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08-17 投稿


endangering 发音

英:[?n?de?nd??r??]  美:[?n?de?nd??r??]

英:  美:

endangering 中文意思翻译



endangering 词性/词形变化,endangering变形

动词第三人称单数: endangers |动词过去分词: endangered |动词过去式: endangered |名词: endangerment |动词现在分词: endangering |

endangering 短语词组

1、endangering the welfare of a minor ar ─── 危害未成年人的福利

2、endangering 2c ─── 危害2c

3、endangering nj ─── 危害新泽西州

4、crime of endangering public security ─── [法] 危公共安全中罪

5、crime of endangering public affairs ─── [法] 妨害公务罪

6、endangering the welfare of a child arkansas ─── 危及阿肯色州一个孩子的福利

7、endangering orc ─── 危及兽人

8、endangering animals ─── 濒危动物

9、crime of endangering peace ─── [法] 危害安宁罪

10、endangering of ─── 危及

endangering 相似词语短语

1、endangerment ─── n.危害,受到危害

2、enhungering ─── 统一

3、endangered ─── adj.濒临灭绝的;有生命危险的

4、endungeoning ─── 结束

5、angering ─── n.怒,愤怒;忿怒;vt.使发怒,激怒;恼火;vi.发怒;恼火;n.(Anger)人名;(罗)安杰尔;(法)安热;(德、捷、瑞典)安格尔

6、dandering ─── n.头皮屑,羽毛屑;(非正式)发火;闲逛;v.漫步,闲逛;n.(Dander)(意、美、德、奥、波、英)丹德尔(人名)

7、endanger ─── vt.危及;使遭到危险

8、endangerer ─── 危害

9、daggering ─── n.匕首,短剑;vt.用剑刺;n.(Dagger)人名;(俄)达格尔

endangering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The landfill's management has thought about sitting down with the scavengers to cut a deal that would allow them to keep picking without endangering themselves or the dump's operations. ─── 垃圾填满场的管理者想过,让双方坐下来好好谈谈。既能让他们拾荒,又不会危及到自身的安全,或者影响到垃圾场的正常运作。

2、Others are political;the pumps and aqueducts that carry water from the wetter north to the dry fields in the south are creaking with age, threatening ecosystems and endangering species. ─── 也有政治原因:从湿润的北部地区输水到干旱的南部地区的泵和输水管道由于年深日久,勉强地运转着,危及这里的生态系统和物种。

3、Only love can make atomic power for bringing benefits to human, not endangering. ─── 1只有爱才能使原子的力量造福人类,而非危害人类。

4、The polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the residents. ─── 城里被污染的空气正严重地危及居民的健康。

5、In addition, aside from analysis of reasons in endangering plants in Loess Plateau, some strategies for protection are put forward. ─── 另外,在分析黄土高原珍稀濒危植物致濒机制的基础上,进一步提出了保护对策。

6、Parties to the ship without endangering its own security, the Port Supervision without consent, not to leave designated locations. ─── 当事船舶在不危及自身安全的情况下,未经渔港监督同意,不得离开指定地点。

7、crimes of endangering financial security ─── 危害金融安全的犯罪


9、When a crisis endangering the lives of others, you and I make a response to what has become of you and I value the most important yardstick. ─── 当危机危及他人的生命的时候,你和我作出怎样的反应也就成为你和我存在的价值的最重要的尺度。

10、The trip was intended to bring to the world's attention the fact that AIDS is not just an African disease; it's also endangering other countries, notably, India and Thailand. ─── 此行的目的是让全世界注意到,艾滋病不仅仅是一种非洲疾病;它也在危害其他国家,尤其是印度和泰国。

11、On Recidivism of Crimes of Endangering National Security Committed by a Unit ─── 单位危害国家安全罪累犯刍议

12、They might have amused themselves to their heart's content with timid nibbles at this gentleman's bait, without in any manner endangering their safety; ─── 因为乔治用一只倦怠的手松松地拿着钓竿,只是茫然地望着水面,眼睛里露出一种奇怪的恍惚的神色。

13、The Main Parasitic Species Endangering Large-scale Swine Farms and their Prevention and Treatment ─── 危害规模化养猪场的主要寄生虫及其防治措施

14、Counterrevolutionary cases and cases endangering State security; ─── 反革命案件、危害国家安全案件;

15、He slices through the sky, chasing the enemy and even endangering any DECEPTICON that gets in his way. ─── 他划过长空,追击敌人,甚至危及到挡在他路上的自己人。

16、As with motorists, cyclists endangering pedestrians or other road users would have their licences endorsed, with three offences leading to ban. ─── 与开汽车的人一样,如果骑车族危及行人或其它道路使用者安全,就要在其牌照上做个记录,违规三次就要加以取缔。

17、He slices through the sky, chasing the enemy and even endangering any DECEPTICON that gets in his way. ─── 他划过长空,追击敌人,甚至危及到挡在他路上的自己人。

18、They are charged breaking regulations and endangering the public safety. ─── 他们被控告违章驾驶危及公众安全。

19、The situation of water resources deficiency is very scrious in the large areas o f the arid, semi arid even semihumid of Huabel Plain, endangering the agricultur al sustainable development. ─── 华北平原广大的干旱、半干旱甚至半湿润区,水资源形势严峻,威胁农业持续发展。

20、There is no point in starving a business and endangering a firm's balance-sheet in order to meet macho dividend commitments. ─── 为了满足大量红利承诺,停止业务,并危机公司资产负债表是毫无意义的。

21、Rojas, who was also charged with tampering with evidence and endangering the welfare of a child, was under arrest at the 115th Precinct Station House this morning. ─── 他们表示,孩子的尸体很可能已经和杰克森高地当地的垃圾一起被运到了宾夕法尼亚的垃圾填埋场。


23、A forest has suddenly become filled with dangerous creatures, endangering many goliath hunting grounds. ─── 一片森林突然充斥了各种危险的生物,这危及到了许多。

24、Now, sub-health has been badly endangering the health of the residents. ─── 亚健康已经成为当今危害人类健康的头号隐形杀手。

25、The crime of Endangering governmental rule: Treason felony,Misprision, Seizing prisoner, Oganizing the private armed forces. ─── 危害国家统治的犯罪:谋反大逆、首匿、篡囚、组织私家武装等。

26、Guide to application of laws sternly combating crimes endangering social orders ─── 严厉打击危害社会秩序犯罪法律适用指导

27、Endangering reason and reproductive strategy of Psathyrostachys huashanica population ─── 华山新麦草濒危原因及种群繁殖对策

28、Waste is polluting land, atmosphere, oceans and even space.As a result it is endangering our environment and health. ─── 垃圾,每日每时在污染着陆地、大气、海洋以及太空,危害着人类的生存环境和健康。

29、Those who hold differing political views, but have committed no act endangering state security, have committed no crime. ─── 仅仅持有不同的政治观点而没有危害国家安全的行为,不构成犯罪。

30、The coronary artery disease (CAD) is a kind of common disease endangering the human health seriously. ─── 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病,Coronary arterydisease,CAD)是严重危害人类健康的一种常见疾病。

31、Human cytomegalovirus(HCMV)is highly endangering the health of human procreation,the bearing and producing young. ─── 人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)严重危害人类生殖健康和优生优育。

32、At present Iam ready to promise that the instant that I can communicate with you without endangering my own combinations, I shall do so. ─── 现在我愿保证,只要对于我全盘筹划没有危害,到时候,我就一定立刻告诉你们。

33、Some manufacturers accept that, but proceed immediately to another argument: that the current crisis is needlessly endangering productive, highly skilled manufacturing jobs. ─── 一些制造业人士接受此观点。但马上又提出:目前的经济危机不会危及高科技、高效率的制造业就业岗位。事实真是如此吗?

34、Endangering Behavior ─── 危害行为

35、Establishing social organizations, enterprises or institutional organizations in order to engage in activities endangering the State security; ─── 利用设立社会团体或者企业事业组织,进行危害国家安全活动的;

36、Manchu, which has been defined as an endangering language by Chinese linguistics circle, attracts broad attention from the academic world at home and abroad. ─── :满语已被我国语言学界确认为濒危语言 ,并受到国内外学术界及社会的广泛关注。

37、In general, the heads of state in these nations can be prosecuted for treason or endangering national security. ─── 一般而言,这些民主国家的元首之所以可以被起诉,是因为犯了国家叛乱罪与危害到国家安全的罪状。

38、Museums could relax their standards and save money without endangering their Renaissance oil paintings. ─── 博物馆可以在不危及文艺复兴时期油画的前提下放宽标准,节省资金。

39、Polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the people. ─── 城市中被污染的空气严重地危及人民的健康。

40、75. Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the feder al government. ─── 也许他认为他批评美国的外支政策就会使他从联帮政府那里获得的对和的支持受到威胁。

41、In his letters, the Dalai Lama wrote, "Reactionary, evil elements are carrying out activities endangering me under the pretext of ensuring my safety. I am taking measures to calm things down." ─── 信中说:“反动的坏分子们正借口保护我的安全而进行危害我的活动,对此我正设法平息。”

42、"the honor of loving the motherland; the shame of endangering the motherland. ─── 以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻,

43、(2) Accepting financial support or instigation from institutions, organizations or individuals beyond the territory to conduct activities endangering State security; ─── (二)接受境外机构、组织、个人的资助或者指使,进行危害国家安全活动的;

44、As a photojournalist he tried to stay as close as possible to the action without endangering his own life and the lives of others, he explained. ─── 作为摄影记者,在不危及自己的生命以及他人的生命的情况下,他努力去尽可能地靠近战斗,他解释说。

45、They can send a crashing blue tidal wave which not only drowns your citizenry but submerges their farmland, endangering your own divine existence. ─── 他们会掀起一波蓝色的摧毁性的海啸,不仅会淹死你的人民,还会淹没他们的农田,从而危及到你自己作为神的存在。

46、Their outspread of power is endangering us. ─── 他们的扩张对我们构成危害。

47、Desertification is encroaching the valuable living space,and endangering the existence and development of humankind,which has been paid much attention by the world. ─── 土地沙化不断吞噬人类生存的空间,严重地威胁着人类的生存与发展,这已引起世界的广泛关注。

48、As with motorists, cyclists endangering pedestrians or other road users would have their licences endorsed, with three offences leading to a ban. ─── 与开汽车的人一样,骑车族危及行人或道路使用者安全,就要在其牌照上做个记录,违规三次就要加以取缔。

49、Revised: The Mississippi River, which is one of the longest rivers in the world, often overflows its banks in the spring time, endangering the lives of many people. ─── 密西西比河是世界上最长的河流之一,春天时河水常常漫过堤岸,许多人的生命没有安全保障.

50、source area of the sand and dust endangering Beijing-Tianjin ─── 京津风沙源工程区

51、The conventional analytical methods require a long time,thus impairing promptness and usually endangering production stability. ─── 传统的分析方法都需要很长时间,从而影响其及时性,往往会给生产造成危害。

52、"Electromagnetism radiate is endangering the mankind and the health that take the place of ever since " view, had not been. ─── “电磁辐射正在危害人类及其后代的健康”说法,并不为过。

53、Had the oil fire reached that tank, the report said, the resulting explosion could have released a toxic cloud endangering the entire area. ─── 该报告表示,倘若火势蔓延到那个二甲苯储罐的话,那么引起的爆炸可能会造成毒云,危及整个地区。

54、Offering funds, locations or materials to be used for activities endangering State security to organizations or individuals within the territory. ─── 向境内组织、个人提供用于进行危害国家安全活动的经费、场所和物资的。

55、crime of endangering public affairs ─── [法] 妨害公务罪

56、Any entity or individual has the right to stop any act of endangering radio and television facilities and report it to the relevant department. ─── 任何单位和个人对危害广播电视设施的行为,均有权制止并向有关部门报告。(相关资料:实务指南)

57、"But we must be aware that factors endangering world peace and stability still exist. ─── “但是我们必须意识到威胁世界和平何稳定的因素依然存在。

58、"Settle their international disputes by peaceful means and without endangering peace, security and justice," ─── 在不威胁和平、安全和正义的前提下解决国际争端

59、If it happens in this way everywhere, then these negative beings will stop endangering and hurting us. ─── 如果这方法它在各处发生,那么这些负面的生命将停止危及和伤害我们。

60、So we must take actual steps to preserve and protect endangering languages and culture of minorities. ─── 为此,我们必须采取实际步骤,保存和保护濒危语言和文化。

61、Millions of litres of crude oil are flowing down the southern Iguacu River, endangering drinking water, farm land and animal life along a 230 km (140 mile) stretch. ─── 几百万升的原油顺伊瓜苏河流下,对230公里(140英里)河长以内的饮水、耕地和动物生命造成威胁。

62、The conventional anaytical methods requrie a long time, thus impairing promptness and usually endangering production stability. ─── 传统的分析方法都需要很长时间,从而影响其及时性,往往会给生产造成危害。

63、Desertification Control Regionalization and Rehabilitation Countermeasures of Source Area of the Sand and Dust Endangering Beijing-Tianjin ─── 京津风沙源工程区沙漠化防治区划与治理对策研究

64、Special projects to address serious environmental problems We launched special projects to address serious environmental problems that were endangering people's health. ─── 对于危害人们健康的环境问题,我们进行了环保专项治理。

65、crime of endangering public security ─── 危害公共安全罪

66、You are very much in a similar situation where the dark Ones would think nothing of endangering you and your Earth. ─── 你们现在也在相当一样的位置中,黑暗势力危害你们和地球而“不择手段”。

67、Odysseus stopped his sailors' ears with wax and had himself tied to his ship's mast so he could hear the song without endangering his vessel. ─── 奥德赛用蜡封住水手们的耳朵,而将自己捆缚在船的桅杆之上,这样他即使听到了歌声,也不会危害到自己的航船。

68、In 1930's,Chen Duxiu was arrested by a charge of high treason and endangering the Republic of China. (1912-1949)by KMT authorities,because he opposed"One-Party autocracy"and "policy of no against Japan". ─── 兰

69、Analysis of Endangering Bulletin Health Crime and Its Characteristics ─── 危害公共卫生罪及其特征分析

70、crime of endangering peace ─── [法] 危害安宁罪

71、Investigate and Research on the Endangering Minorities'Language of China--Investigation Report on the Existing Situation of Manchu Language ─── 中国濒危少数民族语言调查研究--满语现存情况调查报告

72、Establishing relations with and acquiring support and assistance from institutions, organizations or individuals beyond the territory to conduct activities endangering State security. ─── 与境外机构、组织、个人建立联系,取得支持、帮助,进行危害国家安全活动。

73、a criminal element endangering state security shall be sentenced to deprivation of political rights as a supplementary punishment ─── 对于危害国家安全的犯罪分子应当附加剥夺政治权利

74、Urban fugitive dust is one of the urban pollution sources of influencing air quality, degrading atmospheric visibility and endangering citizens' health. ─── 城市地面扬尘是影响城市空气质量、降低大气能见度、危害市民身体健康的城市污染源之一。

75、He says the release poses a national security threat possibly endangering troops. ─── 他认为此举会对国家安全造成威胁,有可能危及部队。

76、On the other, tightening supply any more could push crude up too high, entrenching the downturn and endangering any economic recovery. ─── 另一方面,进一步收紧供应可能会过度推高油价,加剧经济下滑,危害到经济复苏。

77、From the 1950s, China began to popularize the bovine vaccine and in the early 1960s, smallpox, an infectious disease seriously endangering children's health, was eliminated. ─── 中国自五十年代开始在全国普种痘苗,并在六十年代初成功地消灭了天花这一严重危害儿童健康的传染

78、One is erythropoietin (epo), it can improve the training and endurance training load, but it may cause thrombosis, endangering the lives of athletes of prohibited substances. ─── 一个是促红细胞生成素(epo),它能提高训练耐力和训练负荷,但可能造成血栓,危害运动员生命的违禁物质。

79、Plotting or committing activities endangering State security in association with institutions, organizations or individuals beyond the territory; ─── 与境外机构、组织、个人共同策划或者进行危害国家安全活动的;

80、Power supply enterprises are entitled to stop anyone from endangering the safety of power supply and utilization or disturbing the order of power supply and utilization. ─── 对危害供电、用电安全和扰乱供电、用电秩序的,供电企业有权制止。

81、Once you have determined that you are not endangering yourself and that the victim is in a relatively safe position, get help if you are able to do so. ─── 一旦你确定了自己没有危险并且受伤者在相对安全的位置,尽量寻求专业救援。

82、They were afraid to do so earlier lest they seem unpatriotic in wartime, thereby endangering their seats in Congress ─── 以前他们曾担心行动过早而在战争期间显得缺少爱国主义,从而危及他们在国会中的席位。

83、From the 1950s,China began to popularize the bovine vaccine and in the early 1960s,smallpox,an infectious disease seriously endangering children's health,was eliminated. ─── 中国自五十年代开始在全国普种痘苗,并在六十年代初成功地消灭了天花这一严重危害儿童健康的传染病。

84、Today, the Thames could be frozen for a year without endangering the livelihoods of any but a few pleasure-boatmen. ─── 如今,泰晤士河即使结冰一年,也不会危及到除少数游船船夫以外的任何人的生计。

85、75.Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the feder al government. ─── 75、也许他认为他批评美国的外支政策就会使他从联帮政府那里获得的对人权和的支持受到威胁。

86、The risk of endangering a child's strong affection by disturbing ideas which had grown with her growth was to Mrs. Henchard too fearful a thing to contemplate. ─── 一个孩子本有许多烦扰的观念,这是随着岁月在增长的,而冒险用这来破坏她的坚强的爱情,真是亨察尔太太连想也不敢想的事。

87、crime of intentionally endangering public security by using other dangerous means ─── 以危险方法危害公共安全

88、Some of the disadvantages are high cost of research and development, endangering biodiversity, genetic erosion and lack of access for poor farmers to use new varieties. ─── 一些缺点就是研究开发成本高,对生物多样性有害,基因种类减少,对贫穷的农民来说缺少使用新品种的渠道。

89、The Hemipterous Pests Endangering Bamboo in China ─── 中国竹类半翅目害虫

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