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08-17 投稿


effervescence 发音

英:[?ef?r?vesns]  美:[?ef??ves(?)ns]

英:  美:

effervescence 中文意思翻译



effervescence 短语词组

1、effervescence crossword ─── 气泡纵横字谜

2、effervescence def ─── 泡沫定义

3、effervescence fabric robert kaufman ─── 泡腾面料罗伯特考夫曼

4、copious effervescence ─── [医] 多量泡腾

5、effervescence fabric ─── 泡腾织物

6、effervescence crossword clue ─── 泡腾纵横字谜线索

7、effervescence de ─── 泡腾

8、effervescence lab ─── 泡腾实验室

effervescence 同义词

motor nerve | efferent nerve | motorial

effervescence 词性/词形变化,effervescence变形

副词: effervescently |动词过去分词: effervesced |形容词: effervescent |动词第三人称单数: effervesces |动词现在分词: effervescing |动词过去式: effervesced |名词: efferves-cence |

effervescence 反义词


effervescence 相似词语短语

1、effervesced ─── v.(液体)泡腾,冒泡;兴奋,兴高采烈

2、defervescences ─── n.退热;退烧

3、effervescencies ─── n.冒泡;沸腾;兴奋

4、effervescency ─── n.冒泡;沸腾;兴奋

5、effervescently ─── 冒泡地

6、effervesces ─── v.(液体)泡腾,冒泡;兴奋,兴高采烈

7、defervescence ─── n.退热;退烧

8、effervesce ─── v.(液体)泡腾,冒泡;兴奋,兴高采烈

9、effervescent ─── adj.冒泡的,沸腾的;兴奋的

effervescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A gentle effervescence fills the mouth, then gives way to all the grandeur of the Chardonnay. ─── 柔和而活跃的气泡充盈口腔,进而可品到莎当妮所有的浓郁特质。

2、effervescence level ─── 泡沸面

3、Much of that effervescence is associated with new Chinese wealth. ─── 这种活力大都与中国的新生财富有关。

4、Bubbles are engaging because of their effervescence. ─── 气泡因它的起泡而迷人。

5、Objective To establish a method of microbial limit examination of metronidazole, clotrimazole and chlorhexodine acetate vagina effervescence tablet. ─── 目的建立双唑泰阴道泡腾片微生物限度检查的验证方法。

6、Here the wine, like buried treasure, ages and develops its special effervescence that is all-natural. ─── 就象深埋在地下的宝藏一样,香槟酒在地窖里熟化并形成其独特的、完全天然的发泡性能。

7、"This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side. ─── 动过手术,他能够走路了。穿上特制的鞋,使他的步态很平稳。

8、Collective effervescence ─── 集体欢腾

9、This champagne is a pale, satin , golden-yellow color and has a lovely effervescence. ─── 这款香槟拥有华丽夺目,如丝缎般绚烂的金黄色泽,以及细腻可人的起泡。

10、The effervescence will stimulate the palate in such a way that both the cheeses and the wine will soar. ─── 气酒会以冒泡的方式刺激味觉,无论是奶酪和葡萄酒的口味都会飙升。

11、One thing that went overlooked about Lush was their ability to veer from violent and edgy noise breaks to pop effervescence. ─── 更重要的是每个独立唱片公司都有一个个性强烈的音乐指向/氛围,即其旗下的乐队/个人都有一个大概统一的音乐风格范畴;

12、The awe-inspiring Metropolys is in effervescence! ─── 齐来打造一个超级国际大都会!

13、This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side. ─── 她兴高采烈得不肯安分地走在她母亲身边,而且象鸟儿一样地蹦跳着。

14、He wrote about Gillespie's effervescence, magnetism, and commitment. ─── 他写了吉莱斯皮的活泼、魅力和专注。

15、Soon after the completion of his college course, his whole nature was kindled into one intense and passionate effervescence of romantic passion ─── 大学刚毕业时,他心灵中燃烧着一股强烈而炽热的浪漫主义的激情。

16、Third reason: after 40 years, the French have ended up convincing themselves that May ’68 was a sort of Parisian exception, even though it was part of a worldwide effervescence. ─── 第三个原因是:时隔四十年之后,法国人已经把68年的五月事件当作是巴黎人特有的活动,而非那场席卷世界的风潮的一个组成部分。

17、Beer is best with it's light taste, and it doubles as a palate cleanser with its effervescence. ─── 啤酒清淡的口感却是很好的选择,伴着它气泡可以很好清除口中的杂味。

18、All kinds of insights would blend and flourish in a fertile effervescence. ─── 各式各样的洞察在一场热情洋溢的想象中融合与兴盛。

19、He looks like cold but inside of him all is effervescence. ─── 他本人也是个外表冷酷内心狂热的家伙。

20、Berlin and New York have sizeable mutual admiration societies but, until recently, post-war Berlin could only dream of being in the same league of creative effervescence as New York. ─── 柏林和纽约都有规模较大的艺术欣赏团体,但是战后的柏林只能幻想拥有和纽约一样充满创造的活力。

21、Intact cells in the grounds create a fine effervescence, which is derived from gases (especially carbon dioxide) passing through tiny pores in the cell walls. ─── 咖啡粉末里的完整细胞则会产生细致的泡沫,那是由气体(特别是二氧化碳)通过细胞壁上的细孔所造成的。

22、The varieties and names given to wines are legion and reflect their region of origin, varieties of grape used in their manufacture, and certain properties such as degree of sweetness, color, alcohol content, and effervescence. ─── 葡萄酒的种类和名称繁多,反映了其起源的地区、用于制造的葡萄的品种以及某些特征(比如甜度、色度、酒精度和起泡性)。

23、"This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side." ─── 她兴高采烈得不肯安分地走在她母亲身边,而且象鸟儿一样地蹦跳着。

24、Contrary to what we had first thought, effervescence in carbonated beverages turned out to be a fantastic tool for investigating the physical chemistry of rising, expanding and collapsing bubbles. ─── 碳酸饮料中冒出来的泡泡,竟然提供了一个了不起的工具,可用来研究气泡上升、扩张终至迸裂的物理化学过程,这实在是我们始料所未及。

25、This is why lyricism represents a dispersion of subjectivity; it is a certain quantity of an individual's spiritual effervescence which cannot be contained and needs constant expression. ─── 这就是为什么抒情始终象征着主体的消散,总有一些难以抑制,需要持续不断抒发的个体的精神兴奋。

26、Keywords fluid inclusions;effervescence;phase separation;ductile shear belt type gold deposit;Huangtuling; ─── 流体包裹体;沸腾作用;相分离;韧性剪切带型金矿;黄土岭;

27、The stability of effervescence tablet used tartaric acid as raw material is stronger than using citric acid. ─── 不同粒度的酒石酸,颗粒越小吸湿性越强,作为泡腾片原料,酒石酸稳定性要强于柠檬酸。

28、The Effervescence of Light spheres results from release of ego pressure from individuals as well as cultures of all types throughout Gaia. ─── 冒出光球是从个体以及遍及盖娅的所有类型文化中释放小我压力的结果。

29、New Year's Day is the simplest holiday in the calendar, a Champagne cork of a day after all the effervescence of the evening before. ─── 新年是日历中最为寻常的节日,对于此前泡沫翻腾的黑夜,它是之后白日里的一支香槟木塞。

30、Soda that loses its effervescence goes flat. ─── 无气泡的苏打水气跑光了。

31、Finally, disintegrability of the effervescence disintegrants was evaluated by effervescence capacity and aerogenesis. ─── 测定发泡量和产气量作为选择泡腾崩解剂的依据。

32、Effervescence has proved its utility as an oral delivery system in the pharmaceutical and dietary industries for decades. ─── 在过数十年腾泡锭一直被用在药品和食品工业中做为一种口服传送系统。

33、'It will lose a bit of the effervescence, ' he admits, 'but the aroma blossom, and it is a worthy trade-off. ' ─── 他承认,这会损失一些泡沫,但香气倍增,很划算的交换。

34、When a chemical reaction fizzes,it is usually because it is producing a gas.This called effervescence. ─── 在化学反应发出“咝咝”声时,通常是因为它正在产生气体,这就是所谓的“发泡”。

35、maybe there is no way to blunt his effervescence. ─── 也许他真的不可阻挡。

36、Having lost effervescence or sparkle ─── 泄了气的或不冒泡的

37、Experrimental Research into Influence of the Effervescence Generator Equipment on Emulsified Oil Nozzle Atomizer Characteristics ─── 气泡发生结构对乳化油喷嘴雾化特性影响的试验研究

38、The unsweetened yogurt is featured by a slight hint of effervescence, something most users will have previously associated only with mineral waters, soda or beer. ─── 这种不加糖的酸奶有一点气泡的味道,大多数用户以前只会把它与矿泉水、苏打水或啤酒联系起来。

39、Little Pearl at first clapped her hands, but then lost, for an instant, the restless agitation that had kept her in a continual effervescence throughout the morning; ─── 小珠儿起初拍着手掌,但后来却忽而失去了整个上午她始终处于的那种兴奋不安的情绪;

40、copious effervescence ─── [医] 多量泡腾

41、1. Born in Fairfield,Connecticut,Meg,or Peggy,as she was then called,didn't exactly have an effervescence inducing upbringing . ─── 梅格出生在康涅狄格州的费尔菲尔德,小时候人们都喊她佩吉。她没过上什么愉快的童年。

42、Attempts to reproduce the natural effervescence of certain spring waters for presumed health benefits began before 1700. ─── 仿制有益于健康的天然矿泉水的努力起源于1700年前,普里斯特利(J.

43、Effervescence n. Inner excitement or exuberance; bubbling from fermentation or carbonation ─── 情绪激动;兴高采烈;冒泡;起沫

44、they wait for it to go off, like the effervescence of soda-water. ─── 他们就像等待苏打水的泡沫会自行消失一样,等待着中国现状中的弊端自行消失。

45、3.The technology of frequency conversion for settlement of effervescence,overflow and low effect of dehydration about vacuum oil-filter was reported in the paper. ─── 介绍了利用变频技术解决真空滤油机存在的冒泡,溢出以及脱水效果差问题。

46、His whole nature was kindled into one intense and passionate effervescence of romantic passion ─── 他心灵中燃烧着一股强烈而炽热的浪漫主义激情。

47、Keywords metronidazole;clotrimazole and chlorhexodine acetate vagina effervescence tablet;microbial limit examination;method of membrane filtration; ─── 双唑泰阴道泡腾片;微生物限度检查;薄膜过滤法;

48、effervescence generator ─── 气泡发生器

49、New Year's Day is the simplest holiday in the calendar, a Champagne cork of a day after all the effervescence of the evening before. ─── 新年是日历中最为寻常的节日,对于此前泡沫翻腾的黑夜,它是之后白日里的一支香槟木塞。

50、It is the bribe for living, the champagne of the blood, the effervescence of the ferment ─── 这是永生的贿赂,血液的美酒,酵素的沸腾。

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