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08-17 投稿


benignant 发音

英:[b??n?ɡn?nt]  美:[b??n?ɡn?nt]

英:  美:

benignant 中文意思翻译



benignant 同义词

merciful | benevolent | gracious | compassionate | benign | accommodating

benignant 反义词


benignant 短语词组

1、benignant define ─── 仁慈的定义

2、benignant definition ─── 善意的定义

3、benignant circle ─── 良性循环

4、benignant _101 ─── 仁慈的

5、benignant tumor ─── 良性肿瘤

6、benignant means ─── 善意的手段

7、benignant figure ─── 慈祥的身影

8、benignant power ─── 仁慈的力量

benignant 词性/词形变化,benignant变形

副词: benignantly |

benignant 相似词语短语

1、benign ─── adj.良性的;和蔼的,亲切的;吉利的;n.(Benign)人名;(俄)贝尼根

2、indignant ─── adj.愤愤不平的;义愤的

3、benight ─── 使陷入黑暗;使愚昧无知;使视线模糊

4、benignancies ─── n.仁慈;良性;亲切

5、benignancy ─── n.仁慈;良性;亲切

6、benignly ─── adv.亲切地;仁慈地

7、unbenignant ─── 不友好的

8、benignity ─── n.仁慈;善举

9、benignantly ─── adv.有益地;亲切地;仁慈地

benignant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Isolated coronary artery ectasia is not benign and must be carefully monitored. ─── 单纯性冠状动脉扩张不是良性病变,必须小心监控。

2、It is a rare, but rather benign pulmonary edema. ─── 它虽然罕见,却是个预后不错的疾病。

3、Hamartoma is a rare benign breast tumor. ─── 摘要乳房缺陷瘤是一种罕见的良性乳房肿瘤。

4、The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history shining with a truer lustre and a more benignant glory. ─── 华盛顿在历史人物中独树一帜。他的声望放射出更为纯正的异彩和更为慈祥的光辉。

5、Above results suggest that CIG was a benign hyperplasia, approaching normal. ─── 上述结果提示CIG是一种近似正常的良性增生。

6、Watson had the benign tumour removed in a London hospital after falling ill while recording an album in the US. ─── 华生在美国录制专辑时生病后,在伦敦进行良性的肿瘤移除手术。

7、It was a pleasant morning, mid-September, mild, benignant , yet with a keener breath than that of the summer months. ─── 这是一个九月中旬快乐的清晨,气候温和宜人,有着夏季所没有的恬静气息。

8、There is a obvious difference between borderline, pre cancerous and benign lesion in the expression of TRAP. ─── 另外,交界性及癌前病变与良性病变组织中TRAP表达差异也有显著性。

9、In general, benign fibrous histiocy-toma is rarely found in the head and neck. ─── 摘要头颈部的纤维性组织细胞瘤除了少数发生于鼻窦外,其馀并不多见。

10、Cardiac myxoma is benign tumour, but it may become malignant. ─── 心脏粘液瘤虽属良性肿瘤,但也可恶性变。

11、In women, indole-3-carbinol may turn the estrogen associated with breast cancer into a more benign form. ─── 对女性而言,吲哚-3-甲醇可以将可能导致乳腺癌的雌激素转化为良性。

12、A good mine site will be not only densely strewn with nodules, but also benign. ─── 一个好的矿场不仅是要矿岩分布密度高,而且必须质地优良。

13、These correlate with a higher rate of recurrent syncope, younger age, and a more benign course. ─── 上述疾病通常与较高的晕厥复发率、年幼和较为良性的病程有关。

14、In this benign gland, the luminal contour shows tufts and papillary infoldings. ─── 下面的良性前列腺腺体内,腺腔内可见丛状和乳头状内折。

15、at last judge blount looked across the table with benignant and fatherly pity . martin smiled to himself. ─── 布朗特法官终于带着父亲式的慈爱怜悯地望着桌子对面的马丁。

16、Adrenel myelolipoma is a rare, benign and non-functioning tumor. ─── 摘要肾上腺骨髓脂肪瘤是一稀少,没有内分泌性的良性肿瘤。

17、Alster has treated his face for hidrocystoma, a type of benign cyst. ─── 布洛克斯说,艾斯特医师曾帮他治脸上的一种良性囊肿。

18、The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history shining with a truer lustre and a more benignant glory. ─── 华盛顿在历史人物中独树一帜。他的声望放射出更为纯正的异彩和更为慈祥的光辉。

19、Surgical Treatment of 256 Cases of Hilar Bile Duct Benign Strictures. ─── 256例肝门胆管良性狭窄的手术治疗

20、Choosing an environmentally benignant cleaning reaction solvent is an important part of Green Chemistry research. ─── 选择与环境友好的“洁净”的反应介质是绿色化学研究的重要组成部分。

21、Cystic nephroma is a benign cystic neoplasm composed of epithelial and stromal elements. ─── 囊性肾瘤是由上皮和间质成分组成的良性囊性肿瘤。

22、It was a pleasant morning, mid-September, mild, benignant , yet with a keener breath than of the summer months. ─── 这是一个九月中旬的清晨,惬意愉悦,温和宜人,可空中的气息比夏日更为急切。

23、In Soapy's opinion the Law was more benign than Philanthropy. ─── 在索比眼里,法律比救济更为宽厚。

24、Here the message of past eugenic practices is clear. Never let a government, no matter how apparently benign, into the process. ─── 反思过去实施过的优生政策的教训是很清楚的:绝不能让政府介人此事,不管它是个多么善良、慈爱的政府。

25、Here is a benign serous cystadenoma that demonstrates multiloculation. ─── 图示良性卵巢浆液囊腺瘤,呈多囊性。

26、Remember that the most common neoplasm is a benign nevus( pigmented mole) of the skin, and most people have several. ─── 图示子宫平滑肌瘤,大小不同,界限清楚、硬、白、表现为良性。

27、Form financial economy thereby benign stimulative situation. ─── 从而形成金融经济良性促进的局面。

28、She grew to be more benign in her old age. ─── 她老了以后更加和蔼了。

29、Morse was endeavoring to twit Martin on the latter topic.At last Judge Blount looked across the table with benignant and fatherly pity. ─── 布朗特法官终于带着父亲式的慈爱怜悯地望着桌子对面的马丁。

30、Not all robots will be so benign. ─── 并非所有的机器人都是那么温良恭俭让的。

31、Philanthropy is a benign cycle, in which more and more people help others as well as being helped. ─── 慈善是一个良性循环,越来越多的人帮助他人,同时也得到他人。

32、To my great relief, the tumor turned out to be benign. ─── 使我十分庆幸的是,那肿瘤证明是良性的。

33、It is a self-limited disease and has a benign prognosis. ─── 嗜伊红性腹膜炎为一自限性疾病且预后良好。

34、As a general rule, benign neoplasms do not give rise to malignant neoplasms. ─── 一般地说,良性肿瘤不会发展成恶性肿瘤。

35、Cystic nephroma is a rare renal neoplasm which is usually benign histologically. ─── 摘要囊肿性肾细胞瘤是一种少见的肾脏肿瘤,且在组织学上通常呈现良性。

36、With a good atmosphere, the club can move towards the road of benign development. ─── 在充分发挥每个人的特长充分利用每个人的能力的情况下,有这么一个轻松和谐的环境,确实是优秀的工作软环境,有了一个好的氛围,俱乐部才能走向良性发展的道路。

37、All of these developments are open to both benign and malign interpretations. ─── 所有这些进展都有正反两方面的解读。

38、All epithelial lining appears benign cytologically. ─── 所有衬覆上皮似乎细胞学良性。

39、In fact, both views, benign and malevolent, are probably true. ─── 事实上,这两种观点??善意的和恶意的,都可能是事实。

40、Ameloblastoma is a common benign tumor occurring in the jaws. ─── 摘要造釉细胞瘤是口腔颚面部常见的颚骨良性肿瘤。

41、Benign lymphoepithelial lesion of the salivary glands is a rare disease. ─── 摘要良性淋巴上皮病变为一罕见之病变,好发于腮腺、颔下腺或泪腺。

42、A benign or malignant tumor derived from epithelium. ─── 上皮瘤从上皮中长出的良性或恶性肿瘤

43、Lateral aberrant thyroid rests may be found that are actually occult metastases with a benign histologic appearance. ─── 可以发现一侧迷走性甲状腺残余,实际上这是带有良性组织表观的癌的隐性转移。

44、The term "hemosiderosis" is used to denote a relatively benign accumulation of iron. ─── 含铁血黄素沉着表示铁的相对良性积聚。

45、A 39-year-old woman with benign hemangiopericytoma is reported. ─── 报告1例良性血管周皮细胞瘤。

46、Plasma cell granuloma is a rare tumor-like benign lesion of uncertain etiology. ─── 摘要浆细胞肉芽肿是一种外表类似肿瘤的良性病灶。

47、The proceeding of China joining in the WTO relates benignant with the reform and opening up deepened and the development of market economy. ─── 摘要中国加入WTO的历史进程与改革开放的扩大和市场经济的发展之间存在着良性的双向互动关系。

48、Results Of the 23 patients, 14 cases were malignancy, 9 cases were benignant . ─── 结果23例小肠梗阻患者中, 恶性病变14例, 良性病变9例。

49、Balloon catheter dilation of benign esophageal stenosis in children. ─── 带囊导管扩张术治疗儿童良性食管狭窄。

50、It has high correctness for distinguishing benign tumor and malignant tumor. ─── 对鉴别肿瘤的良性与恶性有较高的诊断率。

51、Her faded blue eyes, benignant and kindly,surveyed her nephew and her nephew's guests with gentle pleasure. ─── 她那褪色的蓝眼睛,和蔼亲切又温柔愉悦地打量着外甥和外甥的客人们:目光首先望向雷蒙德,他自觉地表现得殷勤又温雅;

52、The doctor diagnosed the tumor as benign. ─── 医生认为这个肿块是良性的。

53、It is a benign rapidly growing hemorrhagic lesion of unknown origin. ─── 回顾文献记载,大部份的鼻腔内小叶状毛细血管瘤病例年龄分布在成人,罕见于小孩子。

54、Tom Canty lived to be a very old man, a handsome, white-haired old fellow, of grave and benignant aspect. ─── 汤姆·康第很长寿,成为了一个英俊的白发老人,神情严肃而慈祥。

55、Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of benign renal neoplasms. ─── 摘要目的探讨肾脏良性肿瘤的诊断与治疗。

56、Microvenular hemangioma is a benign lesion. ─── 微静脉型血管瘤是良性病变。

57、Placental chorioangioma is the most common benign tumor of placenta. ─── 摘要胎盘绒毛膜血管瘤是胎盘最常见的良性肿瘤。

58、In this image, they are present within the lumen of a large benign gland. ─── 下图中的良性前列腺体的大管腔内可以见到这种结晶体。

59、That has made it harder to sort malign from benign business practices. ─── 因此,恶性与良性的商业行为变得难以区分。

60、In women,indole-3-carbinol may turn the estrogen associated with breast cancer into a more benign form. ─── 对女性而言,吲哚-3-甲醇可以将可能导致乳腺癌的雌激素转化为良性。

61、Smaller, more sharply demarcated ulcers are more likely to be benign. ─── 小的有明显分界的溃疡很可能是良性的。

62、Here is a benign cyst in an ovary. ─── 图示:卵巢的良性囊肿。

63、Dr. Bledsoe sat with a benign smile of inward concentration. ─── 布莱索博士坐在椅子上,思想集中,脸上露出了一副宽厚的笑容。

64、Endobronchial hamartoma is a rare benign tumor arising in the bronchial wall. ─── 摘要支气管内过误瘤被认为是来自支气管内结缔组织的罕见肺部良性肿瘤。

65、How to judge lipoma benign malign still? ─── 如何判断脂肪瘤良性还是恶性?

66、These can be Benign or incapacitating and even fatal; almost any part of the Body may be attacked. ─── 其中半数病程经过为良性,另外半数可致残或死亡。

67、Look like benign, sclerosing adenosis. ─── 像良性的,硬化性腺病。

68、Like Israeli machines, it was designed for benign weather conditions. ─── “掠夺者”与以色列的无人机一样,它是设计出用于温和天气条件下使用的。

69、The M.R.I.And the mammogram only showed a few benign calcifications. ─── |磁共振显像和乳房X光摄影片只发现了一些良性钙化.

70、here i am , pursuing you remorselessly , " he said with a benignant smile" . ─── “我来了,不顾一切地追到你这儿来了,”他慈祥地向他笑着说。

71、Ovarian cyst is general many ability in swimming, benign be in the majority. ─── 卵巢囊肿一般多位水性,良性居多。

72、Calcification in lung lesions is an important assessing factor and usually indicates a benign entity. ─── 摘要钙化在肺病变中是一个重要的评估依据且常是良性的指标。

73、XiaoyiCityboasts abundant raw material supply and a benign investment environment. Risks are relatively low. ─── 孝义原材料充足,投资环境好,风险相对小。

74、Methods or classes that do not fit the host programming model, but are otherwise benign. ─── 不适合宿主编程模型,但在其他方面良好的方法或类。

75、Orbital emphysema is a common presentation of orbital fractures, and it is generally a benign, self-limited condition. ─── 摘要眼框气肿是眼框骨折常见的症状之一,特别是眼框内壁或眼底骨折。

76、Adrenal myelolipomas are benign, rare, and hormonally inactive tumors. ─── 摘要肾上腺肌肉脂肪瘤是一种良性、少见和无贺尔蒙活性的肿瘤。

77、Papilloma refers to a benign epithelial tumor. ─── 什么是'膀胱乳头状瘤-良性膀胱肿瘤'?

78、He indicated that he was putting forward Pompidou's ideas, while his own were more benign. ─── 他表示,他谈的是蓬皮杜的意见,而他自己的意见则是宽宏大度的。

79、Beneath its benign sway peace and prosperity prevail. ─── 在它的善良统治下和平和繁荣盛行。

80、Two Asian examples of the opening of trade seem to have given a socially benign result. ─── 两个亚洲国家开展贸易的例子看来取得了良好的社会效果。

81、CT examination is important method of primary retroperitoneal benign tumors. ─── ct检查是诊断原发性腹膜后良性肿瘤的重要方法。

82、My mother's character is very benign. ─── 我母亲非常慈祥。

83、To study the perioperative nursing approaches of patients with modified resection benign tumor of parotid land. ─── 探讨改良腮腺良性肿瘤切除术围手术期护理方法。

84、Luckily, most endocrine neoplasms are benign adenomas. ─── 幸运的是,绝大部分内分泌肿瘤都是良性腺瘤。

85、Probably no more than1/3 of those irradiated develop a thyroid neoplasm; most are benign. ─── 大概不到1/的放射病人会得甲状腺瘤,大多为良性。

86、An enlarged prostate, or benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), usually affects men over 60. ─── 前列腺肥大或BPH,通常影响60岁以上男性。

87、What is osteoma? Got pair of benign bodies harmful? ─── 什么是骨瘤?得了良性的对身体有害吗?

88、To study the occurrence of primary liver cancer (PLC) among benignant hepatism patients with AFP rise. ─── 探讨AFP升高的良性肝病患者原发性肝癌发生率。

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