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08-17 投稿


curl 发音

英:[k??rl]  美:[k??l]

英:  美:

curl 中文意思翻译






curl 网络释义

vt. 使…卷曲;使卷起来vi. 卷曲;盘绕n. 卷曲;卷发;螺旋状物n. (Curl)人名;(英)柯尔

curl 词性/词形变化,curl变形


curl 常用词组

curl up ─── 卷起

curl 短语词组

1、curl sign ─── [计] 卷曲符号

2、curl up ─── 蜷缩起来; ─── 蜷缩;(叶子、纸等)卷边

3、pin curl ─── 用发夹夹住的卷发; ─── 用发针夹住的潮湿发卷

4、kiss curl ─── [网络] 催吻卷毛

5、curl oneself up ─── 把身子蜷作一团

6、make sb.'s hair curl ─── 使某人害怕

7、make sb's hair curl ─── 使某人战栗, 把某人吓坏

8、leg curl ─── [体]小腿屈伸

9、Robert Floyd Curl Jr. ─── [网络] 罗伯特·弗洛伊德卷曲小

10、leaf curl ─── 缩叶, ─── 缩叶病

11、sausage curl ─── 香肠状卷发(式样)

12、curl direction ─── [计] 卷曲方向

13、Robert Curl ─── [网络] 柯尔;罗伯特·柯尔;美国化学家科尔

14、Robert F. Curl ─── [网络] 罗伯特·柯尔

15、kiss-curl n. ─── 刘海儿, 垂在额前的鬈发

16、curl electric field ─── [化] 有旋电场

17、pin-curl vt. ─── 用卷发器卷发

18、curl around ─── 在…週围缭绕,缠绕

19、curl one's lip ─── 撇嘴

curl 习惯用语

1、curl of the lip(s) ─── 撇嘴(表示轻蔑或憎恶)

2、curl down ─── 把身子蜷做一团躺着

3、go out of curl ─── 垮台, 一切都完了

4、curl up ─── (使)卷缩 ─── 把身子蜷做一团 ─── [口](使)垮下去, (使)倒下 ─── [口](因恐惧等)缩成一团; 局促不安; 感到恶心; 使作呕 ─── [口]沉默起来, 不再作声

5、out of curl ─── (卷发)不卷曲 ─── 身体不舒服

curl 相似词语短语

1、curly ─── adj.卷曲的;卷毛的;(木材)有皱状纹理的;蜷缩的

2、curli ─── n.(Curli)人名;(意)库利

3、burl ─── n.瘤;树节;节;vt.去掉节

4、carl ─── n.粗野之人,下层人;村夫,农夫;人,家伙;n.(Carl)(美)凯尔乐(人名)

5、cull ─── v.挑选;部分捕杀,选择性宰杀;(诗、文)采集(花果);n.选择性宰杀;被选出宰杀的体弱(或过剩)动物;n.(Cull)(美、英)卡尔(人名)

6、cur ─── n.杂狗;坏蛋

7、cirl ─── n.黄道眉鵐

8、churl ─── n.吝啬鬼;乡下人;粗暴的人;(中世纪的)农民

9、curls ─── n.卷发(curl的复数);v.弄卷(curl的第三人称单数形式)

curl 特殊用法

1、two-hand curl ─── 双手屈伸[弯举]

2、wrist curl ─── 屈腕练习

3、biceps curl ─── 胸前弯举, 双臂屈伸, 双手弯举

4、neck curl ─── 仰卧低头

5、piston curl ─── 活塞圈

6、tape curl ─── 磁带卷曲

7、knee curl ─── 小腿屈伸

8、hand curl ─── 单臂屈伸[弯举]

9、curl of vector ─── 矢量旋度

10、transverse curl ─── (磁带)横向弯曲

11、chip curl ─── 切屑螺旋, 螺旋形切屑

12、edge curl ─── 卷边

13、curl of vector function ─── 向量函数的旋量

14、coil curl ─── 线圈, 旋度

15、leaf curl ─── 缩叶; 缩叶病

curl 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She answered with no more than a curl of the lips, "Even so, you must take your time. Think you're made of steel? ─── 她只撇了撇嘴:“买车也得悠停着来,当是你是铁作的哪!

2、A: Oh, we have quite a varity: regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam. ─── 啊,我们能烫很多种类:普通的、烫、发烫、发和泡沫烫。

3、And the curl of a velocity field tells you how fast it is spinning at any given time up to a factor of two. ─── 速度场的旋度告诉你,它旋转速度有多快,只是以两倍显示。

4、Does her hair curl naturally ? ─── 她的头发是天然卷曲的吗?

5、She could only dream of the time when she could curl up between clean linen sheets again. ─── 她只能梦想着再重新屈身躺在那干净的亚麻床单上。

6、Hair color, texture, and curl or waviness can affect the results. ─── 头发颜色、纹理、卷曲或波纹可以影响结果。

7、Various of knitting flannelette: Yaoli flannelette、pismire fabric、pedion curl fabric、towel fabric、roughing fabric etc. ─── 各种针织绒布类:摇粒绒、蚂蚁布、单面毛圈布、毛巾布、磨毛布等。

8、"Bah!" He answered with a curl of his lips. ─── “呸!”他嘴唇一撇地讥笑着。

9、Does her hair curl naturally? ─── 她的头发是生来就鬈的吗?

10、If you have a small solid somewhere, the curl will just measure how much your solid starts spinning if you leave it in this force field. ─── 假如力场中某处有一小块固体,旋度度量的是固体在力场中的旋转程度,在力场里来观察。

11、The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat. ─── 那张纸在高温下开始起皱卷曲。

12、She doesn't curl her hair any longer. ─── 她也不卷头发了。

13、Return of Buffy - The Curl Destroyer! ─── 。第一个发布视频回复。

14、You can rhyme 'girl' with 'curl'. ─── 你可以用 girl 和 curl 押韵。

15、At night he would eat his supper alone and curl into his blankets. ─── 夜晚他独个儿躲在那里。吃他的晚饭,吃完蜷着身子往毯子里一钻。

16、Fringe on tail moderately long and tapering.All coat and feathering as straight and free as possible from curl or wave. ─── 在野外,爱尔兰塞特犬是动作迅速的猎手,在家庭里,他又是性情甜蜜,容易调教的伴侣。

17、A thin curl of smoke arose lazily from the cobin. ─── 一缕薄烟懒洋洋地从小屋升起。

18、Chinese hairdressing beautifies hair association Fan Hua says, natural curl cent is sofa and common curl two kinds. ─── 中国美容美发协会范华介绍说,自然卷发分为沙发和普通卷发两种。

19、as small wisps of smoke began to float out of his ears and curl towards the ceiling. ─── 同时一股烟雾从他的耳朵里出来,弯弯曲曲地冲上屋顶。

20、Her hair: big beautiful curl, elegantly done. ─── 她的头发:美丽的大波浪,做得很优雅。

21、Oh, we have quite a regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam. ─── 哦,我们有很多种:普通的,冷烫,直发烫,卷发烫和泡沫烫。

22、Lie facedown on a leg curl machine, and hook your ankles under the padded bar. ─── 俯卧于屈腿器,把你的踝关节钩在挡板上。

23、A small, fat - cheeked, wide - eyed doll with a curl of hair on top of the head. ─── 丘比特娃娃胖脸、大眼的小玩具娃娃,头顶上有一缕头发。

24、A few bright wispy markings curl around the eastern limb of Rhea (1,528 kilometers, 949 miles across). ─── 一些小而明亮的斑纹缠绕在土卫五的东部。(直径1,528公里,949英里).

25、She was supposed to come and curl my hairs. ─── 她应该要来这儿帮我捲头发。

26、He is beautiful in what he calls an "androgynous" way; dark-lipped and hazel-eyed, with long lashes that curl perfectly up. ─── 他有一种他自己称为"中性"的美,深色的嘴唇,浅褐色的眼睛,长长的发丝完美地蜷曲着。

27、She put up her hand and smoothed back the curl. ─── 她抬起手来,把鬈发向后按了按。

28、The lips had already a little curl of bitterness and skepticism. ─── 一缕辛酸和怀疑的神情,时时隐现在他的唇边。

29、Oh, we have quite a variety: regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam. ─── 啊.我们能烫很多种:普通的.冷烫.直发烫.小卷发和泡沫烫.

30、During breaks from school,Dolan would reunite with Curl,and in the lead-up to Sydney,he has returned home full time. ─── 在学校放假时,多兰就去找柯尔。在准备去悉尼期间,多兰回到老家,在那儿度过了所有的时间。

31、Can Immediately grow up your eyelash for 30% longer with a 30% curl and so smooth. ─── 可以立即增长您睫毛的30%,增长眼睫30%的卷曲和光滑。

32、He saw a curl on the water, the general forerunner of a storm at sea. ─── 他看见水面有一个漩涡,这是大海风暴的常见前兆。

33、Curl upper lip up and raise and protrude upper lip. ─── 上唇外翻,往上提,往外突出。

34、Ah, wanted to go upstairs, curl up in a ball on the bed. ─── 啊,它是想上楼,到床上蜷缩作一团。

35、Two competing women seduce a man. They glare, dress up, give attitude, change clothes, curl their hair, and smolder. ─── 两个互相竞争的女人在引诱一个男人,他们怒目而视,装扮自己,耍脾气,换衣服,卷头发,怒火中烧。

36、Miss Ophelia looked keenly at him, and saw the flush of mortification and repressed vexation, and the sarcastic curl of the lip, as he spoke. ─── 奥菲丽亚小姐用锐利的目光扫了他一眼,立刻就看出:他说话时,脸上流露出羞耻的红晕,内心抑制着恼怒的感情,嘴角微微翘起,含着讽刺的意味。

37、A blow to the stomach made him curl up. ─── 他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来。

38、She twisted her hair round her finger to make it curl. ─── 她把头发绕在手指上使它卷曲。

39、You say life is your shape, lose a form of another shape, curl fragrance is your God, dyed green water is your shape. ─── 你说人生就是你的形态,失去一个形态还有另一个形态,袅袅清香是你的神,染绿了的水是你的形。

40、Her hair fall over her shoulders in a cascade of curl. ─── 她的头发鬈曲著披垂在肩上。

41、She watched the paper curl and frizzle and burn; and presently they were ashes. ─── 她注视着纸片卷曲、焦枯、燃烧;转眼间它们变成了灰烬。

42、The hardening typically affects the hands, causing the fingers to curl inwards. ─── 到这个时期,如果手受到影响,它最典型的表现是手指向内弯曲。

43、Other types of millipedes may curl into a looser, sloppier spiral or form a neat ball. ─── 在同样情况下,其他种类的千足虫可能会蜷缩成较为松散的螺旋形圆盘,或者形成溜圆的圆球。

44、This may not be what you want and you will soon discover that you need more activated modules, like MySQL, cURL, GD, etc. ─── 但可能不够用,用户很快就会发现需要更多的激活模块,例如MySQL,cURL,GD等。

45、It also helps to curl your lashes and swipe on an extra coat of mascara. ─── 卷曲睫毛,涂上一层睫毛膏,同样也有帮助。

46、Curl up a with a great book or to watch your favorite show. ─── 阅读一本好书或看你最爱的节目。

47、A curl is a somewhat circular cut often made around a teammate (Diagram B, CC). ─── 卷切是带有弧线的切入,通常是绕着一名队友进行跑动。

48、Accounts of cruel tortures in the jails of the reactionary government would curl one's hair. ─── 关于反动政府监狱里酷刑情况的介绍听了会叫人毛骨悚然。

49、The frost made the leaves curl . ─── 叶子受霜冻而卷了起来.

50、A small lock or curl of hair. ─── 一束、一卷头发

51、Well, we have developed some new varieties of tea, such as Rolled Strips and Curl Black Tea, Crushed Black Tea and so on. ─── 刘: 我们现在又开发了一些新品种,如条形红茶、碎红茶等。

52、Thou shalt always have thy lap ready for me to curl up in. ─── 你的膝盖应该时刻准备好,好让我能蜷在上面睡觉。

53、On Saturday night shall be my care To powder my locks and curl my hair; On Sunday morning my love will come in, When he will marry me with a gold ring. ─── 周六晚上事繁杂,涂脂抹粉卷头发;周日早晨情人到,送我戒指娶回家。

54、She milled as she toyed with a Black curl of her hair. ─── 她一边笑着一边玩着她的一绺卷起的黑发。

55、What he says in private is enough to make even Mrs. Thatcher's hair curl. ─── 他在私下讲的话,连撒切尔夫人听了也会吓一跳。

56、A small, fat-cheeked, wide-eyed doll with a curl of hair on top of the head. ─── 丘比特娃娃胖脸、大眼的小玩具娃娃,头顶上有一缕头发

57、The function of wrapping the gummed paper is to protect the curl to keep it from getting stray hairs. ─── 包书胶纸的作用是保护卷发不再散乱,每次外出到拍照的一刻前才拆下包书胶。

58、The animal dragged itself reluctantly out of his way, licking its shops with a tongue which seemed hardly to have the strength to curl. ─── 那只畜生很不情愿把自己拖开,一边用它那条好像连卷起来的力气都没有了的舌头舔舔牙床。

59、Her scorn is shown by the curl of the lips. ─── 她撅着个嘴,露出一付不屑一顾的样子。

60、The curl was invented to help describe the properties of moving fluids. ─── 创造旋度一词为了有助于描述运动流体的性质。

61、She put up her hand and smoothed back the curl . ─── 她抬起手来,把鬈发向后按了按。

62、The wave and curl of her blonde hair gave her sensuality and youth. ─── 的卷曲金发使她显得性感并富有青春活力。

63、They've got toes, which curl round like this. ─── 他们的脚趾就像这样弯曲着。

64、She put her hair in rollers to make it curl. ─── 她用卷发夹子把头发弄得卷曲。

65、"Bah!" he sneered with a curl of his lip. ─── "哼!"他嘴唇一撇地讥笑着。

66、The outercoat is flat, harsh, strong and shaggy, free from wooliness and curl, although a slight wave is permissible. ─── 外层披毛平坦、粗硬、结实且蓬松,没有绒毛状或蜷曲,但是,略呈波浪状是允许的。

67、She twisted her hair round her fingers to make it curl. ─── 她把头发缠在手指上使其卷曲。

68、A cylinder of wire mesh, foam rubber, or other material around which a strand of hair is wound to produce a soft curl or wave. ─── 卷发筒:由金属丝网、泡沫橡胶或其它材料做成的一种周围可卷绕一缕头发做成柔软的卷曲或波浪发型的圆筒。

69、To twist or curl into a wreathlike shape or contour. ─── 做成环状缠绕、卷曲成环的形状或轮廓

70、A man accepted a bet to sleep for a night in a pit full of snakes. The very thought of it makes my hair curl! ─── 一个家伙与人打赌,要在一个全是蛇的坑中睡一个晚上。一想到这一点就使我毛骨悚然!

71、How do you keep your hair in curl? ─── 你是怎样保持头发卷着的?

72、She curl up her leg and arms into a foetal position. ─── 她像胎儿一样蜷曲起四肢。

73、She turned the girl's hair round her fingers to make it curl. ─── 她用手指把女孩的头发弯。

74、A length or curl of hair; a tress. ─── 一缕头发;一束长发

75、Her beautiful curl is natural. ─── 她的卷发是自然生成的。

76、His hair had a natural curl. ─── 他的头发是自然鬈。

77、A length or curl of hair;a tress. ─── 一缕头发;一束长发

78、"Bah!"He sneered with a curl of his lips. ─── “哼!”他嘴唇一撇地讥笑着。

79、curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine. ─── 卷发自然地风干以最大限度地增加头发的卷曲和光泽。

80、Oh, we have quite a varity: regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam. ─── 啊,我们能烫很多种类:普通的、汽烫、直发烫、卷发和泡沫烫。

81、His joke just made us curl up. ─── 他的笑话逗得我们笑弯了腰。

82、Oh,we have quite a regular,cold perm,straight perm,pin curl and foam. ─── 哦,我们有很多种: 普通的,冷烫,直发烫,卷发烫和泡沫烫。

83、Also, I keep hearing raves about another product that sounds very similar, called Curly Hair Solutions Curl Keeper. ─── 同时,我一直听说另外一种类似的产品叫做卷发养护弹力素。

84、Two competing women seduce a man. They glare, dress up, give attitude, change clothes, curl their hair, and smolder...... ─── 两个互相竞争的女人在引诱一个男人,他们怒目而视,装扮自己,耍脾气,换衣服,卷头发,怒火中烧......

85、Its main characteristics is a carton that single a carton handicraft feed to anticipat,Genneral curl carton applicably. ─── 其主要特点为单张纸板手工喂料,一般翘曲的纸板均可适用。

86、Unfortunately, CURL is often disabled by Web hosting companies. ─── 遗憾的是,Web托管公司往往会禁用CURL

87、All you wanted to do was curl up and die. ─── 你只想卷做一团死气沉沉。

88、The frost made the leaves curl (up). ─── 叶子受霜冻而卷了起来。

89、On the battlefield such a coward like him would surely lie down and curl up. ─── 在战场上,象他那样的胆小鬼肯定会吓瘫倒的。

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