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08-17 投稿


replacement 发音

英:[r??ple?sm?nt]  美:[r??ple?sm?nt]

英:  美:

replacement 中文意思翻译



replacement 词性/词形变化,replacement变形


replacement 短语词组

1、complementary replacement rule ─── [计] 互补替换规则

2、current replacement cost ─── [经] 现行重置成本

3、floating replacement character ─── [计] 浮置换字符

4、ionic replacement ─── [化] 离子取代

5、double replacement reaction ─── [网络] 复分解反应;双置换反应

6、global replacement ─── [计] 全局替换

7、equipment replacement ─── [经] 设备更新, 设备补偿, 设备重置

8、hormone-replacement therapy ─── [网络] 激素替代疗法;激素替代治疗;荷尔蒙补充疗法

9、depreciation-replacement method ─── [经] 重置折旧法

10、depreciation replacement ─── [经] 重置折旧

11、cost of replacement ─── [经] 重置成本

12、check replacement ─── [经] 支票挂失

13、hormone replacement therapy n. ─── 激素取代疗法

14、depreciation on replacement value ─── [经] 重置价值折旧

15、criteria for replacement ─── [经] 更新标准

16、in replacement of ─── 以代替…

17、double replacement ─── [化] 双重取代; 互换; 互置换

18、immediate replacement ─── [医] 立刻复位

19、fund for replacement ─── [经] 重置设备基金

replacement 常用词组

hormone replacement therapy ─── n. 激素取代疗法

replacement cost ─── 重置成本

replacement ratio ─── 替代率;补偿比率

replacement 相似词语短语

1、displacement ─── n.取代,位移;[船]排水量

2、emplacement ─── n.位置;安放;炮位

3、replacements ─── n.替代,替换件;补充

4、enlacement ─── 交织;缚,捆,扎;缠绕;交织图案

5、emplacements ─── n.位置;安放;炮位

6、outplacement ─── n.(被解雇后的)新职介绍

7、retracement ─── n.回撤

8、placement ─── n.布置;定位球;人员配置

9、misplacement ─── n.遗忘;误放

replacement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is the replacement of WDS. ─── IDS是福特联合品牌2006年最新推出的是WDS的替代产品。

2、An implanted IOL is usually the best replacement. ─── 人工晶体得植入通常是最好得选择。

3、ATM was originally touted as the replacement for Ethernet. ─── ATM最早被吹捧为以太网的终结者。

4、A Latin term equivalent to "new replacement name". ─── 一个拉丁文术语,等同于“新替代名称"。

5、Basically, the Corruptor seems to be a replacement for the Devourer. ─── 基本上,堕落者看起来是用来取代前作的吞噬者的。

6、Good job they have get a replacement for him. ─── 他们把他替换下来真不错。

7、Object is called the replacement fallback buffer. ─── 对象的值称为替换回退缓冲区。

8、His replacement is likely to debut is not much time for Gao Lin. ─── 代替他的,很有可能是登场时间并不多的郜林。

9、But this new system is far from a perfect replacement for landline phones. ─── 但这款新系统要想彻底取代固定电话恐怕还有很长的路要走。

10、Temporomandibular Joint Replacement by an intraoral approach. ─── 口腔入路人工颞下颌关节置换术。

11、Insignia-based Cadillac DTS replacement to be called XTS? ─── 徽章的凯迪拉克DTS更换被称为XTS?

12、Size-wise, the Tiburon replacement will be a rather small car. ─── 大小来看,在蒂伯龙更换将是一个相当小的汽车。

13、Join us in calling on the government ? No Trident Replacement! ─── 加入我们呼吁政府放弃优化三叉戟!

14、They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement. ─── 他们从事提供备用小零件的工作。

15、And we will send you a replacement right now. ─── 我们会马上补寄一批货过去。

16、Space must be available for replacement latrines where necessary. ─── 必须留出必需的更换厕所设施的空间。

17、Replacement to fill in the content. ─── 填写欲替换的内容.

18、Substitutions are allowed only within replacement patterns. ─── 只在替换模式中允许替换。

19、She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found. ─── 在找到替换人员以前,她将继续做她目前的工作。

20、If your silver is dirty, ask the waiter or waitress for a clean replacement. ─── 在餐馆里不要自己动手擦餐具。如果餐具脏了,让招待换干净的。

21、She offered to overnight a replacement pair of shoes to my destination, and intercept the original shipment to be rerouted back to Zappos. ─── 她连夜快递另一双鞋到我的地址,另外截住原运送的那双鞋,送回捷步达康。

22、A replacement for the ageing Pavel Nedved may also be on the cards. ─── 一个能代替德哥的人也许会出现在转会名单上。

23、Prepares the replacement fallback buffer to use the current replacement string. ─── 准备好替换回退缓冲区,以使用当前替换字符串。

24、Object that contains a replacement string. ─── 含有替换字符串的。

25、Contact manufacturer listed on rating plate for replacement anode information. ─── 如果需要有关更换阳极棒的信息资料,请与面板上的厂商联系。

26、Progress on a Kyoto replacement? ─── 《京都议定书》替代协议将如何进展?

27、A fixed or removable replacement for one or several but not all of the natural teeth, usually anchored at each end to a natural tooth. ─── 假牙上的齿桥固定的或可移动的假牙,是真牙的替代物,通常两端都与真牙缚住

28、No refunds are permitted after reglazing/lens replacement. ─── 我们也不接受关于此项服务的退款。

29、Replacement of fresh water for the fish is done every week. ─── 我们每周给鱼换水。

30、He simply sends a replacement packet. ─── 他就会发送一个置换包。

31、He has declared to fall out; we must find a replacement right away. ─── 他已声明退出;我们得马上找人来接替。

32、From their work emerged the axiom schema of replacement. ─── 从他们的工作促成了替代公理。

33、We will deliver a replacement to you as soon as possible. ─── 我们将尽快给你们运去替换的货物。

34、Position hinge plates, shims and replacement hinge-half on door face. ─── 在车身表面定位铰链护板,填隙片和半铰链。

35、We need to find a replacement for Sue. ─── 我们需要找一个替代休的人。

36、Thus removing the stats from the melee weapons in replacement. ─── 因此,消除统计从混战武器的更换。

37、The object, he said, was not to be an alternative for fossil fuels, but "to become a viable replacement. " ─── 目标不是要成为化石燃料的替代,而是“要成为一个可行的替代品。”

38、A complete list of replacement components can be found on the preceding page. ─── 在前一页可以找到更换部件的全套清单。

39、Should the mollusc shells become damaged, you can ask for a replacement. ─── 假如这些软体动物的壳有缺损,你可以要求置换。

40、Replacement fuse must be of identical rating and type. ─── 应使用指定型号规格的熔断保险。

41、Stories of patients waiting up to two years for a hip replacement or ten months to see an orthopaedic surgeon have stirred public anxiety. ─── 为了一个臀部手术,患者要等上两年;做一个整形手术要等上十个月,类似事件已引起了公众的忧虑。

42、The replacement of one image by another during a period of time by the motion of a boundary separating the visual parts of the two images. ─── 在图象显示期间,一幅图象由另一幅图象取代。同一屏幕上,两幅图象的可见部分有一分界线,移动这一分界线,把一幅图象逐渐抹掉(划出), 逐渐显示另一幅图象(划入)。

43、Should the replacement model appropriate and of high quality, easy to apply language aluminium foil laminated. ─── 应更换型号合适、质量好、黏合力强的电化铝箔。

44、You may or may not choose to change each replacement point. ─── 您可以选择更改或不更改每个替换点。

45、For example, you can easily calculate the replacement cost of damaged hardware. ─── 例如,可以容易地计算出替换损坏硬件的成本。

46、Accounting manager replacement during the absence. ─── 在会计经理不在时代理其工作。

47、Jeff Probyn has been called up as the manager's replacement. ─── Jeff Probyn已经被任命接替经理一职。

48、Replacement of a missing body part with such a device. ─── 修复用这种器物代替身体失去的部分

49、Use the TAB key to move from one replacement point to the next. ─── 使用Tab键从一个替换点移到下一个替换点。

50、Could you buy a replacement here and give us the receipt? ─── 你能在这里另外买一件,并把收据给我们吗?

51、P: Left inside tire almost needs replacement. ─── 左内机轮差不多需要更换了。

52、You had a license. You don't need a new license. You need a replacement. ─── 你以前有驾照,就不必申请新的了。你只需要补一张就可以了。

53、DELE: A replacement of sorts for the command-line DEL function. ─── 可以代替DEL功能的命令行种类。

54、Two weeks should be enough for you to find a replacement for my position. ─── 两周时间足够您找个人来接替我了。

55、All patients received aortic valve and ascend aorta replacement. ─── 均在体外循环下行主动脉瓣和升主动脉置换。

56、The costs will soon outweigh any replacement expenses. ─── 否则这代价很快就会超过替换的成本。

57、Sufficient space must also be left for replacement latrines. ─── 应当为替换厕所预留足够的面积。

58、Install replacement gasket and thermostat housing. ─── 安装替换垫圈及调温器外壳。

59、Our clients want a replacement. ─── 我们的客户要求换货。

60、We are hard put to find a replacement for our assistant. ─── 我们很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。

61、Wesley: (sigh) I know. I'll just have to look for a good replacement. ─── 卫斯里:(叹息)我知道。我只是想找个好的人选来替换岗位。

62、Finn Kimi's replacement at Sauber was Massa. ─── 后来芬兰胖子的接替者就是调频。

63、Laizhou Hongda Auto Replacement Parts Co., Ltd. ─── 山东莱州宏达汽车配件厂。

64、But her plane was in bad shape. It needed an engine replacement badly. ─── 但这架飞机的看起来丑了很多,至少需要再换个引擎才行。

65、This is designed as a replacement for fiber/coax. ─── 它是作为光缆/同轴电缆的替代技术而设计的。

66、The original furnishings are now in need of replacement. ─── 原来的家具陈设需要更换了。

67、Alfonso thought that was a replacement for our relationship. ─── 我们为了那些镜头重拍了好多次。

68、Associate replacement methods with replacement tags using the. ─── 属性将替换方法与替换标记相关联。

69、LAPACK is the modern replacement for LINPACK and EISPACK. ─── LAPACK是LINPACK和EISPACK的现代替换。

70、President Bush moved quickly to name a replacement. ─── 布什总统很快提名了继任者。

71、He would be offering Dinitz a large replacement package worth $500 million . ─── 他即将向迪尼茨提出一项价值五亿美元的大量替换装备的一揽子计划。

72、Heavy Duty replacement Straps for bases installed (lasts for years). ─── 为安装的底的重责任代替带(多年持续)。

73、He insisted on a replacement for the broken part on my bycicle. ─── 他硬要换掉我自行车上破的零件。

74、His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement. ─── 他的死纯粹出乎意料,因此还没有为他的替代人定出计划。

75、They put all the students through the replacement examination. ─── 他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。

76、The guard left before his replacement came. ─── 守卫在接班的人尚未来之前离开了。

77、You don't want a new license. You want a replacement. ─── 你不用申请新的,你只要补一张就可以了。你只要补一张就可以了。

78、A replacement permit would then be issued. ─── 你来公共安全部提交一份报告,然后你会得到一份签发的更换许可。

79、In a set operation, the current custom culture is a replacement culture. ─── 在设置操作中,当前自定义区域性是一个替换区域性。

80、France is one of three EU countries with a fertility rate above the magic replacement level (Denmark and Ireland are the others). ─── 法国是三个出生率超过神奇的更替水平的欧洲国家之一(其余两个是丹麦和爱尔兰)。

81、Programme of major component repair or replacement during the project life. ─── 在项目生命期内,主要部件修复或置换的计划;

82、For slow replacement the age distribution function assumed is unimportant. ─── 对缓慢置换,假设的时龄分布函数变得不重要。

83、He will now attend with his replacement. ─── 如今他的继任者将代替他参加本次会谈。

84、If he is ousted, his replacement will be chosen on the same ballot. ─── 如果戴维斯下台,他的继任者将同时在这次选举中产生。

85、Cover the replacement value of your home and its contents. ─── 保险范围要涵盖房屋重置本及其房屋内的财产。

86、It is a delicious replacement for plastic ones. ─── 它是塑料制品的美味替代品。

87、Growth of the central leader is maintained weak by annual replacement pruning. ─── 利用年年更新修剪的方法来削弱中央领导干的生长。

88、However, men die of shock even after apparently adequate blood replacement. ─── 但是,甚至在显然足量补血后,有人仍然会休克致死。

89、For now, this is the replacement ability. ─── 到现在为止,这是个替换过来的新技能.

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