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08-17 投稿


rawness 发音

英:[?r??n?s]  美:[?r??n?s]

英:  美:

rawness 中文意思翻译



rawness 短语词组

1、rawness slang ─── 粗俗俚语

2、rawness define ─── 粗犷定义

3、rawness synonym ─── 生硬同义词

4、rawness definition ─── 原始定义

5、rawness in chest ─── 胸闷

6、rawness mean ─── 生硬的意思

7、rawness def ─── 原始定义

rawness 相似词语短语

1、drabness ─── n.单调乏味

2、realness ─── n.真诚;真实性

3、raciness ─── n.辛辣;风味好;爽利;近乎淫猥

4、rankness ─── n.繁茂;恶臭

5、Laxness ─── n.拉克斯内斯(姓氏);拉克斯内斯(冰岛作家,曾获1955年诺贝尔文学奖)

6、raptness ─── 欣喜若狂

7、rareness ─── n.稀薄;稀罕;珍奇

8、grayness ─── n.灰色;(头发)灰白

9、rashness ─── n.轻率;皮肤上短暂出现的疹子

rawness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you want your vegetables cooked or raw? ─── 你要把蔬菜煮熟还是生吃?

2、Do you call yourself a raw country girl? ─── 你把自己称作少见多怪的乡下姑娘?

3、What about the payment for raw material? ─── 原材料怎样支付呢?

4、The raw weather chilledour enthusiasm for a swim. ─── 天气阴冷,我们游泳的兴致大减。

5、Journalists, often guilty of hyperbole, have struggled for once to capture the rawness of the politics. ─── 记者们素有夸张之能事,但这一次也对记录政治的生猛感到力不从心了。

6、Raw material is what we are in need of. ─── 原料是我们所需要的。

7、The essential difficulty is finding the sufficient raw material. ─── 主要的困难是找到足够的原材料。

8、Writes raw markup manually from a string. ─── 从字符串手动书写原始标记。

9、We combined materiality and beautiful objects without hiding the existing rawness of the building. ─── 我们把物质性和优雅的事物结合在一起,没有隐藏建筑现有的素净。

10、You may kill someone someday with your raw power. ─── 你的蛮力总有一天会害死某个人的。

11、She was the raw material of a divinity. ─── 她本是一副天神的胚子。

12、Having taken a bath in the raw in a cold mountain stream, we went to a village. ─── 在冰冷的山间小溪胡乱洗个澡之后,我们就向一座村庄走去。

13、She was wearing a jacket made of raw silk. ─── 她穿一件生丝做的外套。

14、You must not forget that flies also like raw fruit. ─── 你切不可忘记,水果虽鲜,但惹苍蝇。

15、Raw material is what we are in need of . ─── 原材料是我们所需要的。

16、His wife rs words touched him on the raw. ─── 他太太的话触及了他的痛处。

17、Which is exposed by his great rawness ─── 这从他打法还很粗糙就可以看出来

18、The price of raw material falls. ─── 原材料的价格在下跌。

19、The special today is raw flat-fish. ─── 今天的特餐是生比目鱼片。

20、Shows exception handling clauses in raw form. ─── 以原始格式显示异常处理子句。

21、His heel is raw because his shoe do not fit well. ─── 因鞋子不合适,他的脚后跟擦破皮了。

22、Raw materials are provided by the state. ─── 原料由国家供给。

23、It is a raw winter day today. ─── 今天是一个湿冷的冬日。

24、Peridot raw material and Peridot finished product. ─── 主要以批发销售橄榄石原料及成品为主。

25、The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. ─── 原料费用昂贵使得产品价格居高不下。

26、Recorded almost live, there's a certain seductive rawness about the whole thing. ─── 整个作品几乎是实况录制,有一种引人入胜的真实感。

27、He sat by the window in raw sunlight. ─── 他靠窗坐着,连晒在身上的阳光也是凉飕飕的。

28、Raw oil futures: how far is it from China? ─── 原油期货离中国有多远?

29、Tianjin Bohai Chemical Raw Material Co., Ltd. ─── 天津渤海化学原料有限公司;天津华北氧气有限责任公司。

30、Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Plc. ─── 上海市原水股份有限公司。

31、All their plans are gummed up for want of raw materials. ─── 他们的全部计划由于缺乏原料而停顿下来。

32、The moving belt feeds raw material into the machine. ─── 传送带向机器输送原料。

33、They saw life in the raw among those wild tribe. ─── 他们在那些原始部落中看到了未开化的生活。


35、And then another which emphasizes the authenticity of human experience -- and honesty , and rawness . ─── 还有一种强调原汁原味的人文体验,强调诚实和本性。

36、Files on raw partitions can autogrow. ─── 原始分区上的文件可以自动增长。

37、The price of raw materials has been hoisted by 15%. ─── 原材料的价格上涨了15%。

38、His heel is raw because his shoe does not fit well. ─── 因鞋子不合适,他的脚后跟擦破皮了。

39、Raw materials come low this year. ─── 今年原材料便宜。

40、His lungs still raw from the exertion of the march. ─── 一路走得吃力,至今他胸肋还隐隐作痛。

41、The raw weather chilled our enthusiasm for a swim. ─── 天气阴冷,我们游泳的兴致大减。

42、A piece or chunk, especially of raw meat. ─── 一片,一块一片或一块,尤指生肉

43、RAW mode is specified in the FOR XML clause. ─── RAW模式在FOR XML子句中指定。

44、After taking a cold rawness of the larynx and trachea come on. ─── 感冒了,紧接是喉咙和气管的疼痛。

45、They blew the biting world on his raw wound. ─── 她们唆使尖刻的世界在咬他的新伤口。

46、Valuable raw materials were salvaged (from the sunken freighter). ─── (从沉船中)打捞起许多贵重的原料。

47、It is a raw material for making teapots. ─── 也就是制作茶壶的原料。

48、In the strums; the boys slept in the raw. ─── 夏天,男孩们光着身子睡觉。

49、On time supplier delivery for raw material. ─── 原材料的准时交货。

50、Henry enjoyed going into woods and living life in the raw. ─── 亨利喜欢到树林里去过最简朴的生活。

51、Existing in native or raw form; not processed or refined. ─── 原始的以自然的或原始的形式存在的; 未进化或精炼的

52、Raw material, as for artistic creation. ─── 原料,用于艺术创作

53、How is your porf? raw, medium or welldone? ─── 4先生,请问牛排您是要怎么做的?,全生.半熟还是全熟的?

54、The soles of his feet were raw with chilblain. ─── 他的脚底生了冻疮很疼痛。

55、The raw coal was quoted at $15 per ton. ─── 原煤报价为每吨15美元。

56、His knees and arms were raw and bleeding. ─── 他的膝盖和手臂都擦破了,在流着血。

57、As regards the raw materials what's to be done? ─── 关于原料问题,该怎么办呢?

58、Raw stock: Base paper before coating. ─── 原纸:未加涂层的基纸。

59、Do you like it boiled? I like it raw. ─── 你要煮熟的吗?我喜欢生的。

60、Add two cups of well washed raw rice. ─── 再加两满杯淘好的生米。

61、Croft's senses had become raw waiting for activity. ─── 克洛夫特心里只盼着大干,早已把眼睛都盼红了。

62、The steel works has been supplying us with raw material in large quantities. ─── 在过去的两年中,那家钢铁厂一直提供给我们原材料。

63、He is young and rawness, but please don't despise him as this. ─── 他年轻又无经验,但请不要因此而小看他。

64、Function to write raw data to a sequential file. ─── 函数将原始数据写入顺序文件。

65、Step by step, rock lost its visceral rawness and seductive sensuality. ─── 摇滚逐渐失去了内生的原始冲动及感官上的诱惑力。

66、Frankly, no. They often eat raw food. ─── 坦率地说,不习惯,他们经常吃生食。

67、In the summer the boys slept in the raw. ─── 夏天,孩子们赤条条地睡觉。

68、Raw: This stores the raw source code in the class. ─── 在类中保存原始代码。

69、His literary style is still rather raw. ─── 他的文学风格还很不成熟。

70、If she lost her job for being late once, she got a pretty raw deal. ─── 她若只因迟到一次就失去了工作,这样对她未免太不公平了。

71、Implement raw material in-coming inspection. ─── 原料检验工作。

72、She makes use of people she meets as raw material for her fiction. ─── 她把她所遇见的人们作为她创作小说的素材。

73、What is the price of the raw material? ─── 原料的价格是多少?

74、Swallow the raw fish--it won't kill you! ─── 吞下生鱼肉,它不会伤害你。

75、Do you like to eat raw vegetables? ─── 你爱吃生的蔬菜吗?

76、A large package of raw or finished material tightly bound with twine or wire and often wrapped. ─── 大包,大捆用线或绳缠绕包裹的原料或成品的大包,经常被包扎起来

77、"It doesn't ever go away, " she wrote, "but it did change for me. It shifted away from the hideous rawness I felt in the early weeks. " ─── 她写道:“这伤痛不会消失,但我的痛的确变了。我最初几周那种赤裸裸冷冰冰的感觉消失了。”

78、Cabbage could be eaten raw in salads. ─── 卷心菜可以做成沙拉生吃。

79、He was raw to the land [the work]. ─── 他对该地[工作]生疏。

80、Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Co., Led. ─── 上海原水股份有限公司饮用水分公司。

81、They were tired of their raw treatment by their boss. ─── 他们受到老板的不公正待遇,对此实在无法忍受了。

82、Cost of raw material is 5% higher than last year. ─── 原料成本比去年高了5%。

83、Wash hands after handling pigs or raw pork. ─── 处理猪只或生猪肉后要洗手。

84、Your fish must be fresh if you want to eat it raw. ─── 你的鱼必须是新鲜的,如果你要生吃的话。

85、The result is a bittersweet baby boom, the joy of each birth tempered by the rawness of the recent loss. ─── 结果就是悲喜交加的生育高峰,新生命诞生的喜悦释缓了刚刚失去孩子的伤痛。

86、His heel is raw because his shoe doesn't fit well. ─── 因鞋子不合适,他的脚後跟擦破皮了。

87、Have you eaten raw beef before ? ─── 你之前有吃过生牛肉吗?

88、Writes raw markup manually from a character buffer. ─── 从字符缓冲区手动书写原始标记。

89、You hit a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife. ─── 你曾提到他的前妻刺到了他的痛处。

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