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08-17 投稿


duet 发音

英:[dju?'et]  美:[d?'?t]

英:  美:

duet 中文意思翻译



duet 网络释义

n. 二重奏;二重唱n. (Duet)人名;(法)迪埃

duet 词性/词形变化,duet变形

过去式:duetted 现在分词:duetting 名词复数形式:duets

duet 短语词组

1、apogee duet ─── 远端二重奏

2、duet blinds ─── 双盲板

3、duet mini ─── 迷你双人舞

4、litter bitter duet ─── 枯枝苦涩的二重唱

5、gendarmes duet ─── 宪兵二重奏

6、yoga duet ─── 瑜伽二重奏

7、duet display apk ─── 二重奏显示apk

8、vocal duet ─── 声乐二重唱

9、duet game ─── 二重唱游戏

10、duet mac ─── 二重唱mac

11、duet event ─── 双人项目

12、piano duet cover ─── 钢琴二重奏封面

13、perilymphatic duet ─── 外淋巴二重奏

14、duet song ─── 二重唱歌曲

15、instrumental duet ─── 乐器二重奏

16、duet 3d ─── 二重唱3d

17、duet air ─── 二重唱空气

18、duet mv ─── 二重唱mv

19、duet bt ─── 二重唱bt

duet 相似词语短语

1、duets ─── n.二重唱;二重奏;双人项目(duet的复数);v.唱二重唱;奏二重奏(duet的三单形式)

2、due ─── adj.到期的;预期的;应付的;应得的;恰当的,适当的;n.应付款;应得之物;adv.正(置于方位词前);n.(Due)迪尤(人名)

3、duit ─── n.荷兰古代小铜币;几文钱

4、duel ─── n.决斗;斗争,抗争;vi.决斗;n.(Duel)人名;(西)杜埃尔;(英)迪尤尔

5、diet ─── n.饮食;食物;规定饮食;vi.节食;vt.[医]照规定饮食;n.(Diet)人名;(法)迪耶

6、duvet ─── n.羽绒被(等于continentalquilt);羽绒衫(等于duvetjacket);绒毛状生长物;n.(Duvet)人名;(法)迪韦

7、duct ─── n.输送管,导管;vt.用导管输送;以导管封住

8、dues ─── n.会费;手续费;税捐(due的复数)

9、det ─── abbr.二乙基色胺(diethyltryptamine);结构设计鉴定试验(designevaluationtest);n.(Det)人名;(泰)德

duet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two years later,the show ended and Christina took the opportunity to travel overseas,to pursue her singing career,and recorded a duet with Japanese pop star Keizo Nakanishi. ─── 两年后,演出结束,克里斯蒂娜得到出国机会,到国外发展她的演唱事业,并和日本流行歌星中西圭三录制了一段二重唱。

2、The first Duet Dance Gala produced by the NTCH, in which several choreographers and dancers are invited and paired up, is a special party for the NTCH's 20th anniversary. ─── 两厅院20周年庆特别企划台湾难得一见的双人舞大观,邀请国内资深及新生代编舞家以双人舞形式,进行速配组合,庆祝两厅院二十岁生日。

3、Duet Technical Routine Preliminary ─── 双人技术自选动作预赛

4、Of The Heart is a tender and moving duet for the camera that slowly unfolds in a windblown field in late fall. ─── 作品简介:影片是一部脆弱与敏感的二重奏。摄影镜头缓慢地展开黄昏中的风中田野。

5、He'll never get like his teammate Greg Oden and sing a piano duet with J. ─── 他永远不会像他的队友奥登那样,在全国电视观众面前和J.

6、Duet Synchronised Swimming Medal Ceremony ─── 双人花样游泳颁奖仪式

7、Liu Yong Nan invited Malay Singing Queen Ning Baizura for a duet last time, attracted everybody's attention. ─── 刘勇男较早前邀得马来天后宁拜祖拉(右)合唱,引起了大家的关注。

8、You Are My Miracle Duet With Nicole Scherzinger ─── 你是我的奇迹

9、Piano Music for Four Hands and Piano Duet ─── 四手联弹和双钢琴二重奏

10、Teaching Methods for Piano Duet Playing ─── 四手联弹中一些教学技巧的运用

11、He says he hopes to sing a duet with a female artist. ─── 他希望和一个女歌手合作二重唱。

12、Gaston knew the song, and they truned it into a sort of duet. ─── 加斯东也会唱这首歌,他们就来了个二重唱。

13、They sang a duet, and every one in the theatre began clapping and shouting, while the man and woman on the stage, supposed to represent lovers, began bowing with smiles and gesticulations. ─── 他们两个人合唱了这首歌,戏院中的全体观众都鼓掌喝彩,饰演恋人的一男一女,笑嘻嘻地伸开两手,鞠躬行礼,以示谢忱。

14、Chris Herbert had created Bros, the Eighties chart-topping duet's marketed to record industry executives as an "image group" ─── 克里斯·赫伯特曾经创立过Bros乐队,那是80年代顶级的二重唱组合,以“偶像组合”的形式被推销给唱片业的各大巨头们。

15、It was there that River and Rainbow formed a singing duet to help make ends meet. ─── 在南美洲的时候,瑞凡一家生活拮据,他和妹妹云玻开始以唱歌帮助家人。

16、Where did this type of duet begin between humans and whales? ─── 在人类和鲸鱼之间这种类型的二重唱起源于何处呢?

17、Kelly: Well that's what music is made for! Lets do a duet! ─── 凯利:当然,这正是音乐的作用!让我们来一段二重唱吧!

18、I sing a duet at a karaoke bar. ─── 在卡拉OK厅唱二重唱

19、Girl762112> Hi frank if u had to release a single wot type of stuff would u sing about and would u like to do a duet wiv anyone? ─── 嗨,弗兰克,如果你要唱歌你会唱哪种类型的呢?你希望和谁唱二重唱?

20、When Eric and Xie An Qi who have just joined Go East sang a duet song, the reaction of the audience was fervent. ─── 刚加盟正东的孙耀威和谢安琪(左)合唱时,台下反应热烈。

21、General Chai is the girl and young man outside the Walled duet by singing asked each other to express love. ─── 一般是本寨的姑娘和外寨的小伙子对唱,通过歌声互相询问,表达爱情。

22、And on and on it went-the duet between the dumb, praying lady and the big, hollow man who was so full of loving echoes. ─── 两个人二重唱似的对话,就这样无休无止地进行着,一个是虔诚的笨太太,一个是空虚的大块头,大块头总是令人愉快地随声应和着。

23、Hamp-ton's 1998 performance at the White House in honor of his 90th birthday included a duet with President Clinton, who played the saxophone. ─── 1998年为庆祝他90岁诞辰,他在白宫进行了演出,其中包括与克林顿总统合作的二重奏,克林顿吹萨克斯管。

24、You can even call collect, the most feared duet ─── 你甚至可以打免费电话,这种最可怕的二重奏

25、The duet reached a climax in a string of tense beats, which, moments later, met with thunderous applauses which resonated in the huge hall for minutes. ─── 二重奏在一连串紧密的敲打中达到了顶峰,不久之后,在大厅中持续响起了雷鸣般的掌声。

26、simple examples, think of two people waltzing, or playing a piano duet. ─── 简单的例子,想想两个人跳华尔兹,或者弹钢琴二重唱。

27、Gaston. With me our strange duet, ─── 再次和我重唱我们奇特的二重奏

28、Duet(Contralto, Soprano): He shall feed his flock ─── (女低音、女高音二重唱)他必象牧人牧养自己的羊群

29、Duet with Andrea Bocelli-courtesy of Sugar S. R. L. ─── 与安德烈。波切俐二重唱。

30、sing in duet; sing in chorus with; chime in with; echo each other ─── 一唱一和

31、Besides "Run to You,"Reckless featured five other Top 15singles,including the number one "Heaven,""Summer of '69,""Somebody,""One Night Love Affair,"and "It's Only Love,"a duet with Tina Turner. ─── "Heaven ""Summer of '69""Somebody ""One Night Love Affair "和"It's Only Love "均榜上有名。

32、The "duet" custom can still be found in Rukai villages. ─── 在屏东县雾台村仍可见到鲁凯青年男女对唱的传统习俗。

33、Both male and female duet or "China wind", like the addition of a pot of soup too much of monosodium glutamate, the more you taste, the more I am tired. ─── 不论是男女对唱还是“中国风”,就像是一锅加了太多味精的煲汤,你是愈鲜美,我是愈疲惫。

34、Host: Every duet song of Che Wan Wan will become a hit song. ─── 啤梨:车婉婉的每首合唱歌唱都很红。

35、Asunto: JJ and Ryne's new duet...radio short version...this feels like leaning toward Ryne's style... ─── WHY IS THE VIDEO BLURRY? = = 抢玫瑰作曲/演唱: 林俊杰林宇中作词: 林宇中R:...

36、On grand piano, Halpern is inspired to add elements of Celtic, Indian raga and blues to create a historic and emotionally uplifting duet. ─── 利用三角平台式钢琴,史蒂芬加入了赛尔特、印度拉嘉调,以及蓝调,创造出这历史性、且令人情绪振奋的二重奏。

37、PCM with her duet role between employer and contractor, performs her duty for employer managing the whole turnkey project.The PCM contracts in Taiwan are more and more frequently be used. ─── 为业主(定作人),统包商(承揽人)之二元关系中协助代表业主遂行其目的之专业顾问的一方,管理整个统包专案,PCM在统包愈见习常的国内市场益发常见。

38、Designed for four hands, as a piano duet. ─── 四手联弹的四手联弹的,如在钢琴合奏中

39、Duet Synchronised Swimming Semifinal ─── 双人花样游泳半决赛

40、The show will include Spears in a duet with her idol Cher on “The Beat Goes On,” the old Sonny and Cher hit. ─── 19岁的布兰妮说:“我希望做一些人们从来没有见过的事,而不希望被限定在某种定位上。”

41、Eight countries are taking part in the new Olympic team format synchronized swimming competition in Atlanta.The team event replaces solo and duet which had been in the games since 1984. ─── 在亚特兰大奥运会上,8个国家参加了新的团体形式下的花样游泳比赛,花样游泳团体赛取代了自1984年奥运会以来实施的单人赛和双人赛。

42、He said she had appeared focused when giving an "incredible performance" for a recent studio recording of a duet with Tony Bennett. ─── 他表示,在录音室与TonyBennett录制二重唱时,AMY还有“惊人的表现”,当时她还是众人的焦点。

43、It is "," a duet sung by Susanna and the Contessa. ─── Deutino: Che soave zeffiretto’苏珊娜和孔德萨的二重唱。

44、The Northeastern wind song-and-dance duet art troupe of Jilin Province was established in2002, is under the jurisdiction of the Northeastern wind culture in Jilin Province and propagate Co. ─── 吉林省东北风文化传播有限公司是吉林省文化厅扶持的民营企业,是全省最大的以二人转为主要表演形式的文艺表演团体。

45、Such researches in the last A popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet of data have never been involved. ─── 这样的研究在过去的二人台的研究资料中笔者还不曾见到有人涉及。

46、TAPI wa gin za kuar duit liao, duet u SMS kar lu kong. ─── TAPI哇今朝看得了,就有SMS甲汝讲。

47、But one study shows that just before mating, members of a mosquito pair flap their wings just so to create a harmonic duet. ─── 但是一项研究表明,蚊子在交配前,成对的的蚊子们煽动翅膀就是要创造出一种和声二重奏。

48、The Rosina and Figaro duet from "Il Barbiere di Seviglia" by Rossini. ─── Description: 1995年于马来西亚槟城联合曾道雄教授,刘国耀先生演唱。

49、They bring in a couple of other singers to duet with Waters, providing a contrast of rougher, more traditional sound with Vaiyasaki Das and Bairavesh Das. ─── 但是通过这些新潮的手法(微弱的反馈效果和熟练的电子节拍)居然更贴近传统了。

50、What a duet for a girl and goatherd. ─── 二重唱歌声是多么美妙。

51、On the platform of studying in Japan, the Chinese students played a magnificent and mighty duet of national salvation and enlightenment movement. ─── 可以说,在留学日本这个大舞台上,留学生们演奏的是一曲威武雄壮的救亡与启蒙的二重奏。

52、And he would spend the rest of his career trying to repeat the experience working many of the same maneuvers into his music: another duet, another rock guitar, another ratcheting dance track. ─── 他将会在余生中不停地重复同样的策略:二重唱、摇滚吉它和太空步。

53、Meanwhile Jackson said he would be performing a duet with the voice of his late brother, who would be depicted on stage -- but was tight-lipped about the details. ─── 同时,杰克逊也说迈克尔的形象会在舞台上出现,而杰梅因会和他弟弟的声音一起表演二重唱,但是他拒绝透露详细信息。

54、If he had to choose a star or group to do a duet with, he would choose the Kyo group without hesitating. ─── 如果他要选择一个明星或团体,做了个二重唱,他会选择带子集团没有犹豫。

55、One Half - Duet by Wu Jiahui and Stephanie Sun, ─── 一人一半-伍家辉孙燕姿合唱

56、Stand-up comedy differs from Errenzhuan.It normally features a single person on stage, as opposed to a duet. ─── 单口喜剧跟二人转不同的地方是,舞台上只有一个演员,而不像二人转由两人表演。

57、Denis paid tribute to Fuller with the duet Valse à la Loie. ─── 丹尼斯赞扬了富勒在 Valse à la Loie 里的二重唱。

58、They also won the duet for another Beijing spot. ─── 他们还赢得了二重唱另一场北京。

59、The next track, entitled “Love is not a Crime”, is a gorgeous duet, with lovely vocal counterpoint provided by underrated songstress Chen Fei Ping. ─── 下一首歌名叫“爱本无罪”,是一支精致的对唱曲目,由一位歌声纯美却不很有名的实力歌手陈妃平提供女声部合音。

60、The duet of him and Zhou Yu expressed their treasuring of each other, as well as their spirit of united to fight against Cao. ─── 在剧中他与周瑜的一段“以琴会友”的戏,其实是在表现英雄惜英雄,大家团结抗敌的精神。

61、Evaluation of the proper time for treating congenital dacryocystitis with laerimal duet probing ─── 先天性泪囊炎探通治疗的时机选择

62、Sing once again with me our strange duet. ─── 再和我唱一次,这奇怪的二重唱。

63、Russian Culture and the Duet Variation of JIANG Guang-ci's Revolutionary Narration ─── 俄苏文化与蒋光慈革命叙述的二重变奏

64、In the 1996 Olympics, a team competition replaced the solo and duet events. ─── 在1996年奥运会上,团体赛取代了单人赛和双人赛。

65、Duet Free Routine -- Preliminary ─── 双人自由自选动作预赛

66、The campaign culminated on September 13th in a turgid televised duel (swiftly branded “a duet”) between the two main candidates for chancellor, Angela Merkel and Frank-Walter Steinmeier. ─── 9月13日,选举活动在一个声势浩大的电视对决中达到高潮(很快就转变为两个候选人的二重奏),AngelaMerkel和Frank-WalterSteinmeier,竞选总理一职。

67、Lien Hsiao-huei, who this year released a second piano duet album, refused to continue dressing up in extravagant packaging, and insisted on presenting a clean, simple look. ─── 今年出第二张双钢琴演奏专辑时,连晓慧拒绝延续衣著锦丽的包装,坚持还以素净面貌。

68、Chandler: Oh My God! You can do a duet of Ebony and Ivory all by yourself! ─── 哦,天呐!你一个人就能同时表现黑檀木和象牙!

69、Hamp--ton's 1998 performance at the White House in honor of his 90th birthday included a duet with President Clinton,who played the saxophone. ─── 1998年为庆祝他90岁诞辰,他在白宫进行了演出,其中包括与克林顿总统合作的二重奏,克林顿吹萨克斯管。

70、Angela: Our guests today have just sung a duet song. ─── 今天的俩位嘉宾最近合唱了一首歌曲。

71、Christina's new year started with a great duet performance with Enrique Iglesias at the Super Bowl Half Time Show which also featured Phil Collins and Toni Braxton. ─── 克里斯蒂娜在新年一开始就在"超级碗"比赛中场休息时同恩里克·伊格莱西亚斯表演精彩的二重唱,菲尔·柯林斯和托尼·布拉克斯顿也参加了演出。

72、puncturing vertically to lymphatic duet ─── 垂直淋巴管进针

73、It is ',' a duet sung by Susanna and the Contessa. ─── Deutino:Chesoavezeffiretto’苏珊娜和孔德萨的二重唱。

74、I sang a duet at a Karaoke bar . ─── 在卡拉OK厅唱二重唱。

75、Taiwanese Pianist Pei-Wen CHEN and husband Alexander PALEY just had a charity piano duet concert tonight.In the rehearsal press conference,... ─── 、帕雷显的相当兴奋、更在访谈中向自己的妻子陈佩雯深情告白、但也强调自己不会将私生活与专业工作混为一谈。

76、THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU - duet with Paul McCartney ─── 一想起你

77、He started to sing Er Ren Zhuan, a song and dance duet since he was a little boy. ─── 他还很小的时候,就开始学习演唱一种载歌载舞的二重唱,名叫二人转。

78、I promised to go to a club with her last Tuesday, and I really forgot all about it. We were to have played a duet together. ─── 我答应本周二同她去俱乐部,可我真的把这件事全忘了。我们原打算一起二重唱的。

79、Of The Heart is a tender and moving duet for the camera that slowly unfolds in a windblown field in late fall. ─── 影片是一部脆弱与敏感的二重奏。摄影镜头缓慢地展开黄昏中的风中田野。

80、Sing at the subject and object and sit side-by-side, rotating duet, the slow pace and beautiful melodies, sounds Gaohang, drag cavity tactfully, with elegant simplicity of the beautiful style. ─── 唱时主客并排而坐,轮流对唱,节奏缓慢而旋律优美,声音高吭,拖腔婉转,具有典雅朴素的优美风格。

81、Upright pianos with grand piano-like music stand provides an environment for duet or ─── 三角琴谱架直身钢琴,可提供新

82、Sing, once again with me our strange duet! ─── 唱吧,再和我唱一次,这奇怪的二重唱。

83、One day, a mysterious organization (this being the game production team RLS) organized a national duet competition. ─── 于是学校便派出校际赛冠军日野香穗子参加比赛。

84、Duet Synchronised Swimming Final ─── 双人花样游泳决赛

85、If there is only one singer, the piece is called a solo; if there are two or three, it is called a duet or a trio. ─── 如果只有一位歌手,那么这段音乐叫独唱;要是有两人或三人表演,就叫二重唱或三重唱。

86、Annen-Polka, Op. 117 (arr. M. Rawicz and W. Landauer for piano duet ─── 圣安妮波尔卡,作品117(M.拉维茨和W.兰道尔改编为钢琴二重奏)

87、Tonight she sings a duet with first husband Maurice Gibb. ─── 今晚她与第一任丈夫莫里斯?吉布表演了二重唱。

88、Ballmer also pointed to Duet, Microsoft's collaboration with SAP AG to give Office users access to enterprise resource planning applications, as an example of software plus services. ─── 他同时指出,作为软件加服务的一个典型案例,微软同。

89、If be latter, the requirement matchs bright-coloured peak green and blue together, be just as lively duet, arouse cheerful mood. ─── 假如是后者,要求将鲜艳的嫩绿色和蓝色搭配在一起,如同明快的二重奏,激发愉悦心情。












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