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08-17 投稿


misconduct 发音

英:[m?s'k?nd?kt]  美:[,m?s'kɑnd?kt]

英:  美:

misconduct 中文意思翻译



misconduct 网络释义

n. 不端行为;处理不当vt. 处理不当;行为不检

misconduct 同义词

fallacy | misconstruction | error | misunderstanding | false impression | delusion | misapprehension | misreading | illusion

misconduct 词性/词形变化,misconduct变形

动词现在分词: misconducting |动词过去式: misconducted |动词过去分词: misconducted |动词第三人称单数: misconducts |

misconduct 反义词


misconduct 短语词组

1、willful misconduct ─── 故意的违法行为

2、misconduct penalty ─── 违反纪律的处罚

3、misconduct oneself ─── 行为不端

4、misconduct offence ─── [法] 渎职罪

5、misconduct movie ─── 不当行为电影

6、official misconduct ─── [法] 渎职, 失职

7、commit misconduct with ─── 犯下不当行为

8、serious misconduct ─── [经] 严重过失

9、misconduct registry ─── 不当行为登记处

10、crime of misconduct in office ─── [法] 渎职罪

11、wilful misconduct ─── [法] 有意识的不当行为

12、professional misconduct ─── [法] 渎职, 失职

13、misconduct in office ─── [法] 渎职, 玩忽职守

14、misconduct career ─── 不当行为的职业生涯

15、game misconduct ─── 被罚下场

16、aggravated misconduct ─── [法] 严重的不法行为

17、wanton misconduct ─── [法] 轻率不法行为

18、offence of misconduct in office ─── [法] 失职罪

19、misconduct synonym ─── 不当行为同义词

misconduct 相似词语短语

1、conduct ─── v.组织,实施,进行;指挥(音乐);带领,引导;举止,表现;传导(热或电);n.行为举止;管理(方式),实施(办法);引导

2、misconceit ─── 误解。

3、misconstruct ─── vt.误会

4、misconducts ─── n.不端行为;处理不当;vt.处理不当;行为不检

5、misconducting ─── n.不端行为;处理不当;vt.处理不当;行为不检

6、misconnect ─── n.会议连接;[通信]错接

7、misconnects ─── n.会议连接;[通信]错接

8、to misconduct ─── 不当行为

9、misconducted ─── n.不端行为;处理不当;vt.处理不当;行为不检

misconduct 习惯用语

1、misconduct oneself ─── 行为不端

2、misconduct oneself with sb. ─── 与某人通奸

misconduct 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was stabbed to the heart by his son's misconduct. ─── 儿子的行为不检使他极为伤心。

2、Gibson said an internal School District investigation found no other allegations of criminal misconduct by Sprinkel. ─── 吉布森说,一个内部的学区调查发现,没有其他的指控的犯罪行为不当斯普林克尔。

3、They turned the servant off for misconduct. ─── 他们因那个佣人行为不正而把他辞退了。

4、In Britain, people seeking unemployment benefit must not have become unemployed voluntarily or have lost their job through misconduct. ─── 在英国,自愿失业者或因自身行为不检点而失业者皆不能领取事业救济金。

5、In contrast with one previous report, we found no evidence of misconduct. ─── 与前一个报告相比,我们没有发现任何不当行为的证据。

6、Doctors convicted of professional misconduct can be removed from the registry. ─── 医生被判专业行为失当会被除牌。

7、In this particular case, in spite of the "courageous" behaviour by the student to capture the teacher's misconduct on video, it is, unfortunately, not the most enlightened way of solving problems. ─── 以这次教育界的风波为例,该名PDA的主人,尽管善意"勇"为,但捕捉老师失职的影像,毕竟不是解决问题的优选手段。

8、Accordingly, save in the event of gross negligence or wilful misconduct of ourselves and our agentes, we will not be liable for any damages resulting from errors, omissions or non-compliance of the information set forth herein. ─── 因此,如果是由于我们自己或我们代理操作疏忽或操作不当,或不遵照这些信息执行,我们将没有义务承担由此错误而造成的损害。

9、The company only dismisses its employees in cases of 1 misconduct. ─── 公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇.

10、They will be subject to criminal liability if they have actively participated in, consented to or connived in the criminal misconduct of the corporation which they manage. ─── 假如负责人员在由其管理的法团内积极参与、同意或默许违法的失当行为,则他们必须为此负上刑事责任。

11、The tribunals have held that misconduct which is not gross should be punished by a reprimand rather than dismissal. ─── 一些法院认为非重大之行为失当应予训斥而不是解雇。

12、Willful misconduct and Negligence of Duty ─── 及有意犯错和渎职

13、It has prevailed in cases in which a convicted criminal who has been conditionally released is sent back to prison because of some alleged misconduct. ─── 在假释已决犯因声称的不端行为又被送回监狱的案件里,上述论点起着主导作用。

14、In general, the worker must be able to work, must not have quit without good cause or have been discharged for misconduct, must not be involved in a labor dispute and must be willing to work. ─── 在一般情况下,这种工人必须有劳动能力,不是无故离职,不是由于表现不好被开除,必须未介入劳资纠纷,而且必须愿意工作。

15、As part of a constitutional tidying-up exercise, the House of Lords will see its remaining hereditary members removed, as well as new rules allowing the dismissal of peers guilty of misconduct. ─── 作为宪法改革运动的一部分,议会上院保留的一些世袭爵位的“遗老遗少”将被清除,同时新的规定将允许解雇那些举止不端的贵族。

16、His misconduct let in a host of troubles. ─── 他的不端行为招致不少麻烦。

17、He acknowledges that incidents of misconduct in clinical research have resulted in a great deal of scepticism about clinical trials. ─── 他认可不检行为会在临床研究中引起了许多疑虑。

18、She turned the boy off for misconduct. ─── 她把那个男孩子开除了,因为他行为不端。

19、After revealing several cases of serious misconduct events happened in Chinese physics publications, the importance of the document proposed by the above mentioned workshop to IUPAP for Chinese physics community is stressed. ─── 在揭露我国物理学出版物中一些严重科学不端行为后,文章对这一文件的重要性及其对我国物理学界清除和制止科学不端行为的现实意义作了讨论.

20、He feels not the least bit sorry for his misconduct. ─── 他对自己的错误行为毫无歉意。

21、A former legislator was charged with a total of five offences, including accepting an advantage as a public servant and misconduct in public office. ─── 一名前立法会议员被落案起诉,控以共五项罪名,包括身为公职人员收受利益,及担任公职时行为不当。

22、They had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character. ─── 他们必须确定他的错误行为是偶然发生的还是因为他的性格缺陷造成的。

23、Misconduct oneself with sb. ─── 与某人通奸

24、Misconduct is doing something clearly against the rules. ─── 不当行为即违反了相关规定。

25、But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct. ─── 这种违反行为是“无意的”,但这一事实不能成为不当行为的借口。

26、But why did he not write home to Clavering, as he had done previously, giving an account of Pen's misconduct ? ─── 但是他为什么不象上次一样,写信到克拉弗林去,把潘的不端行为告诉他的家人呢?

27、The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct. ─── 这家公司只有在雇员严重渎职时才予以解聘。

28、The company found no signs of drug use or alcohol.But it challenged Gallegos' application for unemployment benefits, arguing he was guilty of misconduct. ─── 公司并未发现盖勒哥斯有吸毒或喝酒的迹象,但质疑盖勒哥斯提出失业救济金申请的正当性,并声称他行为不当。

29、serious misconduct or serious breach of duty ─── 严重不当行为或严重渎职行为

30、Attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured ─── 可归因于被保险人的故意渎职

31、Arsenal defender Martin Keown has been charged with misconduct by the English Football Association an off-the-ball clash with Manchester United's Ruud van Nistelrooy. ─── 兵工厂队后卫基翁由于在无控球的情况下和曼联队的范尼斯特鲁伊发生冲突,遭英格兰足总以行为不当起诉。

32、The whole lab will be penalized for a month for the third misconduct. ─── 发生第三次操作当,该使用者所属实验室之全部使用者均禁用一个月.

33、"Delay in giving notice of dishonour is excused where the delay is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the party giving notice, and not imputable to his default, misconduct, or negligence. ─── 凡因发通知之当事人不能控制之情况,及非因其错漏、处理不当或疏忽而引致延迟发出不能兑现之通知,可予免究。

34、Very few nonconformities occur due to willful employee misconduct. ─── 只有极少数的不符合项是由于员工任意所为。

35、If wives strictly keep the precept with respect to sexual misconduct, then they will have happy and harmonious households, and that society will be a society which maintains propriety. ─── 如果人人都能持不邪淫戒,便不会发生这些问题,夫妻坚持不邪淫戒,则家庭是个和乐的家庭,是社会是个守礼的社会。

36、Creditor’s right can be used to supervise and choose the investors and their projects, confine the operation misconduct of corporate managers, control the corporation contingently. ─── 债券融资具有对投资者及其投资项目进行事先监督或筛选、对股东及企业经营者不当经营行为进行制约以及对企业进行相机控制的作用;

37、No classroom ago by a detailed inspection, resulting layout misconduct and the tight time! ─── 借教室前没有进行详细的考察,造成布置失当和时间的紧凑!

38、This misconduct invariably consumes large sums of money, so we must resolutely stop this tendency. ─── 凡此种种,耗费巨额资财,必须坚决刹住这种奢侈浪费之风。

39、The neglect has to be culpable to such a degree that the misconduct impugned was calculated to injure the public interest so as to call for condemnation and punishment. ─── 但要构成罪行,该项疏忽必须在没有合理辩解或理由的情况下出现,而有关的不当行为又必须被视为足以损害公众利益,因而有需要作出谴责及惩罚。

40、Specific emphasis will be placed on topics relevant to young researchers including data handling, animal and human subjects, misconduct, mentoring, intellectual property, and publication. ─── 会特别强调有关年轻研究员的主题,包括资料管理,动物和人体主题,错误的研究方法,方法指导,知识产权及论文发表。

41、It all started with Wenger accusing Chelsea of some misconduct especially regarding the case with the illegal approach of Ashley Cole, which was actually directed at Chelsea owner Roman Abromovich. ─── 事情由温格指责切尔西采用不合规矩的手段接近阿森纳球员阿什利科尔而引起。

42、Soon, this honest minister is dismissed from his post.Li Yifu does all kinds of bad things.One day, at last, his misconduct is laid bare. ─── 不久,这个大臣就被免去了官职。李义府坏事做尽,终于有一天,事情败露了。

43、"The court tries to understand ‘whether the young man's misconduct was adventitious or the result of some serious flaw in his character’" (Harry F. Rosenthal). ─── “法庭想弄明白这个年轻人的错误行为是偶然犯下的还是他性格中固有的缺陷造成的” (哈利·F·洛桑塔尔)

44、He was hurt by any allusion to his previous misconduct. ─── 任何提及到他行为失检的话都会伤他的感情。

45、He's already charged with perjury, obstruction of justice and misconduct. ─── 再次之前,他已被指控作伪证、妨碍司法公正和渎职。

46、In a hearing, the panel found that Copperman had“ engaged in professional misconduct by reason of willfully harassing, abusing or intimidating a patient. ─── 在一次听证会上,陪审团发现科佩尔曼行为不端,故意骚扰、待和威吓患者。

47、They started to probe into his misconduct. ─── 他们开始查究他的不端行为。

48、Insider dealing in Australia is an offence that may either be prosecuted criminally or by the ASIC taking civil action and imposing civil orders to remedy such misconduct. ─── 在澳洲,任何人士如进行内幕交易可被刑事检控,而澳洲证券会可能会对该人提出民事诉讼,以及发出民事命令以弥补该等失当行为。

49、She sued for divorce on the grounds of her husband's alleged misconduct with his secretary. ─── 她以其夫与秘书有染为由提起离婚诉讼.

50、Higher education in China has been beset by pseudoscience, fraud and misconduct, until an MSU alumnus decided to do something about it.Fang Shi-Min, Ph. ─── 中国高等教育已被伪科学、造假和不端行为所困扰,直到有一位密歇根州立大学(MSU)校友决定对此做一点事情。

51、Hou Xinyi, a law professor from Tianjin-based Nankai University, says it is the government-controlled grant and award system that has spawned misconduct among Chinese academia. ─── 位于天津的南开大学法律教授侯欣一认为,政府全盘控制学术资源和科研基金是导致中国学术界学术不端行为屡禁不止的主要原因。

52、He had already said he disagreed with my personal misconduct but was proud of what we had accomplished for the American people. ─── 他早已声明不认同我在私人问题上所犯的错误,但对于我们共同为了美国人民做出的成绩,他感到自豪。

53、Party B shall indemnify Party A against all claims, proceedings, losses, damages and expenses arising as a result of any misconduct or any breach of this Contract by Party B. ─── 受聘方应保障聘方不应由于受聘方的违反合同或其行为不端而遭受索赔、诉、失、害、费金钱等的牵连。

54、As secretary of the Puning problem, I have serious unshirkable responsibility of a serious dereliction of duty and misconduct of a crime! ─── 作为市委书记,对普宁的问题,我负有严重的不可推卸的责任,负有严重的失职之过和渎职之罪!

55、As mentioned before, the SFO provides for the criminal prosecution of market misconduct. ─── 如上文所述,在新条例下,干犯对市场失当行为的人可被刑事检控。

56、The Court of Appeal yesterday lashed out at a doctor as it upheld his suspension for professional misconduct, saying his gross negligence not only put patients at risk but also proved he was unfit to practise. ─── 上诉庭猛烈抨击一名医生,驳回他暂停专业失当的上诉,指出他的明显错失不但危害病人,并证明他不适合行医。

57、Loss damage or expense attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured. ─── 可归因于被保险人的故意不端行为造成的灭失、损害或费用。

58、After a fair amount of in-house soul-searching and outside protests, we decided to set a new policy for civil lawsuits involving sexual misconduct. ─── 在经历大量的内部审查和听取外部抗议后,我们决定为包括性侵犯案件在内的民事案件制定新的政策。

59、However, the limits were not applicable if the federal government could show that the discharge was due to "willful negligence or willful misconduct within the privity and knowledge of the owner". ─── 但是如果联邦政府能够证明该泄漏事故是“在所有者参与或知晓的情况下,由故意的疏忽或故意的错误行为”造成的,上述限额则不再适用。

60、He was expelled from the society owing to his misconduct. ─── 他因品行不端而被逐出会。

61、The Company's response to misconduct will depend upon a number of factors including whether the improper behavior involved illegal conduct. ─── 公司对不当行为的反应将取决于若干因素,包括该不当行为是否违法。

62、Employees fired for misconduct have few rights in court. ─── 在法庭上员工几乎没有权利可谈。

63、China's main critic of scientific misconduct has been found guilty of libelling a scientist he accused of academic wrongdoing. ─── 中国一位最主要的科学不端行为的批评者方是民最近输掉了一起名誉侵权官司,起诉他的是一位被他批评行为不端的科学家。

64、But why did he not write home to Clavering, as he had done previously, giving an account of Pen's misconduct? ─── 但是他为什么不象上次一样,写信到克拉弗林去,把潘的不端行为告诉他的家人呢?

65、His behavior amounted to serious professional misconduct. ─── 他的行为简直就是严重渎职。

66、However, the judge ruled, seeing ghosts is not the type of misconduct that can disqualify Gallegos from receiving benefits. ─── 不过法官裁决,看到鬼并不构成足以让盖勒哥斯丧失救济金的不当行为。

67、Defences are available to exonerate journalists and financial or research analysts who may have innocently reported the market misconduct and innocently received a benefit for such conduct. ─── 假如新闻工作者、财经分析人员和研究人员在不知情下报道了市场失当行为,并在不知情下从中获益,他们可以提出免责辩护而获得豁免。

68、Such limits, however, are not applicable if an incident is caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence, or by violation, "within the privity or knowledge of the owner or operator", of federal safety regulations. ─── 但是,如果事故是由故意的错误行为、重大疏忽或是“在所有者或经营者参与或知晓的情况下”违反了联邦安全规则所造成的,则上述限额不再适用。

69、The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct. ─── 公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇。

70、Any unit or individual has the right to complain or disclose any violation of law or misconduct of the Customs and its personnel. ─── 五十二、增加一条,作为第八十条:“任何单位和个人均有权对海关及其工作人员的违法、违纪行为进行控告、检举。

71、Therefore, to avoid a vacuous academic talk, ethical misconduct cannot be treated with vague academic parlance. ─── 因此,为了避免空洞的学术性议论,对科学道德规范中的明知故犯不能用含糊不清的学术议论进行对待。

72、The interventions caused misconduct in the aid delivery process and ineffective utilization of aid. ─── 他们的工作常常在发放过程造成不良行为,或者捐款的无效利用。

73、Excluding one party's liability for property loss caused to the other party by its intentional misconduct or gross negligence. ─── 因故意或者重大过失造成对方财产损失的。

74、In most cases, he adds, "judges are always going to . . . rule in favor of the children when there has been evidence of misconduct. " ─── 他又补充说,“在大多数类似案例中,如果有对儿童的不当行为的证据,法官总是会作出对孩子有利的判决。”

75、In a hearing, the panel found that Copperman had “engaged in professional misconduct by reason of willfully harassing, abusing or intimidating a patient. ─── 在一次听证会上,陪审团发现科佩尔曼行为不端,故意骚扰、虐待和威吓患者。

76、Her career went into a rapid descent after the charges of misconduct. ─── "在为这次管理不善承担主要责任后,她的职业生涯开始走上急剧的下坡路."

77、The five precepts are the most fundamental rules that Buddhists should follow. They are: not killing, not stealing, not engaging in sexual misconduct, not lying and not consuming intoxicants. ─── 五戒是佛教徒最根本要守的戒律,就是不杀生,不偷盗,不邪婬,不妄语,不饮酒。

78、Peter was the black sheep. His class had never been praised because of his misconduct in school. ─── 彼得是害群之马。因为他表现不好,他所在的班级从来没有受到过表扬。

79、Disciplinary action will be taken against Team Officials or his team for any misconduct or disturbances committed by the official or team during a tournament whether in or outside the court. ─── 参赛的球队或该队官员无论是在场内或场外出现不正当的行为或进行扰乱,其官员或该队应受到纪律的制裁。

80、The IOE reserves the right to terminate these arrangements in the event of any breach of the above requirements or any wilful misconduct which we consider brings the IOE into disrepute. ─── 如果发生任何违反上述要求的情况或任何我们认为会破坏埃克斯波特学院名声的不当行为时,埃克斯波特学院保留终止这些约定的权利。

81、The teachers will handle any student misconduct regarding routine problems. ─── 下课铃响后,要等老师宣布下课后,才可离开教室。

82、A psychologist was found guilty of serious professional misconduct yesterday. ─── 昨天一名心理学家被判严重的失职罪。

83、In only half of the cases, though, had the respondent to a survey tried to do anything about the misconduct he said he had witnessed. ─── 然而,面对这种情况,在某一调查中,竟有一半的被调查对象对其亲口所言的亲眼目睹的不端行为无动于衷。

84、Seller's liability hereunder or resulting from breach of this Contract shall be limited to a maximum amount of, this limitation does not apply in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct. ─── [ ]卖方在本合同项下的责任或因违约而导致的责任最高额不得超过(物总值的15%,这一限制不适用于卖方的重大过失和有意不当行为。

85、conduct not to constitute market misconduct ─── 不构成市场失当行为的行为

86、The two others are charged with hindering prosecution and official misconduct. ─── 一名警官遭严重性侵犯指控,另外两人则被控妨碍起诉及行为不端。

87、One of the problems of current Chinese scholarly misconduct seems to be also of Chinese family culture origin. ─── 当今中国学术不端行为的问题之一看起来其原因就在于中国家族文化。

88、Talking in a whiny voice may be dementing but it is not gross misconduct. ─── 发出嘀嘀咕咕的声音可能令人抓狂,但这不是什么大错。

89、You have otherwise been guilty of misconduct ─── 你违反了其他行为守则

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