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naturalized 发音

英:[?n?t?r?la?zd]  美:[?n?t?r?la?zd]

英:  美:

naturalized 中文意思翻译



naturalized 同义词

naturalise | cultivate | grow wild | accept | adopt |enfranchise | acclimatize | domesticate | tame | acclimate | adapt

naturalized 反义词


naturalized 短语词组

1、naturalized definition ─── 归化定义

2、naturalized citizens ─── 归化公民

3、naturalized citizen ─── [法] 已归化公民

4、naturalized subjects ─── [法] 已归入国民

5、naturalized citizens ww1 ─── 入籍公民第一次世界大战

6、naturalized meaning ─── 归化意义

7、naturalized person ─── [法] 归化人, 入籍者

8、naturalized British subject ─── 归化英国科目

9、naturalized player ─── 归化球员

10、naturalized or derived citizen ─── 归化或衍生公民

11、naturalized define ─── 归化定义

naturalized 词性/词形变化,naturalized变形

形容词: naturalizable |名词: naturalization |动词过去式: naturalized |动词过去分词: naturalized |动词第三人称单数: naturalizes |动词现在分词: naturalizing |

naturalized 相似词语短语

1、naturalize ─── vt.移植;使入国籍;采纳;vi.归化;加入国籍

2、denaturalized ─── vt.使…变质;使…不自然;撤消归化权

3、lateralized ─── adj.单侧性的;边音的;v.使朝向一边;使…向侧面(lateralize的过去分词)

4、naturalises ─── vt.使入国籍;使归化;vi.加入国籍;归化(等于naturalize)

5、naturalise ─── vt.使入国籍;使归化;vi.加入国籍;归化(等于naturalize)

6、connaturalized ─── 共饱和

7、unnaturalized ─── 不自然的

8、naturalised ─── v.(使)入国籍;(外国人)被接纳入籍;(使)外来词语归化;适应异域生长环境;(使)适应自然环境;在自然环境中存活;把……视作自然;用自然道理解释(naturalise的过去式及过去分词,等于naturalized)

9、naturalizes ─── vt.移植;使入国籍;采纳;vi.归化;加入国籍

naturalized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A small tree with small sweet nuts,wild or naturalized in Korea and China. ─── 一种小乔木,结小甜坚果,在韩国和中国野生或引种。

2、Does Goldman's Reliabilism Successfully Justified the Naturalized Epistemology? ─── 戈德曼的可靠论成功维护了自然化认识论吗?

3、European maritime sedge naturalized along Atlantic coast of United States; rootstock has properties of sarsaparilla. ─── 一种欧洲的海岸苔草,沿美国大西洋海岸归化;具有菝葜性能的根茎。

4、Although you may be naturalized to be a citizen of a particular nation, you can never be naturalized into a kingdom. ─── 你也许可以归化为某一国的公民,但你永远不可能归化进入一个国。

5、We should be naturalized to the new tide of the world. ─── 我们必须顺应新的世界潮流。

6、It also asserts that sexist assumptions and biases are reflected, perpetuated and naturalized in language use. ─── 他们也认为歧视女性的看法及偏见反映在语言的使用中,并已固定下来和自然化了。

7、To evaluate the risk and impact level of these plants, Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) was used to estimate the risk of the naturalized plants as a basis for emergency measures. ─── 为了评估对象植物的风险程度或等级,杂草风险评估被用作订定归化植物的风险依据,作为进一步应变措施的标准。

8、Seminar is a German word that has been naturalized in English. Seminar. ─── 是被采用在英语中的德国字。

9、He was naturalized after living in China for many years. ─── 他在中国生活了多年以后入了中国国籍。

10、The Japanese began to get naturalized in the United States in 1841. ─── 摘要日本人在美国落籍始于1841年。

11、About 65 species: tropical America, a few species introduced in the Old World; one species a naturalized weed in China. ─── 大约65种:美洲热带,被引进欧亚大陆的一些种;在中国的一种一根归化杂草。

12、The research shows that the Lower Carboniferous source rock is the dominating contributor to the natur... ─── 中下侏罗统烃源岩为一套优质烃源岩,但由于分布范围所限,贡献仅限于北缘山前带。

13、The town hall at Winterthur spoke as representative for newly naturalized citizens. ─── 在温特士市政厅里,赵淑侠曾经代表新入籍公民演说。

14、About 150 species: tropical America; two species commonly cultivated in China with one naturalized. ─── 大约150种:美洲热带在中国具一归化栽培的的通常的两种。

15、The extraction of Syzygium aromaticum has been widely and successfully applied in food fresh keeping,such as soy sauce,vegetables,and meat product,etc.. As a natur... ─── 丁香提取物在酱油、果蔬以及肉制品应用取得了良好的保鲜效果,丁香是值得研究和开发的天然防腐资源。

16、Common North American weed with linear leaves and small discoid heads of yellowish flowers; widely naturalized throughout temperate regions; sometimes placed in genus Erigeron. ─── 北美洲常见杂草,有线形叶子和圆盘状黄花头状花序;温带地区广泛引入;常归为飞蓬属植物。

17、The other 90% have fit into their environments and are considered naturalized. ─── 另外90%的人已经适应了他们的环境,且已经被认定入籍了。

18、Teasel with lilac flowers native to Old World but naturalized in North America. ─── 原产于旧大陆开浅紫色花的川续断,已经引入美国。

19、Ubiquitous European annual weed with white flowers and finely divided leaves naturalized and sometimes cultivated in eastern North America,sometimes included in genus Matricaria. ─── 普遍的欧洲年生草本植物,有白花和分开的叶子,有时在北美东部种植,有时归入母菊属。

20、European medic naturalized in North America having yellow flowers and sickle-shaped pods. ─── 引入北美的欧洲苜蓿,开黄花,结镰刀形荚。

21、It was introduced to China accidentally in wheat seed imported from Mexico about 1974 and is becoming naturalized in parts of Yunnan. ─── 偶然在从墨西哥大约1974那里进口的小麦种子引进栽培在中国并且变得在深裂的云南内的归化。

22、It readily escapes and becomes more or less naturalized locally in many areas. ─── 容易的逸生和在很多地区成为多少归化。

23、The custom of shakehands has naturalized all over the world. ─── 全世界的各个民族都采用了握手致意的习俗。

24、Australian plant naturalized in Spain having flowers of lemon yellow to deep gold;the choice everlasting of dried-flower lovers. ─── 原产西班牙的澳洲植物,其花色有柠檬黄到深黄各色;可做干花。

25、Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern North America having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads; valuable source of nectar. ─── 北美东部已引入的欧亚多年生植物有多刺的白色棉花似的叶子和麝香味的深红色的头状花序;水果原汁。

26、European thistle with rather large heads and prickly leaves; extensively naturalized as a weed in the United States. ─── 有很大的头状花序和多刺的叶子的欧洲蓟;在美国作为野草广泛引入。

27、Certainly when moved outside those original ranges they grew well, became naturalized. ─── 事实上,当它们离开了自己的原始分布区以后,在外地生长很好,逐渐驯化。

28、This paper reports 6 species, 1 varety, 1 from and 1 naturalized species of Angiospermae as new records in Henan Province. ─── 摘要报道了河南植物区系被子植物6新纪录种、1新纪录变种、1新纪录变型和1新纪录归化种。

29、It was introduced to China accidentally in wheat seed imported from Mexico about 1974 and is becoming naturalized in parts of Yunnan. ─── 偶然在从墨西哥大约1974那里进口的小麦种子引进栽培在中国并且变得在深裂的云南内的归化。

30、Ich finde, dass sie recht hat. Die Natur r28;cht sich an China f徂r dessen V46;lkermorde. ─── 我认为莎朗.斯通是对的。大自然正在对中国犯下的灭绝人类的滔天大罪进行报复。

31、Among the 31 nectar plants recorded, most of them were either cultivated or naturalized. ─── 所记录的31种蜜源植物以外来种园艺植物或归化植物居多。

32、These are beautiful to see bloom in the garden, and we planted ours in naturalized drifts at different points throughout our border. ─── 这些都是美丽的,看看盛开在花园,并种植了我们,我们在归化漂移,在不同点,在我们整个边界。

33、Nor did the fact that Savoie was a naturalized Japanese citizen and fluent in Japanese make a difference. ─── 事实上Savoie还是自然上的日本居民,他的日语很流利,这些也都没有起作用。

34、He and his family left France for Australia and were naturalized 2 years ago. ─── 他们全家从法兰西迁居去了澳大利亚,两年前他们加入了澳大利亚国籍。

35、The concepts of “kinds” or “similarity”, just as Quine’s epistemology, are expected to be naturalized. ─── 对蒯因来说,类或相似性的概念也必须加以自然化,就如同知识论的自然化一样。

36、Mediterranean biennial herb with long-stemmed heads of purple ray flowers and milky sap and long edible root; naturalized throughout United States. ─── 地中海两年生草本植物,有长茎的紫色舌状花、乳白色树汁和可食用根;已被美国广泛种植。

37、Now in Dalian the methods of the mix collection in bag and landfill are naturalized. ─── 大连市目前实行混合袋装收集垃圾填埋方式处理生活垃圾。

38、He emigrated to the United States when he was seventeen years old, and was naturalized on his twentieth birthday. ─── 他十七岁时移居美国,二十岁生日时就入籍了。

39、He became naturalized after living in the United States for ten years. ─── 他在美国生活了十年之后加入了美国籍。

40、It has the consistency of a naturalized Epistemology and modernized Axiology, but also promises the power of a new Internet philosophy. ─── 它延续了回归自然的认识论(Epistemology)和现代化的价值论(Axiology),并且保证了新网络哲学的力量。

41、Distribution: Tropical Africa; commonly naturalized in tropics and subtropics. ─── 原产地:热带非洲;广泛归化于热带及亚热带地区。

42、Schon unsere physische Natur stellt sich oft drohend entgegen, und ihre Rechte wage keiner zu verspotten. ─── 我们的体质常常威胁我们,可是任何人也不敢藐视它的存在。

43、Australian plant naturalized in Spain having flowers of lemon yellow to deep gold; the choice everlasting of dried-flower lovers. ─── 原产西班牙的澳洲植物,其花色有柠檬黄到深黄各色;可做干花。

44、But the friend he was sharing the information with -- Tai Shen Kuo, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Taiwan -- was actually taking orders from the Chinese government. ─── 但与他分享情报的朋友,由台湾入籍美国的公民郭台生,实际上是在听命于中国政府。

45、One species: NW Africa, Asia, Europe, naturalized elsewhere. ─── 一种:西北部的非洲,亚洲,欧洲,在别处入籍。

46、Downes,1993.S.M.Socializing Naturalized Philosophy of Science[J].Philosophy of Science.Vol:60,Issue:39,452-168. ─── 丛杭青,程晓东,自然主义认识论的实用主义承诺[J]哲学研究,2005年第10期.

47、European annual having large trumpet-shaped reddish-purple flowers and poisonous seed; a common weed in grainfields and beside roadways; naturalized in America. ─── 有喇叭状紫红色大花和有毒种子的欧洲一年生植物;良田和路边的杂草;美洲已经引种。

48、European plant naturalized in North America; often collected from the wild as a potherb. ─── 一种欧洲植物,在北美已归化,常采集野生的作为一种调味菜。

49、Three newly recorded naturalized plants of Taiwan -- Mollugo verticillata, Festuca elatior and Bromus rigidus. ─── 新记台湾三种归化植物 -- 光叶粟米草欧洲羊茅及硬雀麦.

50、Between 20 and 30 species: N Africa, C and SW Asia, C, E, and S Europe; naturalized in S Australia and North America; one species in China. ─── 在20和30种之间:非洲北部,亚洲中部和西南部的,欧洲中部、东部和南部;在S澳大利亚和北美洲的归化;中国有1种。

51、European grass naturalized as a weed in North America; sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock. ─── 原生于欧洲,在北美作为野草种植;种子锋利,对家畜有害。

52、Handel was born in Germany and was later naturalized English. ─── 享德尔出生于德国,后来加入英国国籍。

53、Because it was reported as newly naturalized (Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 26: 131. 2006), this name appeared after publication of the family treatment for the Flora of China. ─── 因为被报告为新近归化(公牛。肤蝇等幼虫。研究,哈尔滨26:131.2006),这个名字在为中国的植物群科处理的出版之后出现。

54、Schulenberg became a naturalized citizen on the spot. ─── 斯库伦伯格立刻成了归化市民。

55、Location: Cultivated beside the Ecological Pond; naturalized in the wet lowlands of Taiwan. ─── 分布:种植于生态池畔。已广泛归化于全台低海拔开阔潮湿地。

56、Two species of coarse annual foxtails that are naturalized weeds in United States. ─── 两种低质一年生狗尾草属植物,是已经进入美国的杂草。

57、European leek naturalized in Great Britain; leaves triangular in section. ─── 在英国归化的一种欧洲葱;叶子呈三角形。

58、Present data shows there are 341 naturalized plants in Taiwan, and at least 90 of them are extra-dangerous invasive species. ─── 台湾目前有记录的归化植物有341种,资料显示其中至少已经有90种为高度危害的入侵性植物。

59、This paper reports a newly naturalized aquatic genus Cabomba Aublet. (Cabombaceae) in China. ─── 关键词:水盾草属,水盾草,归化植物,中国|全部关键词

60、One species: SW Asia, Europe, naturalized elsewhere as a cosmopolitan weed. ─── 一种:亚洲西南部,欧洲,作为一根世界性的杂草在别处入籍。

61、I have been naturalized to the place and to the manner of living. ─── 我对这个地方和生活方式已经习惯。

62、This species is commonly cultivated for its fruit in wet-tropical areas around the world and is sometimes naturalized. ─── 本种在全世界的潮湿的热带的地区常见栽培以收获它的果,有时归化。

63、She' s a German who was naturalized in Canada. ─── 她是入了加拿大籍的德国人.

64、But what sort of a way is that for bones to lie?'Tain't in natur'. ─── 我想,这骨头架子的姿势可真奇怪,不太自然。”

65、Monotypic: widely cultivated or naturalized, also in China. ─── 广泛栽培或归化,也在中国。

66、He was naturalized after living in Britain for ten years. ─── 他在英国住了十年后,入了英国籍。

67、Firstly this requires the reform of the current natur... ─── 三是在其它一般性税收中采取各种税收调节措施,体现环保目标。

68、Obama also has support among newly naturalized Arab Americans, including one who said, "I'm so glad this year I can vote, because I like Obama and I like his ideas too. ─── 奥巴马还获得了刚刚成为美国公民的一位阿拉伯人的支持:“今年我可以投票了,这真是太好了。因为我喜欢奥巴马,我也欣赏他的想法。”

69、Er ist doch nicht vom Natur so keiner ist so. ─── 他又不是一生出来就是这样的,没有人是这样的。

70、We used WRA to assess and establish the risk degrees of naturalized plants in Taiwan. ─── 我们希望利用杂草风险评估表测定归化植物的风险程度,为高风险植物做适当的应变措施。

71、European hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium. ─── 有橘红色边花头状花序的欧洲山柳菊;已在北美洲归化,很难根除;有时归为山柳菊属。

72、European white-flowered weed naturalized in North America. ─── 原产欧洲的北美野生白花杂草。

73、In 2003, Martina Navratilova, a 46-year-old naturalized American, and her Indian partner, Leander Paes, captured the mixed doubles championships at Wimbledon. ─── 2003年,46岁的纳芙拉蒂诺娃和印度搭档佩斯出现在了英国温布尔登网球公开赛的双打赛场上。

74、A creeping or trailing European aromatic plant (Glechoma hederacea), widely naturalized in North America and having rounded, scalloped leaves and small purplish flowers. ─── 亚欧活血丹:欧洲大陆一种蔓生芳香植物(欧活血丹活血丹属),在北美洲大量野生,有扇形圆叶,开紫色小花

75、Einstein was naturalized American nationality in 1940. ─── 爱因斯坦于1940年加入美国国籍。

76、There are at least 800 naturalized aliens. ─── 归化的外来种起码也有800种。

77、The Fourteenth Amendment to the U-S Constitution provides that all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens. ─── 美国宪法第十四次修正案规定所有出生在美国或者已经入籍者都属于美国公民。

78、Henry James was naturalized in Britain. ─── 亨利。詹姆斯入了英国籍。

79、Old World annual widely naturalized in warm regions having white flowers and fleshy foliage covered with icelike hairs. ─── 东半球温暖地区的一种开白花,长有似冰叶片的一年生植物,。

80、Like Wen Ho Lee (who is unrelated), Peter Lee is a naturalized citizen born in Taiwan. ─── 像李文和(谁是无关) ,彼得李是归化公民,在台湾出生。

81、European vetchlike herb naturalized in the eastern United States having umbels of pink-and-white flowers and sharp-angled pods. ─── 一个欧洲产的巢菜状草本植物,已在美国东部归化,具有粉红及白色花,成伞形花序及锐棱荚果。

82、Asiatic plant resembling spinach often used as a potherb; naturalized in Europe and North America. ─── 亚洲的一种类似于菠菜的草本植物,通常被用作一种调味品;在欧洲和北美移种。

83、North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe. ─── 北美多年生草本植物,秋季开紫色、粉红色或白色小花;欧洲有广泛分布。

84、I have many hobbies such as photographing.I love to talk to other people and help others.I love natur... ─── 我非常善于与人交流,乐于助人,热爱自然,热爱和平,听说这次夏令...

85、"Seminar" is a German word that has been naturalized in English."Seminar". ─── seminar是被采用在英语中的德国字。

86、One species: C and SW Asia, E Europe, naturalized elsewhere. ─── 一种:在别处的亚洲中部和西南部,E欧洲,归化。

87、Two species: one endemic to the Caucasus, the other native to SW Asia and Europe and naturalized elsewhere as a cosmopolitan weed. ─── 两种:一在高加索,另一个特有原产于的亚洲西南部和欧洲和归化在别处作为一根世界性的杂草。

88、Stout erect perennial grass of northern parts of Old World having silky flowering spikes,widely cultivated for pasture and hay; naturalized in North America. ─── 旧大陆北部多年生粗壮直立草本植物,绢状花穗;广泛培植,用作牧草和干草,已在北美落户。

89、I see. You are a naturalized citizen. ─── 明白了,您是入籍公民。

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