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08-17 投稿


figuratively 发音

英:[?f?ɡj?r?t?vli]  美:[?f?ɡ?r?t?vli]

英:  美:

figuratively 中文意思翻译



figuratively 反义词


figuratively 同义词

allegorically | symbolically |metaphorically

figuratively 词性/词形变化,figuratively变形

副词: figuratively |名词: figurativeness |

figuratively 短语词组

1、figuratively kicks at people ─── 形象地踢人

2、figuratively literally ─── 从字面上比喻

3、figuratively and literally ─── 比喻地和字面上

figuratively 相似词语短语

1、curatively ─── 治疗地;有疗效地

2、prefiguratively ─── 前缀

3、iteratively ─── adv.迭代地;反复地

4、figurately ─── 比喻地

5、regulatively ─── 有规律地

6、furtively ─── adv.偷偷地;暗中地

7、simulatively ─── 模拟地

8、figurative ─── adj.比喻的;修饰丰富的;形容多的

9、federatively ─── adv.联邦地;联盟地

figuratively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Happiness, as one of the abstract feelings, is hard to express in literal words and therefore often described figuratively. ─── 快乐是人类的基本情感之一,但是由于其具有抽象性,因此经常被隐喻化了。

2、The characters above,although literally under water,are figuratively above water. ─── 为了便于书写又简化为“”和“”形式,最后形成了“下”。

3、Any person or thing that is doomed to fail or die; to have failed or died, ( usually used figuratively) ─── 注定失败或死亡的人或事;失败或死亡,(一般用做比喻用法)

4、From the torque curve (figur 3), we can see the anti-torque rigid degree of DHS is 55.39N. ─── 在扭矩 - 扭角曲线上(见图3),可以看出DHS的抗扭刚度达55.39N.

5、The relationship between academic history (including contemporary academic criticism) and specific reseaches can be figuratively compared to that of "cleaner" and "constructer". ─── 学术史(广义的,包括当代学术批评)与各项专门研究之间的关系,用一个比喻来说,那就是“清道夫”与“建筑工”的关系。

6、A shady grove of catalpas) or figuratively to what is of questionable honesty ─── 梓属植物的避光树丛)或比喻意义上指有可疑的诚实

7、to be a house builder, that is, construct or (figuratively) confirm: - (be in) build (-er, -ing, up), edify, embolden. ─── 就是没有建造、造不起、或者不能稳固的意思。

8、Figuratively speaking, it means to hoodwink or sway sb into doing sth with flattery or by boasting. ─── The word huyou (忽悠), which means “sway” in its literal sense, is derived from the Northeast dialect.

9、We think this [campaign] can be a real cleansing process, both literally and figuratively. ─── 我们认为这项运动可以成为真正的净化过程。

10、’ She speaks figuratively. ─── 她说得太有文彩啦。

11、Both literally and figuratively speaking, each painting's story was told, as a brief description beside each one detailed the artist's thoughts or derivation of the concept behind the art. ─── 字面上或象徵上,每张画的故事都有解说,画的旁边有一个简要说明详述了艺术家的思想与艺术背后所衍生的概念。

12、Rams have a habit of pushing to the front of the line, both literally and figuratively. ─── 白羊:羊儿做什么事都急于求成。

13、Well, figuratively speaking. ─── 呃,我打个比方。

14、he looked right and left; also figuratively; the party has moved right. ─── 他向左右看了看;也有比喻性的用法;这个党派已经右了。

15、To turn into a cloudy weather from a sunny one, figuratively meaning turning unhappy from happy. ─── 他听到这个不幸的消息后,脸色马上转阴。

16、"Most adults,when they fall down(figuratively speaking),make a big deal out of it and don't even make a second attempt. ─── 其实,问题的答案就在于孩子并没有把“摔倒”与“失败”联系起来,所以他们感受不到失败的滋味,也不会因此而泄气。

17、"They're putting on a summer play at the Casino," she announced, after figuratively putting her ear to the ground. "Let's try and get in that." ─── “卡西诺戏院将在夏季上演一出戏,"她出去打听了一下情况后,宣布说,"我们试试去那里找个角色。”

18、representing figuratively as by emblem or allegory. ─── 用寓言或者符号象征性的表示。

19、Addressing the more fundamental causes of why people get sick rather than just literally or figuratively bypassing them can help create a new approach to health care that is truly evidence-based. ─── 从更为根本的角度来探讨人们生病的原因,而不只是做做分流手术“分流”掉它们,才有助于人们开创出一条真正忠于实证的医保新途径。

20、he looked right and left; also figuratively; the party has moved right ─── 他向左右看了看;也有比喻性的用法;这个党派已经右了

21、an inflexible knife blade;figuratively they describe what does not relent or yield: ─── 不弯的刀锋);它们的比喻意义是描述不宽容或不屈服的东西:

22、After the attachment executes, the sandbox is figuratively raked smooth again, discarding any permanent file changes attempted by the attachment. ─── 扣押后执行的沙盘是比喻票房再次顺利,抛弃任何永久档案变更试图附件。

23、If your jogging clothes weren't made of permeable fabric, you'd drown in your own sweat (figuratively speaking) ─── 如果你的慢跑运动服不是由可透气的织物做的,那么你会淹死在自己的汗水里(比喻说法)。

24、Shaquille O'Neal gets figuratively dunked on if Kobe Bryant gets his own ring. I would love to see that happen. ─── 如果科比率队勇夺总冠军,就好比是往奥尼尔脸上给了猛力一击。我很乐意看到这种情况发生。

25、Picking up the large pieces of a broken glass or dish is usually easy enough, but getting up those tiny slivers can be a real pain (figuratively if not literally). ─── 将一块摔碎的玻璃或盘子中的大块捡起来非常容易。但是,剩余的那些细小碎片实在是心头之痛啊(此处为比喻,而非字面意思)。

26、Steely points were opposed to him when he, figuratively, bared his bosom to be taken to the softest and fairest ─── 形象地说,当他敞开胸怀,要接纳最柔和最公允的东西时,对准他的是钢针。

27、Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death. ─── 他以为上帝还能叫人从死里复活;他也彷佛从死中得回他的儿子来。

28、In reaction to being constantly trodden upon -- literally and figuratively -- he developed a sadistic streak and explosive temper that gained him a respected place among his raucous peers. ─── 在行为和言语上,亚维德不断被践踏,逐渐产生了施虐倾向,变得脾气暴躁,这才在粗鲁的同族中赢得了尊重。

29、" Explains Schulman: "The old lady is someone they could empathize with.The Chinese delivery guy is alien, literally and figuratively, to them. ─── 但是,如果同一个老师说把其他同学从椅子上推下来也是没问题的话,他们就会迟疑了。

30、three figur ─── 三位的

31、If you feel like cleaning your PSP's pipes (figuratively speaking), then developer Smokescreen has just the application for you. ─── 如果你愿意清理的小P的管道(打个比方),开发者Smokescreen给你提供了一段程序。

32、She is, figuratively speaking, holding a gun to his head. ─── 打个比方说,她正拿枪对着他的脑袋。

33、I will stand, figuratively speaking, in physical reality and look inward for you, and describe those realities of consciousness and experience that you are presently too fascinated to see. ─── 比方说,我将立足于物质现实,为你们向内看,并描述你们现在过于执迷以至无法看到的意识和经验的多重现实。

34、the sun's afterglow on the verge of the horizon;figuratively it indicates a point at which something is likely to begin or to happen( ─── 日落于地平线上);它喻指一个于此事物可能开始或发生的临界点(

35、Think Figuratively About the Safety and Prevention Work in Community in the New Situations ─── 形象化思考当前新形势下的社区安全防范工作

36、1.cangue and lock; 2.(figuratively) bondage; yoke; chains; shackles; fetters ─── 枷锁

37、Figuratively speaking, the tree grows in height. ─── 形象地说,树长高了。

38、It is an old custom in business circle that both sides should strike a plank to mean a deal was clinched.Now used figuratively to mean a final decision was made. ─── 以前的生意场上,买卖双方拍一下木板表示成交,如今“拍板”比喻做出决断。

39、A few Christian critics who view the series positively, such as John Granger, argue that magic in the novels should indeed be read figuratively, but with overtones of spiritual symbolism nonetheless. ─── 一些基督教徒谴责那些看好这个魔法系列的人,比如说,约翰格兰杰,说在小说中的魔法的确应该被象征性的理解,但是也只能限于精神象征上的暗示。

40、indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively. ─── 指明一个地点、一个方向、一个人或一件事;空间的或比喻性的。

41、Explanation: Often used figuratively when talking about someone who desires more than he / she can really afford. ─── 中文解释:也通常用于比喻期望或要求高于实际能承担。

42、Hence, the term "round table" is also used figuratively to refer to a peaceful way of achieving a compromise solution. ─── 由此可见圆桌会议此词亦可比喻为以和平手段寻求解决问题的方法。

43、The resultant cosmetical figur and the succeeding prothetic-eyeball movement are rather satisfied; ─── 利用此种皮脂植入物可以免除代用眼球植入的种种合并症,诸如代用眼球移位或迸出肌束;

44、Metamorphosis also projects my desire to break out of standard artistic forms, both figuratively and literally. ─── 变形也是我希望在象征和字面上突破传统艺术形式的主题。

45、The sun's afterglow on the verge of the horizon); figuratively it indicates a point at which something is likely to begin or to happen ─── 日落于地平线上);它喻指一个于此事物可能开始或发生的临界点

46、opaque rock crystals;figuratively it applies to something that is unintelligible: ─── 不透明的岩石晶体);它能用于比喻难以理解的事情:

47、I saw that she was, both literally and figuratively, up against a wall. ─── 我都看到她,既是事实上也是比喻地,面临一道墙。

48、someone honored for great achievements; figuratively someone crowned with a laurel wreath ─── 由于重大的成就而被授奖的人;比喻地说成是头上戴桂冠花圈的人

49、STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Travelers hearing nature's call at Stockholm's Arlanda airport may think they have ended up in a summer meadow figuratively speaking. ─── 在瑞典Arlanda机场的厕所内方便的旅行者,仿佛觉得自己在一个好似会说话的夏日草地上轻松排泄。

50、Visual and vivid words, formed figuratively, are one significant linguistic feature of English mass media. ─── 摘要形象、生动的修辞词语是英语大众传媒一个重要的语言特色。

51、a weighty package;figuratively it describes what is onerous, serious, or important( ─── 沉重的包裹);它喻指艰巨的、严重的或重要的(

52、Figuratively, this just likes a corpse of original tumor. ─── 打个比喻,这个是原来肿瘤的尸体。

53、having nimble fingers literally or figuratively; especially for stealing or picking pockets. ─── 事实上有或者比喻有敏捷的手指;特别是指盗贼或者扒手。

54、a shady grove of catalpas) or figuratively to what is of questionable honesty ( ─── 梓属植物的避光树丛)或比喻意义上指有可疑的诚实(

55、Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. ─── 他们的尸首就倒在大城里的街上。这城按着灵意叫所多玛,又叫埃及,就是他们的主钉十字架之处。

56、In this MCAI course ware, the potential energy surface of a bimolecular reaction system that is composed of three atoms has been described figuratively. ─── 在此课件中,一个由三原子组成的双分子反应体系的位能面被形象地表达出来。

57、"They're putting on a summer play at the Casino," she announced, after figuratively putting her ear to the ground."Let's try and get in that. ─── “卡西诺戏院将在夏季上演一出戏,”她出去打听了一下情况后,宣布说,“我们试试去那里找个角色。”

58、Pictures ought not to be too dear(John Ruskin.The terms also apply figuratively to what occasions loss or sacrifice ─── 图画不应太贵(约翰·罗斯金)。这些词也比喻性地指导致丧失或牺牲的东西

59、And so the Ground Mobile Unit was being attached, figuratively and literally, as a new module of the Farrago, secured to the starship's underside. ─── 地面作战单元正在被加载到法拉戈号上去,不夸张的打个比方,作为上面的一个新舱段,被牢牢的安在了这条船的下方。

60、I hope through my camero,their figur could make you a deep sence. ─── 我希望能够通过我的镜头,让他们的样子给你留下深刻的印象。他叫郭鹏,我们叫他鹏儿。

61、someone honored for great achievements; figuratively someone crowned with a laurel wreath. ─── 由于重大的成就而被授奖的人;比喻地说成是头上戴桂冠花圈的人。

62、The name Tiramisu is Italian and means "pull-me-up" (Tirami su), a reference to the effects of the sugar and espresso, and can be translated figuratively as "pick-me-up". ─── 提拉米苏在意大利语中的含义是“拉我起来”,指的是汤和浓咖啡可以使一个人的精神振奋起来。

63、figuratively conjures a romantic notion of bandits in a mountain hideaway taking potshots at the established giants. ─── 我不常玩浪漫的人看了这句好象也浪漫不起来....

64、Is love blind when it comes to Ellie's staunch support?Literally, and figuratively, the proof is in the picture. ─── 势成骑虎,在挽回事业与爱人的大前提下,华决定继续完成影片,结果乌龙百出爆笑连场。

65、figuratively, one may imagine the radiation of such a spherical maser as resembling a little hedgehog ─── 可以很形象地把这种球状脉塞源的辐射想象为一个小刺猬球的样子。

66、he looked right and left; also figuratively; the political party has moved left. ─── 他往左右看了看;也有比喻性的用法;这个政党已经左了。

67、But the British people hated to see their spirited queen lagging figuratively, if not literally, behind priggish Prince Albert. ─── 但是,英国人讨厌看到他们的精神象征的女王落后于骄傲的艾尔伯特王子,即使象征性的也不允许。

68、is figuratively and literally otherworldly in its aims. ─── 它的目的无论是从比喻还是从字面上理解,都是超凡脱俗的。

69、In many languages, food is often used metaphorically or figuratively, as in "food for thought" . ─── 在许多语言里,食物通常被用来做隐语或比喻,例如“foodforthought(令人深思的事情)”。

70、20) Employees will be,figuratively speaking,in the driver's seat. ─── 打个比方,雇员将会坐在驾驶座上,即取得主动权。

71、Decompose, largely restricted to the breakdown of substances into their chemical components, also connotes rotting and putrefying, both literally and figuratively: Decompose ─── 主要限于指物质分裂成其化学组成成份,含有腐朽、腐烂的意思,既可以从字面上来理解,也可以从喻意上来理解

72、But if you don't and won't, then burn this post immediately (figuratively, of course) and stick to what you know. ─── 但是如果你不这样或者不想这样,那么请马上烧了这篇文章(当然是象征性的),做你想要坚持做的。

73、Mrs. Doctor was a trim rosy-cheeked, silver-haired little lady who took Anne at once to her heart, literally and figuratively. ─── 医生太太是一位满头银发的小妇人,梳妆整齐,面色红润。她一见面就喜欢上了安妮,那种喜爱溢于言表。

74、I know I'll spend time in Tennessee and mend some fences, literally and figuratively . ─── 我也会在家乡田纳西州修补一下篱笆--真实的和象征的篱笆。

75、" Metamorphosis also projects my desire to break out of standard artistic forms, both figuratively and literally. ─── 变形也是我希望在象征和字面上突破传统艺术形式的主题。

76、She is, figuratively speaking, holding a gun to his head. ─── 打个比方说,她正拿枪对着他的脑袋。

77、" But the terminally ill Dalton is speaking figuratively, using the clown nose to illustrate a point about the value of hope in the face of hopelessness. ─── “但身患绝症的人说道尔顿是比喻,用鼻子小丑说明一点的价值,希望在面对绝望。

78、I know I'll spend time in Tennessee and mend some fences, literally and figuratively. ─── 我想我会在田纳西州过一阵,把一些篱笆修得更结实、美观。

79、Figuratively speaking, if a bank has poor liquidity, then it is likely that they will be in the intensive care ward; ─── 形象地说,如果银行的流动性不佳,那么就可能被关进重病护理病房;

80、Putting on some sexy music, getting the lighting right and starting out with a massage will get her to loosen up literally and figuratively. ─── 播放一些性感音乐,散发着合适的光线,说一些性爱的话语,会使她身心放松。

81、a chief magistrate.Used figuratively,chief implies maximum importance or value ─── 总统。用作比喻意义时chief含有最大重要性或最大价值的意思

82、The two weeks of training consisted of Dennis and Eckhardt figuratively yelling “jump” and the Turtles responding, “How high? ─── 在2周的培训中,丹尼斯和埃克哈特象征性地大喊“跳”,海龟们就会说:“跳多高?”

83、a leaf with an acute end. Figuratively they indicate mental alertness and clarity of comprehension. ─── 有尖端的叶子。 它们比喻思维的敏锐或清晰的理解力:

84、a chief magistrate.Used figuratively,Ichief implies maximum importance or value ─── 总统。用作比喻意义时Ichief含有最大重要性或最大价值的意思

85、Costume is a carrier of society culture, is that the ideological form concretization, is figuratively and most keen express way. ─── 服饰作为社会文化的一个载体,是意识形态的具体化、形象化和最灵敏的表达方式。

86、Yes, Dirk Nowitzki has the chance to redeem himself and Jason Kidd can validate the trade. But the person with the most invested, literally and figuratively, is Cuban. ─── 是的,今年季后赛德克有机会找回自己,贾森-基德也可以为他的交易正名了。但是不管从表面上还是实际上,投资最大的那个人还是库班。

87、So, if Sabatini is intent on figuratively cutting off his nose to spite his face, then it could be to the Lakers' benefit. ─── 所以呢,如果总裁先生决心要象征性地去报复他的话,那么这可能就让湖人得益了。

88、While this year's famous Tokyo Motor Show will feature cars of all sizes - many, whatever their paint color, will have a tint of green figuratively. ─── 今年东京车展中展示大小不同的车子,但不管他们汽车的外观是什麽颜色,都有著象徵绿色环保的色彩。

89、get started or set in motion, used figuratively, as of a project,. ─── 开始着手或者开始运动,象征性地使用,关于一个计划。

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