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doted 发音

英:[?d??t?d]  美:[?do?t?d]

英:  美:

doted 中文意思翻译




doted 短语词组

1、doted definition ─── 溺爱定义

2、doted on/crossword ─── 溺爱/填字游戏

3、doted on synonym ─── 宠爱同义词

4、doted line ─── 圆点线

5、doted on crossw ─── 十字交叉处配备

6、doted upon ─── 溺爱

7、doted on etymology ─── 迷恋词源

8、doted on define ─── 痴迷于定义

9、doted on ─── 溺爱,宠爱;过分喜爱

10、doted on meaning ─── 没有猜测建立在意义上

doted 常用词组

dote on ─── 溺爱,宠爱;过分喜爱

doted 词性/词形变化,doted变形

动词过去分词: doted |动词现在分词: doting |动词第三人称单数: dotes |动词过去式: doted |名词: doter |

doted 相似词语短语

1、-doted ─── adj.(树木等)腐烂的;v.溺爱(dote的过去式)

2、doited ─── adj.老糊涂的;昏头的

3、dated ─── adj.陈旧的;过时的;有日期的;v.注有日期(date的过去式和过去分词)

4、coted ─── n.栏;棚;窝;n.(Cote)人名;(英、西)科特

5、dited ─── 编辑

6、dotted ─── adj.有斑点的,有点的;星罗棋布的;加附点的;v.打点于;星罗棋布于,遍布;点缀,布满;给(音符)加附点;(非正式)击打(某人)(dot的过去式和过去分词)

7、domed ─── adj.半球形的;有穹顶的;v.在…上加穹顶;隆起成穹顶状(dome的过去分词)

8、doped ─── adj.掺杂的;掺杂过的;v.向…内掺添加物(dope的过去分词)

9、doled ─── n.(非正式)失业救济金;(食物、衣服或金钱等)慈善品;(诗、文)命运,定数;(诗、文)悲伤,忧伤;v.发放,施给(食物,钱等);按额发放;(给多人)提供建议;n.(Dole)(美)多尔(人名)

doted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dote upon ─── v. 溺爱

2、You've died, we stand in silent to tribute for you, prepare the coffin , grave for you, present a bunch of oriental cherries that you dote on for you! ─── 你死了,我们为你默哀,为你准备棺木、坟墓,为你献上一束你所钟爱的樱花!

3、His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him.He hardly left her side. ─── 他的父亲知道这一点,可他的祖父母仍然宠着他。

4、Come on, they're not at all that impressed with conversation.True gentlemen avoid it when they can, but they dote and swoon and fawn on a lady who's withdrawn. ─── 听我说,他们对谈话一点也不感兴趣,真正的绅士对谈话总是避之不及。

5、Diminutive spotlight and enchase the small bulb within the ceiling, can use dash forward show the china that display, potted plant or it is the picture that you dote on is made. ─── 小型的聚光灯与镶嵌于天花板内的小灯泡,都可以用来突显陈列的瓷器、盆栽植物或是你钟爱的画作。

6、to indulge; to pamper; to spoil; to dote ─── 娇纵

7、And as soon as she saw them with her eyes , she doted upon them, and sent messengers unto them into Chaldea . ─── 阿荷利巴一看见就贪恋他们,打发使者往迦勒底去见他们。

8、She's a rude child because her parents dote on her and never say "no"to her. ─── 她是个无礼的孩子,因为她父母溺爱她,而且从来不会对她说“不”。

9、A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on. ─── 做父母所宠爱的,正是这种调皮捣蛋的孩子。

10、they having doted on the child, it has some bad influence for the child's character. ─── 他们过分纵容孩子,这对孩子的性格有不良影响.

11、He was doted on by his sisters. ─── 他受到姐姐们的宠爱。

12、If I can become the people that you dote on most in the next incarnation, keep in memory "I several love you ", you owe because of being this in the lifetime to my much essential doctrine. ─── 如果到了下辈子,记得不要再常骗皒,坦白就是最好的解释,因为皒还是会原谅伱。

13、Fives secretly like being doted over and finally finding the nurturing they have unconsciously been seeking (but may have almost given up on). ─── 五号暗中喜欢被溺爱并且最终不知不觉中会得到。。。(或者对方已经放弃了)

14、She doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men. ─── 她贪恋邻邦的亚述人,就是穿极华美的衣服,骑着马的省长,副省长,都是可爱的少年人。

15、All of our students were born after the practice of family plan in China.The Chinese parents dote on the only child, who, sometimes, is called “Little emperor”. ─── 另外,这些学生也是我国实行改革开放后出生并长大的,从小接受了与多外来文化的熏陶,跟他们的父母相比,从小受到的教育完全不同,许多父母也不知道如何教育孩子。

16、He had room in his heart only for two idols - his wife and himself: he doted on both, and adored one, and I couldn' ─── 他的心里只有两个人,他的妻子和他自己,他两个都宠溺,喜爱一个。

17、to dote on; to pamper; to spoil ─── 宠

18、Person of dust a place of strategic importance doted on Ying Jila to reach extremely stubborn degree, average person basically it does not take dispute. ─── 埃塞人钟爱英吉拉达到了极其顽固的地步,一般人基本上都是非它不吃。

19、The FG100 of MPIO is just about nostalgic and unripe, dote on for nostalgic man place with collect. ─── MPIO的FG100正是为怀旧而生,为怀旧男人所钟爱与收藏。

20、The couple doted on the pug dogs they kept. ─── 这对夫妇很溺爱他们养的哈巴狗。

21、He drowned himself in sex and pleasure and doted on his concubine Yang Yuhuan.He had many grand palaces built and lived a dissolute life. ─── 他爱好音乐,宠爱杨贵妃,大修宫室,生活极其奢侈荒淫。

22、The centaur believed that he was the strongest of the three children, and that Cenarius refused to love him and instead doted on his other children. ─── 半人马相信他是三个孩子中最强壮的,但塞纳留斯拒绝来爱他,而去溺爱他其他的孩子。

23、The two children was Shirley’s.Michelle regarded them as her own and doted on them a lot. ─── 她笑言已有一仔一女,所以不想再要,而这对子女便是雪梨的,她视为己出,一样的疼爱。

24、Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers, into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted. ─── 因此、我将他交在他所爱的人手中、就是他所恋爱的亚述人手中。

25、She's always doted on me, the poor dear, and I can't fault her for that. ─── 她一直迷恋著我,可怜的甜心,这当然不是她的错,我觉得我有点亏欠她。

26、The old couple still dote on each other just as when they first fell in love. ─── 他们老两口儿还像初恋那会儿那样亲昵。

27、The most silly ,lazy ,artful ,shrewish,ugly ,weakand unlikable child among all usually is most doted on by parents. ─── 孩子之中比较最蠢,最懒,最刁,最泼,最丑,最弱,最不讨人喜欢的,往往最得父母钟爱。

28、Therefore have I delivered her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of the Assyrians, upon whose lust she doted. ─── 为此我把她交在她情人手中,即她所热恋的亚述人手中。

29、to dote on; to cosset; to make a pet of; to love dearly ─── 宠爱

30、As the number of childless women and couples in Japan has increased, so has the number of dogs, which are being coddled and doted upon in place of children, experts say. ─── 专家说,随著日本没有子女的女人和夫妇增加,狗的数目跟著增加。这些狗取代子女,得到悉心照料和宠爱。

31、And great souls, at one stroke, may do and dote. ─── 和谐的韵律;而凭一张弓,真诚的/灵魂,可以在勒索、也同时在溺爱。

32、He had room in his heart only for two idols - his wife and himself: he doted on both, and adored one, and I couldn't conceive how he would bear the loss. ─── 他的心里只有两个人,他的妻子和他自己,他两个都宠溺,喜爱一个。我无法想象他将如何面对这损失。

33、You said that you have been doted and sill-will like a princess, right? ─── 你说你被溺爱坏了,任性得像个公主是吗?

34、Cold Lan Suhua with quietly elegant of colour and lustre, fragrance alcohol equipment suffers raise orchid person to dote on. ─── 寒兰素花以色泽淡雅、香味醇正而备受养兰人钟爱。

35、Tom, the book's protagonist, took issue with a man who doted on his household pet yet, as a slave merchant, thought “nothing of separating the husband from the wife, the parents from the children”. ─── 书中的主人公汤姆与一个人发生了争执。这人虽然爱家中的宠物。但作为一个奴隶贩子,却认为“拆散夫妻,让骨肉分离算不了什么”。

36、Among all these people, the most I owed are my grandparents who doted and loved me when they were alive. ─── 在这其中,最让我难忘并觉得对不住的就是我的爷爷奶奶,他们在世时疼我、爱我。

37、Can dote on the aunt the good niece. ─── 但不能沉溺在长辈的爱护中。

38、,your husband will dote on you every much, it is very happy ,isn't it?family is very important for woman,we should cherish the family,So let's show our gentilesse to our family! ─── 家庭对女人来说很重要,我们应该珍惜我们的家庭,让我们把温柔展示给我们的家人吧!

39、His grandparents dote on him,give him anything whatever he want. ─── 他爷爷奶奶惯着他,他要什么就给什么。

40、"This is a new age, old man,' he told me, 'we do not need to dote on these relics of the past. ─── ‘这是一个崭新的时代,老家伙,’他告诉我,‘我们不需要沉溺于过去的遗迹。’

41、She began to dote right after her 91st birthday. ─── 在她91岁生日后她开始衰老。

42、By this time, however, his newly acquired concubine, Chiu, on whom he doted, began to spend his money for him with remarkable liberality. ─── 但此时他新纳的爱宠老九也就替他挥霍得可观。

43、Before sick, I was doted on by my parents at home and indulged in unscrupulous behaviors. ─── 在得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道.

44、Here, you all will enjoy the most comfortable living in the fully being doted. ─── 到了这里,都会在百般宠爱里最惬意的生长!

45、7. tom, the book's protagonist, took issue with a man who doted on his household pet yet, as a slave merchant, thought "nothing of separating the husband from the wife, the parents from the children. ─── 7,书中的主人公汤姆与一个人发生了争执。这人虽然爱家中的宠物,但作为一个奴隶贩子,却认为“拆散夫妻,让骨肉分离算不了什么”。

46、All are now at home, where they are doted on by big sister Alice. ─── 现在都在家里,他们的小姐姐爱丽丝非常疼爱他们。

47、Then, what it was that next came in her eye, Which she must dote on in extremity. (Enter PUCK) Here comes my messenger. ─── 她一醒来,就要热烈地爱上了她第一眼看到的无论什么东西了。这边来的是我的使者。

48、For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses." -- Ezekiel 23:19-20. ─── 20贪恋情人身壮如驴,精足如马。(禅注:这里的“精”对照英文版,指得是精液,不是指精神)

49、They may admire my person but I assure you they dote on my purse. ─── 他们都是冲着我的钱包来的,而并不是爱慕我本人。

50、The children dote on her. ─── 孩子们非常喜欢她。

51、Nature shall not grow old and dote ─── 大自然不会一日衰老。

52、Melanie especially doted on him. Even in his worst screaming spells, Melanie thought him adorable and said so, adding, "Oh, you precious darling! I just wish you were mine!" ─── 媚兰尤其疼爱他,即使在大哭大叫闹得最凶的时候,媚兰也觉得他是可爱的。 她这样说了以后还要补充一句:"啊,你这疼煞人的小心肝,我巴不得你就是我自己的呢!"

53、Although living in luxury who will dote on her? ─── "纵居那绮罗丛,谁知娇养?"

54、Dote on horseplay ─── 喜欢胡闹

55、The king had an imperial concubine on whom he doted most, and he never refused her anything, Prince Mengchang sent a man to her for help. ─── 泰昭王有个最受宠爱的妃子,只要妃子说一,昭王绝不说二。孟尝君派人去求她救助。

56、to pamper; to coddle; to spoil; to dote ─── 娇惯

57、He doted upon his Yang GuiFei (Precious Consort Yang) and, spending his time in search of pleasure, neglected both politics and the court. ─── 他沉溺与杨贵妃(珍贵的爱妃)的玩乐之中,终日寻欢作乐,根本不理会政治与朝廷。

58、Female on top is doted on by a lot of females, but if you are not willing,be looked attentively at by person place or dominant sexual life, so it is used without much your work. ─── 女上位被很多女性钟爱,但是如果你不愿意被人所注视或者主导性生活,那么它没有多大作用。

59、They dote on their daughter. ─── 他们把女儿视为掌上明珠。

60、Therefore have I delivered her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of the Assyrians, upon whose lust she doted. ─── 为此我把她交在她情人手中,即她所热恋的亚述人手中。

61、He had just won a round of name-calling;victory had made him magnanimous.He didn't have to retort, "Your mother and father favored the male over the female and never doted on you, yet you're pretty hard to please yourself." ─── 他刚才相骂赢了,胜利使他宽大,不必还敬说:“丈人丈母重男轻女,并不宝贝你,可是你也够难服侍。”

62、She was as perfect a mother as one would wish.It seemed every fibre of her being was bent to her child's development and happiness, and yet, she did not 8)dote upon him. ─── 他一直在说话,解释着为什么要离开,说什么这是最好的,我可以做得更好,都是他的错,与我无关。

63、His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him. ─── 他的爸爸知道,但是他的奶奶却依然宠着约翰。

64、Care so and be doted on be a happy thing as Everyman. ─── 作为普通人被人如此关心和宠爱是一件幸福的事情。

65、She doted upon them with the lust of her eyes, and she sent messengers to them into Chaldea. ─── 她的眼一看见,就爱上了他们,遣派使者往加色丁,到他们那里去。

66、You shouldn't dote on children, for it isn't good for their growth. ─── 宠惯孩子并不利于他们的成长。

67、Cause is somnolence dote on shop loss many pets add fund insufficient -! ─── 原因是梦幻宠店损失很多宠物加上资金不够-!

68、My parents doted on me. ─── 我父母对我宠爱有加。

69、National magazines dote on her, and China's television crews are taping away. ─── 中国的报纸杂志对她予以大量报道,电视对她录像访谈。

70、Doting can only ruin children's future,because dote does not mean love. ─── 对孩子的过分溺爱只能毁掉孩子的前途,因为溺爱不等于爱。

71、The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled . His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him. ─── 六岁的约翰娇生惯养,他的爸爸很清楚这一点,但是他的奶奶仍然很溺爱他。

72、Now that all those who doted on her are long gone, Grandma is like one last withered leaf hanging down from an old tree. ─── 如今,所有能够给她恩宠的人都早已作古。现在的她,像一棵老树上挂着的最后一片枯黄的树叶。

73、HUAN:Is my girlfriend to be go?I will dote on you well, believe me! ─── 人家是想吃嫩草拉!!别拆穿人家拉!!真是得!!

74、Factor of university students` suicide is complex: Right of individual is in flood; Inculcate ignore life; Parents dote on children; Children put oneself through the little mill; etc. ─── 大学生自杀的成因是错综复杂的,其中主要有个体权利社会培育的泛滥;忽视生命的传统文化的教育;父母过高的期望值和溺爱;缺乏生活的磨练和锻炼;虚拟的狭窄的生活空间。

75、Associated with old age, he doted. ─── 他因年老而昏聩。

76、The other is to have but a few progeny and to dote on them, ensuring that they grow up with every possible advantage for the ensuing struggle with their peers for mates and resources. ─── 另一种方式是仅生育几个子嗣,关怀备至,以确保他们成年后在不断地于同伴竞争配偶和资源的过程中,能尽量多地具备各种优势。

77、Most of them love their spouses, dote on? their children and hunger after God. ─── 他们是有人生价值的一批人。

78、If that be fair whereon my false eyes dote, ─── 如果我眼睛所迷恋的真是美,

79、Can choose special spats frost or you dote on keep wet skin white. ─── 可选用专用护脚霜或者你钟爱的保湿润肤霜。

80、She doted upon them with the lust of her eyes, and she sent messengers to them into Chaldea. ─── 她的眼一看见,就爱上了他们,遣派使者往加色丁,到他们那里去。

81、The name of the movie is " driving lesson" in the film, Rupert plays a shy of the minister's son, mother doted on him too. ─── 电影的名字是《驾驶课》,鲁伯特在电影中饰演一位羞涩的牧师的儿子,母亲过份溺爱他。

82、He doted on this nine-year-old kid. ─── 他十分溺爱这个九岁的孩子。

83、The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled . His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him. He hardly left her side. And when he wanted ─── 六岁的约翰娇生惯养。他的父亲知道这一点,可他的祖父母仍然宠着他。这孩子几乎寸步不离他的祖母。他想要什么不是

84、And great.souls, at one stroke, may do and dote. ─── 和谐的韵律;而凭一张弓,真诚的;灵魂,可以在勒索、也同时在溺爱。

85、He dote on his children. ─── 他溺爱他的女儿。

86、Her servitors, whom she called the Quel'dorei or "Highborne", doted on her every command and believed themselves to be greater than the rest of their brethren. ─── 伊利丹知道永恒之井的毁灭将使他再也无法从那里汲取魔法能量,于是他自私地背叛了自己的同胞,跑去向高等精灵告密。

87、I have crowd of di hards in the school, I has the good colleague relations in the work, I has in the life to love me very much the boyfriend, but I also have to dote on me the big family! ─── 在学校我有一群死党,在工作中我有良好的同事关系,在生活中我有一个很爱我的男友,而我还有一个宠爱我的大家族!

88、The BK Birth beeskeepers did not find dead a dote adult bees as they often do after winter. ─── 养蜂人没有发现像以往冬天后死亡的成年蜂。

89、A farmer named Muldoon lived alone in the countryside with a pet dog, which he loved and doted on.After many long years of companionship, the dog finally died. ─── 一个名叫姆尔顿的农夫和他的爱犬独自住在乡下,相伴多年之后,他的爱犬最终还是死了。

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