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08-17 投稿


buttonhole 发音

英:['b?tnh??l]  美:[?b?tn?hol]

英:  美:

buttonhole 中文意思翻译



buttonhole 短语词组

1、buttonhole stitch video ─── 扣眼缝视频

2、mitral buttonhole ─── [医] 二尖瓣口纽孔状缩窄

3、buttonhole elastic ─── 扣眼松紧带

4、buttonhole flower crossword ─── 扣眼花纵横字谜

5、buttonhole fracture ─── [医] 钮孔形骨折, 穿孔骨折

6、buttonhole incision ─── [医] 钮孔式切开

7、buttonhole knitting instructions ─── 扣眼编织说明

8、buttonhole stitch n. ─── 镶边的针脚

9、buttonhole fistula ─── 锁眼瘘

10、buttonhole stitching ─── 镶边的针脚

11、buttonhole mitral stenosis ─── 二尖瓣口钮孔状狭窄

12、buttonhole operation ─── [医] 钮扣式手术

buttonhole 词性/词形变化,buttonhole变形

过去式:buttonholed 现在分词:buttonholing 名词复数形式:buttonholes 第三人称单数:buttonholes 过去分词:buttonholed

buttonhole 相似词语短语

1、buttonholds ─── vt.强留(人)谈或听

2、buttonholed ─── n.扣眼;钮孔;vt.强迫听或谈

3、buttonhold ─── vt.强留(人)谈或听

4、bottomhole ─── 井底

5、buttonholer ─── n.开扣眼器

6、buttonhook ─── n.钮扣钩;绊钩

7、buttonholes ─── n.直切小口;钮孔(buttonhole的复数);v.在…上开扣眼;在…上切开小口(buttonhole的第三人称单数)

8、buttonholers ─── n.开扣眼器

9、buttonheld ─── vt.强留(人)谈或听(buttonhold的变形)

buttonhole 习惯用语

1、buttonhole sb. ─── 强留某人; 硬拖住某人谈话; 因谈话使某人厌烦

2、take sb. down a buttonhole lower ─── 杀一杀某人的傲气

3、take the frills out of sb. ─── 杀一杀某人的傲气

buttonhole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is often a chain stitch machine and the size of the buttonhole can be altered to suit with requirements. ─── 它是一台链式线迹缝纫机,纽洞的大小可以根据需要调节。

2、mitral buttonhole ─── [医] 二尖瓣口纽孔状缩窄

3、buttonhole fracture ─── [医] 钮孔形骨折, 穿孔骨折

4、It consisted of oak-leaves with an anchor, on which a swastika was superimposed.It was clipped to the ribbon of the Iron Cross Second Class and worn from the buttonhole. ─── 包括橡树叶圆环,佩戴在一个破旧的二级铁十字勋章的彩带上面。

5、buttonhole operation ─── [医] 钮扣式手术

6、Buttonhole at back pocket is not straight. ─── 后袋钮门歪斜不直。

7、He had wormed a finger, in the darkness, through a buttonhole of Stephen's coat ─── 在黑暗之中,他把一个手指头插入斯梯芬的外衣的钮扣眼里。

8、This buttonhole is torn ─── 纽孔扯裂了。

9、buttonhole foot ─── 扣眼压脚

10、Bartacking for various kinds of clothing such as suits, jeans and work clothes or for trousers ring, also applicable for eye-let buttonhole tacking and attaching trade mark. ─── 适用于各种服装(如西服、牛仔裤、工作服、时装、大衣等)的大小套结、纽孔加固、裤带环套结、钉商标等。

11、He was wearing a carnation in his buttonhole. ─── 他在扣眼里插了一朵康乃馨。

12、follow at your reply we had more problem with buttonhole of your capacitor. ─── 按你回复的进行操作,电容按钮孔上出现有更多的问题。

13、He had a spray in his buttonhole. ─── 他的钮孔中插著一簇花。

14、boxer buttonhole scissors ─── 开钮口剪

15、When he took his leave, late in the evening, from the mujlis of our elders, I would buttonhole and drag him to our school room. ─── 当他在傍晚从长者那里离开时,我会把他强拉入学校。

16、I couldn't find the button, so I just sewed up the buttonhole. ─── 我找不到扣子,所以我只把扣眼儿...

17、Flower worn in the buttonhole of the lapel of a coat or jacket ─── 大衣或上衣翻领的钮扣孔上佩带的花

18、buttonhole shape ─── 纽扣孔状:主动脉瓣狭窄时M型超声显示

19、out of a buttonhole , a bundle of violets handed demurely to a crush each conveys a different sentiment. ─── 一种花一个故事。红玫瑰献给真爱,雏菊从钮扣孔探出头来张望,一束紫罗兰庄严地递到梦中情人面前,不同的情感就这样得到传递。

20、4. He had a spray in his buttonhole. ─── 他的钮孔中插著一簇花.

21、Buttonhole with incomplete stitching. ─── /钮门缐步未开完。

22、Whatever a man's age, he can reduce it several year by putt a bright- coloured flower in his buttonhole. ─── 无论男人的年纪有多大,只要往上衣领子上的钮眼儿里插上一支鲜艳的花朵,就可以年轻好几岁啦。

23、Fine moving after dine,the fixed buttonhole can be faseened on the button in the open. ─── 微调:孕妇饭后可将腰带上固定扣眼系在外侧活动明扣处.

24、He was wearing a carnation in his buttonhole. ─── 他在钮扣眼里插了一朵康乃馨。

25、Husband: Did you sew the button on my shirt, darling? Wife: No, dear. I couldn't find the button, so I just sewed up the buttonhole. ─── 丈夫:你给我把扣子缝好了吗,亲爱的?妻子:没有,亲爱的。我找不到扣子,所以我只把扣眼儿给缝上了。

26、worked with a needle in a buttonhole stitch on a paper pattern. ─── 缝在包装图案上的镶边的针脚的花边。

27、buttonhole someone ─── 强留某人

28、Sport a moustache, a diamond ring, a flower in one's buttonhole ─── 神气地蓄著小胡子、戴著钻石戒指、在钮扣眼中插著花

29、He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. ─── 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。

30、sport a moustache,a diamond ring, a flower in one's buttonhole ─── 神气地蓄着小胡子、 戴着钻石戒指、 在钮扣眼中插着花.

31、She buttonhole me in the corridor and ask me about my plan. ─── 她在走廊里把我拉住,询问了我的计划。

32、And remember Mark Twain's advice, "Whatever a man's age he can reduce it several years by putting a bright-colored flower in his buttonhole. ─── 记住马克吐温的建议“一个男人,不管年龄多大,只要在他的钮扣孔处别一朵鲜艳的胸花,他看上去就会年轻几岁。”

33、Bar tacking for various kinds of clothing such as suits, jeans and work clothes, also applicable for eye-let buttonhole tacking. ─── 适用于西服、牛仔服等各类服装受力部位加固节缝制和圆头纽孔缝尾加固及缝锁伞顶圆。

34、a red rose given to a true love , a daisy peeking out of a buttonhole , a bundle of violets handed demurely to a crush ? ─── 红玫瑰献给真爱,雏菊从钮扣孔探出头来张望,一束紫罗兰庄严地递到梦中情人面前,不同的情感就这样得到传递。

35、To sew with a buttonhole stitch. ─── 用锁眼针缝用缝纽扣眼的针来缝韧

36、reinforcing looped stitch for edges, as around a buttonhole. ─── 边上的加固性的环状缝法,如纽扣孔周围。

37、worked with a needle in a buttonhole stitch on a paper pattern ─── 缝在包装图案上的镶边的针脚的花边

38、A red rose given to a true love, a daisy peeking out of a buttonhole, a bundle of violets handed demurely to a crash each conveys a different sentiment. ─── 一种花一个故事。Every flower tells a story. 红玫瑰献给真爱,雏菊从钮扣孔探出头来张望,一束紫罗兰庄严地递到梦中情人面前,不同的情感就这样得到传递。

39、take someone down a buttonhole (lower) ─── 杀杀某人的傲气,打下某人的架子

40、He had a white carnation in his buttonhole. ─── 他在纽扣孔上佩了朵白色康乃馨。

41、A Flower Inserted In Garments Buttonhole ─── 襟上一朵花

42、To secure hand-finished waistbands, tailored buttonhole facings, and bindings use a variation of this hem stitch, picking up the machine stitches instead of the folded edge. ─── 为了使手工整修的腰带、西装纽洞贴边牢固,卷边针法可变化,挑起机缝线迹而不是折边。

43、My flower, seek not thy paradise in a fool's buttonhole. ─── 我的芳花啊,不要在愚者的纽扣洞里觅求你的天堂。

44、This was one of several models of buttonhole cameras widely used in the Soviet Union, Europe and North America. ─── 图片里这个是曾在前苏联、欧洲以及北美地区被广泛使用的几款纽扣相机中的一种。

45、Just Sew the Buttonhole New Husband: Did you sew the button on my shirt, darling? ─── 只缝上了扣眼儿新婚丈夫:你给我把扣子缝好了吗,亲爱的?

46、To free or remove(a button) from a buttonhole. ─── 从扣眼松开(纽扣)

47、Attaching button and buttonhole tape ─── 缝合钮扣和钮孔垫带

48、He wore a sprig of lilac in his buttonhole. ─── 他在他的钮扣上戴著一个紫丁香的小花枝。

49、I don't like to Buttonhole people. ─── 我不愿意强留人谈话

50、Finally, an ex ample of straight buttonhole machine was provided to illustrate the availability of the proposed approach. ─── 最后用平头锁眼机的模块划分说明了该方法的有效性。

51、Sixty years of buttonhole experience. The new 558 is the result. ─── 六十多年经验打造了新一代558圆头锁眼机。

52、A really well-made buttonhole is the only link between art and nature. ─── 开得好的钮眼儿是联系艺术与自然的惟一环节。

53、If possible, he should have a red ribbon in his lapel, through the buttonhole. He should wear pajamas on going to bed. ─── 如果有条件,他还应该在上衣翻领上系一条红缓带,穿过纽眼,上床睡觉时还要换睡衣。

54、My flower,seek not thy paradise in a Foo's buttonhole. ─── 我的花朵啊,请别在傻瓜的长谈里寻觅你的极乐世界。

55、buttonhole incision ─── [医] 钮孔式切开

56、Hardware System Design of Straight Buttonhole Machine ─── 嵌入式平头锁眼机硬件系统设计

57、Perfect buttonhole will be sewn automatically to match button. Also used for "Quick Darn" on Memory Craft Machines. ─── 一步骤开扣眼专用压脚以后方钮扣比对区可以一模一样车出相同大小之扣洞,并且可记忆钮扣大小。

58、In the noisy basement, hawkers of leather goods buttonhole passing foreigners, cajoling until all hope of a sale is lost. ─── 在嘈杂的地下室,贩卖皮具的小商贩们极力拉住经过的外国人,推销他们的商品。

59、A flower or small bunch of flowers worn in a buttonhole. ─── 纽孔花束别在纽孔上的花或小花束

60、buttonhole camera ─── 小孔照相机

61、buttonhole mitral stenosis ─── 二尖瓣口钮孔状缩窄

62、Sew Buttonhole / Buttonholing ─── 开钮门

63、Whatever a man's age, he can reduce it several years by putting a bright - coloured flower in his buttonhole. ─── 无论男人的年纪有多大,只要往上衣领子上的钮眼儿里插上一枝鲜艳的花朵,就可以年轻好几岁啦。

64、to sport a beard/a diamond ring/a flower in your buttonhole ─── 故意显示蓄着的长胡子/手上的钻戒/扣眼里插着的花

65、New Wife: No, dear. I couldn't find the button, so I just sewed up the buttonhole. ─── 新婚妻子:没有,亲爱的。我找不到扣子,所以我只把扣眼儿给缝上了。

66、He arrived at Paddington Station and smartly turned out in his best suit, favorite Panama hat and a red rose in his buttonhole. ─── 他到达帕丁顿车站,穿得漂漂亮亮的在他最好的西装,喜爱的巴拿马草帽,一束红玫瑰,在他的钮扣。

67、Wife: No, dear. I couldn't find the button, so I just sewed up the buttonhole. ─── 妻子:没有,亲爱的。我找不到扣子,所以我只把扣眼儿给缝上了.

68、reinforcing looped stitch for edges,as around a buttonhole ─── 边上的加固性的环状缝法,如纽扣孔周围

69、An electronically controlled needle thread tension guarantees perfect buttonholes in just any kind if buttonhole knives. ─── 采用独特的面线电子张力器,在各种不同的面料上都能获得完美的锁眼线迹。

70、It is easy, then, to imagine Luisa Santiaga's surprise one night at a dance when the audacious telegraph operator took the flower from his buttonhole and said to her: "I give you my life in this rose. ─── 一天晚上,在舞会上,那位大胆的电报员从他的纽扣眼里取出鲜花,对我母亲说:“我把我的生命放在这朵玫瑰中,献给你。”可以想象,她有多惊讶。

71、1 。buttonhole is fraying>check adjustment of stitch . ─── 扣眼的线太稀了,锁密些.

72、a hook for pulling a button through a buttonhole ─── 使纽扣穿过纽扣孔的钩

73、embroidery in which the design is outlined in a buttonhole stitch and the intervening material is cut away. ─── 设计图案用镶边的针脚制作一个大概,中间的材料被切去了。

74、The machine is fitted with a blade which corresponds to the site of the buttonhole being formed. ─── 机器上装有一把刀,这把刀与纽洞的位置是一致的。

75、a flower or small bunch of flowers worn in a buttonhole ─── 别在纽孔上的花或小花束

76、56 My flower,seek not thy paradise in a fool's buttonhole. ─── 我的花啊,不要在愚人的钮扣孔里寻找你的乐园。

77、Stuck a flower in his buttonhole ─── 将花插入他的钮扣洞之中

78、3. He stuck a flower in his buttonhole. ─── 他在钮孔里插了一朵花。

79、He stuck a rose in the buttonhole. ─── 他在扣眼里插上一枝玫瑰。

80、He arrived at Paddington Station and smartly turned out in his best suit , favorite Panama hat and a red rose in his buttonhole. ─── 他到达帕丁顿站,穿着是最好的西服、戴着最喜爱的巴拿马草帽、扣子上别着一支玫瑰花潇洒地走下车来。

81、a hook for pulling a button through a buttonhole. ─── 使纽扣穿过纽扣孔的钩。

82、A really well- made buttonhole is the only link between art and nature. ─── 开得好的钮眼是联系艺术与自然的唯一环节。

83、Walking through the streets of ancient Athens, he would buttonhole the powerful men of his time, asking them irreverent questions about their opinions ─── 他穿行于古雅典城的街道、楼下当时的权贵人士,然后就他们的见解直言不讳地提出各种问题。

84、A generally disk-shaped fastener used to join two parts of a garment by fitting through a buttonhole or loop. ─── 钮扣通常为圆片状的固着物,用于穿过扣眼或扣环将衣服的两个部分连起来

85、stuck a flower in his buttonhole; sticking her head out the window. ─── 把一朵花插在他的扣眼里;把她的头伸出窗外

86、Stick a flower in a buttonhole ─── 把花插在纽孔里

87、He stuck a rose in his buttonhole. ─── 他在扣眼里插了一枝玫瑰。

88、A red rose given to a true love, a daisy peeking out of a buttonhole, a bundle of violets handed demurely to a crush??each conveys a different sentiment. ─── 红玫瑰献给真爱,雏菊从钮扣孔探出头来张望,一束紫罗兰庄严地递到梦中情人面前,不同的情感就这样得到传递。

89、The Mechanic was asked to place on the buttonhole machine samples of Lapel and Buttonholes to ensure maintained standards for all to see, Operator, Supervisor and Management. ─── 到时,经理,主管和操作人员会全部观看机械工用钮扣孔机器抽取放置翻领和钮扣孔样品,来确定是否维护其制作标准!



平针(Running stitch )

这是最常用最简单的一种手缝方法,通常用来做一些不需要很牢固的缝合,以及做褶裥、缩口等。 可以一次多挑几针然后一起拉紧线头。平针的针脚距离一般保持在0.5厘米左右。2.疏缝、假缝( Tacking Stitch / Basting )和平针的针法一样,但针距较大,这种手缝方法通常用来做正式缝合前的粗略固定,为的是方便下一步的缝合,作用类似于珠针。

3. 回针、倒针 (Backstitch)


4. 锁边缝 (Oversewing Stitch / Overcasting )


5. 包边缝(Blanket & Buttonhole Stitch)


6. 藏针缝(Drawing Stitch)



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