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08-17 投稿


bombastic 发音

英:[bɑ?m?b?st?k]  美:[b?m?b?st?k]

英:  美:

bombastic 中文意思翻译



bombastic 网络释义

adj. 夸大的;言过其实的

bombastic 短语词组

1、bombastic jedi fallen order ─── 狂妄绝地堕落

2、bombastic crossword ─── 夸张的纵横字谜

3、bombastic meaning in english ─── 英语中的夸夸其谈意义

4、bombastic yt ─── 夸 ─── 夸其谈的yt

5、bombastic star wars ─── 夸 ─── 夸其谈的星球大战

6、bombastic star wars jedi fallen order ─── 夸 ─── 夸其谈的星球大战绝地堕落

7、bombastic meaning ─── 夸 ─── 夸其谈的意思

8、bombastic love ─── 夸 ─── 夸其谈的爱情

9、bombastic brothers ─── 夸 ─── 夸其谈的兄弟

bombastic 词性/词形变化,bombastic变形

名词: bombaster |形容词: bombastic |副词: bombastically |

bombastic 相似词语短语

1、bombasts ─── n.夸大的言辞;adj.夸大的

2、bioplastic ─── adj.促生长的;助发育的;n.生物塑料

3、bombastically ─── adv.夸大地;浮华地;言过其实地;矫揉造作地

4、bioclastic ─── 生物碎片

5、bombaster ─── n.夸大的言辞(bombast的变形)

6、bombastical ─── 爆炸的

7、homoblastic ─── 同型胚芽

8、bombasters ─── n.夸大的言辞(bombast的变形)

9、bombast ─── n.夸大的言辞;adj.夸大的

bombastic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Said that “all things begin difficultly”, the ideas bombastic, but begins troublesome. ─── 说了,“万事起头难”,头绪很多,着手起来就麻烦。

2、Pretentiously rhetorical;bombastic. ─── 夸夸其谈的词藻华丽矫饰的;夸大的

3、Given to ranting or bombast. ─── 吹牛的夸夸其谈的或说大话的

4、Bombastic drums and instruments connected with hooks into the skin of the ritual participants were used as sound sources. ─── 强力的鼓声配合其他乐器循环往复渗透进仪式参与者的皮肤中。

5、The English (or any language, as a matter of fact) should be impeccable and as much as possible simple and without bombastic words and technical terms。 ─── 所用的语言应该简练并且准确无误,避免夸大其词和专门的术语。

6、Will judge you to just be in with this bombastic, true still somewhat knowledge. ─── 以此来判定你只是在夸夸其谈,还是真的有所学识。

7、For this reason, I find so many of our political scoundrels are such lovable human beings, and so many of our futile bombastic college presidents extremely good fellows at home. ─── 正因为如此,我察觉到许多政坛上的恶棍,倒也是十分可爱的人,又察觉到许多院校浮夸的校长,在家里却是顶好的先生。

8、The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence; ─── 那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语;

9、As the bombastic language is linked together with despotism, it will result in serious consequence. ─── 而当这种夸大了的语言与专制权力相联时,则会造成严重的社会后果。

10、I went on, using the characteristically bombastic language of the time. ─── 我使用当时流行的夸大其词的语言接着说。

11、Winston Churchill, today an idealized hero of history, was in his time variously considered a bombastic blunderer, an unstable politician, an intermittently inspired orator, a reckless self-dramatizer, and a warmongering drunkard. ─── 译文:温斯顿.邱吉尔今天是一个理想化的历史英雄,但当时却看成是一个爱唱高调但常犯错误的人,摇摆不定的政客,有几分才气的演说家,轻率的装腔作势者,以及贩卖战争的酒徒.

12、aggrandise, amplify, bombastic, grandiloquent, grandiose, hyperbole, rhetorical, turgid. ─── 表“ 浮夸、夸大” 之意:

13、bombastic adj. ─── 夸张的;

14、Tom's increase in importance did not lead him to make bombastic speeches at the party. ─── 汤姆的荣升并未导致他在聚会上夸夸其谈。

15、Bombastic boasts - "We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ" -do not constitute a position. ─── 言过其实的自夸——“我们定位于成为XYZ的卓越供应商”——并不能构建其地位。

16、Bombast (n.): talk or writing that sounds grand or important but has little meaning; pompous language ─── 词藻华丽而空洞无物的淡话(或文章);夸大的语言

17、“this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive bombast”( H.L. Mencken ─── “这些隐喻的夸张,带着天真的高调”(H.L.门琴

18、"this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive bombast" (H.L. Mencken) ─── “这些隐喻的夸张,带着天真的高调”(H.L.门琴)

19、Paracelsus,originally named Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim (1493~1541) ─── 帕拉切尔苏斯

20、His speech was full of bombast. ─── 他的讲演通篇是夸夸其谈。

21、And on its part, German Socialism recognised, more and more, its own calling as the bombastic representative of the petty- bourgeois Philistine. ─── 同时,德国的社会主义也越来越认识到自己的使命就是充当这种小市民的夸夸其谈的代言人。

22、There is no bombast or chauvinism or phony sentiment in Mr Obama's oratory. ─── 在奥巴马的演说中,没有豪言壮语,没有沙文主义,也没有做作的感情。

23、earth pots making a lot of noise instead of the classical bells -- bombastic politicians in power while good men are out ─── 黄钟毁弃, 瓦釜雷鸣

24、There will not be another bombastic constitutional convention that lasts for months. ─── 不会再有那样一个持续数月的、功能被夸大的宪法草案出现了。

25、bombastic talk ─── 迂阔之谈

26、The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected. ─── 候选人大肆吹嘘,一旦他当选将要如何如何。

27、There is appetite too for Mr Khatami's more conciliatory approach to foreign relations after the years of Mr Ahmadinejad's bombast. ─── 还有一个好消息就是,在内贾德这些年的夸夸其谈之后,卡塔米温和的外交主张更适应形势。

28、Pompous or bombastic speech or expression. ─── 夸张,大言不惭虚夸的或浮夸的话语或表述

29、this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive BomBast ─── 这些隐喻的夸张,带着天真的高调

30、This may sound more bombastic than I mean to be. ─── 这听起来可能比我想说的更夸张。

31、16 These people are complainers, disgruntled ones who live by their desires; their mouths utter bombast as they fawn over people to gain advantage. ─── 这些人好出怨言,不满命运;按照自己的私欲行事,他们的口好说大话,为了利益而奉承他人。

32、A bombastic Portuguese legislator gave an impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year. ─── 一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。

33、The orator spoke in a bombastic manner. ─── 这位演说家的讲话言过其实。

34、The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected. ─── 候选人大肆吹嘘,一旦他当选将要如何如何。

35、Inflated manner or style; bombast. ─── 傲气十足的方式或风格;高调整

36、Sentiment and bombast can only hinder the chasing for the truth. ─── 感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求。

37、In every metal style, from pop-metal to thrash, bombast is the key-from the drums to the guitars, it's about being as loud as possible. ─── 每种金属乐的风格,从鼓到吉他,不管是风行于世的,还是惨遭淘汰的,都极尽夸张之能事,尽可能地做到喧哗吵闹。

38、A bombastic Portuguese legislator gave an impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year ─── 一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。

39、The company promoted him to general manager, doubled his salary and held a grand celebration.Tom's increase in importance did not lead him to make bombastic speeches at the party. ─── 公司将他晋升为总经理,给他加了双倍的薪水,还举行了隆重的庆典。

40、Their eloquence is all bombast (Charles Kingsley). ─── 他们的雄辩是虚张声势(查理斯·金斯勒)。

41、Their music combines death and trash metal themes with symphonic, sacral ones and choirs, ethnic/folk melodies, film soundtrack influences, and more to create an unusual, yet epic and bombastic sound. ─── 他们的音乐将死亡金属、垃圾金属和交响、宗教主题结合起来,还有圣歌、民谣旋律、电影原声等,创造出不同凡响的,史诗般的以及夸张的声音。

42、It is quite bombastic for me to read and eat your literary talent despite I am very selfsih. ─── 能够在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的网名是多么骄傲的一件事啊!

43、But Yasha realized that Wolsky's bombast was unnecessary ─── 但是雅夏看出沃尔斯基是在无中生有地吹嘘。

44、I could take a little bombastic posturing if it helped to keep Russia on the right road. ─── 假如这种夸夸其谈的姿态有助于使俄罗斯走上正确的道路,我可以接受少许这种姿态。

45、Make bombastic speeches at the party ─── 给他双倍的薪水在聚会上夸夸其谈

46、A lot of Hollywood films tend to be bloated, bombastic, loud. ─── 很多好莱坞电影都是臃肿、虚张声势而吵闹的。

47、1. His speech was full of bombast . ─── 他的讲演通篇是夸夸其谈.

48、a bombastic speaker ─── 大放厥辞的演说家

49、"Their eloquence is all bombast" (Charles Kingsley). ─── “他们的雄辩是虚张声势” (查理斯·金斯勒)。

50、And even Watts, for all his bombast, can be quite self-critical. ─── 这使得瓦特对他自己的夸大言辞也做了自我批评。

51、He was vain and bombastic. ─── 他既虚荣又浮夸。

52、exaggerate; Bombast ─── 言过其实

53、bombastic style ─── 夸夸其谈的风格

54、That is, we must do as Lenin did and not fill endless pages with verbiage, or shoot at random without considering the audience, or become self-opinionated and bombastic. ─── 不是空话连篇,言之无物;不是无的放矢,不看对象;也不是自以为是,夸夸其谈;而是要照着列宁那样地去做。

55、Leos can be very self-opinionated and consequently bombastic and overbearing. ─── 他们可能非常固执己见,进而变得非常傲慢。

56、Please note that the comments keyed in must be CLEAR( no bombastic English word) and ACCURATE. ─── 将记录的内容准确清楚地输入电脑中(不要用深奥难懂的语言).

57、It's more bombastic than ever and it's a full scale video production that has never been seen before at a KISS concert. ─── 这是有史以来最为夸张的一次,是在以往的KISS演唱会上从未见过的全方位视觉效果。

58、Earthen pots making a lot of noise instead of the classical Bells-said of Bombastic politicians in power while good men are out ─── 黄钟毁弃,瓦釜雷鸣

59、Full of empty or pretentious language; bombastic. ─── 言过其实的充满空洞或虚假的语言; 吹牛的

60、The recordings of ACOH are very much in the military and orchestral movement of bombastic thumping drums and lush strings looping together with some fantastic samples taken from films and other media. ─── ACOH的唱片具有军事音乐和管弦乐风格,使用沉重的鼓声和繁复的弦乐,与取自电影和其他媒体的一起循环往复。

61、this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive bombast(H.L. Mencken) ─── 这些隐喻的夸张,带着天真的高调(H.L.门琴)

62、The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence; in fact Benito Mussolini made only four public speeches during the entire course of the war. ─── 那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语;实际上,贝尼托?墨索里尼在整个战争时期只进行了四场公开的演讲。

63、He also knows that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's threat to wipe Israel off the map is bombast. ─── 他还知道伊朗总统内贾德威胁把以色列从地图上抹掉的说法只是吹牛。

64、We should get our comrades to understand that without investigation there is no right to speak, and that bombastic twaddle and a mere list of phenomena in 1, 2, 3, 4 order are of no use. ─── 就要使同志们懂得,没有调查就没有发言权,夸夸其谈地乱说一顿和一二三四的现象罗列,都是无用的。

65、1.exaggerative; bombastic; boastful; 2.to brag; to boast; to exaggerate3.pretence ─── 虚夸

66、2.Full of empty or pretentious language;bombastic. ─── 言过其实的充满空洞或虚假的语言;

67、I could take a little bombastic posturing if it helped to keep Russia on the right road. ─── 假如这种夸夸其谈的姿态有助于使俄罗斯走上正确的道路,我可以接受少许这种姿态。

68、Tom's increase in importance did not lead him to make bombastic speeches at the party. ─── 汤姆的荣升并未导致他在聚会上夸夸其谈。

69、The GIs didn't like to talk about country or flag and were embarrassed by patriotic bombast. ─── 二战大兵不喜欢如此谈论国家,旗帜,不屑于爱国主义之夸夸其谈。

70、Answer: actually, that is not scientific and realistic and kind of bombastic. ─── 回答:事实上,这是不科学的,不实际的,有点夸张。

71、Their eloquence is all bombast(Charles Kingsley. ─── 他们的雄辩是虚张声势(查理斯·金斯勒)。

72、Alternately jovial and stern, a Great Unclean One commands his legion with affectionate bellows of praise and bombastic cajoling. ─── 时而和蔼时而严厉,大不净者用高声的赞扬和夸张的哄骗引领着他的军团。

73、I'm bombastic, say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Romantic ─── 我有点夸大言辞,异想天开,她摸着我的背叫我罗曼蒂克先生

74、this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive bombast(bH.L. Mencken) ─── 这些隐喻的夸张,带着天真的高调(bH.L.门琴)

75、The chairperson of this commission criticied police had adoped bombast gesture. ─── 该委员会的主度批评了警方采取的高调姿态.

76、and Salazar Cid, the Master Transcriber of Gea Kul, whose bombastic penmanship is known in all the lands of the Twin Seas and beyond. ─── 还有SalazarCid,来自盖阿库的抄录大师,他那个性张扬的书法在双子海地区可谓是家喻户晓。

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