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08-17 投稿


informing 发音

英:[?n?f??m??]  美:[?n?f??rm??]

英:  美:

informing 中文意思翻译



informing 词性/词形变化,informing变形

原型:inform 现在分词:informing

informing 短语词组

1、informing them about the party ─── 告诉他们派对的情况

2、informing them ─── 通知他们

3、informing them of the case ─── 通知他们这个案子

4、informing power ─── 告知权力

5、informing data ─── 通知数据

6、informing them of ─── 通知他们

7、informing in spanish ─── 用西班牙语通知

8、informing and activating supporters ─── 通知并激活支持者

9、informing theory ─── 信息论

10、informing tone ─── 提示音

11、informing book ─── 告知书

informing 相似词语短语

1、disforming ─── 变形

2、misforming ─── vt.弄成残缺不全

3、informingly ─── 告密的

4、deforming ─── v.使变形,变畸形(deform的现在分词)

5、uninforming ─── 不知情

6、conforming ─── adj.一致性的;遵守的;v.符合(conform的ing形式);遵照

7、uniforming ─── adj.统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的;n.制服;vt.使穿制服;使成一样

8、reinforming ─── v.再通知;以新方式通知

9、unforming ─── 不成形

informing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Advertising is a way of informing people of something. ─── 广告是向人们通报某种事物的一种方式。

2、They decided to inform against him. ─── 他们决定告发他。

3、Actually, it is your duty to inform him of the board's decision. ─── 实际上,您有义务把董事会的决定通知他。

4、Here he paused and rolled a large and informing eye on Cowperwood. ─── 他说到这里就停下来了,转动着示意的大眼睛望着柯帕乌。

5、It will be inexpedient to inform them at this stage. ─── 在目前阶段就通知他们很不妥当。

6、Inform all parties of ETD and report. ─── 向各有关方通知预离时间并报告。

7、To inform or instruct beforehand; coach. ─── 事前指导提前通知或指导;训练

8、Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. ─── 保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。

9、Please inform us of your best business terms regarding discount. ─── 关于折扣一事,请贵方告知最有利之方式。

10、Please inform us of any changes of address. ─── 地址若有变动请随时通知我们。

11、Inform your client of the risks. ─── 告诉客户合同的风险所在。

12、Can you inform me when the train leaves? ─── 你能通知我火车何时开吗?

13、If you saw the accident , please inform the police. ─── 如果你看到了这个事故,请告诉警察。

14、They tried to inform him but he wasn't in. ─── 他们设法通知他,但他不在家。

15、That's it. Do more to inform customers how good the product is. ─── 对了,要设法使顾客知道产品有多好。

16、Customer must inform Velan of such applications. ─── 在这种情况下,用户最好告诉我们。

17、Think of it as informing a helpful friend that you need her assistance to move to the next level in your life. ─── 想象自己在对一个乐于伸出援手的朋友倾诉,你需要她的帮助来进入生命的下一个阶段。

18、She was given the unenviable task of informing the losers. ─── 她去通知失败的人,真不是什么好差事。

19、Kindly inform us if you have booth there. ─── 如你方会参展,务必通知我方。

20、We have the pleasure of informing you that... ─── 兹欣告你方...

21、The movement seeking to protect and inform consumers by requiring such practices as honest packaging and advertising, product guarantees, and improved safety standards. ─── 保护消费者利益运动一种通过要求在包装及广告上诚实无欺、产品保证以及更好的安全标准等商业行为从而设法保护消费者并为他们提供信息的运动

22、It is a crime to adulterate foods without informing the buyer. ─── 不告知买主就对食物掺杂是犯罪。

23、Personally, I think your counter- offer is reasonable. But I must contact my headquarter first and I'll inform you tomorrow. ─── 就我个人而言,我认为贵方的还盘是有道理的。但我必须与总部联系一下,明天通知您。

24、We will inform him when he comes. ─── 他来时我们会转告他。

25、Informing the researcher of what has already been done in the area. ─── 告诉研究者在本领域内已做了哪些工作;

26、Did you inform them of the process of the work? ─── 你把工作进程告诉他了吗?

27、An alert should appear, informing you to first select an item from the grid. ─── 一个警告就会出现,通知您首先从这个表格中选择一个条目。

28、He used to inform against his classmates. ─── 他过去常打同学的小报告。

29、If you know the answer , inform me . ─── 如果你知道答案,告诉我。

30、Did you inform them of the progress of the work? ─── 你把工作进程告诉他们了吗?

31、Inform us of any change of address, please. ─── 如果地址有变请通知我们。

32、By informing on the gang, he was signing his own death-warrant. ─── 他告发了那帮歹徒,自己的性命也就难保了。

33、The FDA is not "advising" or "informing" citizens at all. It is trying to ban tobacco without legislation. ─── FDA完全不是在“建议”或“告知”公民,而是在试图不经过立法就禁绝烟草。

34、He threatened to inform the government of his radical activities . ─── 他威胁说要向政府告发他的激进行为。

35、Mailing money Saturday inform receipt. ─── 周六汇款,收到告知。

36、I wish to inform you that ... ─── 兹通知 ...

37、They decided to inform the police immediately. ─── 他们决定立即报告警察。

38、We will inform you in due course. ─── 到时候我们会通知你。

39、If you see anything suspicious, inform the police at once. ─── 你要是看到什么可疑的东西就马上通知警察。

40、Hope that we can inform you soon. ─── 希望很快可以通知你。

41、Please inform us if you are not satisfied with the car, and we will act accordingly. ─── 如果你不满意这辆汽车,请通知我们,我们将酌情办理。

42、In case that he leaves, please inform me. ─── 如果他离开,请通知我。

43、I will inform you of my decision concerning price tomorrow. ─── 关于价格问题,明天我将通知你。

44、Can you inform me where he lives? ─── 你能告诉我他住在那吗?

45、To inform the other views about the change. ─── 以将更改通知其他视图。

46、It was from his mother, informing him that the family was leaving for America. ─── 是他妈妈写来的,告诉他一家人要离开前往美国了。

47、He lets me inform as fast as possible him. ─── 他要我尽快通知他。

48、Inform the Escape Committee once Harding Is free. ─── 告诉脱逃委员会哈定已经自由了。

49、They come round and inform us of their decision. ─── 他们来把他们的决议通知了我们。

50、We have the pleasure of informing you that. ─── 兹欣告你方。

51、We shall esteem it a favour if you will inform us soon . ─── 如早日通知,则不胜感谢。

52、By informing on the gang, he was signinghis own death-warrant. ─── 他告发了那帮歹徒,自己的性命也就难保了。

53、We will inform you in case we have any news. ─── 如有消息,我们会提前通知你们。

54、And yet it was not just the BBC ominously informing us that "the deadly swine flu . . . cannot be contained. " ─── 但不仅只有英国广播公司不祥地通知我们,“致命的甲流…无法控制。”

55、She sent yet another message informing the detective that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. ─── 她又给侦探发了两次信息,通知他,如果他再不迅速答复,将被解雇。

56、The announcement will inform us when to check in. ─── 到办登机手续的时候广播会通知我们的。

57、Once sth wrong happend,pls inform me. ─── 万一有什么困难,请给我捎个信。

58、Sir, it is my duty to inform you that... ─── 先生, 我必须通知您....

59、He sent yet another telegram informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. ─── 他于是又发了一封电报通知记者,如果他不立即回复就要被解雇。

60、Kindly inform us when this is put into effect. ─── 在本项目实行之际,烦请通知我们一声。

61、Did you inform the police of it? ─── 你把这件事告诉警察了吗?

62、Its basic role is to inform. ─── 它的基本作用是传播信息。

63、He must inform the vendor immediately. ─── 他必须立即通知卖方。

64、Can you inform me what I am to do ? ─── 你能告诉我应做何事?

65、If you saw the accident,please inform the police. ─── 如果你看到了这个事故,请告诉警察。

66、Does she inform you that they when have held a meeting? ─── 她通知你他们什么时候开会了吗?

67、Did you inform them of the progress of the work. ─── 你把工作进程告诉他们了吗?

68、We'll inform you of the exact date. ─── 具体时间另行通知。

69、Did you inform the post office of the change of your address? ─── 你通知邮局说你的地址改变了吗?

70、Please inform us the deliverey time. ─── 什么时候送货,请提前通知。

71、He wrote to Sue informing her of the state of her aunt. ─── 他给了休一封信,告诉她她姑母的情况。

72、They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. ─── 他们应当立即就有关情况通知欧委会。

73、Now I'll inform you about it. ─── 且为诸君言之。

74、It's good because you're preparing other people. You're informing them that you're going to be moving forward. ─── 这很好,因为你让大家有所准备。你在告知他们你将采取下一步行动。

75、We shall esteem it a favour if you will inform us soon. ─── 如早日通知,则不胜感谢。

76、Can you inform me (about) what I am to do? ─── 你能告诉我我该做什么吗?

77、Please inform me in advance in case of any change. ─── 如有变化请提前通知我。

78、Please inform me of your date of departure. ─── 何日启程,盼告。

79、She called to inform me of her return. ─── 她打电话来通知我她回来了。

80、He took away my book without informing me. ─── 他在我不知道的情况下拿走了我的书。

81、If you know the answer,inform me. ─── 如果你知道答案,告诉我。

82、He pounced at the first opportunity to inform against his colleague. ─── 他抓住第一个机会去密告他的同事。

83、There should be someone informing me,but it didn't come out. ─── 应该有人告诉我才是,可事实上没人(告诉我)。

84、She has just got through to inform us that she arrived there at9:15. ─── 她刚才打通电话告诉我们说,她九点一刻到了那儿。

85、I'd inform if he were my own son. ─── 即使他是我的儿子,我也要告发。

86、Andre also warns him against informing CTU. ─── 同时,他警告杰克不要知会反恐组。

87、Informing superior or other relevant personnel of any major complaints or problems which needs immediate action & attention. ─── 接到客户投诉或者问题,需要引起公司的注意及采取立即的措施时,要立刻告知主管或者公司相关同事。

88、He wrote a letter informing me to come back soon. ─── 他寄了封信,让我尽快回来。

89、In reply to your letter inquiry of ... we wish to inform you that ... ─── 兹复贵方。。。月。。。日函询盘,我们愿意告诉贵方。。。

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