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08-17 投稿


elastic 发音

英:[??l?st?k]  美:[??l?st?k]

英:  美:

elastic 中文意思翻译




elastic 短语词组

1、elastic aftereffect ─── [化] 弹性后效

2、coherent elastic scattering of rediation ─── [化] 辐射的相干弹性散射

3、elastic bougie ─── [医] 弹性探条

4、delayed elastic deformation ─── [化] 推迟弹性形变

5、elastic after-working ─── [化] 弹性后效

6、compressive elastic limit ─── [化] 压缩弹性极限

7、elastic bitumen ─── [化] 矿质橡胶

8、elastic band ─── 像皮圈

9、elastic after-effect ─── [化] 弹性后效

10、apparent elastic limit ─── [机] 虚表弹性界限, 视弹性界限

11、elastic break-down ─── [机] 弹性接合剂

12、elastic body ─── [化] 弹性体

13、elastic break down pressure ─── [化] 弹性失效压力

14、elastic acoustical reactance ─── [电] 弹性声抗

15、elastic after effect ─── [化] 弹性后效

16、elastic anklet ─── [医] 弹性踝套

17、elastic bandage ─── [医] 弹性绷带, 橡胶绷带

18、cross elastic effect ─── [化] 交叉弹性效应; 横向弹性效应

19、elastic bond ─── [机] 弹性接合剂

elastic 同义词

flexible | adaptable | supple | band | pliable | lithe | rubber band | springy | resilient | elastic band | pliant | expandable | yielding | changeable | malleable | rubber | variable | stretchy | limber | buoyant | mutable | soft | stretchable

elastic 词性/词形变化,elastic变形

复数--elastics;比较级--more elastic;最高级--most elastic。

elastic 反义词

rigid | stiff |inelastic

elastic 常用词组

elastic modulus ─── [机]弹性系数;弹性模数

elastic deformation ─── 弹性形变

elastic wave ─── 弹性波

elastic 相似词语短语

1、emplastic ─── adj.黏性的;n.黏性物质;便秘药

2、agelastic ─── 老化的

3、plastic ─── 塑料

4、anelastic ─── adj.滞弹(性)的

5、gelastic ─── 痴笑的

6、elastin ─── n.[生化]弹性蛋白

7、elastics ─── n.弹力;松紧带;弹性物(elastic的复数形式)

8、euplastic ─── adj.易形成组织的,易愈合的

9、clastic ─── adj.碎片性的;碎屑状的;(模型等)可分解的

elastic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your hair will be elastic and attractive. ─── 使头发烫后更有弹性,尽显迷人风采。

2、Elastic sealing, no leakage and long service life. ─── 弹性密封,零泄漏,使用寿命长。

3、These regulations are elastic. ─── 这些规定是有弹性的。

4、Every time I put the rubber to hitches with your fingers is elastic. ─── 屡屡不拆橡皮都给绷不松,用手指一点有弹力即可。

5、An elastic body automatically restores itself after deformation. ─── 弹性体变形后能自动复原。

6、The absorption of elastic waves in rocks has been the subject of extensive theoretical and experimental study. ─── 弹性波在岩层内的吸收问题曾经是理论上与实验上广泛研究的课题。

7、Healthy hair is highly elastic and can stretch 20 or 30 per cent before snapping. ─── 健康的头发非常富有弹性,可拉长20%或30%而不断。

8、AGM should be acid-proof and elastic. ─── AGM隔板要有良好的耐酸性和弹性等。

9、Put up the feet such as the diagram, and tight the elastic. ─── 将脚放上去,并将松紧带扣上;

10、Love is like an elastic band that must stretch apart before it pulls you back close to one another. ─── 爱就像一根松紧带,在它将你们紧紧拉在一起之前必须先松开。

11、The less elastic the market supply, the greater the monopsony power. ─── 供给曲线的弹性越小,买方就有更大的买方垄断势力。

12、A cross model of 3-D braided composites is presented based on elastic theory. ─── 基于弹性理论建立了三维四向编织复合材料的交叉模型。

13、It is held in place by an adjustable elastic strap. ─── 它由一条可调整的有弹性皮带举行到位。

14、Sew one end securely for about 1.3cm (1/2 inch). Then with a catch-stitch make a loose thread casing over the elastic. ─── 在一端缝牢1.3cm,然后用三角针线迹缝一个松的线筐,盖住松紧带。

15、The safety helmet is held on by an elastic strap. ─── 安全帽用一根松紧带系住。

16、The condition or property of being elastic; flexibility. ─── 弹性有弹性的状态或性质;弹性

17、Hard Elastic PP/PS Monofilament has been producted with PP modified with PS. ─── 介绍利用PS改性PP生产硬弹性单丝。

18、He has an elastic temperament. ─── 他有开朗的性情。

19、Do not worry about him; he is a cheerful and elastic man. ─── 别为他担心;他是个快活开朗的人。

20、Outside the strip zone, deformat is elastic. ─── 在窄带区以外,变形是弹性的。

21、We report two patients who presented with an elastic soft mass over the bursa. ─── 在此我们报告两个结核性黏液囊炎病例,核磁共振均有蜂窝性影像表现。

22、Aysmmetrical drawstring tie with knit covered back elastic. ─── 不匀称的伸缩形领带,后面带着弹性的编织物.

23、Beat it until the dough is slightly elastic. ─── 捶打,直到面团略有弹性。

24、Analysis of Formation Elastic Characteristics and Stress Field with Log Data. ─── 利用测井进行地层弹性特征及应力场分析。

25、But it's nutty, elastic, melty, good cheese. ─── 但它是块好芝士,尝起来有坚果味、有弹性、入口即化。

26、Her figure was both plump and slender, elastic as steel. ─── 她的身材又丰满又苗条,象钢丝一样地有弹性。

27、Elastic splicer jet wet and can also be used in conjunction splicer device. ─── 弹力捻接器也可与喷湿捻接装置结合使用。

28、To bend(something pliant or elastic). ─── 使(柔韧的或有弹性的东西)弯曲

29、Info:100% polyester lime tricot,print Birdseye pattern,elastic band to fix. ─── 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:涤纶适用对象:中性款式:其它

30、The various types of stress, strain, and elastic modulus are summarized in Table 10-3. ─── 各种应力、应变和弹性模量列于表10-3中。

31、It was cold, and yet elastic. ─── 它变冷后,仍然保有弹性。

32、Metal fitting High conductivity brass and high elastic phosphor bronze. With Ni or Sn plating. ─── 导电用金属组件采用高导电率之黄铜、高弹性之磷青铜,再加以镀镍、镀锡等表面处理。

33、We need to adopt elastic, flexible and diversified forms of employment. ─── 实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式。

34、It is from Hemosiderosis genistein deposition from the former elastic membrane. ─── 它是由含铁血黄素沉积于前弹力膜而成。

35、The demand for public goods is elastic. ─── 公共产品需求具有弹性。

36、If you stretch a piece of elastic it becomes much longer. ─── 你如果拉橡皮带,它就会伸长。

37、To illustrate the foregoing analysis, consider a linear elastic solid. ─── 为了举例阐明以上的分析,我们考虑一种线性的弹性固体。

38、This was one of those elastic Youths whose muscles seemed always in motion, and who either affected, or who from habit. ─── 他是一个全身好象不能安闲一刻的灵活小伙子,也许是故意装的,也许是出于习惯。

39、Logically the elastic model investigations can proceed in parallel with and in conjunction with theoretical analyses. ─── 在逻辑上弹性模型试验能够与理论分析平行并可同时进行。

40、In gases, conduction is a result of elastic collision of molecules. ─── 对于气体,导热(过程)即分子间的弹性碰撞;

41、Headband with Jet Metallic Silver Crystal Mesh on Alcantara; rhodium-plated details; adjustable elastic band. ─── 头带与金属喷银水晶网对阿尔坎塔拉;铑镀细节;可调橡皮筋。

42、Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) has been developed for determining the amount of hydrogen-atoms in a film. ─── 弹性反冲探测分析法(ERDA)是分析微量氢元素的一种新颖方法。

43、A good investment is a skirt with an elastic waistband. ─── 买一条配有弹性腰带的裙子是很有眼光的投资。

44、Now with tow elastic straps for a more secure fit. ─── 两条弹性魔术带,更稳定、可靠。

45、Add in salt and knead the dough till it's firm and elastic. ─── 加入食盐,继续搅拌直到其面团非常有弹性。

46、The elastic moduli Eijlm represents a tensor of the fourth order. ─── 弹性模数Eijlm表示一个四阶张量。

47、Any of various polymers having the elastic properties of natural rubber. ─── 弹性体具有天然橡胶的弹性性质的多种聚合物中的一种

48、The static elastic modulus of the alloy is lower than 30 GPa. ─── 合金的静态弹性模量小于30GPa;

49、Mechanical model for the elastic thick outrigger of roof coal is set up. ─── 建立了顶煤弹性深梁力学模型,分析了顶煤应力分布及顶煤破坏形式。

50、A brown-to-black, soft, elastic hydrocarbon resin. ─── 弹性沥青一种深棕色,柔软可弯曲的烃树脂

51、Deformation in which stress and strain are proportional is called elastic deformation. ─── 应力与应变成正比关系的形变称为弹性形变。

52、A4size,elastic string sealer designed,protect document effectively. ─── A4规格,松紧带封口设计,有效保护资料。

53、Good "elastic persuasion" , to put ourselves for the sake of their children, to understand children's needs, should not alarmist. ─── 善于“弹性说服”,要设身处地为孩子着想,了解孩子的需要,切忌危言耸听。

54、If you stretch a piece of elastic it becomes much longer . ─── 你如果拉橡皮带,它就会伸长。

55、Resilience is the capacity of a material to absorb energy during elastic deformation. ─── 弹性是指材料在弹性形变中吸收能量的能力。

56、The elastic at the waist gives a nice snug fit. ─── 腰间的松紧带使衣服正好紧紧贴在身上。

57、She hugged his arm, her motions elastic and happy. ─── 她抱住他的手臂,她的动作富有弹性而快乐。

58、Keywords: concrete, crack, defect, elastic waves, imaging. ─── 关键词:混凝土、裂缝、缺陷、弹性波、影像法。

59、If the structure is elastic the force-displacement curve follows the same path on loading and unloading. ─── 如果该结构为弹性者,那么在加载和卸载时力位移曲线遵循相同的迹线。

60、Don't worry about him; he is a cheerful and elastic man. ─── 别为他担心;他是个快活开朗的人。

61、He is a cheerful and elastic man. ─── 他是个快活开朗的人。

62、Next to them lay the body of a middle-aged monk, covered in a blanket wrapped by an elastic cord with his foot sticking out. ─── 在他们旁边躺着一位中年喇嘛的尸体,尸体被毛毯包裹着,脚露了出来。

63、Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. ─── 动脉任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管

64、She tied the end of her pigtails with an elastic band. ─── 她用一根松紧带扎紧辫梢。

65、"Family" is of course an elastic word. ─── “家庭”是个富有弹性的辞藻。

66、Headband with 3 rows of Silver Shade Crystal Mesh on Alcantara; rhodium-plated details; adjustable elastic band. ─── 头带3一排排银水晶遮荫网对阿尔坎塔拉;铑镀细节;可调橡皮筋。

67、Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones. ─── 一种Y形的小木棍,上边两丫之间有一条橡皮筋;常用来射出小石块(以攻击别人)。

68、Women have a more elastic labour supply than men. ─── 女性比男性有一个更加弹性的劳动力供应。

69、To bend(something pliant or elastic. ─── 使(柔韧的或有弹性的东西)弯曲

70、He stretched the elastic out as far as it would go. ─── 他把松紧带尽量拉长。

71、It snapped back like a piece of elastic. ─── 它像一条橡皮带那样迅速弹回。

72、Hooke's law is adopted to describe elastic strain. ─── 弹性应变采用虎克定律描述;

73、The demand for the product is elastic. ─── 对这种产品的需求不是一成不变的。

74、The design of the elastic suspension or centering system and its protective stop systems are intimately related. ─── 弹性悬挂或定中心系统和起保护作用的限制系统的设计是密切相关的。

75、The stress-strain curve soon deviate from the elastic line. ─── 应力--应变曲线将立即偏离弹性线。

76、and a elastic component formed on the upper supporting member protruding to the back of the door frame. ─── 从上部支撑部向门框架的后面方向凸出形成的弹性构件。

77、The material is elastic, which is shown in the figure. ─── 如图显示,这种材料是富有弹性的。

78、Knead the mixture on a lightly floured board until smooth and elastic. ─── 在砧板上搓揉搅匀的面粉,直到变得软且有弹性。

79、For an elastic material, Hooke's Law states. that the ratio of strain to stress is constant. ─── 对于弹性材料来说,虎克定律表明应力和应变之比是常数。

80、It also has an elastic detachable skirt made of 100% nylon organza. ─── --还要有一条100%尼龙透明硬纱做的橡筋腰,可脱卸的短裙.

81、The elastic tourniquet band (approx. 50 cm) is exchangeable. ─── 弹性止血带波段(约50厘米)是换股.

82、The skin darkened where it was compressed by the elastic garment. ─── 她的皮肤上,被有松紧的胸衣束得太紧的地方,微现黑色。

83、If we let go, the elastic energy, as the spring passes through the equilibrium point, is converted to kinetic energy. ─── 如果我们释放弹簧,那么弹簧经过平衡点时,弹性能就转变为动能。

84、Is binding and thickening agent which ability to form elastic gel. ─── 为粘结剂和增稠剂能形成弹性胶;

85、Frontal tape, side sticker and elastic waistline are added on the machine. ─── 前腰贴、左右腰贴、弹性腰围在机施加。

86、Goodyear,an American,had been trying to find a way in which rubber could be made hard,nonsticky,and yet elastic. ─── 一个名叫固特异的美国人曾经想方设法地寻找一个能使橡胶变硬不粘且有弹性的方法。

87、It is a fact that no structural material is perfectly elastic. ─── 事实上没有一种结构材料是十全十美的弹性体。

88、Coupling of elastoplastic finite elements to elastic boundary clemens, (3). ─── 弹塑性有限元与弹性边界元的耦合;

89、The model is only suitable to isotropic elastic soil, but the soil stratum in real engineering site is always layered and anisotropic one. ─── 这种模型适合各向同性的单一土层,而实际工程场地的地基土多是各向异性的成层土层。

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