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08-17 投稿


mesmeric 发音

英:[mez?mer?k]  美:[mez?mer?k]

英:  美:

mesmeric 中文意思翻译



mesmeric 短语词组

1、mesmeric dribbler ─── 催眠运球手

2、mesmeric media ─── 催眠媒介

3、mesmeric orb ─── 催眠球

4、mesmeric mirror ─── 催眠镜

5、mesmeric sleep ─── 催眠

6、mesmeric salon ─── 催眠沙龙

7、mesmeric means ─── 催眠手段

8、mesmeric ponit ─── 催眠池

9、mesmeric fiend ─── 催眠的敌人

10、mesmeric effect ─── 催眠效应

11、mesmeric pass ─── 催眠通道

mesmeric 相似词语短语

1、mesmerised ─── v.(使)着迷;对(某人)施催眠术(mesmerise的过去式及过去分词,mesmerise等于mesmerize);adj.被迷住的

2、mesenteric ─── adj.[解剖]肠系膜的

3、mesmerism ─── n.催眠术;催眠状态;迷惑

4、mesmerize ─── vt.施催眠术;迷住;以魅力迫使

5、mesmerise ─── v.迷住,吸引;对……实施催眠术(等于mesmerize)

6、mesmeriser ─── 催眠

7、homeomeric ─── 同形异构体

8、mesmerist ─── n.施催眠术者;催眠师

9、metameric ─── adj.位变异构的

mesmeric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She had a warm mesmeric charm. ─── 她有一种温暖迷人的魅力。

2、she had a warm mesmeric charm; ─── 她有一种温暖迷人的魅力;

3、When Mesmeric Fiend leaves play, return the removed card to its owner's hand. ─── 当催眠邪鬼离场时,将以此法移出游戏的牌移回其拥有者手上。

4、Zola's mesmeric back-heeled goal v Norwich (January 2002) and his moving dedication of it to a recent deceased child. ─── 佐拉在对诺维奇的比赛(2000年1月)中后脚跟打入使人眩晕的一球,并令人感动地将这粒进球献给一个刚刚得病的孩子。

5、Und jetzt die 5000, Monsieur Mesmer. ─── 5000元,麦斯墨先生,现在。

6、Lasting less than a minute, this mesmeric miniature turns up on a recital disc recorded by respected British pianist John Tilbury and containing a selection of no less than 44 piano pieces by Howard Skempton. ─── 这首令听者闻之入神的微型乐曲录制在英国著名钢琴家约翰·第尔伯瑞独奏音乐会的唱盘上,整个演奏不到1分钟唱盘收录了豪伍德·斯开普顿44首之多的钢琴曲。

7、She gave a mesmeric performance. ─── 她的表演相当吸引人。

8、Mesmer Rune of Superior Inspiration Magic ─── 高级灵感魔法幻术师符文

9、Because the man who was the first in the West to practice this, his name was Mesmer. ─── 因为第一个在西方实践这门学问的人叫梅思梅。

10、Mesmer Rune of Minor Inspiration Magic ─── 初级灵感魔法幻术师符文

11、Mesmer Rune of Superior Illusion Magic ─── 高级幻术魔法幻术师符文

12、From the ancient to the present day, almond is still a wonderful invigorant. Contained well-selected natural almond as ingredient makes it to have a mesmeric aroma of taste. ─── 精选天然优质甜杏仁古今中外便是滋补佳品融合了麦好多黑豆素杏仁香气,有一股令人无法抗拒的特殊浓郁口感。

13、Your Monk/ Mesmer can subvert enemies' Energy and use it to defend and heal allies. ─── 僧侣/眠师可以汲取敌人的能量并利用来保护和治疗盟友。

14、And, get this, never once does Haynes mention the name of the mesmeric changeling at his film's center. ─── 还有,还有一件事,海因斯在电影里面一次也没有提到那个催眠大众的名字。

15、read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice;she had a warm mesmeric charm;the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing;a spellbinding description of life in ancient Rome. ─── 用一种迷人的声音念着睡觉时的故事;她有一种温暖迷人的魅力;全然是因为他的到场而有的迷人力量;对古代罗马生活的迷人描述。

16、When Mesmeric Fiend comes into play, target opponent reveals his or her hand and you choose a nonland card from it. ─── 当催眠邪鬼进场时,目标对手展示其手牌,并且你从其中选择一张非地的牌。

17、The choice is yours: Warrior, Ranger, Monk, Elementalist, Mesmer, or Necromancer. ─── 您的选择有:战士、射手、僧侣、元素使、催眠师和死灵法师。

18、Mesmer Rune of Minor Domination Magic ─── 初级支配魔法幻术师符文

19、Mesmer Rune of Major Illusion Magic ─── 中级幻术魔法幻术师符文

20、read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice; she had a warm mesmeric charm; the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing; a spellbinding description of life in ancient Rome. ─── 用一种迷人的声音念着睡觉时的故事;她有一种温暖迷人的魅力;全然是因为他的到场而有的迷人力量;对古代罗马生活的迷人描述。

21、And, get this, never once does Haynes mention the name of the mesmeric changeling at his film's center. ─── 还有,还有一件事,海因斯在电影里面一次也没有提到那个催眠大众的名字。

22、However the moment Kanu will best be remembered for was the mesmeric finale to a 17-minute hat-trick at Stamford Bridge in 1999. ─── 然而,卡努值得纪念的最佳时刻是在1999年斯坦福桥17分钟内的帽子戏法。

23、Mesmer Rune of Major Inspiration Magic ─── 中级灵感魔法幻术师符文

24、However the moment Kanu will best be remembered for was the mesmeric finale to a 17-minute hat-trick at Stamford Bridge in 1999. ─── 然而,卡努值得纪念的最佳时刻是在1999年斯坦福桥17分钟内的帽子戏法。

25、Mesmer Rune of Minor Illusion Magic ─── 初级幻术魔法幻术师符文

26、Franz Anton Mesmer, an 18th-century Swiss physician, developed a theory that the human nervous system was magnetized, just like the Earth. ─── 18世纪的瑞士医师法兰兹安东麦斯默提出一项理论,认为人体神经系统与地球一样,是有磁性的。

27、We decided to give the Mesmer Signet of Illusions, which will make the next spell you cast use your Illusion attribute instead of its normal attribute. ─── 注:以上中文技能名称都是小弟看了英文随便写的。据美服官网,明天和后天还有两集,介绍新技能。十分吸引呢!看完我更爱圣言,圣/战好像比战/圣更有看头呢!

28、get this, never once does Haynes mention the name of the mesmeric changeling at his film's center. ─── 事,海因斯在电影里面一次也没有提到那个催眠大众的名字。

29、She had a warm mesmeric charm. ─── 她洋溢着一种迷人的魅力。

30、Franz (Friedrich) Anton Mesmer (1734~1815) ─── 梅斯默,F.(F.)A.(1734-1815)

31、Mesmer Rune of Major Domination Magic ─── 中级支配魔法幻术师符文

32、some very curious Memoirs about Mesmer and his tub, in ten manuscript volumes, ─── 留下的遗产只是十册红羊皮封面的金边精装手稿,

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