状器官或身体部位。

80、A stalklike structure in invertebrate animals, usually serving as an attachment for a larger part or structure. ─── 肉柄脊椎动物通常作为一个更大的部分或结构的附着物的茎状结构

81、Research Progress on Community Diversity of Soil Invertebrate ─── 土壤动物群落多样性研究进展

82、An invertebrate organ analogous to the mammalian ear. ─── 耳状物类似哺乳动物的耳器官的有椎骨的器官

83、The locality is special because of the soft-bodied preservation of a wide diversity of fossil invertebrate animals. ─── 该地区是特殊的,因为软健全维护各种各样的脊椎动物化石。

84、invertebrate functional morphology ─── 无脊椎动物功能形态学

85、S. citizens to be detained in the event of martial law.But Congress is the invertebrate branch. ─── 但是国会是没有没有骨气的机构,他们会说,‘我们必须谨慎。’

86、minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body with siphons through which water enters and leaves. ─── 微小的不移栖的海洋无脊椎动物,它们的身体呈囊状并带有可吸进和吐出水的虹吸管。

87、The research status on invertebrate proenkephalin was reviewed.And it was compared with vertebrate proenkephalin at protein level. ─── 综述了无脊椎动物脑啡肽原的研究现状,并从蛋白水平上将其与脊椎动物脑啡肽原的研究进行比较分析。

88、Comparison of head bones of invertebrate ─── 脊椎动物中各纲动物头骨比较

89、invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell. ─── 无脊椎动物,身体软而不分节并经常封在壳中。

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