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08-17 投稿


beau 发音

英:[bo?]  美:[b??]

英:  美:

beau 中文意思翻译





beau 网络释义

n. 花花公子;喜修饰者;情郎adj. 美的;好的n. (Beau)人名;(英、德、法、葡)博

beau 短语词组

1、Paul Jean Baptiste Beau ─── 保罗让巴蒂斯特博

2、come to beau ─── 来找beau

3、beau tech ─── 美丽的科技

4、le monde est beau ─── 世界是美丽的

5、beau-ti-ful adj. ─── 美丽的 出色地 出色的 迷人的 迷人地

6、beau ty adj.( ─── 产品、工作或活动)美容的n.美丽,漂亮;美好的事物,上品;美人,美女;魅力,吸引人之处;优点,妙处;美容品,化妆品

7、Beau's lines ─── [医] 博氏线(指甲在消耗性疾病时所显横线)

8、beau to fa i day beau to fa i ─── 日

9、beau ideal ─── 十全 ─── 十美的典型

10、beau moment ─── 美丽的时刻

11、beau temps ─── 好天气

12、Beau's syndrome ─── [医] 博氏综合征, 心收缩不全

13、Beau's liines ─── [医] 博氏线(指甲在消耗性疾病时所显横线)

14、beau-ideal ─── 美丽的理想

15、Beau's disease ─── [医] 博氏病, 心机能不全

16、Beau Brummell ( ─── 花 ─── 花公子)博布鲁梅尔(1778-1840, 英国著名纨袴子弟, 以其时髦服装和举止闻名);(博布鲁梅尔式的) ─── 花 ─── 花公子;纨袴子弟

17、beau monde n. ─── 时髦界, 上流社会

18、kingly beau ─── 金碧辉煌

19、beau geste n. ─── 善行, 故作大方的姿势

beau 词性/词形变化,beau变形


beau 相似词语短语

1、bear ─── 熊

2、beaux ─── n.男友,情郎;富家子弟,花花公子;衣着入时的男子(beau的复数);n.(Beaux)(法)博(人名)

3、beaus ─── n.花花公子;喜修饰者;情郎;adj.美的;好的;n.(Beau)人名;(英、德、法、葡)博

4、beam ─── n.横梁;光线;电波;船宽;[计量]秤杆;vt.发送;以梁支撑;用…照射;流露;vi.照射;堆满笑容;n.(Beam)人名;(阿拉伯)贝亚姆;(英)比姆

5、beat ─── vt.打;打败;搅拌;对……采取预防措施;避免;比……好;vi.打;打败;拍打;有节奏地舒张与收缩;n.拍子;敲击;有规律的一连串敲打;(巡警的)巡逻区域;工作区域;adj.筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的;n.(Beat)贝亚特(人名)

6、bead ─── n.珠子;滴;念珠;vi.形成珠状,起泡;vt.用珠装饰;使成串珠状

7、bean ─── n.豆;嘴峰;毫无价值的东西;vt.击…的头部;n.(Bean)人名;(英)比恩

8、beak ─── n.[鸟]鸟嘴;鹰钩鼻子;地方执法官;男教师;n.(Beak)人名;(英、西)比克

9、beaut ─── n.漂亮的东西或人

beau 习惯用语

1、old beau ─── 好向妇女献殷勤的中老年人

beau 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Instead of Beau's customary response of nose nuzzling and increased body wagging,he continued to stand like a statue,never moving from his spot. ─── 博既没像平常那样用鼻子蹭,也没有越来越使劲地晃动身子,仍然纹丝不动,像塑像似地站在那儿。

2、3) Quel beau paysage ! ─── 好美的风景啊!

3、When Beau heard Charlie's friendly,enthusiastic voice,his entire body went into his customary wagging frenzy and lean against your thigh position,waiting for a petting,which was immediately forthcoming from Charlie. ─── 博听见查利友好、热情的声音,它的身子立刻激动地习惯性地晃个不停,摆出要贴靠你大腿的姿势,等着人们去抚摸它。查利立时满足了它的愿望。

4、"Beau--look after him." ─── "小博----照顾他。"

5、In the fifteen minutes that Beau and I sat with Katherine,she never said a word and never moved. ─── 在我和博坐在那儿的15分钟里,她一言不发,纹丝未动。

6、"That's true, Wade. Bonnie can marry Beau Wilkes, but who will you marry?" ─── "这倒是真的,韦德,邦妮可以嫁给博 - 威尔克斯,可是你又跟谁结婚呢?"

7、In keeping with Valentine's Day, Barbie's beau, Ken, made an appearance on the runway as Barbie's white shirt read: "Every Barbie needs a Ken." ─── 为了配合情人节,芭比娃娃的求爱者,肯,出现在了跑道上,他的白衬衫上写到:“每一个芭比需要一个肯。”

8、Beau's line ─── 博氏线(指甲在全身病时所显横线)

9、her blushful beau; ─── 她羞愧的情郎;

10、KATHLEEN: What's your sister so mad about, Scarlett, you sparking her beau? ─── 弗兰克:哦,你太过奖了,思嘉小姐。我想想我能做什么,思嘉小姐。

11、He`s my beau, and she`s gone and married him. ─── 他是我的情人而她却跑去嫁给他了.

12、Will, who had been enticing little Beau across the blanket with the bill during this argument, looked up and, shading his eyes, glanced down the driveway. ─── 她们争论时,威尔一直拿那张票子逗着小博在毯子上爬着玩。 这时他抬起头来,用手遮着阳光向车道那边凝望。

13、When Bush's daughter Jenna gets married to beau Henry Hager, the first family is at their ranch. ─── 北卡罗来纳州一起卡车翻车事件造成一人死亡。

14、Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?Beau--ootiful Soo--oop!Beau--ootiful Soo--oop! ─── 两便士一碗的好汤?

15、Ha, mon amant, c' qu'il est beau ! ─── 啊,我的情人,这真美!

16、Beau's disease ─── [医] 博氏病, 心机能不全

17、He was Maybelle Merriwether's especial beau, Rene Picard. ─── 他是梅贝尔 - 梅里韦瑟的昵友,名叫雷内 - 皮卡德。

18、Four skirts billowed modestly, eight small feet were daintily placed on low hassocks. The quiet breathing of Wade, Ella and Beau came through the open door of the nursery. ─── 四个人的裙子轻轻飘动,八只小巧的脚轻轻地搭在脚凳上,育儿室的门开着,可以听到从里面传出韦德、爱拉和小博的轻微的呼吸声。

19、Beau: It's a dilemma all right. But, you could leave one early and arrive late at the other. You'll just have to figure out good excuses for both. ─── 博:不错。但一个派对你不妨提早离去,另一个则不妨迟到一些。你只须为早退、到找个好藉口就行了。

20、But now he knew about her other beau, and she was going to jump through some hoops. ─── 可是,现在他知道了她的其它追求者,她要从这些磨难里逃出来。

21、If you knew Beau,you'd know that even ten seconds was an eternity to wait for a petting. ─── 你要是了解博,就会知道期待着爱抚的它哪怕10秒钟也像了无尽头。

22、A spokesman, Beau Duffy, wrote saying that "There really isn't much of a local connection here" and that Tonko had no comment. ─── 一位发言人博·达菲(BeauDuffy)写道“这确实与当地没多少关系”,而唐考没作评论。

23、The feisty gal once swatted at a beau who got a littleUndaunted, Killarney's friendsceeppdating her online profile in thephope of finding her Mr Right. ─── 不过基拉尼的朋友们可丝毫不气馁,为了给基拉尼找到“如意郎君”,他们坚持更新基拉尼的在线档案。

24、"Her beau, that boy Brent something-or-other who was killed at Gettysburg." ─── "那个名叫布伦特什么的人,她的情人,在葛底斯堡牺牲的那个小伙子。" "她的情人?" 思嘉简单地重复。

25、He was anxious that his introduction, as her beau, should be gotten over with as quickly as possible. ─── 他心里很急,希望她尽速把他当作男朋友介绍给她家里人。

26、All she had to do was pat once,and Beau,leashed and always obedient,was up on the bed lying down beside her,licking her face. ─── 她只需拍一下,拴着皮带、向来顺从的博就会跳上床,躺在她旁边,舔她的脸。

27、Mr Beau YAM, Manager of North China Regional Office, Phoenix Academy ─── 严博先生,凤凰学院中国北区办公室,经理

28、Remind yourself not to hover and let them spend some time with a close friend or a beau. ─── 提醒自己不要跟在孩子身边,放手让他们去找男女朋友。

29、Beau Bassin-Rose Hill ─── 博巴桑-罗斯希尔

30、"She's never had another beau except him. ─── "除了查理,她从来没有过男朋友。

31、Governor Palin's son, Track, deployed to Iraq with the Army last month, and Senator Biden's son, Beau, is to leave Friday for Iraq as a member of the National Guard. ─── 佩林州长的儿子特莱克所在的部队上个星期被部署到伊拉克,而拜登参议员的儿子博也将作为国民警卫队的一员于这个星期五前往伊拉克。

32、There is no beau ideal in the world. So-called beau ideal asks for mutual adaptablity. Beau ideal is equal to your best doing plus your spouse's. ─── 世上没有十全十美的人,真正的十全十美是双方互相适应.你应该是要求对方的五全五美,再加上自己的五全五美,去凑成十全十美.

33、She wouldn't overlook a man of marriageable age, from ginger-whiskered old Frank Kennedy, who was Suellen's beau, on down to shy, quiet, blushing Charles Hamilton, Melanie's brother. ─── 她不会放过一个处于结婚年龄的男人,从苏伦的意中人黄胡子的老弗兰克 - 肯尼迪,一直到羞怯寡言、容易脸红的查尔斯 - 汉密尔顿,即媚兰的哥哥。

34、Her blushful beau was red-faced with anger. ─── 她羞愧的情郎气红了脸。

35、The magnificent beau is dancing to the light of chandeliers. ─── 这个衣着华丽的花花公子在枝形吊灯灯光下翩翩起舞。

36、Quel beau paysage! ─── 多美的景色!

37、Melly knew how it would be-Melly knew him far better than I do. That's why she said look after him and Beau, in the same breath. ─── 媚兰知道事情会这样的----媚兰对他的了解比我深得多,所以她才同时要求我照顾和他小博呢。

38、I suppose your brother was quite a beau, Miss Dashwood, before he married, as he was so rich? ─── 达什伍德小姐,我想,既然您的哥哥那么有钱,那么他结婚以前一定是个不折不扣的美男子吧。

39、Il fait beau dehors. ─── 外面阳光灿烂。

40、There is no beau ideal in the world .So called beau ideal asks for mutual adaptability.Beau ideal is equal to your best doing plus your spouse's. ─── 世界上没有十全十美的人,真正十全十美是双方互相适应。你应该要求对方五全五美,再加上自己的五全五美,去凑成十全十美。

41、Il n’accepte aucun conseil. Vous aurez beau le lui dire. ─── 他不听任何劝告,您将白费工夫。

42、Katherine's hand went up to the top of Beau's head and rested there. ─── 凯瑟琳的手抬到博的头顶就放在那儿了。

43、As I stood up to walk out and began to pull Beau away, he wouldn't budge. ─── 可是我起身要拽博走的时候,它却动也不动。

44、Why mate with a second-class beau who cannot be bothered to bring you the fishy equivalent of roses and diamonds? ─── 为何要和那些懒得为你献上玫瑰与钻石可疑的等价物的二等男友配对呢?

45、Got a beau, huh? ─── 嘿,找到了一个献殷勤的人吗?

46、The stunning brunette joins Revlon’s star-studded lineup of accomplished and glamorous women, including: Halle Berry, Jessica Alba, Beau Garrett and Elle Macpherson. ─── 令人惊叹的布鲁内特加入露华浓的明星云集的阵容,已经完成的和富有魅力的女性,其中包括:哈莉贝瑞,杰西卡奥尔芭,取名为博加勒特和艾丽麦克弗森。

47、When Beau and I walked into her room, a small light was on next to her bed and the shades were pulled. ─── 对她的任何关心、搂抱、谈心或坐着陪伴都打动不了她。

48、Beau's liines ─── [医] 博氏线(指甲在消耗性疾病时所显横线)

49、old beau ─── 好向妇女献殷勤的中老年人

50、Mais le plus beau des voyages, je l"ai fait dans tes bras. ─── 但最美好的旅行,就是徜徉在你的怀抱里。

51、Her father warned her again: 'Why don't you get yourself a beau, Connie? Do you all the good in the world.' ─── 她的父亲又惊醒地说:“康妮,你为什么不找个情人呢?那于你是大有益处的。”

52、SCARLETT: As if I couldn't get a better beau than that old maid in britches. ─── 思嘉:好像我找不到一个比那穿裤子的老女人更好的男友似的。

53、Melly knew how it would be-Melly knew him far better than I do. That's why she said look after him and Beau, in the same breath. ─── 媚兰知道事情会这样的----媚兰对他的了解比我深得多,所以她才同时要求我照顾和他小博呢。

54、If Beau can give an extra ten minutes,surely I can too. ─── 如果博能耐心再待10分钟,那么我也能。

55、She did her share of the work uncomplainingly but she was always ailing. Old Dr. Fontaine diagnosed her trouble as female complaint and concurred with Dr. Meade in saying she should never have had Beau. ─── 她毫无怨言地做着自己份内的工作,可是常常生玻老方丹大夫诊断她有妇女病,并且提出了与米德大夫相一致的看法,说她根本不该生小博。

56、Beau line ─── 博氏线

57、“Si la vie est un voyage, on y souhaite plein beau temps.” ─── 如果人生是旅行,愿它总有风和日丽。

58、He was in his mid-thirties, older than any beau she had ever had, and she was as helpless as a child to control and handle him as she had handled beaux nearer her own age. ─── 他已经三十五六岁了,比她曾经有过的任何情人都大,所以她在他跟前简直是个毫无办法的孩子,不能像对待那些年龄与她相近的情人那样来对待和支配他。

59、Beau Brummell was highlighted in black tie, scarf, collar and cuff design details, and promote the Men’s Fashion Dandy Look. ─── 博布卢默尔是黑色领带,围巾,领子,并强调袖口设计细节,促进时尚男装丹迪查询。

60、My beau's mum is the most darling gentlest woman so to hear of her extreme sickness was very tough for all of us. ─── 我丈夫的母亲是一位极其亲爱的、优雅的女士,因此听到她病入膏肓的时候我们都很心痛。

61、Beau Goose ─── n. 豆雁

62、Beau's syndrome ─── [医] 博氏综合征, 心收缩不全

63、"Her beau, nothing! He and his brother were my beaux." ─── 她的情人,他和他哥哥都是我的情人呢。

64、Who‘s your new beau? ─── 你的新男友是谁?

65、Several long-standing and famous trademarks belong to Beau Ideal, such as Sea Gull, Beau Ideal, Tian Yu &Pu Jiang.Among which, Sea Gull is the well-known mark in Shanghai, China. ─── 公司以“天鱼”、“海鸥”为主要品牌,“海鸥”牌商标是上海市著名商标,另有“宝鼎”、“浦江”等历史悠久的知名商标。

66、Beau disease ─── 博氏病, 心肌能不良

67、She is in a love dilemma - whether to remain with her 'once-again' beau John Mayer or to go back to her ex- fiance Tate Donovan. ─── 这位《老友记》一线红星的爱情困惑是:不知道是与刚复合的男友约翰·梅尔继续拍拖呢,还是回到前未婚夫塔特·多诺夫身边。

68、He takes that comedian off beau tifully. ─── 他们决定利用这么好的天气到乡村去。

69、He is my beau ideal of a soldier. ─── 他是我理想中最好的战士。

70、Beau Blokhuis rides out on stage wearing a suit covered in lights. ─── 小白和兽兽离开了舞台,但观众们还想观看更多的表演!

71、But, all the same, he was her beau after you turned him down, because when he come home on his last furlough they got engaged. ─── 但是,这不要紧,他被你拒绝以后便成了她的情人,因为他最后一次回家休假时他们就订婚了。

72、You remember that funny-looking beau of hers? ─── 你还记得她那个看上去很搞笑的男朋友吗?

73、"And he's so devoted to Ashley and Beau that I always feel safe having him around." ─── "而且他那样忠于艾希礼和小博,所以有他在身边,就觉得安全多了。

74、I became so uncomfortable with the lack of life in this woman that,much as I wished I felt differently,when the clock chimed 2: 30 P.M.,I rushed to say good bye,stood up and pulled the reluctant Beau out. ─── 与这个没有生气的女人在一起,我觉得很不舒服,希望这种尴尬场面快点结束。两点半到了,钟一报时,我匆忙说声"再见",站起身来,拉着不愿意离开的博走了出去。

75、"Bonnie can marry Beau, Uncle Rhett." ─── "邦妮可以跟小博结婚嘛,瑞德伯伯。"

76、But Ping is totally different.He is “dead already” at first;a beau dawdling the hours away, until he is awakened by Fanyi’s passion. ─── 但是话说回来,昆曲的曲调又是相对固定的,作曲这方面没有太多发挥的余地。

77、Yet here was Beau, meditative dog monk, teaching me how to“ be” and love quietly, assuming“ the position” for the fifteen minutes we sat at each visit. ─── 可是还有博,每次探访,这只狗"和尚"就摆出姿势"坐禅"一刻钟,教我如何"陪"凯瑟琳及表示无声的爱。

78、Un beau coup d'oeila nice view ─── 好漂亮的地方,好景观

79、I became so uncomfortable with the lack of life in this woman that,much as I wished I felt differently,when the clock chimed 2:30 P.M.,I rushed to say good bye,stood up and pulled the reluctant Beau out. ─── 与这个没有生气的女人在一起,我觉得很不舒服,希望这种尴尬场面快点结束。两点半到了,钟一报时,我匆忙说声

80、As I stood up to walk out and began to pull Beau away,he wouldn't budge. ─── 可是我起身要拽博走的时候,它却动也不动。

81、There is no beau ideal in the world. Socalled beau ideal asks for mutual adaptability. Beau ideal is equal to your best doing plus your spouse's. ─── 世上没有十全十美的人,真正的十全十美是双方互相适应。你应该是要求对方的五全五美,再加上自己的五全五美,去凑成十全十美。

82、Beau Brummell ─── ph. 花花公子

83、As if I couldn`t get a better beau than that old maid in britches. ─── 如我找不到比那个穿着裤子的老男人更好的男友的话.

84、the beau ideal of an American army officer. ─── 一个理想的美军军官的典型

85、KATHLEEN: What's your sister so mad about, Scarlett, you sparking her beau? ─── 凯瑟琳:你妹妹怎么那么生气,斯佳丽小姐,你勾引她男友了?

86、Beau was pulling ahead of me with his leash. ─── 博套着皮带拽着我走在前面。

87、Go tell Pork to hitch up the carriage and take you over to play with Beau." ─── 去告诉波克,让他套车送你到那边跟小博一起玩去。

88、"Why, the Yankees might have killed Beau when he was born!" ─── "你忘了,那些北方佬大概连刚出生的小博也不会放过。"

89、Melanie joined them on the veranda, the baby in her arms, and spreading an old blanket on the floor, set little Beau down to crawl. ─── 媚兰怀中抱着婴儿,跟大家一起坐在前廊上,后来又在地板上铺了条旧毯子,让小博在上面爬。




le beau monde什么红酒?

le beau monde翻译:美丽世界,目前为止没有查到相关酒品,最好有酒标发上来,这样可以便于判断,目前只知道这酒可能来自法国,其他信息无法给出参考判断。

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