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08-17 投稿


gibbering 发音

英:[?d??b?r??]  美:[?d??b?r??]

英:  美:

gibbering 中文意思翻译



gibbering 短语词组

1、gibbering gemstone ─── 乱石宝石

2、gibbering 5e ─── 胡言乱语5e

3、gibbering mouther dnd ─── 胡言乱语者

4、gibbering maw ─── 口吃

5、gibbering mouther ─── 口齿不清的人

6、gibbering wreck ─── 颠簸沉船

7、gibbering pack ─── 乱七八糟的包

8、gibbering bird ─── 结巴莺

9、gibbering prophet ─── 胡言乱语的先知

10、gibbering mouther 5e ─── 胡言乱语5e

11、gibbering mouther 2e ─── 胡言乱语2e

12、gibbering prophet darkest dungeon ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休的先知最黑暗的地牢

gibbering 词性/词形变化,gibbering变形

动词过去式: gibbered |动词第三人称单数: gibbers |动词现在分词: gibbering |动词过去分词: gibbered |

gibbering 相似词语短语

1、gibbing ─── n.拉销;凹形楔;雄猫;vt.用扁栓固定

2、timbering ─── n.木材;木结构;建筑用材;v.以木材支撑;用木材作骨架(timber的现在分词形式)

3、gingering ─── n.姜;姜黄色;精力;有姜味;vt.用姜给…调味;使某人有活力;adj.姜黄色的;n.(Ginger)人名;(法)然热;(英)金杰

4、dibbering ─── n.挖洞器(等于dibble)

5、gibberish ─── n.乱语;快速而不清楚的言语

6、jabbering ─── n.含糊急促的话;v.急促兴奋地说话;闲聊(jabber的现在分词)

7、limbering ─── v.(运动前)热身;(使)身体或身体的一部分伸屈自如;把(炮)系在前车上(limber的现在分词)

8、yabbering ─── n.谈话;急促、含糊不清的说话;vi.饶舌;急促、含糊不清地说

9、gibbeting ─── n.绞刑架;绞死;v.将……处以绞刑;将(尸体)吊上绞刑示众架;使当众受辱

gibbering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"He was just about to go in again when a monk and a Taoist priest drew near, laughing and gibbering like two maniacs. The monk was barefooted, his head scabby; the priest, lame with tangled, tousled hair." ─── "方欲进来时,只见从那边来了一僧一道:那僧则癞头跣脚,那道则跛足蓬头,疯疯癫癫,挥霍谈笑而至."

2、Gibbering Mouther looks like a horrible creature that escaped from a madman's nightmare. ─── 惧噬体看起来像是一个从疯子的恶梦中跑出来的可怕生物。

3、what on eaeth are you gibbering about? ─── 你到底在叽哩咕噜地说些什么?

4、Cut to four hours from now, when I'm gibbering in the corner of the men's room. ─── 镜头切换到四个小时从现在起,当我在该男子的房间角落gibbering

5、He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror. ─── 他蜷缩在角落里,吓得语无伦次。

6、Coming through the first semester,my four tone oral Chinese remained awful,the dialog I heard from the tape remained gibbering. ─── 第一个学期下来,我的口语四声仍旧一塌糊涂,磁带里的汉语对话始终只听得一阵哇啦哇啦。

7、we almost fancy we hear the gibbering yell of triumph bursting from the distended jaws of the spectre. ─── 我们几乎觉得魔鬼张开的牙床间,正进发出一阵胜利的呐喊。

8、Some of the animals were screaming and gibbering, racing around in their cages, while others were comatose and lethargic. ─── 有些动物尖叫着,叽咕着,围着笼子奔跑,还有些则是昏睡和呆滞的。

9、gibbering wreck ─── 极度惊恐的人

10、gibbering wreck by this stage. ─── 到这个时候我连话都说不清了。

11、On the second occasion, a few days later, I became a gibbering wreck within minutes. ─── 几天后我抽了第二支香烟,随后便口齿不清了几分钟。

12、He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror. ─── 他蜷缩在角落里,吓得语无伦次。

13、Libai, a famous poet of Tang Dynasty, described the scene as follows: While the monkeys on both banks are still gibbering in your ears, away has the boat flown past tens of thousands of hills. ─── 不管是过去还是现在,国内还是海外,游客们都以到三峡为荣。诗人们留下了赞颂他们的诗歌,画家用画笔描绘出美丽的画卷。

14、What's he gibbering away about? ─── 他在胡扯些什麽?

15、By this time I was a gibbering wreck. ─── 到这时我已是话也说不清的废人了。

16、An Appreciation of the Tragic Spirit in The Gibbering of the Ape ─── 从“草草花卉”看《四声猿》的悲剧精神

17、"on the other hand , monkeys on mount ohira do not have to gibber with a high tone as trees there are low , " he said ." each group adopted their own accent depending upon their environment . ─── “大平山地区的树木较矮,栖息在那里的猴子不需要高声叫喊,”他说,“各个猴群都根据所处的环境选择了不同的口音。”

18、" He jerked his chin at the gibbering doctor. ─── 他痉挛了在喋喋不休地说废话医生的他下巴。

19、monkeys gibbering at one another in the tree-tops ─── 在树梢上叽哩咕噜乱叫的猴子

20、And just to get people in Britain really gibbering with fright, the IMF predicted that Britain would fare worse in this recession than any other developed nation. ─── 而让英国人更加惶恐和喋喋不休的是,国际货币基金组织预测,英国将遭遇比其他发达国家更严峻的经济衰退。

21、Only now Ginny's ankle is broken, and Ron is giggling and gibbering like a lunatic. ─── 这时,金妮的脚踝摔断了,罗恩正像一个疯子一样在傻笑和胡言乱语。

22、Some of the animals were screaming and gibbering, racing around in their cages , while others were comatose and lethargic. ─── 有些动物尖叫着,叽咕着,围着笼子奔跑,还有些则是昏睡和呆滞的。

23、It's hard to describe Gibbering Mouthers. ─── 要描述惧噬体是件很困难的事情。

24、he was gibbering in a madhouse; ─── 他在疯人院里说着傻话;

25、Downstairs the usual horde of gibbering cave-dwellers were waiting with their hands full of old Congress gaiters and paper bags of hominy. ─── 即使人群熙熙攘攘,依然不能让他们有丝毫的分离,只会让他们牵着的手拉得更紧密。

26、Euonymus gibber ─── n. 流苏卫矛

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