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08-17 投稿


crony 发音

英:[?kro?ni]  美:[?kr??ni]

英:  美:

crony 中文意思翻译



crony 词性/词形变化,crony变形


crony 短语词组

1、crony crossword clue ─── 亲信纵横字谜线索

2、crony pal ─── 亲信朋友

3、crony capitalists ─── 亲信资本家

4、crony capitalism ─── 权贵资本主义(又译裙带资本主义或亲朋好友资本主义)

5、crony body shop miami ─── 迈阿密亲信尸体商店

6、crony pos ─── 明信片符号

7、crony u4 u4 ─── 信封

crony 常用词组

crony capitalism ─── 裙带资本主义;权贵资本主义;唯亲资本主义

crony 相似词语短语

1、drony ─── 无人机

2、irony ─── n.讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事;adj.铁的;似铁的

3、barony ─── n.男爵领地;男爵爵位;大片私有土地

4、crone ─── n.干瘪老丑婆;老母羊;n.(Crone)人名;(英)克龙;(意、德、西、瑞典)克罗内

5、coony ─── adj.机灵的,狡猾的

6、croaky ─── adj.呱呱叫的;(声音)低沉而沙哑的

7、cony ─── n.兔子,兔毛皮;《圣经》中说的岩狸;n.(Cony)人名;(英、法)科尼

8、cronk ─── adj.体弱的;快要倒下的;欺诈的(澳大利亚俚语)

9、cron ─── n.(计算机)计时程序

crony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But supreme leader Gen.Than Shwe reneged on even that meager concession, and she refused to see the U.N. envoy on his latest trip, even as he hobnobbed with one regime crony after another. ─── 但最高领导人丹瑞大将甚至对那个苍白无力的妥协都缺乏诚意,故而她拒绝与新近来访的联合国特使会面,甚至是他与当局头目一个接一个地把酒言欢的情况下都是如此。

2、The old cabinet is sardonically referred to as "crony cabinet" , whose members are close to Abe but green hands in politics. ─── 此前,外界把安倍的旧内阁戏称为“兄弟内阁”,其成员多数是安倍的亲信,但是却缺乏政治经验。

3、They are quite unhappy with the injustice of unequal opportunity for young people due to factors like connections with the rich and powerful and crony capitalism. ─── 由于权力资本和“裙带资本主义”造成青年人机会不平等,因此,他们对于不公平的现象怀有相当大的敌意。

4、Mr Kalla fought a sharp and good-humoured campaign, but he could not quite shake off his image as a Suharto-era business crony dabbling in politics. ─── 卡拉(Kalla)尽管打了一场爽辣愉快的战役,但他仍然无法完全摆脱自己在苏哈图时代企业涉足政治的裙带关系的形象。

5、Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment. ─── 一部分资金会进行明智的投资,但很多基金会追求非商业目标,像是创造就业机会或扩充裙带关系。

6、He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his crony. ─── 他每天晚上都跟知心朋友到酒馆喝酒。

7、The door opened, and she slipped, in, smiling, but was taken aback when she found that Chao Po-tao's companion was not a woman at all: it was his crony Shang Chung-li! ─── 门开了。 刘玉英笑吟吟地闪了进去,蓦地就一怔; 和赵伯韬在一处的,原来不是什么女人,而是老头子尚仲礼!

8、In this respect let's remember that administrative power still intervenes in market transactions in many ways, so owners of private businesses often take the mistaken path of crony capitalism. ─── 在这方面我们需要注意管理的权力仍然用很多方式干涉市场交易,因此私营工商业被带入群资本主义的错误的道路。

9、Under “crony capitalism,” for example, a politicized banking system can allow a well-connected but money-losing company to receive financing without regard to commercial considerations. ─── 例如,在“权贵资本主义”中,政治化的银行系统可以将资金拨给一家与有其关系好但赔钱的银行,而不考虑商业条件。

10、After he had flopped down on Seven's left, his crony without a word lay down on her right. ─── 这一个在老七左边躺下去后,另一个不说什么,也在右边躺了下去。

11、It is nostalgic to read about the fall of crony capitalism in Ukraine five years ago. ─── 五年前读到乌克兰裙带资本主义垮台就属于怀旧了。

12、Fourth, abolish the phenomenon of crony capitalism because it creates the illusion of strong, competitive and profitable companies; ─── 第四、废除朋党资本主义,因为它给人一种假相,认为这些公司都是稳

13、7.The old cabinet is sardonically referred to as “crony cabinet”, whose members are close to Abe but green hands in politics. ─── 此前,外界把安倍的旧内阁戏称为“兄弟内阁”,其成员多数是安倍的亲信,但是却缺乏政治经验。

14、They understand that they are not their child's friend, buddy, peer, comrade, or crony. ─── 他们明白,他们并不是孩子的朋友、伙伴,同辈、同志,或者密友。

15、Rather than trying to outdo the Politburo in developing crony capitalism we should seek to reinvigorate our diverse, grassroots economy. ─── 我们应该设法重振我们多样化的基层型经济,而不是试图在发展权贵资本主义方面超越中国。

16、Maggie: I got it.I got it.That is not a doctor.That number he gave us is just one of dad's Crony's and this is just one big practical joke. ─── 麦琪:明白了,我明白了,那不是医生,他给我们的电话号码是爸爸的老朋友的,他只是开了个玩笑。

17、After he had flopped down on Seven's left, his crony without a word lay down on her right. ─── 这一个在老七左边躺下去后,另一个不说什么,也在右边躺了下去。

18、Transaction costs and Crony capitalism in East Asia; David C. Kang ─── 交易成本与东亚的裙带资本主义

19、McCain has long derided the political strength of Fannie and Freddie as an example of 'crony capitalism. ─── 麦凯恩一直将“两房”的政治势力斥之为“关系资本主义”的范例。

20、Crony capitalism and self-fulfilling expectations by international creditors are often suggested as two rival explanations for currency crisis. ─── “亲密资本”和预期自致型模型被认为是对货币危机的两个典型的对立的解释。

21、After he had flopped down on Seven's left, his crony without a word lay down on her right. ─── 一个在老七左边躺下去后,另一个不说什么,也在右边躺了下去。

22、Because we have seen for example, in some of the areas in Southeast Asia, that when you lack the transparency that democracy brings, then you can get the kind of crony capitalism that can lead to very ill-advised economic policies ─── 因为在东南亚一些地区,我们已经看到了这样的例子,当一个国家缺乏由民主带来的透明度时,就会出现那种任人唯亲的资本主义,结果导致采纳有着严重错误的经济政策建议。

23、Josef "Sepp" Dietrich was an old party crony of Hitler, whom he trusted implicitly (he had been appointed commander of Hitler's bodyguard in 1928). ─── 约瑟夫“塞普”迪特里希是老希的一位相交甚长的亲密党员,他是值得信任的(他在1928年被任命为老希近卫部队的指挥官)。

24、government by crony ─── 任人唯亲

25、4.Fourth, abolish the phenomenon of crony capitalism because it creates the illusion of strong, competitive and profitable companies; ─── 第四、废除朋党资本主义,因为它给人一种假相,认为这些公司都是稳健、具竞争力和享有盈余的公司。

26、Douglas Feith, a Cheney crony in the Defence Department, told a military official on September 12th 2001 that the campaign against al-Qaeda should be directed at Baghdad. ─── 钱尼在国防部的密友道格拉斯.菲斯在2001年9月12日告诉军方这场对付阿尔凯达的战争必须面向巴格达。

27、returned the really astonished Passepartout, recognizing his crony of the 'Mongolia' ─── 路路通非常惊奇地回答说,他认出了这位在蒙古号上跟他同船的旅伴。

28、NARRATOR: In Yeltsin's Russia, crony capitalism thrived.For many, reform came to mean corruption, inflation, and inequality. ─── 旁白:在叶利钦的俄罗斯,用人唯亲式的资本主义盛行,对许多人来说,改革成了腐败、通货膨胀、不平等的代名词。

29、crony capitalism ─── 权贵资本主义(又译裙带资本主义或亲朋好友资本主义)

30、crony economy ─── 裙带经济

31、If enforced both promptly and evenhandedly, strong antitrust laws will mark a step towards competitive capitalism, rather than crony capitalism, in both countries. ─── 如果能迅速、公平地得到执行,强有力的反垄断法会使两国向自由竞争的资本主义(而非裙带资本主义(cronycapitalism))前进一步。

32、Since the Fed supervises banks and decides which live and which die, doesn't this anachronism create a perception of crony capitalism and undermine the Fed's legitimacy? ─── 既然是美联储负责监督银行并执掌生杀大权,那么这种过时的设计不会给人以一种群带资本主义的印象、损害美联储的合法性吗?

33、As for Russia, without the revenue from its energy resources, Vladimir Putin's brand of crony capitalism would have collapsed long ago. ─── 至于俄罗斯,如果没有能源资源带来的收入,弗拉基米尔?普京(VladimirPutin)招牌式的裙带资本主义早就会破产。

34、Nowadays I made an excitingscheme about a voyage in next long holiday with my crony Tao, avoyage to the Qing Dao city. ─── 最近我和闺蜜陶制订了一项关于在下一个长假里去旅行的计划,目的地青岛。

35、1. They are quite unhappy with the injustice of unequal opportunity for young people due to factors like connections with the rich and powerful and crony capitalism. ─── 由于权力资本和“裙带资本主义”造成青年人机会不平等,因此,他们对于不公平的现象怀有相当大的敌意。收藏指正

36、Crony Capitalism and Economic Growth in Latin America: Theory and Evidence ─── 拉丁美洲的权贵资本主义与经济增长:理论与实证分析

37、In her late sixties she traveled over Europe with a crony of equal years. ─── 在接近古稀之年,她同一个与她同年的密友漫游欧洲。

38、'It feeds into a crony capitalist kind of mentality that isn't actually the best way to generate economic growth. ' ─── 他说,这造成一种任人唯亲的资本主义的心态,这并不是实现经济增长的最佳途径。

39、New studies show breastfeeding can protect children against crony chronic diseases later in life. ─── 新的研究表明母乳喂养可以保护孩子在以后的生活中不得慢性疾病。

40、Xiaodongjiang fog, mellow, such as band, sometimes as deep side to her girl's crony, shy in revealing charming, Sometimes her body, like the ancient dances with female singer, dynamic, changeable. ─── 小东江的雾,柔美如带,有时她象深山偏地大姑娘的裙带,羞涩中透出娇美,有时她象古代歌女身上的舞带,动感十足,变化万千。

41、E.O.’s.It’s politically powerful crony capitalists who use their influence to create a stagnant corporate welfare state. ─── 这些具有强大政治影响力的权贵资本家,试图利用自己的影响力,将他们的公司变成一个停滞不前的福利国家。

42、SME owners and the accounting exist crony, family relations; ─── 中小企业业主与会计存在裙带、亲属关系;

43、He spend every evening drinking in the pub with his crony ─── 他每天晚上都跟知心朋友到酒馆喝酒

44、Again, however, cheerfulness breaks in, as the narrator (with his grotesque crony Dr. Long Ghost) knocks about the islands as a beachcomber ─── 轻松愉快的场面又插进来。叙述故事的人,在他的奇形怪状的老友长鬼博士的陪伴下,在岛上到处漂流。

45、Jerry never seemed to mind giving me so much of his time and, although he had many other friends, he always made me feel that I was his special crony 6 . ─── 杰里为我花了这么多时间,他对此好像从不介意。他虽然还有许多其他朋友,但总让我觉得我是他最亲密的伙伴。

46、Fourth, abolish the phenomenon of crony capitalism because it creates the illusion of strong, competitive and profitable companies. ─── 第四、废除朋党资本主义,因为它给人一种假相,认为这些公司都是稳舰具竞争力和享有盈余的公司。

47、He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his crony. ─── 他每天晚上都跟知心朋友到酒馆喝酒。

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