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08-17 投稿


deforming 发音

英:[d??f??m??]  美:[d??f??rm??]

英:  美:

deforming 中文意思翻译



deforming 词性/词形变化,deforming变形


deforming 短语词组

1、deforming domain ─── 变形域

2、deforming wire ─── 变形丝

3、deforming agent ─── 除沫剂

4、deforming triangle ─── [计]变形三角形

5、deforming define ─── 变形定义

6、deforming mesh ─── 变形网格

7、deforming particle ─── 变形粒子

8、deforming nut ─── 变形螺母

9、deforming lobes ─── 变形叶

10、deforming car crash ─── 变形车祸

11、deforming fingers ─── 手指畸形

12、deforming tendencies ─── 变形趋势

13、hereditary deforming cbondrodysplasia ─── [医] 遗传畸形性软骨发育异常, 软骨发育异常

14、deforming force ─── 变形力

15、fetus deforming ─── 费图斯变形

16、hereditary deforming chondrodystrophy ─── [医] 遗传变形性软骨营养障碍, 软骨发育异常

17、deforming lens ─── 变形透镜

18、deforming object ─── 变形对象

deforming 相似词语短语

1、deworming ─── v.除去(动物身上的)虫(deworm的现在分词)

2、reforming ─── n.(使)改正,改造(行为);改革,改进;改过自新;(石油炼制)重整(reform的现在分词)

3、disforming ─── 变形

4、befoaming ─── 接受

5、deforcing ─── vt.强占,霸占

6、defoaming ─── adj.消去泡沫的;v.消去…的泡沫(defoam的ing形式)

7、re-forming ─── n.(使)改正,改造(行为);改革,改进;改过自新;(石油炼制)重整(reform的现在分词)

8、preforming ─── v.预先形成;预制(preform的现在分词)

9、performing ─── adj.表演的;履行的;v.表演(perform的ing形式);履行

deforming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper studies the deforming characteristics of soil and the effect of concrete supporting in the course of synchronous forming of underground warehouse and concrete wall by experiments. ─── 实验研究了集中装药同步成型地下仓及砼仓壁过程中土体变形特点和砼支护的效果。

2、Sometimes, however, the ability of bars to deform appreciably in torsion is put to good use. ─── 但是,有时要利用杆件在扭转时具有可观变形的能力。

3、Pustulant tumors that become infested with maggots deform their faces, forcing teeth from their jaws.The devils eventually starve, but not before passing on the virulent cancer. ─── 在脓胞肿瘤出现大量的蛆寄生后,袋獾的面部会严重畸形,使下颚的牙齿突出、无法咬合,染病的袋獾会先把致命肿瘤传染给其他个体,最后才挨饿而死。

4、It is the indispensable high-quality house products to be free of climate but deform. ─── 不受气候影响而变形是不可缺少的优质家居产品。

5、Plastic deformation is the ability of bend or deform before breaking. ─── 塑性变形就是在断裂前弯曲或变形的能力。

6、Deforming resistance is capability of material resisting deform. ─── 变形抗力是材料本身抵抗塑性变形的能力。

7、Shoes that are too tight deform the feet. ─── 太紧的鞋使脚变形。

8、Patterns will deform under the effect of the forces, so we adopted Jacobi's iteration method to solve the movement equation. ─── 同时采用基于雅可比迭代法的隐式积分方法高效求解了织物的运动方程,不断显示服装的悬垂动画,并用纹理映射模拟织物的真实效果。

9、You say that sublime pragmatism replace artistic intuition, yet there is little intuition in deforming data, transforming data into shapes. ─── 你们说实用主义取代艺术知觉,在处理数据使得它们形成形式的过程中很少有直觉参与。

10、There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of forces . ─── 在力的作用下,各种材料多少要产生形变。

11、Construction of new buildings or other structures in such an area shall not deform the environmental features of the historical and cultural site. ─── 在这个地带内修建新建筑和构筑物,不得破坏文物保护单位的环境风貌。

12、The deforming force distribution diagram can powerfully help us solve metal plastic deforming problems by means of model element method. ─── 变形力分布曲线是用模型元法求解金属塑性成形问题的有力工具;而变形力分布曲线的建立又依据不同模型单元的力学模型。

13、In severe cases, it can deform joints and cripple its victims. ─── 严重的病例,可使关节变形,使病人残废。

14、To realistically deform the soft tissues, we develop two deformation techniques: hybrid physical-based deformation modeling (HPDM) and synthetic deformation modeling (SDM). ─── 为了使器官快速且逼真地变形,我们提出了两种软组织变形的方法:混合式物理变形模塑与综合式变形模塑。

15、Both the rigid floor slab and the deforming floor slab are taken into account in the structural analysis to verify the rigid floor slab assumption. ─── 为确证楼板平面内无限刚的分析假定,进一步分析比较了在无限刚度及实际楼板变形下,对抗侧体系内力分配的影响。

16、After the displacement mapping is set to stone it is possible to deform objects slightly if there is need for more radical features. ─── 如果需要一些整体上的特征,也可以在位移贴图完成后使该物体产生一点轻微畸变。

17、If conservation planning, wet, dry, the surface of a raisin deform internal concrete binding, but also often lead to cracks. ─── 如养护不周、时干时湿,表面干缩形变受到内部混凝土的约束,也往往导致裂缝。

18、Squash and stretch is a way of deforming an object such that it shows how rigid the object is. ─── 压缩或伸展是变形一个物体的方式所以它显示了一个物体有多么硬。

19、The puppetry tools help you deform layers in ways that you had never considered before.With an auto-tracing feature you can quickly start animating with this active tool. ─── 学习如何结合绘画,运动跟踪,文本和键控,使您可以接近任何动画或复合效应,有信心能办得到.

20、Depending on the intensity of the deforming forces the folds may be gentle sharp overturned or overthrust. ─── 根据变形力的强度,褶皱可以是平缓的,陡峭的,倒转的,或逆掩的。

21、At the same time,using press and feed motion of the idler wheel have blanks deform locally and obtain axissymmetry parts. ─── 同时利用滚轮的压力和进给运动,使毛坯产生局部变形,最后获得轴对称零件。

22、An elastic body tends to return to its original shape or size as soon as the deforming forcere moved. On the contrary, bodies that are not very elastic do not. ─── 一个弹性物体在使之形变的力一撤除,它就回到原来的形状和大小,反之,那些不太有弹性的物体不会这样。

23、To mar or spoil the appearance or shape of;deform. ─── 台湾岛的形状是一个拉长的椭圆形。

24、It is proved in practice that gangue foundation is apt to give rise to instability to the buildings on it,due to its soft and deforming nature. ─── 实践证明,煤矸地基为不良软土地基,工程上具有塑性、流变等不稳定现象,极易造成建筑物失稳。

25、The production of regular deforming steel wire is introduced, and the role of its overall dimension and materials selection related as well. ─── 介绍了规律变形钢丝的产生、其外形尺寸的作用及其原料选择。

26、Instantly sealing for the paper board &PP,PVC blister and the paper board not to deform, Instant heating, fully envelop perfectly for blister. ─── PVC泡壳与印刷精美的纸板瞬间接合而纸板不会变形,瞬热式,泡壳可完全密封。

27、It was inducted from the point of view of phenomenology that primary effect of concrete shrinkage was to deform and restraint all levels and components of the concrete. ─── 从现象学角度归纳出混凝土收缩的核心作用是使各层次组分产生变形与约束。

28、College graduated, majored in engineering ( mechanical/ automation/ electrical); familiar with welding, staking, swaging, deforming, embedding etc. ─── 大学机械设计与制造,工业自动化,电气等专业相关专业毕业;

29、Based on the outcome of the PKM's statics, the magnitude of the PKM's deforming is obtained using the unit payload method, so the static stiffness of a five DOF PKM is gained. ─── 利用上述方法,针对一台五自由度的并联机床进行了分析,获得了其静刚度。

30、A steady increase of load on a part will cause it to deform gradually. ─── 均匀增加零件的负荷会使零件逐渐变形。

31、Weld whose heat resource is the laser, also owns the advantage such as low heat input and small heat deform. ─── 以激光为热源的焊接同样也可以得到低热输入、变形量极少的效果。

32、Deforming temperature of parts has direct effect on extrusion moulds,especially for those of medium or high temperature.So the cooling of moulds is very important. ─── 不同的温挤压成形温度对模具的热效应不同,特别是中高温温挤压成形,故模具的冷却显得尤其重要。

33、Severe variations deform the discharge curves. ─── 严重者使放电曲线发生畸变。

34、Concludes from the simulation results obtained with LS-DYNA3D software that the main reason for crackles in the part is the excessive deforming degree at the pre-forming stage. ─── 利用LS-DYNA3D软件对一吨车前横梁的冲压成形过程进行了数值模拟,揭示了零件的开裂问题主要是由于零件在预成形阶段变形程度过大造成的.

35、It will deform into an elongated blob. ─── 它会变形而成为一个拉长了的滴状体。

36、It starts with a smirk, then it goes to a smile, a grin, a snicker, a titter, a giggle, a chuckle, chortle, laugh, cackle, deform, howl, shriek, roar, convulse and die. ─── 先是傻笑,然后开始微笑,露齿地笑、窃笑、呵呵笑、咯咯笑、吃吃笑、哈哈笑、欢笑、高声笑、大笑、身体变形、嚎叫、尖声笑、狂笑、抽搐和死亡。

37、Based on finite element digital forming of large elastoplastic deforming technology, the rebound is simulated, which was applied to the design of forming mould of helical vanes. ─── 基于弹塑性大变形有限元数值成形技术进行了回弹量模拟,并应用于螺旋叶片成形模具设计。

38、He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives. ─── 他省去了至少二关键保险装置,即防止风帆扭屈在风的顶锥和防止无法控制的下潜的逆风行驶线。

39、The visual display of the result data includes structural deforming graph, animation simulation, three dimension image, contour, isosurface and cloud map etc. ─── 在对这些数据的可视化表现可以分为结构变形图,结构受力动画模拟,三维图像,等值线,云图等。

40、Use the furnace control is the key, overheated is too thin easy to deform, cold shaping would not be too hard. ─── 使用时火候的控制是关键,过热则太稀易变形,冷了又会太硬无法塑形。

41、Even a very small shearing force will deform a fluid body, but the velocity of the deformation will be correspondingly small. ─── 只要一个很微小的剪切力就会使流体发生变形,但是变形的速度会对应比较小。

42、selection of the die material and the deforming equipment is complete. ─── 的计算,选择了对应的成型设备和模具材料。

43、During the forming process when the ratio of thickness in neighboring regions of a deforming sheet metal drops below the critical magnitude R(subscript C), necking develops. ─── 在薄板成形过程中,当板面内的厚度梯度值小于临界厚度梯度值R(下标C)时,认为薄板发生颈缩。

44、We report on a case of a deforming arthropathy in a young man with a lysosomal storage disorder. ─── 我们报告一例变形性关节病中的一名年轻男子的溶酶体储存障碍。

45、For the tunnel built in soft soil, it would deform along with the reconsolidation of disturbed soil, and the structure of tunnel and the operation of metro would be endangered. ─── 对于软土地区的地铁隧道来说,下卧扰动土体的再固结使隧道随之产生变形,从而危及隧道结构和地铁运营的安全。

46、The hole and edge usually deform in bending procedure, this paper mainly discussed the method of preventing the hole and edge deformation in bending procedure. ─── 在进行孔和边弯曲的过程中,常时常发生变形的情形,本文主要讨论了弯曲时孔、边变形的原因和对策。

47、It has many advantages, such as high working speed, seal impression is clear and no diffusing, seal surface will not shrink or deform. ─── 它具有制作快捷(户可即定即做、等、可取)迹清晰不扩散,印面不收缩、变形的特点。

48、The material in a moon takes time to deform, so the distortion is always out of alignment with the forces that produce it. ─── 卫星中的物质需要时间变形,因此变形方向一定不会与造成变形的力相同。

49、Comparing with GUI mode,the text-only mode of DEFORM could be in favor of active control of work flow and development of application for user. ─── 同DEFORM软件的图形用户界面模式相比,其文本运行模式有利于用户灵活控制工作流程和有针对性地进行二次应用开发。

50、In a frontal collision, the car′s nose will deform to absorb the impact energy. ─── 在正面碰撞中,汽车前端会变形,来吸收撞击能量。

51、In children, a lack of the vitamin D molecule causes rickets , which softens the bones and causes them to deform or break easily. ─── 以儿童来说,缺少维生素D分子会引起软骨病,导致骨骼软化乃至于变形或容易骨折。

52、This computing technology lets the user squeeze out information or put objects in motion by deforming the surface of the computer. ─── 这项计算技术通过挤压计算机的表面使其变形,来提取信息和移动对象。

53、During the energy accumulation, geostress increases gradually, and correspondingly rock happensto deform. ─── 在能量积聚期间,地压逐渐增加,相应地岩石发生形变。

54、Based on the cold roll forming steel,its characteristic of roll-forming and deforming rule was analyzed. ─── 以冷弯型钢中的槽钢为例,分析了其辊弯成型的特点及变形规律。

55、There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of force. ─── 在力的作用下,没有一种材料不或多或少地变形。

56、Ice crystals begin to deform measurably under a unidirectional pressure of slightly less than one atmosphere. ─── 在略小于一个单向大气压的压力下,冰晶就产生某种程度的变形。

57、It is assumed in quasi-static simulation that the object is always in static equilibrium while deforming. ─── 准静态模拟假设物体在形变过程中总处于静态平衡;

58、Each function in DEFORM preprocessor can be controlled by corresponding script command. ─── DEFORM前处理器中每一项功能的实现,均可用相应的脚本命令控制。

59、Three kinds of techniques for improving the metal fatigue property in industry were introduced,including cold deform strengthening,laser surface treatment and ion implantation. ─── 介绍和论述了冷变形、激光表面处理技术和离子注入三种工业上用于改善金属材料疲劳性能的强化方法。

60、He saw Jan as though someone had snatched a deforming mask from Jan's face. ─── 他看见了简的真面目,仿佛有人把一个歪曲形象的面具从简的脸上撕了下来。

61、The shale beds in between generally deform plastically. ─── 夹在其中的页岩层通常是塑性变形。

62、Instantly sealing for the paper board& PP, PVC blister and the paper board not to deform, Instant heating, fully envelop perfectly for blister. ─── PVC 泡壳与印刷精美的纸板瞬间接合而纸板不会变形,瞬热式,泡壳可完全密封。

63、According to the choice theory of sheet cutting shape based on deforming ample degree,the choice process of sheet cutting shape based on deforming ample degree was given. ─── 基于变形余裕度的冲压板材成形选择理论,给出变形余裕度的冲压板材成形选择过程。

64、The stress concentration in the imbalanced section of plastically imbalanced casing resulted from uniform load can easily make the casing bending,deforming or breaking out. ─── 套管受到非均匀载荷的作用易产生塑性变形,在应力集中区,易造成套管弯曲、变形或错断,用金属磁记忆技术可有效判断套管应力集中区域。

65、In severe cases, adhesions immobilize and deform the joints, and adjacent skin, bones, and muscles atrophy. ─── 严重病例中,黏连带造成关节移位和畸形,附近的皮肤、骨骼和肌肉萎缩。

66、This failure of an object to regain its original size and shape as soon as the deforming force is removed is called elastic lag. ─── 一旦形变力除去之后,物体不能恢复原来的大小和形状,这种现象称为弹性滞后。

67、In the case of this rendering of the character, though, it is a white coat modeled with his creases that deform thanks to the skin. ─── 在渲染这个人物的时候,虽然,白色外套和身上的皱褶跟随皮肤的改变而变形。

68、Under load, the working surfaces of the parts rub, overheat and deform. ─── 在负载情况下,零件的工作面摩擦、过热并变形。

69、On the basis of DEFORM simulation software,the rigid and plastic model have been established. ─── 使用DEFORM有限元模拟软件,建立刚塑性基本模型;

70、How do engineering materials deform when bearing mechanical loads? ─── 如何做工程材料变形时,轴承机械载荷?

71、This paper analyses die casting process for shell part of thin wall,and a die-casting mould a-dopt pusher mechanism to solve the deforming problem of thin wall die-casting. ─── 分析了薄壁壳体零件压铸的工艺性,采用顶板推出机构,解决了薄壁压铸件成型推出变形问题。

72、Ice crystals begin to deform measurably. ─── 冰晶就产生某种程度的变形了。

73、And although the three distinct deforming regions are observed in the compression of the foams with different matrix, the differences in their deforming behaviors... ─── 不同基体性质泡沫铝的压缩过程均出现三个明显的变形区域,但变形行为不同。

74、College graduated, majored in engineering ( mechanical/ automation/ electrical); familiar with welding, staking, swaging, deforming, embedding etc. ─── 大学机械设计与制造,工业自动化,电气等专业相关专业毕业;熟悉焊接,嵌焊,铆焊,切除,点焊和封口等工艺技术;

75、Real squash and stretch is usually some part of an object deforming differently that just a simple scale up or down. ─── 真正的压缩和伸展通常是一个物体的某个部分,它不同于只是简单地缩放。

76、The deforming and cracking reasons of aluminium alloy impregnated carbon-graphite products were analyzed. Some new ways to decrease deforming and crackingare putted. ─── 对浸铝合金炭石墨制品变形、开裂等原因进行了分析和探讨,从而提出了减少变形的一些实际可行的措施。

77、The stress concentration in the imbalanced section of plastically imbalanced casing resulted from uniform load can easily make the casing bending,deforming or breaking out. ─── 套管受到非均匀载荷的作用易产生塑性变形,在应力集中区,易造成套管弯曲、变形或错断,用金属磁记忆技术可有效判断套管应力集中区域。

78、Yield stress is the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically. ─── 屈服应力是材料开始发生弹性型变时的压力大小。

79、NIE L,WEN X W,YI ZH CH,et al.Development of DSQ short-based water tube tiltmenter and its calibrating apparatus[J].Crustal Deform Ation and Earthquake,2001,20(3):74-81. ─── [1]聂磊,温若卫,易治春,等,DSQ型短基线水管倾斜仪及标定装置的研制[J].地壳形变与地震,2001,20(3):74-81.

80、Do not bend or deform the probes as this could cause irreparable damage. ─── 不能弯曲或毁坏探头的表面,因为这将导致不可修复的损坏。

81、Compared with the FLD diagram and the results of deforming, the optimized shape of addendum is obtained and the economical and reasonable die construction is designed. ─── 主要研究了不同工艺补充对零件冲压成形的影响,通过FLD图和成形结果对比,对工艺补充部分进行调整得到了最优化的拉深件型面,并设计出经济合理的模具结构。

82、The latest new technology of die &mould heat treatment and common proofing methods against heat treatment deforming are introduced. ─── 介绍了模具热处理最新技术与常见热处理变形的预防措施。

83、There is no materials but will deform more or less under the action of forces. ─── 一切材料在力的作用下多少会变形。

84、The shaft must be strong enough to deliver this twisting force to a loaded axle without deforming or cracking under the strain. ─── 桥一定够强壮来没有变形递送这个扭转的力量给一个被装载的轮轴或在紧张之下弄碎。

85、Four structural styles including compression, extension, slipping and overturning are subdividedaccording to the structural deform in Tarim basin. ─── 依据塔里木盆地构造变形特征,可划分出压缩、伸展、走滑和反转四种构造样式。

86、Deforming temperature of parts has a direct effect on extrusion moulds, especially on those for medium or high temperature.So the cooling of moulds is very important. ─── 不同的温挤压成形温度对模具的热效应不同,特别是中高温温挤压成形,故模具的冷却显得尤其重要。

87、Most are not clinically significant, but they can cause compression of the spinal cord by deforming the vertebral canal or causing instability. ─── 大多数没有很明显的临床表现,但能造成椎管变形从而压迫脊髓或造成脊椎的不稳定性。

88、Weld interfaces must contact well each other during assembling, and remain perpendicular to the vertical line to minimize deform and displace... ─── 吊装时尽可能使焊接面与中垂线相互垂宜,减少环、片之间的变形和位移,保证焊缝的气密性;

89、The inner seat comprises a hollow main body and a rebounding part connected to two inner sides of the main body and capable of deforming. ─── 内座包括中空的主体以及连接该主体上两内侧边并可变形的回弹部。

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