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08-17 投稿


giblets 发音

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英:  美:

giblets 中文意思翻译



giblets 网络释义

n. 内脏,杂碎;残余物(giblet的复数)

giblets 短语词组

1、giblets gin giblets ─── 杜松子酒

2、giblets eso ─── 杂碎eso

3、giblets meme ─── 内脏迷因

4、giblets eq ─── 钩舌eq

5、giblets definition ─── 内脏定义

6、giblets food ─── 内脏食物

giblets 词性/词形变化,giblets变形

名词: giber |副词: gibingly |

giblets 相似词语短语

1、giglets ─── n.荡妇;轻浮的女孩

2、gilets ─── n.马甲;背心;n.(Gilet)人名;(法)吉莱

3、gillets ─── 鳃

4、gablets ─── n.小山墙;花山头

5、gimlets ─── n.手钻,螺丝锥;兼烈鸡尾酒;adj.有钻洞能力的;穿透的,锐利的;v.用螺丝锥钻洞

6、goblets ─── n.酒杯;高脚杯;n.(Goblet)人名;(法)戈布莱;(德)戈布勒特

7、gibbets ─── n.绞刑架;绞死;v.将……处以绞刑;将(尸体)吊上绞刑示众架;使当众受辱

8、giblet ─── n.(禽类的)内脏杂碎;adj.用(禽类的)内脏杂碎做的

9、riblets ─── n.(小牛、小羊的)肋条;排骨

giblets 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Blanch chicken giblets and discard water. ─── 鸡杂出水,备水。

2、Top listed ingredients: Chicken Broth, Chicken, Chicken Giblets, Chicken Liver, Lamb Liver, Mackerel and Rice. ─── 首要成分为:鸡汤,鸡肉,鸡残余物(估计就是鸡杂),鸡肝脏,羊肝脏,鲭鱼和米麸质。

3、Chicken giblets soup with vegetables ─── 蔬菜鸡什汤

4、The Qin Dynasty knows that those are some giblets that hide in the dark place, peeped out their own prototypes. ─── 秦朝知道,那是藏在暗处的一些杂碎们,露出了自己的原型。

5、Remove neck, giblets and liver. Reserve these for making stock. Rinse the turkey and pat dry. ─── 除去颈、内脏及其他残余物,将火鸡洗净滤干;

6、Giblets curry with rice balls ─── 咖喱胗肝饭

7、Chicken giblets soup with spinach ─── 鸡杂菠菜汤

8、Dried paint giblets can be wiped off by paint cleanser. ─── 干燥后的油漆残余物可用去漆水去除。

9、spicy chicken giblets ─── 卤鸡杂

10、Remove neck, giblets and liver. Reserve these for making stock. Rinse the turkey and pat dry. ─── 除去颈、内脏及其他残余物,将火鸡洗净滤干;

11、Boil 6 cups of water. Add chicken giblets, pork balls and ginger. Cook for 10 min.. ─── 煲滚6杯水,放入鸡杂、猪肉丸和姜,煲10分钟;

12、He steals a goose, and gives the giblets in alms. ─── 劫富济贫。

13、chicken giblets soup ─── 鸡杂汤

14、fried giblets ─── 炸肫肝

15、He steal a goose,and give the giblets in alms. ─── 作大恶,行小善。

16、giblet meat ─── 横膈膜肉

17、add the onion, giblets and mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes; ─── 加入洋葱,内脏杂碎和蘑菇煮五分钟;

18、fried sliced whelk with chicken giblets ─── 金银螺片

19、For seven long months, he kept the office open while my mother kept her husband and a three year old baby alive on castoff chicken giblets and pig intestines purchased for pennies in Chinatown. ─── 随后七个月的期间,父亲维持领事馆照常运作,而母亲则靠著以几毛钱从中国城购买没人要的鸡杂碎与猪内脏喂饱自己的先生与三岁大的孩子。

20、odds and ends; giblets; bits and pieces ─── 零碎东西

21、The Chop Suey and Giblets Congee: It is one of the most famous in all kinds of porridge in Guangzhou.You can find bean curd stick ginkgo in it.It tastes fresh and delicious. ─── 及第粥:粥类以及第粥最为出名,粥底有腐竹白果大地鱼等,粥色白鲜明,米水交融,味鲜香厚。

22、spiced giblets ─── 卤肫肝

23、The Chop Suey and Giblets Congee and the Sliced Frog Congee. ─── 及第粥的田鸡片粥。

24、fried chicken liver & giblets with fungus & bamboo shoots ─── 炒四件

25、Cook onions and giblets with1/2 tbs. oil. After it is cooled, marinade with salt, pepper and ingredients from above. This mixture is the stuffing. Set aside. ─── 用1/汤匙油炒熟洋葱粒及火鸡肉脏,待凉后与上项材料及腌料同拌匀。

26、chicken giblets ─── 鸡杂碎

27、Heat 3 tbsps oil in wok, saute giblets until cooked. Remove. ─── 烧3汤匙油,爆炒肾片至熟透,取起。

28、Giblets processing room separated room from the slaughter operation area shall be set up for the processing ofgiblets. ─── 三杂碎处理洗涤室:应独立隔间并与屠宰作业部门隔离。

29、It is hard to imagine that there would be anything but giblets left if those two now fell into the hands of their people. ─── 很难想像,假如这对活宝活入人民手中,是否会有点内脏会保持完全。

30、giblets soup ─── 什碎汤

31、" So, " said he, with his hopes d love sadly fading away, " Yon had no other aim in marrying me than to save me from the giblet?" ─── “原来如此,”随着爱情幢憬的破灭,他凄然说道,“你和我结婚仅仅是为了把我从绞刑架上救下来,毫无别的意思吗?”

32、Blanch chicken giblets and discard water. Mix sliced chicken fillet with salt, white pepper, cornstarch and oil; ─── 鸡杂出水,备用;将鸡柳与盐、胡椒粉、生粉和油拌匀;

33、I'd like to have a chop suey and giblets congee. ─── 我来一份杂烩菜和鸡什粥吧。

34、Among the dishes served up to him, the landlord especially recommended a certain giblet of 'native rabbit', on which he prided himself ─── 饭店老板在所有的菜中特别向他推荐了当地特产炒兔子肉,说这个菜的味道最美。

35、fried chicken giblets ─── 炒鸡什

36、He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencod's roes ─── 他喜欢浓郁的杂碎汤、有嚼头的胗、填料后用文火焙的心、裹着面包渣儿煎的肝片和炸雌鳕卵。

37、Trim and slice turkey giblets. Mix in seasoning and marinate for 15 minutes. ─── 火鸡肾去筋,切片,拌入调味料腌15分钟。

38、Dried paint giblets can be wiped off by paint cleanser. ─── 干燥的油漆残余物可用油漆清洁剂擦掉。

39、Get them out here so we can cut off their giblets! ─── 把他们交出来我们要把他们碎尸万段

40、congee with giblets ─── 及第粥

41、giblet check ─── 门框槽口

42、I want some chicken livers and giblets. ─── 我想买一些鸡肝和鸡内脏。

43、Boil 6 cups of water. Add chicken giblets, pork balls and ginger. Cook for 10 minutes. ─── 煲滚6杯水,放入鸡杂、猪肉丸和姜,煲10分钟。

44、The women in the village about to come, with its own pair of scissors, three five around the digging in chicken giblets. ─── 村里女人大约全来了,带着自家的剪刀,三五围着在挖鸡内脏。

45、Mrs. Bell: I want some chicken livers and giblets. ─── 贝尔太太:我想买一些鸡肝和鸡内脏。


47、Right in front of your eyes. I want some chicken livers and giblets. ─── 就在你眼前,我要些鸡胗肝。

48、Once the turkey has defrosted, remove the giblets. ─── 一旦火鸡解冻,立刻移除鸡杂。

49、the chop suey and giblets congee: it is one of the most famous in all kinds of porridge in guangzhou. you can find bean curd stick ginkgo in it.it tastes fresh and 河北. ─── 及第粥:粥类以及第粥成都百盛餐饮招聘出名,粥底有延安小吃加盟培训白果大地鱼等,粥色白鲜明,米水交融,味鲜香厚。

50、He steals a goose, and gives the giblets in alms ─── 作大恶, 行小善

51、2.Offal or giblets: Viscera, skin, feet, head, tail and bits of meat of livestock or poultry from dressing such asevisceration, skinning, removal of feet and head. ─── 二杂碎:指家畜、家禽屠体于摘取内脏、剥皮、去肢、去头尾等屠体修整作业时所产生之内脏、皮、肢、头、尾及零碎肉等产物。

52、Duck giblets soup with black mushrooms ─── 冬菇鸭杂汤

53、Heat 3 tbsps oil in wok, saute giblets until cooked. Remove. ─── 烧3汤匙油,爆炒肾片至熟透,取起。

54、the chop suey and giblets congee: it is one of the most famous in all kinds of porridge in guangzhou. you can find bean curd stick ginkgo in it.it tastes fresh and delicious. ─── 及第粥:粥类以及第粥快餐饮加盟连锁店出名,加盟有腐竹白果大地鱼等,粥色白鲜明,米水交融,味鲜香厚。

55、Rice with Chicken Giblets ─── 家常鸡杂饭

56、Cleaning of Tools: after tools are used, wash them with tepid suds and/or fresh water immediately, then wash them completely to remove giblets of cleansers. ─── 工具清洗:使用后的工具必须立即用温热的肥皂水和/或淡水清洗,然后彻底冲洗以清除掉清洁剂残余物。

57、Cook onions and giblets with 1/2 tbs. oil.After it is cooled, marinade with salt, pepper and ingredients from above.This mixture is the stuffing. Set aside. ─── 用1/2汤匙油炒熟洋葱粒及火鸡肉脏,待凉后与上项材料及腌料同拌匀。

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