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sixpence 发音

英:['s?ksp(?)ns]  美:['s?ksp?ns]

英:  美:

sixpence 中文意思翻译



sixpence 网络释义

n. (英)六便士(硬币)n. (Sixpence)人名;(英)西克斯彭斯

sixpence 词性/词形变化,sixpence变形


sixpence 短语词组

1、sixpence none the richer albums ─── 六便士没有更丰富的专辑

2、sixpence none the richer kiss me lyrics ─── 六便士没有更丰富的吻我的歌词

3、the moon and sixpence ─── 月亮和六便士

4、not care a sixpence ─── 毫不在乎

5、sixpence in shoe for wedding ─── 婚礼鞋六便士

6、sixpence none the richer cast ─── 六便士一点也不富有

7、sixpence boutique ─── 六便士精品店

8、Sixpence None the Richer ─── 六便士不是更富有的

9、sixpence coin value ─── 六便士硬币价值

sixpence 习惯用语

1、the same old sixpence ─── [口]一点没改变

2、crooked sixpence ─── 吉利的东西, 驱邪符

3、not to matter (a) sixpence ─── 无关紧要

4、spit sixpences [cotton] ─── 口渴得吐白沫

5、not care (a) sixpence ─── [口]一点也不在乎

sixpence 相似词语短语

1、ha'pence ─── 有便士吗

2、spence ─── n.食物柜,储藏室;金钱补助;(村舍的)客厅;n.(Spence)(美、加、英)斯彭斯(人名)

3、fivepence ─── n.(英国货币)五便士;五分

4、sixpences ─── n.(英)六便士(硬币);n.(Sixpence)人名;(英)西克斯彭斯

5、sixpenny ─── adj.廉价的;六便士的;(钉子)两寸长的

6、ninepence ─── n.九便士硬币;九便士

7、silence ─── n.沉默;寂静;缄默;不谈;无声状态;vt.使沉默;使安静;压制;消除噪音;int.安静!;别作声!

8、sithence ─── 西斯

9、fippence ─── 外表

sixpence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sing a song of sixpence, ─── 唱一首六便士的歌吧!

2、the same old sixpence ─── 完全跟过去一样,毫无改变

3、the purloiner of forty shillings and sixpence was put to Death; ─── 盗窃四先令六便士者处死;

4、because they would only enlarge their style of living if they felt sure of a larger income, and would not be sixpence the richer for it at the end of the year. ─── 他们将只扩大他们的生活方式,因为他们深信如果他们有一笔极大的收入,而且在年底他们会比以前只拿到六便士时更富有.

5、If she had only a shilling in the world, she would be very likely to give away sixpence of it. ─── 假设在世界上她有一个先令的话,她会捐出六个便士的。

6、He found a crooked sixpence beside a crooked stile; ─── 在一个弯弯扭扭的阶梯旁发现了弯弯扭扭的六便士

7、Messenger boys stealing to put on sixpence. ─── 送信的小伙子们为了弄到六便士的赌本竟去偷窃。

8、I've got six pences, jolly, jolly sixpence. ─── 我有六便士,高兴,真高兴,六便士。

9、not to matter (a) sixpence ─── 无足轻重,无关紧要

10、The book costs sixpence. ─── 这本书价值六便士。

11、There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, ─── 走在一条长一里的扭曲的路上手里那着扭曲的六便士踏在扭曲的台阶上他买了一只扭曲的猫猫捉了一只扭曲的老鼠他们一起住在扭曲的小房子里

12、I'll make it five shillings, and that's three-and-sixpence more than the animal's worth. ─── 我给你五先令,这比这牲口的价值多出了三又六便士。

13、He gave them sixpence apiece and a pat on the head, and they went off with much respectful swinging of caps and touching of forelocks. ─── 他给了他们每人一枚六便士铜钱,拍了拍他们的脑袋。他们必恭必敬挥着帽子,行着军礼,走了。

14、I was struck first of all by the things she brought: poor little silver gilt earrings, a trashy little locket, things not worth sixpence. ─── 她自己也知道,这些东西不值几个钱,但从她的脸色来看,我看出这些东西是她的宝贝。

15、He found a crooked sixpence under the hearth-rug; and upon Christmas Eve, he and Hunca Munca stuffed it into one of the stockings of Lucinda and Jane. ─── 他在壁炉前的地毯下面发现一枚弯曲的六便士,平安夜里他和亨卡忙卡塞进露欣答和简的一只长袜子里。

16、He found a crooked sixpence ─── 手里那着扭曲的六便士

17、You've got money, and I've got luck; so you'd better keep me by you for your crooked sixpence. ─── 你有钱财,我有运气,所以你最好还是把我留在你的身边,作你的护身符。

18、He could not find his sixpence anywhere, and what is more, he could not get his arm out. ─── 但他摸了半天也没找到那50便士硬币,他的胳膊反倒退不出来了。

19、You've got money,and I've got luck; so you'd better keep me by you for your crooked sixpence. ─── 你有钱财,我有运气,所以你最好还是把我留在你的身边,作你的护身符。

20、The Moon and Sixpence ─── 月亮和六便士

21、There was a crooked man and he walking a crooked mile,He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile. ─── 他在一段扭曲的阶梯上捡了一个扭曲的六便士,买了一只扭曲的猫咪。

22、I'll toss this sixpence and you call head or tail. ─── 我来掷这个6便士硬币,你说是正面还是反面。

23、Placing a silver sixpence in the bride's left shoe is a symbol of wealth. ─── 在新娘左脚的鞋子里,人们还通常放上一枚六便士的银币,这是财富的象征。

24、3. wages were sixpence a week within living memory. ─── 周工资为六便士的年代,人们记忆犹新.

25、It costs sixpence ─── 价值为六便士.

26、This buyer is the sort of man who will choose something because it is sixpence cheaper than the next article. ─── 这个人是这么个买主,一样东西哪怕只便宜几个便士也要挑三家。

27、It looked like a love story. But love, as she said, could turn on a sixpence. ─── 看起来这是个爱情故事,但是如罗斯说,爱情会风云突变。

28、2. On him way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain. ─── 他在去糖果店的路上,把钱掉到地上了,硬币沿着人行道滚动,掉进阴沟里去了。

29、Will you mind giving me the sixpence in copper ? ─── 请给我6便士铜币好吗?

30、not care (a) sixpence ─── 一点也不在乎

31、Christmas pudding: A very traditional English Christmas requires that a sixpence is put inside the pudding, whoever finds it wins a prize. ─── 圣诞布丁:传统的英国圣诞节往往将一枚六便士硬币放在布丁内,谁若找到它就会赢得一份奖励。

32、The Best Of Sixpence NOneThe Richer ─── 幸福约定

33、Sing A Song of Sixpence Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye; Four-and-twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie! ─── 唱一首六便士之歌唱一首六便士之歌,袋子里装满黑麦;二十四只黑画眉,被放在派里面烤!

34、I told him mine, which was down that street there, and which I wanted him to take to the Dover coach office for sixpence. ─── 我告诉他是我的箱子,就在那边街上,我要他把它运到多佛马车票房,运费是六便士。

35、The original saying dates back to the Victoria timesstates,"Something old,something new,something borrowed,something bluea silver sixpence in your shoe." ─── 最初的说法源自维多利亚时代,原文是:“有旧,有新,有借,有蓝;在一只鞋里放一枚六便士的银币。”

36、He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; ─── 手拿扭曲的六便士,踏上扭曲的台阶;

37、Seventy-two solidi went to the pound of gold, so that its value was about twelve shillings and sixpence. ─── 七十二枚索里迪用一磅黄金,因此其币值为十二先令六便士。

38、But of that evening she had remembered a little pot ofcaviare. It had cost seven and sixpence. ─── 关于那天晚上,她只记得一小罐鱼子酱,值7磅6便士。

39、I allowed the two pennies to fall against the sixpence in my pocket. ─── 我把口袋里的两个便士跟六便士撞在一块。

40、For most of them, sixpence is a small price to pay for a satisfying bar of chocolate. ─── 对大部分孩子来说,用 50便士来买一大块好的巧克力,是算不了什么的。

41、looked like a love story. But love, as she said, could turn on a sixpence. ─── 看起来这是个爱情故事,但是如罗斯说,爱情会风云突变。

42、The original saying dates back to the Victoria times and states,"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe. ─── 最初的说法源自维多利亚时代,原文是:“有旧,有新,有借,有蓝;在一只鞋里放一枚六便士的银币。

43、In England for sixpence one may buy a "Dentamatic throw-away toothbrush" which comes already coated with toothpaste for its one-time use. ─── 在英国,六便士就能买到一个“登特氏一次性牙刷”,而且是已经涂有足够一次性用的牙膏了。

44、3. london taxis are easy to park because they turn on a sixpence. ─── 伦敦的出租车很容易停车,因为它们兜的范围很小。

45、You've got money, and I've got luck; so you'd better keep me by you for your crooked sixpence. ─── 你有钱财,我有运气,所以你最好还是把我留在你的身边,作你的护身符。

46、The organ-player had been ordered to go away and given sixpence. ─── 他们给了风琴手六便士,命令他走开。

47、If you've lost nothing more than sixpence, you're making a storm in a teacup about it. ─── 在茶杯里掀起一场风暴,可真是“小题大做;大惊小怪”了。这条习语的比喻意义是:“因小事掀起一场大风波”。如:

48、However,if a bride would like to include it in her wedding,she can purchase a silver sixpence from many companies that sell bridal supplies such as gartersinvitations. ─── ,新娘想要在她的婚礼中这一项目,她从出售如吊袜带和请柬等婚礼用品的公司里买到六便士银币。

49、Here's a sixpence for you.Do you know why there are no apples on that tree? ─── 给你六个便士,你知道为什么这棵树上没有苹果吗?”

50、I gave him sixpence yesterday and advised him to save it. Instead, he bought himself sixpence worth of trouble. ─── 昨天,我给了他50便士让他存起来,他却拿这钱给自己买了50便士的麻烦。

51、Wages were sixpence a week within living memory. ─── 周工资为六便士的年代,人们记忆犹新。

52、The organ-player had been ordered to go away and given sixpence . ─── 他父亲给了风琴手六个便士让他走开。

53、There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; ─── 有一个弯曲的人,并且他走一弯曲的英里,他对一个弯曲的梯蹬找到一弯曲的六便士;

54、He took sixpence from the palm of her hand and went to the counter to pay. ─── 他从她手心里拿了六便士到柜台付了钱。

55、A girl with light hair and thin face, held out a collecting box to Phyl, who put sixpence in. ─── 一个淡颜色头发瘦脸的姑娘把募捐的盒子向菲儿伸过来,菲儿放了6个便士进去。

56、However, if a bride would like to include it in her wedding, she can purchase a silver sixpence from many companies that sell bridal supplies such as garters and invitati*****. ─── 但是,如果新娘想要在她的婚礼中包括这一项目,她可以从许多出售如吊袜带和请柬等婚礼用品的公司里买到六便士银币。

57、When the ferryboat with her wild freight pushed into the stream, nobody cared sixpence for the wasted time but the captain of the craft. ─── 当渡船载着兴高采烈的游客启锚时,除船老大外,没人有浪费时间的感觉。

58、The full wording of this popular bridal attire rhyme, which dates back to the Victorian times is 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe. ─── 这些通俗的有关婚礼着装的说法,即“一些旧的、一些新的、一些借来的、一些蓝色的还有在鞋子里放的银色六便士硬币”的顺口溜可以追述到维多利亚时代。

59、If she had only a shilling in the world, she would be very likely to give away sixpence of it. ─── 假设在世界上她有一个先令的话,她会捐出六个便士的。

60、Turning on a sixpence, he struck a sweet volley into the bottom corner, leaving goalkeeper Mart Poom no chance. ─── 在一个小角度转身之后,他临空抽射将球打入球门下角,没有给对方门将马特·普姆丝毫的机会。

61、I gave him sixpence yesterday and advised him to save it. ─── 我昨天给了他六便士,并建议他把这点钱积存起来。

62、Placing a silver sixpence in the bride’s left shoe is said to be a symbol of wealth. ─── 六便士银币 在新娘的左脚鞋子里放一枚六便士银币据说是财富的象征。

63、Whereas the men, in gratitude to the woman for the sex experience, let their souls go out to her. And afterwards looked rather as if they had lost a shilling and found sixpence. ─── 至于她们的情人呢,因为感激她们所赐与的性的满足,便把灵魂交给她们。但是不久,他们又有点觉得得不尝失了。

64、On his way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain. ─── 在他去糖果店的路上,50便士掉在地上,在人行道上跳了几下,掉进了阴沟里。

65、Silver sixpence...Placing a silver sixpence in the bride's left shoe is said to be a symbol of wealth. ─── 六便士银币在新娘的左脚鞋子里放一枚六便士银币据说是财富的象征。

66、not care a sixpence ─── 毫不在乎

67、But in the end he lugged a dirty canvas bag out of the depths of his trouser pocket, and counted out six shillings and sixpence into Toad's paw. ─── 不过最终他还是从裤兜深处掏出一只脏兮兮的小帆布包,数出六枚先令六枚便士,放在蟾蜍掌心里。

68、Please give me six pennies for this sixpence. ─── 请给我把这个六便士的硬币换成六个一便士的硬币。

69、I saw only two Zepplins brought down in flames, but to remember them gives me no happiness that I would not gladly part with for a Jubilee sixpence. ─── 我只见过两架被击中燃烧的“齐柏林”飞艇,但是我毫不稀罕,想起它们而带来的的那种所谓愉快,以它换取区区六便士我都情愿。

70、If a girl puts a sprig of rosemary herb and a silver sixpence under her pillow on Halloween night, she will see her future husband in a dream. ─── 女孩子在万圣节的晚上放一条迷迭香的嫩枝和一枚六便士的银币在枕头底下,就会在梦中见到她未来的丈夫。

71、Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye; Four and twenty blackbirds, Baked in a pie. ─── 唱一首六便士的歌黑麦装满一袋。

72、AN old woman was sweeping her house, and she found a little crooked sixpence. ─── 一个老奶奶在打扫她的房子,她发现了一枚弯曲的六便士硬币。

73、Since most brides probably don't even know what a sixpence is,this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times. ─── 今天新娘恐怕连一枚六便士是什么样子都不知道,传统习俗的这一部分在现代婚礼中已经不常被遵守。

74、He gave them sixpence apiece and a pat on the head, and they went off with much respectful swinging of caps and touching of forelocks. ─── 他给了他们每人一枚六便士铜钱,拍了拍他们的脑袋。他们必恭必敬挥着帽子,行着军礼,走了。

75、We were permitted to buy our meal tickets for seven shillings and sixpence. ─── 允许我们买7先令6便士的进餐券。

76、crooked sixpence ─── 吉利的东西驱邪符

77、He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, And they all lived together in a little crooked house. ─── 一个扭曲的男人,走了一里扭曲的路。手拿扭曲的六便士,踏上扭曲的台阶,买一只歪歪扭扭的猫儿,猫儿抓了歪歪扭扭的老鼠。

78、However, if a bride would like to include it in her wedding, she can purchase a silver sixpence from many companies that sell bridal supplies such as garters and invitations. ─── 然而,如果有新娘希望在婚礼中保留这一项习俗的话,她可以在任何一家经营勋袜带和请柬等婚礼用品的公司买到这样一个6便士的银币。

79、Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye; Four-and-twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie! ─── 唱一首六便士之歌,袋子里装满黑麦;二十四只黑画眉,被放在派里面烤!

80、There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, And they all lived together in a little crooked house. ─── 有一个弯曲的人,并且他走一弯曲的英里,他对一个弯曲的梯蹬找到一弯曲的六便士;他买一只弯曲的猫,这抓住一只弯曲的老鼠,并且他们全部一同住在一个小弯曲的房子里。

81、Sing a song of sixpence ─── 唱一隻六便士的歌

82、Wages were sixpence a week within livingmemory. ─── 周工资为六便士的年代,人们记忆犹新。

83、It doesn't matter sixpence. ─── 这不要紧。

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