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benthamite 中文意思翻译




benthamite 词性/词形变化,benthamite变形


benthamite 短语词组

1、benthamite def ─── 膨润土定义

2、benthamite test ─── 膨润土试验

3、benthamite theory ─── 膨润土理论

4、benthamite ethics ─── 边沁伦理

5、benthamite definition ─── 膨润土定义

6、benthamite view ─── 边沁景观

7、benthamite calculus ─── 膨润土微积分

benthamite 相似词语短语

1、bedlamite ─── n.疯子;adj.疯狂的;疯子似的

2、Benjamite ─── 便雅悯人

3、bentonite ─── n.[土壤]膨润土,[试剂]皂土;[地质]斑脱土(火山灰风化的胶状黏土);膨土岩

4、Annamite ─── 长山

5、Benthamic ─── adj.边沁学说的

6、benzamine ─── [有化]苯扎明;优卡因

7、Benthamism ─── n.功利主义

8、Benthamite ─── n.边沁主义者;边沁主义的信徒;adj.边沁主义的;赞同边沁主义的

9、Gothamite ─── n.愚蠢者;纽约市民

benthamite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That is why Bentham some of the important work of the first version of the French is that he has become famous in continental Europe far earlier than in their motherland. ─── 这就是为什么边沁的一些重要著作的最早版本是法语的,他在欧洲大陆成名也远早于在其祖国。

3、The ethical theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill that all action should be directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. ─── 功利主义一种杰瑞米·边沁和詹姆士·穆勒提出的伦理学理论,这种理论认为所有行动须为最大多数人获得最大幸福。

4、the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham,holding that pleasure is the chief end of life and that the greatest happiness for the greatest number should be the ultimate goal of human beings ─── 杰里米·边沁的功利主义者哲学,认为快乐是人生的主要追求,使最多数人得到最大幸福应是人类的终极目标

5、The liberal views of utilitarianism of legal positivism: from Bentham to Hart ─── 法律实证主义的功利主义自由观:从边沁到哈特

6、panamensis Bentham Swertia ─── [医] 巴拿马苦皮树, 洪都拉斯苦树皮

7、As a result, Bentham’s late works, the purpose is to build a new Legal language, and then not knowing what to be, that is difficult because of the old language of the law. ─── 因此,边沁晚期的著作,宗旨是建立一种新的法律语言,然后流于不知所云,难谓由于旧有法律语言。”

8、One of them is the sin, real or alleged, of insisting, as Austin and Bentham did, on the separation of law as it is and law as it ought to be. ─── 其中一宗莫须有的罪名是,想奥斯汀和边沁一样,坚持区分实然的法律和应然的法律。

9、On the Learning of Bentham's Theory of Crime Compensation by the System of Civil Suit Collateral to Criminal Proceedings of China ─── 论边沁犯罪补偿理论对刑事附带民事诉讼制度的借鉴

10、But, as Bentham noted, where the temptation to commit an offense is greater, the threat of more severe punishment is required to overcome the temptation. ─── 但是,正如边沁所言,犯罪的诱因越大,就需要更大的惩罚危险来压制诱因。

11、Have the practical consequences of stressing the distinction as Bentham and Austin did been bad? ─── 边沁和奥斯汀对这种区分的强调真就不好吗?

12、The Bentham Project at UCL ─── 边沁项目

13、He was the eldest of the nine children of James Mill, the chief disciple of Bentham and one of the most important leaders in the Utilitarian movement in England. ─── 他是詹姆斯?穆勒(生九子)的长子、边沁的首徒、英国功利主义思潮的灵魂。

14、Jeremy Bentham and John Austin declared that the Equity was full of morality and lack of stability. ─── 边沁与奥斯丁指责衡平法充满道德内容,因而缺乏确定性。

15、The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his "utilitarian" philosophy. ─── 他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?边沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。

16、Advances on Studies of Leucaena Bentham in China ─── 我国银合欢研究进展

17、Bentham that a possible solution is to expand the right to vote, more votes to break the deadlock in reality. ─── 边沁认为一个可行的办法就是扩大选举权,以更多的选票打破现实僵局。

18、Yet, this was precisely what the confusion between law and morals had done and Bentham found that the confusion had spread symmetrically in two different directions. ─── 然而,这恰恰是混淆法律与道德所做的,边沁认为这种混淆沿着两个不同的方向系统地扩散。

19、Definition: Angelica Dahurica Root is the root of Angelica dahurica Bentham et Hooker (umbelliferae). ─── 本品为伞形科植物兴安白芷 Angelica dahurica Bentham et Hooker 的根。

20、One consequence of Mill's modification was that it was no longer possible to use Bentham's "happiness calculus". ─── 穆勒的修正的一个结果就是,无法在使用边沁的“快乐算法”了。

21、bentham dichrocephala root ─── 鱼眼草根

22、bentham dichrocephala herb ─── 鱼眼草

23、P. peduncularis (GrahamexBentham) Bentham ─── 云南葛藤

24、Jeremy Bentham is the founder of the British utilitarianism in the second half of 18~(th) century. ─── 边沁是18世纪后半叶英国功利主义学派的奠基人。

25、Since then, Bentham, known as the originator of law and analysis. ─── 自此,边沁被称为分析主义法学的鼻祖。

26、There was scarcely a text or a proposal about the prisons which didn't mention Bentham's 'device' - the 'Panopticon' "The principle was this.A perimeter building in the form of a ring. ─── 一切都在变化中,姑且不去分出个现代与后现代来,让我们与时俱进地从事我们的教育活动吧。

27、He contended that welfare consists in the experiencing of pleasurable mental states, suggesting, in contrast to Bentham, that the quality, not simply the amount, of a pleasure is what matters. ─── 他承认幸福是由愉悦的精神状态的经验组成的,和边沁相反,他主张至关重要的是快乐的性质而不仅仅是数量。

28、Doctrine that the useful is the good especially as elaborated by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill the aim being the greatest happiness for of greatest number. ─── 主张有用即是好的主义:由jeremybentham和jamesmill推广,目的在于制造最大利益给最多数的人的。

29、Having developed an interest in plant taxonomy from the age of 17, Bentham abandoned (1833) his career in law to devote himself entirely to his botanical collection and library. ─── 他从17岁开始就对植物分类产生了浓厚的兴趣,1833年他放弃了他的原有的法律职业,转而投向植物采集和植物藏书中。

30、Moreover, We try to analyse these notions according to the panopticism based on the Bentham's Panopticon. ─── 与此同时,我们尝试性运用基于边沁环视监狱的环视观分析这些概念。

31、Bentham, Ricardo, and Mill had no difficulty in agreeing that of course voters would have to be able to show some educational achievement. ─── 可在他报道过一次又一次的当地选举后,他很快就意识到,还有大量的铺垫工作需要去完成。

32、One by one in Bentham's works you can identify the elements of the Rechtstaat and all the principles for the defense of which the terminology of natural law has in our day been revived. ─── 在他们的著作中你会渐渐发现法治国的要素,你也会发现当代复兴自然法的术语所捍卫的所有原则。

33、What is it that should trace the insuperable line? ...The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?(Jeremy Bentham ─── 是什么才是最关键的?答案不在于它们能否思考,也不在于它们能否说话,而在于它们能否感受到痛苦。(边沁)

34、We owe it to Bentham more than anyone else that we have stopped discussing this and similar questions of social policy in that form. ─── 我们已经不再以这种方式讨论这个问题和类似的社会政策问题。边沁对此作出的贡献多于其他任何人。

35、The utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, holding that pleasure is the chief end of life and that the greatest happiness for the greatest number should be the ultimate goal of human beings. ─── 边沁主义杰里米 边沁的功利主义者哲学,认为快乐是人生的主要追求,使最多数人得到最大幸福应是人类的终极目标

36、Bentham presented a logic on will or imperative sentences in 1780.Ernst Mally was the first man who tried to construct deontic logic. ─── 边沁在1780年提出一个关于意志的或者说命令句的逻辑。

37、Bentham's insisted on this distinction without characterizing morality by reference to God but only, of course, by reference to the principles of utility. ─── 边沁描述道德的特征时候参照的不是上帝而理所当然只有可能是功利的原则,而且仍然坚持这一区分。

38、Dioscorea benthamii [Bentham's yam] ─── 边氏薯蓣

39、Samuel Bentham ─── 边沁(1757-1831),英国人,造船工程师。

40、A review of Jeremy Bentham and his utilitarian education ─── 边沁功利主义教育思想述评

41、The Classic Utilitarianism is represented by Bentham and Mill, and the Modern Utilitarianism includes the Action Utilitarianism and Standard Utilitarianism. ─── 古典功利主义以边沁、密尔为代表; 现代功利主义包括行动功利主义与准则功利主义。

42、Bentham sums up two principles that are applicable to penalty. ─── 边沁归纳出了刑罚适用的两个基本原则。

43、Bentham, George (1800-84) British botanist. ─── 本瑟姆:英国植物学家。

44、Back to Bentham ─── 回到边沁

45、While affirming the outside sanction, he points out that Bentham neglects the importance of personal ego development and educations. ─── 密尔对边沁的道德制裁理论进行了修正,他在肯定外在制裁力作用的同时,指出边沁忽视个人的自我发展和教育在道德理论中的地位。

46、Taking a panoramic view of Bentham’s writing career, we can work in two stages. ─── 纵观边沁的著述生涯,我们可以将其作品分为两个阶段。

47、It is not surprising that some philosophers, such as Thomas Malthus and Jeremy Bentham, tried to remove emotion from their visions of social reform. ─── 而哲学家们,如托马斯?马尔萨斯和杰尼米?边沁,尝试去掉情感成分来看待社会改革的努力也就不足为奇了。

48、The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his“ utilitarian” philosophy. ─── 他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。

49、That's a deduction from Jeremy Bentham's theory of interest. ─── 这是根据虞莱弥·朋撒姆关于高利贷的理论推演出来的。

50、Some critics have, therefore, not without regret: “The old Bentham, that there is no reform from the root of the legal system of language, it is impossible to build a new science. ─── 因此有评论者不无遗憾地指出:“老去的边沁,认为没有从根改革的法律体系的语言,不可能构建一个新的科学。

51、George Bentham ─── 边沁(1800-84),英国人,植物学家。

52、It is not in fact always easy to trace this historical causal connection, but Bentham was certainly ready to admit its existence; ─── 事实上,这种因果联系不总是容易追溯的。但是边沁确实愿意承认它的存在。

53、Bentham’s utilitarianism of these is the assumption that at least a kind of political theory. ─── 边沁的功利主义这些就是这样一种假设最少的政治理论。

54、Bentham, George ─── 边沁

55、H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham,“ Introduction”,Clarendon Press,Oxford, pp1-2. ─── 关键词:宪法,法律,宪法学,戴西,解释者,什么,法学,评论者,边沁

56、The comparative analysis of the Utilitarianism ideas of Mocius and Bentham ─── 墨子与边沁的功利主义思想之比较

57、In religion, Mill had been brought up as an agnostic, and, in philosophy, a utilitarian of the school of Bentham; ─── 宗教上,穆勒自小就是不可知论者;哲学上,他是边沁功利主义信徒。

58、A Exploratory Analysis of the Bentham Utilitarian Views of Criminal Penalty ─── 边沁的功利主义刑罚观探析

59、Bentham was the founder of the theory of functionalist ethics and the spiritual leader of the massive functionalist campaign in the later half of 18th century in England. ─── 边沁是18世纪后半叶英国功用主义伦理理论框架的确立者和声势浩大的功用主义运动的精神领袖。

60、What is it that should trace the insuperable line?.The question is not, Can they reason? Nor Can they talk? But, Can they suffer?(Jeremy Bentham) ─── 是什么才是最关键的?答案不在于它们能否思考,也不在于它们能否说话,而在于它们能否感受到痛苦。(边沁)

61、But in recent years, economists have become newly confident that they can measure utility as Bentham conceived it: as a quantum of pleasure or pain. ─── 但最近几年,经济学家们重拾信心,确信他们能够用本森构想的快乐或痛苦量子来衡量效用。

62、Therefore, Bentham said of the bourgeoisie is very smart and attractive. ─── 因此边沁的说法对精明的资产阶级很富吸引力。

63、Bentham’s original style is evident from this obscure. ─── 边沁原作的晦涩风格由此可见一斑。

64、Jeremy Bentham.Theory of Legislation(2nd)(M).trans.by R.Hildreth,London:Tr bner &Co,1876 ─── (英)彼得.斯坦,约翰.香德.西方社会的法律价值(M).王献平译.北京:中国人民公安大学出版社,1990

65、First is utilitarianism, going back to Jeremy Bentham, with its emphasis on maximizing the total "utility" of a community by achieving "the greatest good for the greatest number. ─── 第一种哲学传统,乃为效用主义,此一主义,可回溯至边沁。该哲学强调“须最大化社群之总‘效用’,从而实现‘最大多数之最大幸福’”。

66、Leucaena bentham ─── 银合欢

67、In the Interest of the Governed: A Study in Bentham's Philosophy of Utility and Law ─── 为了被统治者的利益:边沁的效用和法律哲学研究

68、 双语使用场景

69、A Brief Thesis on Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarian Thought and Legal Reform ─── 简论边沁的功利思想及法律改革

70、The Works of Jeremy Bentham ─── 边沁文集

71、Studies on the Legal Thought of Jeremy Bentham ─── 边沁法律思想之研究

72、This is not how difficult concessions, the arrival of the first, Bentham appears to be such a radical democrats as for the small, but very useful. ─── 这并不是多么困难的让步,到来头,边沁这种看似激进的民主派因为所求不多,反而十分有用。

73、It was put forward by Spencer,Bentham,Mill,Ostin and Main that the world is not constructed and the public order is not kept reasoningly. ─── 他们认为 ,世界不是由人的理性的构建的世界 ,社会秩序不完全是理性秩序。

74、Contrary to Bentham, the "sovereign masters that determine what people will do are not pleasure and pain, but fallible memories of pleasure and pain. ─── 与边沁相反,“决定人们做什么的权力主宰并不是快乐和痛苦,而是会犯错误的对快乐和痛苦的记忆。”

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