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08-17 投稿


emblematic 发音

英:[,embl?'m?t?k]  美:[,?mbl?'m?t?k]

英:  美:

emblematic 中文意思翻译



emblematic 网络释义

adj. 象征的;可当标志的

emblematic 词性/词形变化,emblematic变形

副词: emblematically |异体字: emblematical |

emblematic 短语词组

1、emblematic staff ─── 徽章

2、emblematic vr ─── 象征性vr

3、emblematic inc ─── 徽章公司

4、emblematic defined ─── 象征性定义

5、emblematic image ─── 象征性图像

6、emblematic of ─── 象征着

7、emblematic define ─── 象征性定义

emblematic 相似词语短语

1、emblemata ─── n.浮雕装饰;徽章系列(emblema的变形)

2、emblematical ─── adj.象征的;典型的

3、emblematized ─── vt.成为…的标记;象征

4、emblematises ─── vt.象征

5、emblematised ─── vt.象征

6、emblematize ─── vt.成为…的标记;象征

7、emblematist ─── n.徽章设计者;寓言作者

8、emblematise ─── vt.象征

9、emblematists ─── n.徽章设计者;寓言作者

emblematic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A modest annual tax may not be the only factor shaping these behaviors, but it’s emblematic of an important difference in outlook. ─── 适度的年税也许只是对调整楼市的途径之一,但它对楼市远景展现了不同凡响的象征意义。

2、a ceremonial or emblematic staff. ─── 礼仪性或者象征性手杖。

3、Their troubles are emblematic of migrants' growing woes all over the world. ─── 大家都对近期英镑的贬值感到震惊。

4、This high-end collection mixes classically emblematic shapes, such as the aviator, with fresh colors for designs that represent authentic, lasting style. ─── 这款高端系列混合经典象征的形状,如飞行员鲜艳的颜色的设计,代表真正的,持久的风格。

5、Terry's comeback was awesome in every way.It seemed somehow emblematic that the first thing he produced was a diving header. ─── 特里的复出无论从哪一点来看都无可挑剔,他在比赛中的第一个动作就是一次鱼跃冲顶,多少有着一些象征意义。

6、More than any other feature of our technical civilization, these now prosaic flights are emblematic of what powers are now ours. ─── 在所有的科技与文明中,这些史诗般翱翔的飞行器最能展示现在我们已经具有何等的力量。

7、More than any other feature of our technical civilization, these now prosaic flights are emblematic of what powers are now ours. ─── 在所有的科技与文明中,这些史诗般翱翔的飞行器最能展示现在我们已经具有何等的力量。

8、This is an emblematic meal offered for lunch, dinner, and visitors. ─── 用于午餐、晚餐及待客等,是一种正式的食品。

9、6.an emblematic design (especially in heraldry). ─── 一个象征性的标志(尤指纹章)。

10、The effort is emblematic of Beijing's efforts to recast its capabilities for the 21st century as its military and associated defense-aerospace sector undergoes its own revolution in military affairs. ─── 这种努力是北京努力为21世纪军事和关系到其自身军务变革的空天防务磁区而重振雄风的象徵。

11、Ages and ages ago, Fu Xi assigned to the existing patterns emblematic implic ation from two Yi's and four Xiang's of Yin Yang. ─── 远古的伏羲 ,只是将这样的现成图像赋予了阴阳两仪与四象的含义。

12、Rosemary is emblematic of constancy. ─── 迷迭香是贞节的象征。

13、The lotus flower seems the emblematic flower of the Macao Special Administrative Region. ─── 莲花好像是澳门特别行政区的区花吧。

14、Casablanca is emblematic of the Maghreb's vigor.Far from the seedy, lawless outpost depicted in the Humphrey Bogart film that made it infamous, Casablanca is a bustling city of 4 million. ─── 马格里布吸引跨国公司的另一个因素在于其熟练劳动力,而这种优势来自摩洛哥和突尼斯对教育的重视。

15、Thanks to its restoration works and new image, the hotel has become one of Lugo's most emblematic buildings and a point of reference for both the city and its visitors. ─── 由于它的修复工程和新形象,酒店已经成为一个卢戈最具象征的建筑物和一个参照点,为该市及其客人。

16、Dogs are emblematic of faithfulness. ─── 狗象征着忠诚。

17、Any orchid of the genus Disa,beautiful orchids with dark green leaves and usually hooded flowers,much prized as emblematic flowers in their native regions. ─── 黛散兰属的任何一种兰花,花美丽、常常成头巾状,叶墨绿色,在原产地是有象征性的花,倍受好评。

18、This return of oversea Chinese words is just emblematic of the Sino-Japanese cultural interaction provoked by the eastward permeation of western culture. ─── 此种“侨词来归”,正是中日文化面对西方文化东渐而发生互动的一种表现形态。

19、His engaging and thought-provoking documentations of the transformation of Beijing’s cityscape have, for many, become emblematic of these dynamic times. ─── 他引人的发人深思的作品描绘了北京城市图景的变迁,其中的很多作品都成为了这个重要时代中变化的象徵。

20、Whatever your political views, most would agree that China will be the emblematic nation of our time, and its culture and people will, in many ways, define the 21st century. ─── 无论您的政见如何,多数人会认同中国将成为我们时代的一个国家象征,其文化和人民的意志,用许多方式,将定义21世纪。

21、In the age of capitalist society, people worshipped the tall buildings and skyscrapers emblematic of capital strength. ─── 资本社会时代,人们崇尚显示资本力量的高楼大厦和标志性建筑。

22、Fisher was 0 for 6 before connecting from the right baseline, which was emblematic of the Lakers' shooting woes. ─── 在右侧底角投中这个球前费舍尔是6中0,这也体现了湖人全队糟糕的投篮。

23、"There are several World Cups, each emblematic of international supremacy in a specific sport. The best known and most important of them is awarded in soccer, and World Cups are also awarded in golf, tennis, field hockey, and others." ─── 有许多种世界杯赛,每一杯赛象征着该体育项目在世界上的最高水准。最著名和最重要的杯赛是足球,高尔夫,网球,曲棍球等也有杯赛。

24、Chaoda is emblematic of where the government wants agriculture to go. ─── 超大是政府希望农业成功的象徵。

25、The buildings that house IBM's Thomas J.Watson and Almaden Research Centers are emblematic of an earlier time and an earlier attitude toward research. ─── 建筑物内务IBM的托马斯沃森和j.阿尔马登研究中心的象征,较早的时间和更早的态度研究。

26、Even though wolwes are not as emblematic as horses, they belong to the steppe universe and they are very present in the kalmyk and mongolian imagination and legends. ─── 甚至虽然狼不是像马一样有象征性,但是它们还是属于大草原世界,在卡尔梅克和蒙古人的思想和传奇中,它们是自然的赠与。

27、The crown is emblematic of power of a king. ─── 王冠是国王权力的象征。

28、This emblematic building forms part of the history and heritage of Futbol Club Barcelona, and is an ancient country residence built in 1702. ─── 自1702年修葺以来,这座富含象征意义的建筑也成为了巴塞罗那足球俱乐部的一份历史遗产与古旧地产。

29、the brightly colored garments of a jockey; emblematic of the stable. ─── 赛马骑师穿的一种颜色明亮的衣服;象征着稳定。

30、Cheongsam is emblematic of the ancient as well as the modern in China. ─── 长衫又叫旗袍,既代表了旧日中国,也可以很现代。

31、figure of a lamb; emblematic of Christ. ─── 一只羊羔的形象;耶稣的象征。

32、Emblematic of this calamitous development has been the motorisation of Chinese mobility. ─── 在这个灾难性的增长中,具有标志意义的就是中国机动车的增长。

33、This ancient city has turned itself in recent years into a manufacturing dynamo emblematic of India's economic rebirth. ─── 古老的印度城市哥印拜陀近年来已转变为推动印度经济复兴的制造业活力的象征。

34、Onboard beverage fees became emblematic of the “a la carte” strategy many carriers adopted to help squeeze more revenue from each passenger while keeping base ticket prices low. ─── 机上饮料费成为“点菜式”战略的象征,许多航空公司采用这种战略,以求在将基本票价保持在低位的同时,从每一名乘客身上得到更多营业收入。

35、The distinctive LRDG Chevy's became emblematic of the LRDG's ability to adopt any useful equipment were into their unusual arsenal. ─── 与众不同的雪佛兰卡车几乎成为了LRDG的标志,这也显示了他们独具很强的武器装备适应能力。

36、Along the way, Hyundai has become emblematic of the changes sweeping Korea's economy ─── 现代所走的路成了整个韩国经济的象征性变化。

37、The first Muslim to hold such a top government job, and a woman to boot, Ms Dati has become emblematic of an effort to open up the French elite. ─── 达蒂是第一位担任如此政府高职的穆斯林,而且是一位女人,她已经成为试图挖掘法国精英人士的一个象征。

38、emblematic of the stable. ─── 象征着稳定。

39、"The oval box with its delicate swallowtail joints has become practically emblematic of Shaker design. ─── “有着燕尾形接合的椭圆盒子基本上已成为震颤派设计的象征。

40、represented by a figure or resemblance; symbolic or emblematic ─── 象征的用形象或相似物代表的;象征的或典型的

41、Simply put, they are an emblematic band indelibly associated with a particular place, time and pop style. ─── 简单地说,他们是一支典型乐队抹不掉同某一特定的时间,地点,流行风格。

42、Torre pointed to how he handled an uncomfortable situation as being emblematic of the team's perseverance. ─── 托爷提到了这位在球队中,是坚毅的勇者象徵,是如何度过这不舒服的处境。

43、A sphere emblematic of sovereignty; an orb. ─── 小金球象征君权的金球;球

44、But he saw and showed the connection between nature and the affections of the soul.He pierced the emblematic or spiritual character of the visible, audible, tangible world. ─── 该法规一直在那里说,昨天我们同意如此这般,但你如今认为这一法规如何呢?

45、Having mcnealy and ellison share the stage was emblematic of the two companies'work in recent months to patch up their relationship. ─── 和ellison同台演讲被看作是两家公司最近数月为改善双方关系所作出的又一努力。

46、That volatility is emblematic of the risk in this cohort of funds. ─── 预计未来几年的很多增长将来自海外,特别是新兴市场。

47、a crown is emblematic of royalty; the spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish. ─── 王冠象征皇室;手纺车和鲟鱼是马萨诸塞的象征。

48、As an important school of Chinese shadow puppet theater, the jidong puppet theater occupies an emblematic status in the Chinese shadow puppet scene. ─── 摘要冀东皮影戏做为中国影戏的重要支脉,在当下中国影戏格局中具有标志性的地位。

49、My mother's d misfortune was emblematic of China's humiliating recent history, for Bare about 140 years dating from the Opium War in 1839. ─── 我母亲的不幸是近代中国不幸历史的一个象征,这段历史可追溯到1839年的鸦片战争,持续了近140年。

50、The violence is emblematic of what is happening in our inner cities. ─── 这种暴力行为正标示了我们市中心贫民区的状况。

51、particularly as the son of a minister in a culture which steeped in an emblematic tradition. ─── 梵高的父亲是牧师,而且浸浴于一个充满了象征性传统的文化。

52、The second break in the very young career of Liu Bolin takes place in 2007 with an emblematic sculpture, the “Closed Fist”. ─── 刘勃麟方兴未艾的艺术生涯中的第二个断点发生在2007年,即颇具争议性的作品“握紧的铁拳”。

53、EXAMPLE: The rapid sales of cell phones in our country is emblematic of our new prosperity. ─── 我国手机销售的快速增长反映出新的繁荣。

54、Whiteness is emblematic of purity ─── 白色是纯洁的象征。

55、be emblematic of ─── 是

56、Today, however, Japanese electronics is emblematic of the problems bedeviling the country's business (see article). ─── 然而,今天,日本的电器已经是国家经济困惑的标志。

57、Make the scenarios more concrete by fleshing them out into imaginary, but plausible, news stories that are emblematic of the forces at play. ─── 为了让场景更为具体化,让我们绘声绘色描绘出一个虚构的,像模像样的,象征着正在进行中的力量的新故事。

58、Emblematic notes of the garrigue heath mingle with this supremely harmonious ensemble. ─── 其风格如绿灌木和荒地的混合与和谐的合奏。

59、My mother's misfortune was emblematic of China's humiliating recent history, for about 140 years dating from the Opium War in 1839. ─── 我母亲的不幸是近代中国不幸历史的一个象徵,这段历史可追溯到1839年的鸦片战争,持续了近140年。

60、Located in the Heart of Barcelona, in Paseo de Gracia, one of the city's most emblematic thoroughfares. ─── 酒店位于巴塞罗那中心的格斯雅大道(PaseodeGracia),城市里最具象征性的通路之一。

61、The past five years have seen growth in yoga vacations that is emblematic of a larger trend in the travel industry, says Allen Kay, spokesman for the Travel Industry Association. ─── 旅游行业协会发言人AllenKay告诉我们,过去5年里瑜伽度假游项目的蓬勃发展已经是旅游行业的一个显著的趋势。

62、NICARAGUA may be a small country but it is an emblematic one. ─── 尼加拉瓜可能只算个小国,但却是具有代表性的一个国家。

63、a device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner) ─── 在国旗上象征两个或更多主权国家的图案(一般在上面内部角落里)

64、The Royale Reserve is the emblematic blend of the House of Philipponnat, combining freshness and vinosity. ─── 明亮的金黄色,有大量持久的气泡。带有柑橘与红色浆果的果香,还有轻微的新鲜面包发酵的气味。

65、He was perhaps emblematic of a new Chinese cultural reolution: in elementary school during the height of Mao's reolution, the countryside suddenly teeming with to-be-rehabilitated intellectuals. ─── 他很可能是中国新的文化革命的代表。他上小学的时候,正逢文革的高峰。突然间,农村到处是接受改造的知识分子。

66、It is the emblematic red grape of Argentinean. ─── 梅尔别克是阿根廷红葡萄品种的代表。

67、Located in the Heart of Barcelona, in Paseo de Gracia, one of the city's most emblematic thoroughfares. ─── 酒店位于巴塞罗那中心的格斯雅大道(Paseo de Gracia),城市里最具象征性的通路之一。

68、4.any orchid of the genus Disa; beautiful orchids with dark green leaves and usually hooded flowers; much prized as emblematic flowers in their native regions. ─── 黛散兰属的任何一种兰花;花美丽、常常成头巾状,叶墨绿色;在原产地是有象征性的花,倍受好评。

69、Gundam,for me,is the grand heroic icon,the ultimate Omnipresent One who will always be the emblematic figure of the modern Japan that I know so well. ─── 高达这个符号对我来说,意味着伟大的英雄,也是现代日本的一种一直存在的象征。

70、a device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner). ─── 在国旗上象征两个或更多主权国家的图案(一般在上面内部角落里)。

71、2.This is the emblematic sculpture of Yingkou. ─── 这就是营口的标志性雕塑了。

72、Chapter Two gives a detailed description of his emblematic art in the form of hieroglyph which constitutes the important part of his religious poems. ─── 第二章:“形体诗”是赫伯特宗教诗的重要组成部分,象征艺术在他的“形体诗”中被运用的形象、贴切,可谓“视觉化”的象征。

73、Clinton tore apart a White House butler's pantry to create a cozy breakfast nook, emblematic of the closeness the family sought. ─── 女士拆散克林顿在白宫管家的厨房创造一个舒适的早餐角落,象征着亲密的家庭要求。

74、The troubles on the farm are emblematic of an overall feeling of paralysis gripping Japan, the world’s second-largest economy. ─── 世界第二大经济体日本正在成为一个中风病人,农场主们遇到的烦恼正是这种总体感觉的象征。

75、emblematic art ─── 象征艺术

76、the free discussion that is emblematic of democracy; an action exemplary of his conduct;. ─── 自由讨论是民主的象征;他行为的模范作用。

77、To many, that crossover was emblematic of a new school of playground-bred hoops crossing over into the NBA. ─── 对于很多人来说,其实胯下运球是很具标志性的,而这也代表著新派街头篮球风格正在融入到NBA。

78、The killing in Pensacola is emblematic of a lot of the violence that is happening around the world. ─── 发生在彭萨科拉的凶杀案是世界各地发生的大量暴力事件的典型代表。

79、“It is simply emblematic of the French decline,” said one art critic who preferred not to be named. ─── 一位不愿透露姓名的艺术评论家表示:“这正是法国衰落的象征。

80、Pen - Emblematic of the liberal art of writing and of learned employments. ─── 钢笔-学术自由的象征。

81、“When you see these outliers, are they really emblematic of something dramatic, or are they just the extremes of the normal distributions? ─── 这些偏离值真的能够代表某些急速的改变,还是只是常态分布的极端?

82、Along the way,Hyundai has become emblematic of the changes sweeping Korea's economy. ─── 现代集团所走的路成了整个韩国经济的象征性变化。

83、1. any orchid of the genus Disa; beautiful orchids with dark green leaves and usually hooded flowers; much prized as emblematic flowers in their native regions. ─── 黛散兰属的任何一种兰花;花美丽、常常成头巾状,叶墨绿色;在原产地是有象征性的花,倍受好评。收藏指正

84、This article discusses the achievements in the science of editions of ancient books in the Song Dynasty from the study of different editions,reviews on good edition,and emblematic results. ─── 文章从同书异本及其研究、善本观、标志性成果等方面论述了宋代古籍版本学的成就。

85、Neofascist parties such as the Vlaams Blok portrayed Irma Laplasse as a martyr, a victim of Belgian justice, and her case became emblematic of their nationalist fight. ─── 新法西斯各党,比如弗拉姆斯·布洛克党把艾尔玛尊为烈士--一位比利时正义的殉难者。艾尔玛事件还成为他们为民族主义而战的标志。

86、The paper explores emblematic knowledge practices supported by visual representation and concludes by pinpointing avenues for further research. ─── 本文探讨了由视觉表现方法支持的符号表示的知识实践,以对未来研究的准确定位作为结束。

87、His life is emblematic of a breed of itinerant jihadist. ─── 他的一生成了到处游历的一代杰哈德分子的象征。

88、It has become emblematic of capitalism and trade in a way that other parts of the food and beverage industry have not. ─── 它成了资本主义的代表符号,开辟出不同于其他食品饮料产业的创新贸易章法。

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