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08-17 投稿


allusive 发音

[?'lu?s?v; -'lju?-]

英:  美:

allusive 中文意思翻译



allusive 网络释义

adj. 暗指的;引用典故的

allusive 短语词组

1、allusive title ─── 典故标题

2、allusive thought ─── 暗含思想

3、allusive imagery ─── 典故意象

allusive 词性/词形变化,allusive变形

名词: allusiveness |副词: allusively |

allusive 相似词语短语

1、illusive ─── adj.错觉的;幻影的;迷惑人的

2、allusion ─── n.暗示;提及

3、amusive ─── adj.愉快的;有趣的

4、elusive ─── adj.难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的

5、allusively ─── 含暗示地;引喻地

6、abusive ─── adj.辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的

7、collusive ─── adj.共谋的

8、delusive ─── adj.欺瞒的;使迷惑的

9、allative ─── n.向格;adj.向格的

allusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The phraseology in the naming of alcoholic beverages has some conspicuous features, such as the frequent use of idioms, proper names of places and persons and culture allu... ─── 酒名的用字特点突出,国俗词语、地名、人名、文化典籍等常用来命名酒名。

2、Mental element and allusive action are the main reason that hysteria comes on. ─── 精神因素和暗示作用是癔病发病的主要原因。

3、literary allusive words ─── 典故词语

4、"Ole Miss Slattery's gal, Emmie, come down wid it an' Miss Slattery come hotfootin' it up hyah affer Miss Ellen, lak she allus done w'en anything wrong. Why din' she nuss her own? ─── 老斯莱特里小姐的女儿埃米得这个病了,就像平常一有急事就来。 斯莱特里小姐急忙跑到这里求爱伦小姐,她干吗不自己照料女儿呀?

5、I am not administrator of allusive great majority people politic without proper backup. ─── 我不是暗示大多数治理员们没有适当的备份策略。

6、Indirect suggestion is to show through doing medicaments of examination, inject or have the aid of certain instrument undertakes allusive cure to the patient. ─── 间接暗示是指通过做检查、注射药物或借助某些仪器对病人进行暗示治疗。

7、(CS 8) Rowling's names are highly allusive, and stand in as adjectives permanently attached to their bearers. ─── 罗琳的命名都很有暗示性,并将代表事物因为形容词将永远与其对象结合在一起。

8、Allusive Idioms from Greek and Roman Mythology and English Study ─── 希腊罗马神话典故成语和英语学习

9、Psychology considers to discover, most average per capita has the allusive sex of certain level. ─── 心理学研究发现,大多数人均有一定程度的暗示性。

10、All sorts of symptom lists are diverse now individual go up, its weight is differ, accident of last a period of time is differ, can be controlled by mood and allusive place. ─── 各种症状表现在不同个体上,其轻重不一,历时长短不一,并可被情绪和暗示所左右。

11、I am not administrator of allusive great majority people politic without proper backup. ─── 我不是暗示大多数治理员们没有适当的备份策略。

12、an allusive style of writing ─── 引经据典的写作风格

13、The patient is in the allusive process that accepts a doctor, namely in logistic thinking process of the heart, the sexual function that him patient affirmed him adequately also is " normal " . ─── 病人在接受医生的暗示过程中,也就是内心的逻辑思维过程中,病人自己也充分肯定了自己的性功能是“正常”的。

14、Allusive therapeutics can divide direct suggestion therapeutics and indirect suggestion therapeutics two kinds. ─── 暗示疗法可分直接暗示疗法和间接暗示疗法两种。

15、Of the ongoing travel case that having allusive therapeutics so choose, curative effect will be more distinct. ─── 所以在进行暗示疗法之前进行病例的筛选,疗效会更显著。

16、Her allusive style is difficult to follow. ─── 她引经据典的风格晦涩难懂。

17、allusive style ─── 引经据典的风格

18、An' dey wuz allus astin' me 'bout de blood houn's dat chase me an' de beatin's Ah got. ─── 他们还老问我猫狗怎么追我,我怎么挨打。

19、The paper studies the Allusive Expressions in the Dong Han Tablet Inscriptions, which have undergone considerable development during the Dong Han. ─── 文章详细考察了东汉碑刻语料中的典故词。东汉碑刻典故词不仅数量多,而且其来源、形成方式和产生的原因等也非常多样化。

20、ALLU SM Screener Crusher Leads the Global Pipeline Construction Industry's Development ─── ALLU筛分破碎铲斗引导世界管道回填新工法

21、Allusive method, use a language more commonly, also can use gesticulation, expression, or use cipher of etc of allusive sex medicaments to undertake. ─── 暗示的方法,一般多采用语言,也可采用手势、表情,或采用暗示性药物及其他暗号来进行。

22、" (CS 8) Rowling's names are highly allusive, and stand in as adjectives permanently attached to their bearers. ─── 罗琳的命名都很有暗示性,并将代表事物因为形容词将永远与其对象结合在一起。

23、The allusive relative parts are for description and make upartistic conceptions in accordance with conditions to express some special meanings. 3. extensive function. ─── 二是借写功用。借用相关的部分以描述;缘情造境以表述某种或某些意思。

24、Allusive sex depends on affection tendency of the patient, if have affection tendentiousness to some thing or some individual, get a suggestion easily. ─── 暗示性取决于病人的情感倾向,如对某件事或某个人具有情感倾向性,则易受暗示。

25、This kind of writing, with its brilliantly allusive language, poses an uncommon challenge to the translator. ─── 这种巧于用典的文笔对翻译者来说是个不寻常的挑战。

26、Psychology considers to discover, most average per capita has the allusive sex of certain level. ─── 心理学研究发现,大多数人均有一定程度的暗示性。

27、Ah kin perteck Miss Pitty lak Ah allus done. ─── 我还能跟往常一样保护皮蒂小姐呢。

28、"Miss Scarlett, Ah done tole you an' tole you dat you kin allus tell a lady by her han's an'--yo' face sunbuhnt too!" ─── "思嘉小姐,我不是一次又一次告诉过你,你常常能凭一双手来断定一位小姐太太吗? 还有,你的脸也晒黑了!"

29、Their life, be like sometimes Thespian and general, seek stimulation, allusive sex is strong. ─── 他们的生活,有时就如戏剧一般,寻求刺激,暗示性强。

30、She did not disclose join in the firewood of Baidu proposes a toast, but allusive pay is not join in the main factor of Baidu. ─── 她没有透露加盟百度的薪酬,但暗示待遇并非加盟百度的主要因素。

31、Mental element and allusive action are the main reason that hysteria comes on. ─── 精神因素和暗示作用是癔病发病的主要原因。

32、Ah's allus been a house nigger." ─── 我可历来是干家务活的呀。"

33、an allusive speech. ─── 引经据典的演讲

34、Successors know this is allusive action. ─── 后来人们知道这是暗示作用。

35、Then, people is pushed and wide, lend other, his issue, he sees with oneself method, allusive for " look in the mirror " . ─── 于是,人们推而广之,把借他人、他事、他见以正自己的方法,引喻为“照镜子”。

36、Of human disease medication the effect, part and allusive sex are concerned. ─── 人类疾病的药物治疗效果,部分与暗示性有关。

37、Pictures may arouse imagination with images and its multidimension makes the richannotation. 2. allusive function. ─── 画面给人以形象,唤起联想;画面的多维性造就意境丰富的内涵。

38、allus pollex ─── [医] 拇

39、Impotent allusive therapeutics is a kind of psychotherapy. ─── 阳痿的暗示疗法是心理疗法的一种。

40、Their life, be like sometimes Thespian and general, seek stimulation, allusive sex is strong. ─── 他们的生活,有时就如戏剧一般,寻求刺激,暗示性强。

41、His new play, Arcadia, is as intricate, elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written. ─── 他的新剧本《阿卡狄亚》是他迄今为止创作的最错综复杂、煞费苦心和让人琢磨不定的。

42、The young schoolboy can not understand the allusive conversation of intellectual men. ─── 这个年轻的学生听不懂文人们引经据典的谈话。

43、To contemporary audiences “Private Lives”, with its allusive dialogue, its fast pace and its palpable amorality, seemed the last word in metropolitan sophistication. ─── 对于当代观众而言,该作品中的含沙射影的对话、快节奏以及能感受到的非道德思想都让“私生涯”似乎是告别都市世故人生的最后遗言。

44、I didn't allusive whichever person or thing. ─── 我并未影射如何人或任何事。

45、Allusive Netease violates compasses and blizzard to establish joint-stock company. ─── 暗示网易违规与暴雪成立合资公司。

46、Your corn-knife’s on the mantel where it’s allus been unless you’ve gone an’ put it summers else. ─── 你的玉米刀就在壁炉架子上的老地方,除非你自己把它放在什么地方去了。”

47、With an allusive and evocative soundtrack, vaguely inspired by 70s love songs, the image of the new 190x as a "latin lover” is complete ─── 随着意味深长的配乐渐起,隐约带着70年代情歌的情调,20世纪90年代版的新结束了.

48、It is as vivid as a fairy tale, as allusive as a poem. ─── 它像一个童话一样的生动鲜明,像一首诗一样的隐晦。

49、Jong's own adaptations, interpolated through the book, show the poems' range: graceful calibrations of raw passion and allusive indirection, elegant turns of phrase capping bawdy banter. ─── 琼自己的改编,在整本书各处添加了仿摹萨福的诗作,体现出了萨福原作的范围:优美地平衡在原始的热情和间接的暗示之间,优雅地摆弄词汇来掩饰猥亵的戏谑。

50、Ah has tole you an' tole you dat you kin allus tell a lady by dat she eat lak a bird. ─── 俺一次又一次告诉过你,你只要看见某人吃东西像小雀子那样斯斯文文的,你就能断定她是个上等人。

51、allusive a. ─── 暗示的;

52、Allusive therapeutics can divide direct suggestion therapeutics and indirect suggestion therapeutics two kinds. ─── 暗示疗法可分直接暗示疗法和间接暗示疗法两种。

53、allusive speech is characterized by allusions. ─── 影射性的讲话是以暗示为特点的。

54、"allusive" self-addressing ─── “典故”自称

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